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Rashnar Page 6

by Robert M. Yelverton

  "This final round has not been needed for a good many years. You made an impressive show. For this last round we shall sling a stuffed deerskin bag into the air at a distance of fifty paces. Whomever is able to hit the bag will be declared the winner, and shall receive the purse."

  When Tracy looked around for Jack and Phillip she noticed that many in the crowd were exchanging items in an excited way. Smiling to herself she realized that they were making bets on the outcome of the contest. A shrill whistle brought her attention back to hand. Looking down range she saw a man swinging in circles a bag. Then an idea came to her. If she missed it was over. If she was able to pull it off they would be talking about this match for years to come. Once again she focused, but not on the swinging bag. She waited... the bag was thrown high into the air and the archer next to her released his arrow. A split instant later her was on its way and in a blur she drew a second and released it. With a loud shocked gasp the crowd saw her first arrow strike the other archer's arrow and shatter it in mid air. As she watched her second arrow fly she heard the archer drop his bow.

  Thwack! Her second arrow pierced the center of the deer bag at the top of its rise.

  Tracy could not move as the crowd moved in on her, encircling her. It did scare her for an instant until she realized that the rush of people was shouting in amazement and wanting to give her congratulations. She saw Jack and Phillip pushing their way through the crowd to get to her and then they were at her side shouting and hugging her. She felt grand and threw her arms about the both of them. Then with all the pressure gone she broke, crying tears of happiness and glowing with pride.

  The crowd fell back after a few moments to allow the dour full man to come through. Tracy noted that he was smiling, and with him doing that he did not look like the saddest man in the world anymore.

  "The purse is yours My Lady. It is well earned, all One Hundred Dracoons, well done!"

  Standing off to the side by themselves the three Krone had watched the contest. They watched as Tracy received her prize. Nodding solemnly at each other they turned back and watched as the teens ran toward the nearest food vendor.

  "This is also one of the fore told ones. For the third it remains to be seen. We shall see, it will be shown."

  ** A Life Altering Event **

  The trio had been busy after the contest with first order of business grabbing a bite to eat. Then they had circulated among the locales and found them friendly and helpful. They had no problem securing a nights lodging at no charge. Then they had enjoyed the rest of the Fair Day watching jugglers, puppet shows, and actors. The day was splendid with only one dark troubling time. At one point in the day they had stopped to listen to a storyteller that came from afar. He told tales of strange flying creatures and monsters that were coming from far away and taking over the land. The locales laughed and jeered at him and still he insisted that the tales were true. The story teller was finally driven off by rotten fruit and vegetables being thrown at him. Toward dark they had gone to the locale Inn very tired but happy. The breads, fruits, and various meat dishes were wonderful and they ate their fill. Then they had gone to a simple but clean room to retire for the night.

  "Oh man, am I ever stuffed." groaned Jack. "Have I told you Thank You yet Tracy?"

  Managing a little laugh an equally stuffed Tracy replied, "Yes Jack you have. About a hundred times." Letting her eyes wonder around the room she once more took in its simple charm of rough-hewn wood.

  "That was one fantastic shot you made. I about dropped when I saw your arrow break that dudes arrow in mid air, and you should have seen the look on his face! I mean it just looked like it fell apart all at once. One second he is smirking and the next he is in shock." Phillip started laughing, "Ow, ow, ow... ohhhh it hurts when I laugh, but I can't help it!" Then Phillip caught sight of something that dried his laughter up.

  The shimmering form hung just off the floor and slowly turned as if looking at each of them one at a time.

  Seeing it again the spit dried up in Jack's mouth and he retreated to a corner to stand and glare at it from as far away as possible.

  "You must prepare yourselves for a long journey. There is someone that you must see in the city of Creele on the Great Lake. Roshan is one of this world's few true Mage's that still lives. He is expecting you and has something for each of you."

  Unable to contain himself any longer Jack shouted, "Why don't you just go ahead and kill us all now! Just... just... put us out of it! You say it's even dangerous for something like you, well we're just people and you think nothing of pulling us from our families and our world, then sticking us in this place to fight your battles!" He then rushed at the shimmering light with his hands balled into fists.

  Peace, Calm, and Love is what Jack felt. He looked around him, the room and his friends were gone. In its place was light all around. Not a bright blinding light, but a comforting gentle light. Then the voice whispering and echoing came from everywhere.

  "Jack, it was written long ago that you would come. I was just the channel of what was to be. If The Light Within did not think you're up to this, then this would never be. This World does not know yet of its full peril. But it needs you Jack, it needs a true hero. You are stronger than you know. Believe Jack in who you can become. Believe in yourself, believe in your friends. Believe Jaaaccckkkk..."

