Chaebol Heirs - Book 1

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Chaebol Heirs - Book 1 Page 4

by V. Muñoz

  “Joonie , ” I whispered his name into the dark room. No reaction. I called his name again, louder this time, and he groaned .

  “Mhmm, what’s wrong?” His hoarse morning voice was something out of every girls’ deepest fantas y. It was just too sexy, and I could only imagine how that voice would whisper sweet nothings into my ear while he fucked me senseless. I bit my lip to hold back a moan.

  “Can you… can you loosen your grip? I’m hot.” I really hoped he would just move, but this was Namjoon. He tended to do the unexpected. What he did next was something I never would’ve imagined happening between the two of us.

  Namjoon pulled me down by my hip so that I was lying on my back before he leaned over. His body hovering over mine , he responded, “Yeah, you’re really hot.” His face was only inches away, and I could feel his lips grazing over mine.

  “Namjoon, what…” Before I could process what was going on, he closed the distance and kissed me , grinding his hard dick against my clothed pussy, making me whimper.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to sleep next to you all the time without doing this.” He placed kisses along my jaw, then moved down to my neck. One of his hands wandered down to my panties, carefully moving them aside before he rubbed his fingers over my pussy. I could feel the wetness pooling between my folds immediately. I gasped at the feeling, and Namjoon smirked at my reaction. “Feels good, hm?” His lips were back on mine and his tongue grazed over my lower lip, silently seeking entrance. He inserted one finger ins ide me , making me moan . Namjoon took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth.

  I moaned into his mouth , making him grow even harder. Namjoon broke the kiss to help me out of my t-shirt, hypnotized by my naked form in front of his eyes. Guys usually looked at my body with hunger before they fucked me, but not Namjoon. His gaze was full of adoration and it felt like he was looking right into my soul, making it the most intimate moment I had ever shared with a man. I blushed and tried to turn my head away, feeling too intimidated by his stare, but he softly gripped my jaw.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me, Val.” He kissed one corner of my lips, and my hands wandered into his soft brown hair. I traced my fingers down his back, then slightly gripped his ass, earning me a deep growl and a light bite on my lower lip. I smirked against his lips before I tugged on his sweatpants, signaling him to get rid of the annoying fabric. Namjoon reacted quickly and with one swift move, his sweatpants and his boxers were gone.

  I started stroking his dick with one hand , making him push into my grip . I always knew that Namjoon had a big dick, but having it in my hands was beyond my imagination . Namjoon inhaled a sharp breath before he gripped the hand stroking his dick and pinned it over my head. I bit my lip in anticipation, making him chuckle deeply.

  “Such a little tease.” One kiss landed on my lips.

  “So wet already.” Another kiss landed on my jawline, his other hand teas ing my folds, making me moan louder.

  “So pretty.” He kissed my shoulder, the tip of his dick collecting my wetness, making me gasp for air, harshly gripping his biceps with my free hand.

  “Such a good girl for me.” Namjoon left butterfly kisses along my neck and before I could protest that he was the tease now, I felt his tip push into my pussy. My grip on his biceps tightened, and I was sure my nails would leave marks. Namjoon buried his face in the crook of my neck as he pushed his length into me, making both of us moan in pleasure.

  When he bottomed out, I was finally able to breathe again, the feeling of him stretching me just too delicious. Namjoon struggled to even out his breath as he waited for me to adjust to his size.

  “Joonie, please move , ” I whimpered and tried to lift my hips to gain some friction, but Namjoon’s weight on me didn’t leave me any room for movement . He chuckled and when I felt his warm breath tickle the sensitive skin on my neck, goosebumps covered my body and my nipples hardened.

  “You’re so sensitive, princess.” He placed a soft kiss on my neck as one hand made its way to one of my hardened nipples, lightly pinching it. “So sensitive everywhere.” Before I could protest his teasing, he finally moved, and his first thrust made me bite my lip hard to contain the loud moan that was trying to break free .

  Namjoon lifted his head and looked at me before thrusting into me again, making me moan louder than I would’ve thought possible . I loosened my grip on his biceps and pulled him down for a kisse. Soon Namjoon picked up pace, leaving me a moaning mess as he hit all the right spots with every thrust .

  “Joonie, ‘m close,” I whispered against his lips and his hand wandered down between our bodies, starting to rub circles on my clit. My nails raked over his back, definitely leaving marks, but it only encouraged Namjoon.

  “Cum for me, Val.” His words were all I needed to come undone and Namjoon squeezed his eyes tight . He pulled out before he came, his sperm spilling all over my stomach before he collapsed on top of me .

  The room was quiet, save for the pants a s we tried to catch our breaths. Noise from the busyBusan streets could be heard in the distance . None of us dared to move or speak , so we just stayed like that for a while, not caring about the sweat and cum sticking to our bodies.

  Soon, I felt the exhaustion taking over my body and I drifted off to sleep with Namjoon still on top of me. My dreams were full of him, and I slept peacefully without interruption.


  When I woke up the sun was shining into my room, making me groan. Namjoon was nowhere in sight, as usual. My body ached from Erik Parker’s blows and also… that couldn’t be. I slightly lifted my blanket and sighed in relief when I realized that I still had my t-shirt on. It was just a wet dream, I thought to myself, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. Damn you, Kim Namjoon, for clouding my mind ! But it was a pretty good one , and felt realistic. Maybe someday this will happen for real. I got out of bed and lumbered into my bathroom to take a quick shower.

  When I undressed and looked into the mirror, I was shocked by my appearance ; my stomach had a deep purple color and was covered with multiple bruises, and my left cheek had a small hematoma. I looked like I had been in a fight with a gorilla, only it was an asshole entrepreneur from Silicon Valley. My grip tightened around the marble counter as anger bubbled up inside me.

  No one had dared to treat me like that, and I had never been physically assaulted . Underneath the anger was also deep shame . How could this happen to me? I was a confident and independent woman, and no man had ever disrespected me like that. How could I have let Erik Parker do this to me? My thoughts drifted off when I heard muffled sounds coming from somewhere in the apartment . Namjoon was talking to someone and I managed to make out Chinhae’s voice.

  I just wanted to take my well-deserved shower, but then I heard Chinhae raise his voice , something he NEVER did. Especially not against Namjoon. He probably told Chinhae about the incident with Parker yesterday, so I decided to calm down Chinhae first before showering . I put my shirt back on and stumbled out of my room, but before I got t o the living room, I pulled to a stop and hid around the corner in the hallway.

  They weren’t arguing about Erik Parker, they were arguing about me. Or more specifically, about Namjoon and his idea of marrying me. I could see them from my position, so I decided to eavesdrop for a while.

  “ We should just fuck him up and have him run back to his little Silicon Valley shithole H er mother will find someone else for her. Are you insane, Namjoon-ah?! You can’t marry Valentina.” Chinhae sounded like he couldn’t believe what he just heard – Kim Namjoon wanted to marry me. But not because he was madly in love with me. No. Because he wanted to protect his best friend and save his own ass from the arranged marriage his father had planned for him. Both Chinhae and Namjoon knew that.

  Namjoon nodded. “ Look I know this sounds weird.” This earned him a knowing glance of Chinhae. “ But you’re already off the table and I can’t let her marry that bastard or anyone else... she... she deserves better. I need to p
rotect her... ”

  “ Yah, Namjoon-ah. Y ou’re her best friend, not her boyfriend! Remember our ONE rule? No dating. Not to mention that getting married also is a big No No. I mean… Do you even like her? ” Chinhae seemed visibly upset by the idea.

  “ Come on, of course I do! ” Namjoon grunted.

  “ That’s not what I meant. Do you have feelings for her? Like, in a romantic way?” Chinhae narrowed his eyes at his best friend.

  Namjoon’s silence was all the answer I needed. I wanted to head back to my room, but hearing his cracked voice speak up made me stop .

  “ Remember when Valentina got that love poem in high school?“ Namjoon stared out of the window , seemingly nervous.

  “ Yeah, of course. She tore it into pieces and wanted to kill that guy if she ever found out who wrote it. ” Chinhae smiled at the memory, and I couldn’t stop the grin that appeared on my face. It was not like I hated poetry or that the poem was badly written . Actually, it was the most beautiful poem I had ever read.