  Then the light was gone and the room was back. Phillip was standing on one side of him and Tracy the other holding him up. Jack reached up to his face and found that he had been crying. He looked at his friends. Deep concern was etched into their faces. He reached out and pulled them closer to him and held them and wept. Phillip and Tracy did not say a word, just held and comforted him. Deep inside they felt a change had taken place with in Jack. When his tears had come to an end he stood back and looked at them. They noted that his back was straighter, he was standing taller, and there was a new look of determination in his face.

  Taking a deep breath Jack announced, "Tomorrow we prepare." Then he lay down and fell asleep.

  Phillip and Tracy looked at each other. They both felt that their friendship had just gone to another level. They were ready. Then they to lay down and went to sleep.

  ** Leaving Vermel **

  Rising early Jack looked over at Phillip and Tracy. Both were still sleeping peacefully. Being extra quiet so as not to waken them he slipped out of the room. The Inn was deserted at this early hour with the exception of one young man cleaning up the dining room. Jack nodded a hello then went outside to greet the day. In the early morning light he sat on a bench that was just outside the front and watched as Vermel slowly came to life around him. There were a few locales that went about the street picking up refuse from the previous day's activities. Across the way a large man was opening up what could only be a horse-boarding place with a livery. He wondered idly if he would have a horse that he could buy so that they could cut down on what they had to carry. After the other two woke up he would broach the idea of purchasing a horse. Soon smoke started rising from the liveries chimney as the forge fire was lit. At the end of the road looked to be a market place. Good, they would have to check that out also. With the sun shining brighter and more people about he decided to go in and see if they were up yet. Going back in through the dining area he saw that it was already clean and ready for the day's business so he bought some bread and fruit to share with the others. Coming in the room he saw that both Phillip and Tracy were up and about. For the next little bit they talked quietly together while eating. Then deciding on what they needed, gathered their few belongings, and left the room. Before leaving the Inn they thanked the owner for a good night of rest then went out the door and across the street. Luck was with them at the livery as they were able to purchase an older horse for twenty of their dracoons. The liveryman gave no guarantee as to how far the horse could travel but said that she was a good sturdy mare, just a bit old. From the worker they also bought the items they would need to load the horse comfortably and be able to
lead the horse. Then with the horse in tow they went to the market square that was already alive with delicious smells and lively shouts from the vendors to the buyers. Talking to the people at different stalls brought them a wealth of knowledge as to what was best to take on the trip. They purchased plenty of cured dried meat along with a locale fruit bread that they were assured would keep a long time and would keep them well nourished. They only bought enough fresh fruits and vegetables to last a few days. Then water skins, clothing, and light blankets were bought. They were also surprised to find a type of metal along with flint that produced large long glowing sparks. When finally done the horse had a pretty good load and they themselves had things to carry. Then after talking to a few more people they were assured that a city named Creele really did exist and got rough directions on how to get there. There was a road that went there, but it was not used very much so was not much more than a trail. With goodbyes and well wishes from all, they set out first toward the small creek to fill all their water skins and to let the horse have a good long drink. While the horse was drinking and cropping grass each of them took cover one at a time behind a tree and changed into local clothing, repacking their own clothes. On the very outskirts of town they picked up the road. It turned out to be the same road that they had been on but it made a more Easterly turn when going out the other end of town. Not saying much at all they headed into the ever-climbing sun following the faint twin trails.

  Chapter 6: Eastward Bound

  ** Attacked in the Night **

  By the end of the third day they came to a small shallow river that was easily forded. They decided that they would set up camp for the night on the bank of the river. That way they would be able to refill the water skins and maybe be able to trap some fresh fish to eat. All their fresh fruit and vegetables had been finished the previous day. Looking South-South East they could see the outlines of distant mountains breaking the monotony of the flat plains they had been traveling.

  "Oh boy, you can just about bet that we will eventually wind up in those mountains." stated Tracy.

  "Why in the world would you say that?" Jack looked from Tracy, to the mountains, and back to Tracy again.

  Phillip looked at Jack's slightly confused face and laughed. "I bet I know which direction this is going to take."

  Tracy turning her focus toward Phillip crossed her arms across her chest and interjected, "Ok genius boy. Where am I going with this conversation?"

  Phillip hunkered down on his haunches and pulled a blade of grass out of the ground. Then taking his time he stuck the end of it in his mouth. Looking up at Tracy he replied, "Well, I think that you must do a lot of reading. When you mentioned the mountains in the tone of voice you did I came to a conclusion. In just about all fantasies there are mountains, and in the mountains usually live ogres, trolls, and things like that. The heros usually have to cross the mountains at some time in the fantasies. What has happened to us is just like out of a book."