  What had made me that angry was that the boy who had written it never revealed who he was, leaving me dumbfounded when the other girls in school found out. They mocked me in the bathroom, not aware that I was in one of the stalls . They claimed that I had sent it t o myself to attract attention because boys would not even dare to look my way. Who would even write a poem to the ice queen of the school who was untouchable because of her two best friends ? That was when I stomped out of the bathroom , walked to my two best friends and angrily ripped the poem apart, telling them that the guy who wrote it should go fuck himself and if I ever found out who he was, I’d kill him.

  “ I wrote it, ” Namjoon said, making my heart drop. I had to bite into my fist to stop the gasp threatening to escape my mouth. “ I... I was hoping that she would like it but then she ripped it apart and I just kept it all inside. ”

  “ Namjoon-ah... ” Chinhae’s head turned towards Namjoon as he sighed. “ I know why you didn’t tell Val , b ut why didn ’t you tell me? ”

  “ And then this whole thing with my mother happened and it was just better how it was. We’re best friends and there will never be more, I understood that then. ” Namjoon kept rambling, ignoring Chinhae’s question .

  Chinhae ’ s laughter made Namjoon go silent, and he looked up in confusion. “ Yah, Joon-ah, you two really are the dumbest best friends I could ever wish for. IQ 148 my ass! ”

  “ Park …” Namjoon inched closer to C hinhae, practically growling at him .

  “ No, I’m serious. How dumb and blind are you and Val? She likes you, too, duh! And with you sleeping with everyone who has to leave before you count to five, you keep hurting her. Talk. To. Her.“ He clapped his hands to emphasize his last words. Namjoon blinked in confusion, and I felt taken aback. So he liked me the entire time? And never told me? And instead chose to fuck around than admit his feelings for me? I didn’t understand Namjoon’s way of coping with his feelings, but that was nothing new. He usually held it all inside and Chinhae and I often didn’t know what he was thinking .

  “ I... Chinhae, you know how horrible I am at love. I... I don’t want to hurt her. If she knew, it would ruin everything. I want to help her with that marriage, but I don’t want to let her know. I mean, why would she want to be with someone like me. I’m fucked up and she knows that too, ” he chuckled bitterly.

  “ Joon-ah, listen. If you really like her, then tell her. Stop fucking around and stop the excessive partying. ” Namjoon wanted to interrupt but Chinhae shushed him. “ I know why you do it, but if you truly want to be with Valentina, then talk to her and become a better man. I know how much she likes you, so please don’t break her heart. ”

  I leaned back against the wall, trying to calm my mind. After taking a deep breath, I stepped into the living room, making the boys aware of my presence.

  “ Hey, I hope we didn’t wake you up, princess. ” Namjoon turned around, eyes wide as he awkwardly scratch ed his neck.

  “ How are your bruises doing, sweetheart? ” Chinhae walked over and hugged me carefully.

  “ It hurts a bit but I’m okay. ” I gave him a small smile. “ So... I guess Joonie told you everything already? ” My eyes darted between the two men, who shared a look promising to keep parts of their conversation under wraps for now. Little did they know that I had heard almost everything , so I decided to keep to myself . This was not the time to make things more complicated than they already were.

  Chinhae wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the sofa. “ Yes. And let me just say one thing: you two are crazy for doing this! Absolutely out of your minds! ” He threw up his hands dramatically , making Namjoon and I chuckle.

  “ Aww, is my ChinChin worried that our Namjoonie can’t be a responsible husband? ” I cooed and winked at Namjoon, who blushed and with a panicked expression on his face, turned and looked away.

  Chinhae turned me around to face him and looked me dead in the eyes. “ Actually, I‘d be fascinated if he can even get through one week of this. Or more like keep it in his pants. ” He glared at Namjoon over my shoulder.

  Even if Chinhae wasn’t the biggest fan of his two best friends getting married, he still supported us and printed out all the relevant documents needed to make it official .

  According to Chinhae, the most important part for Namjoon and me was to come up with clear rules before getting married. Most of the stuff Chinhae wrote down just pertained to Namjoon’s lifestyle, as he was the more reckless one of the two of us . I laughed when Chinhae threateningly pointed his pen at Namjoon.

  “No more fucking around, Joon-ah! If you need release, either sleep with Valentina, your so-called wife, or get blue balls . I don’t care. Just don’t fuck when I’m around, please.” My laughter died in seconds, eyes widening in shock. Namjoon fell silent, too, his gaze me eting mine.

  “Yah, what is it with you two today? If you’re married, you’re having sex. What do you think I’m doing all day? I’m so done with being married already . Nari wants to have sex 24/7! I feel like her sex slave. ” Chinhae sank into the sofa with an annoyed huff. Namjoon and I couldn’t stop the laughter that escap ed our throats.

  “ Yah, i t’s not funny! She’s constantly asking me to produce an heir since we’re married . It’s not like fucking for fun like you do, Namjoon-ah ,” he said, look ing visibly frustrated.

  “ Chinhae-ah, you’re doing something very wrong if fucking is not fun for you, ” Namjoon stated, earning him a death glare from Chinhae .

  “ Just wait until you two crackheads are married and everyone keeps asking when an heir is finally coming, ” Chinhae scolded, his words making Namjoon and I look at each other with surprise .

  “ Uhm... W-what?! ” My voice went an octave higher at the end.

  “ Yah, how did you two think this works? Just marrying her and after a year y'all get divorced or what? Or just never fucking? My God, Namjoon-ah, Valentina-ah . Did one of you at least think this through? ” Chinhae stared at us in disbelief. “ How could my two best friends, two super brains with final scores in the top 1% of Korea, be that dumb and not think through what getting married was really going to mean? ” Chinhae shook his head and got up.

  “ Whatever, I need to go home... you know, heir producing duties. ” He put the last words in quotation marks, making me and Namjoon crack up again.

  “ Good luck, ChinChin. I hope you get her pregnant soon, ” I chirped , which earned me a middle finger from the blonde man.


  Once Chinhae was gone, silence settled between Namjoon and me. He was side-eyeing me and I was staring at the ceiling, too nervous to meet his gaze.

  “ So... we really didn’t think this through ,” I said, my gaze firmly fixed on the ceiling.

  “ Not really ” Namjoon chuckled and inched closer to me on the couch. “ But... I can live with that. You know, me fucking you. ”

  His words made me turn my head abruptly. “ You make that sound like it’s the worst thing ever
. ” My flat tone and the pissed off expression made Namjoon‘s eyes widen in alarm.

  “ N-no that’s... that’s not what I meant. Aish, you know what I mean, princess. It’s just... you’re you and I’m me. We’re best friends and shouldn’t be fucking. But it’s not like I wouldn’t want to fuck you. ” Namjoon began rambling and I quirked an eyebrow at his attempt of an explanation . He sighed and dropped his head into his hands. “ It’s just... you’re not some average girl I take home and just fuck for the sake of fucking. I don’t want to ruin our friendship with that. Does that make sense? ”

  I smiled at him and nodded. “I know what you mean. Let’s just…” I scanned the room with my eyes, trying to find the right words. “...we’ v e been best friends for years now. If there’s anything that makes one of us feel uncomfortable in this marriage thing, or if there’s anything the other person should know, we just tell each other, okay?”

  Namjoon agreed and stood up, taking the documents, but I wasn't finished yet. “Joonie.” I called out to him, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around and gave me his dimpled smile.

  “You’d tell me if there was something I should know, wouldn’t you?” I hoped he would confess his feelings .

  Namjoon stared down at his feet and I could clearly see his internal struggle . A small smile that didn’t reach his eyes played on his lips. “Of course I would, princess. Get ready, we’re leaving in an hour.” With that, Namjoon disappeared down the hallway.


  One hour later, Namjoon and I were on our way to the district office. Namjoon had already called the office and managed to get an early appointment. It was a 30-minute drive and I could feel the anxiety starting to bubble up inside me . I was playing with my hair until Namjoon took my hand and laced my fingers with his.


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