  "Wow! We have a real live Sherlock Holmes in our midst," laughed Tracy. "That is exactly what I was thinking!"

  Phillip still gazing up into Tracy's surprised look just could not resist. "It's elementary my dear Watson."

  With a comfortable silence ensuing they each went about their tasks at hand. Tracy unloaded the horse, and tethered it down by the water with enough rope so it could crop grass, and drink water when it wanted to. Then she set about refilling the water skins. Jack and Phillip went about looking for wood along the riverbank, and also among the few trees that were around them. It took a good hour before they felt they had enough wood to have a fire throughout the night. It was easy for Jack to start the fire, as the sparks produced by the steel and flint glowed hot for a long time. While Jack was tending the fire, Tracy and Phillip were in the water attempting to scoop fish to the bank. When this failed, Tracy got her bow and arrows and was easily able to get them three large fish, which she took to Jack to fillet and cook. By the time supper was over with it was full dark, with nothing but the firelight casting its meager glow.

  Tracy went back down to the river to double check on the horse tether, to make sure it was still tight while Jack built the fire higher. With Phillip taking first watch, Jack and Tracy went off to sleep. Phillip was just about ready to wake Tracy for her stand when the horse started whinnying and snorting. Phillip knew something was wrong so he immediately awoke both of them and motioned for them to be quiet.

  Each of them strained their eyes and ears into the darkness trying to find the source of the horse’s anxiety, which was now also stamping its hooves. Each of them also quietly got their weapons out and tried to prepare for the unknown. A large shadow form flew over their heads with speed enough to cause a breeze. At the same instant the horse let out a terrified squeal and pawed the air with its forelegs. Before anyone could even react the poor horse was knocked to the ground by two large creatures.

  As the teens charged toward the scene they heard a cracking sound and the horse suddenly went quiet and still. Jack raised his sword and screamed. At the sound of Jack's scream the two creatures stood and turned toward the trio. All three of them suddenly came to a halt with their first good look at the attackers. Both creatures were brown and leathery in appearance, and were making loud hissing noises at the teens. Large wings protruded from their backs and were slightly opening then closing. Two sets of glittering black eyes glowered. One of the creatures lifted an upper lip revealing pointed teeth with two prominent fangs. Then it hissed very loudly, and took a menacing step and extended two long arms that ended in very sharp claws.

  Without even thinking about it, Jack resumed his charge sword held straight out from his side. Rushing between the two creatures he wielded his sword like a baseball bat, and caught the advancing one across its mid section. The creature grabbed its gut and tumbled forward while Jack spun to his left. Horrified Jack saw one giant claw coming right at his face. He ducked knowing it was too late. Out of the side of his vision he caught the sight of a silver blur, and the claw was knocked aside missing his head by mere inches. Off balance he fell to the ground, and looked up at the creature that was now towering above him. He then saw the creature backhand Phillip knocking him away. Jack looking into the monsters glittering black eyes, felt true terror for the first time in his life. His heart was hammering in his ears as the creature bent toward him. Jack pushed his fear down deep and took a better grip on his sword. The thing opened its mouth wide, and emitted a loud hiss and made a grab at Jack's sword. Jack rolled to his right far enough to where he was able to regain his footing, and turned to face the thing. Just then a gurgling sound came from its throat, to Jack it looked like the monster had grown feathers from its neck area. Then Jack saw its head snap back, and it fell over backwards not moving. When Jack looked at its prone still form he saw that there were two arrows protruding from it. One from the throat, and one from its right eye.

  Feeling very relieved, Jack turned to look behind him. There stood Tracy with a third arrow knocked in her bow looking very pale and shaken. Remembering Phillip, he turned to look for him, and saw him getting up and shaking his head. He then ran to him and helped steady him. Looking Phillip over Jack did not see any blood and heaved a sigh of relief. Phillip nodded at him to let him know that he was indeed all right. Both of them walked over to Tracy, and making sure to stand off to one side gently pushed the bow and arrow down. Trembling Tracy released the tension, then walked slowly toward the downed creature. Soon Jack and Phillip joined her by the monster.

  With an unsteady voice Phillip remarked, "It looks kind of like a gargoyle."

  Jack wiping sweat off his forehead answered, "That has got to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen."

  Tracy whispered something under her breath that they could not quite make out, but it sounded like she may have said that she was ready to go home now. They all stood around looking at it, hoping to wake up from a dream, but knowing deep down that this was no dream. There would be no sleep for them the rest of
the night.

  "He is the true third. The three are complete. Come, let us leave them for now." observed The Krone that had been standing far from the firelight and the fight vanished into the night.


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