Ellie's Redemption

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Ellie's Redemption Page 25

by Molly Jebber

  Ellie stood and studied her loved ones. They beamed, clapped, and shouted with glee. She held her middle. What would it be like to have a boppli? Joel had taken to Betsy the minute he held her. He had made fast friends with Peter. Did he want kinner?

  Hannah approached her. “Everyone is in a good mood.”

  “Jah, I’m baffled. Joel’s mamm wilkomed us with a smile on her face. I don’t know what to think.”

  Mrs. Wenger’s smiles were a good sign she’d changed her opinion of Ellie. So why was the hair on her neck tingling with worry?

  “Mamm and I will be making all kinds of things for this boppli. I’m excited!” Hannah whispered in Ellie’s ear. “And your problem with Joel’s mamm may have faded away.”

  Ellie cupped a hand to Hannah’s ear. “We’ll find out. I’m hopeful but afraid to trust her.”

  Mrs. Wenger came into the room. “Time for supper. I borrowed a table from the neighbor. We’ll be snug, but we’ll have room for everyone.”

  Joel’s mamm glowed with happiness. Ellie couldn’t get over the change. She went to the table and sat between Liza and Maryann, across from Joel. Her face warmed as she smiled at him.

  He gave her a nod and grin.

  “Let’s bow our heads for prayer.” Shem gave thanks to God for the food.

  Ellie lifted her head. “Mrs. Wenger, you must’ve cooked all day. Everything looks wonderful.”

  “Call me Naomi. I enjoyed preparing this special meal for you and your family. After we’ve had our fill of food and the dishes are cleared, I’d like a few minutes alone with you and Liza.”

  Ellie blanched. She didn’t trust her. What did she want to say she couldn’t tell them with the others at this table present? “Of course.”

  Maryann gave Ellie’s knee a gentle squeeze.

  Joel’s schweschder must not share her trepidation over Naomi’s request. Was Maryann hopeful? Ellie couldn’t help but be skeptical.

  Maryann passed her the carrot, pea, and onion mixed vegetables. Steam rolled off them. “Mamm has spoiled Betsy in the short time we’ve been here. She changes her nappies, and she loves to rock her often.”

  Naomi beamed. “She nestles in my arms, and I don’t want to let her go. I’m thrilled to have them home.”

  Peter accepted the breadbasket from Daed. “May I hold her?”

  “When she wakes, you can hold her.” Maryann scooped out a spoonful of cherry jam.

  “Mamm, will you let me hold my boppli schweschder or bruder?”

  “Of course I will.” Liza sipped her water.

  Naomi grinned. “Peter, you’ll be a big help with the new boppli.”

  Maryann said, “Your bruder or schweschder will be blessed to have you for a sibling.”

  Esther blew Peter a kiss. “You’re such a sweet lad.”

  He wiggled in his seat and grinned at her, then he sat up straight. “I won’t be the boppli of the family anymore.”

  Joel winked at Peter. “Does losing your position as the youngest in the family upset you?”

  “Nah. I’m excited.” He puffed out his chest. “I will be the big bruder and protect her or him.” He pushed carrots onto his fork with his thumb. “I want a boy.”

  Abe picked up his cotton napkin. “Why not a girl?”

  “’Cause I already have Ellie, and I’d like to do boy things.”

  “Like what?” Jacob held his glass.

  “Getting all dirty sliding in the mud puddles, building a haus with rocks and wood from the fire pile, and other stuff.”

  “Will you be disappointed if the boppli is a girl?”

  “Nah. I’ll have fun with her too.” He chuckled. “Can’t wait to teach him or her how to do some of my chores.”

  Ellie laughed with everyone in the room. He had the best attitude about this child on the way. She was glad he wasn’t jealous or sad he wouldn’t be the youngest in the family. She glanced at Joel. His face radiated joy. He must be happy to have his family whole again. He caught her gaze and winked. Heat rose to her cheeks. She gave him a shy smile.

  “I can’t put another bite of food in my mouth. I don’t have any more room.” Peter set his fork on his plate.

  “You may be excused. We have board games and puzzles in the sitting room. You’ll find them on the side table. They belonged to Joel and Maryann when they were kinner. Help yourself.” Naomi rose and pushed her chair back.

  “Danki.” Peter skipped to the other room.

  Liza rose and carried over the empty dishes. “You put on quite a spread. Everything tasted delicious.”

  Everyone nodded and thanked Naomi.

  Shem gestured to the sitting room. “Men, let’s join Peter in the sitting room.”

  Joel grinned at Ellie and then followed the men.

  The women cleared the table and washed and dried the dishes.

  Ellie enjoyed the chatter about quilts, the weather, and what they’d canned for the winter.

  Peter wandered into the kitchen. “Esther and Hannah, will you work a puzzle with me?”

  “I’d be happy to. We’re all finished here. Danki for the lovely meal, Mrs. Wenger.” Hannah took his hand.

  “Call me Naomi. I insist.”

  Hannah nodded.

  Naomi faced Ellie and Liza. “Let’s sit at the table a few minutes before we join the others.”

  Esther didn’t take a seat. “I’ll join Hannah and Peter and let you ladies have some privacy.” She padded to the next room.

  Maryann sat next to Naomi. “Do you mind if I stay?”

  “Jah, sweetheart, you’d ask me what was said. You may as well hear it firsthand.” Naomi turned her attention to Liza and Ellie. “I apologize for my previous rude behavior. I listened to gossips, and I misjudged you, Ellie. I held your past against you, and I had no right. I let my sorrow over Maryann turn me into a bitter woman. Liza, you came here and offered me friendship, and I snubbed you. I hope you both can forgive me.”

  Liza reached for Ellie’s hand under the table. “I already did. I’m glad you’ve changed your mind, and we look forward to more suppers together.”

  “Ellie, what about you?”

  Naomi hadn’t said anything about her and Joel. Ellie wished she knew where the woman stood on this matter. Dare she ask? She’d better wait until she spoke with Joel. Maybe they’d get a few minutes in private later. “Of course. I’m happy you’re willing to socialize with me. I’d like us to get better acquainted.”

  Maryann’s eyes twinkled. “You can count on it. You’ve been such a good friend to me already. We have lots to talk about.”

  Joel came into the room. “Mind if I steal Ellie for a little while?”

  Naomi rose. “Not at all.”

  Joel shrugged into his heavy wool coat. He handed her the shawl she had worn when she arrived. He reached for the lantern. “I’ve got a fire going outside.”

  Ellie sat on the weathered maple chair Joel got for her. She stared at the orange flames and inhaled the scent of burning wood. She relished the night, still and quiet, and the shining moon in the black sky. “It gets dark early. I miss the long days.”

  “I do too.” He set the lantern on the ground and pulled his chair close to hers. “Ellie, what did Mamm say to you?”

  “She apologized for her behavior. I told I forgave her. I’m surprised and happy she’s changed her attitude about me.”

  “Aren’t you glad we no longer have to worry about her approval of us getting married?”

  Did he say married? Her heart skipped a beat. “She didn’t mention you and me.”

  “She didn’t want to give away what I’m about to do. Ellie, I pulled your daed aside while you were in the kitchen, and he gave his blessing for me to ask you this question. I asked you before, but now I’ve taken the appropriate steps, and I’m doing this the proper way. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and say jah to becoming my fraa?” He took her hand in his.

  “Jah! Jah! Jah!” She swiped tears from under her eyes. “I love you s
o much!”

  “I love you too.” He glanced at the haus. “Everyone’s at the window.” He laughed, picked her up, and swung her around. Then he pressed his lips on hers. A kiss to remember.

  They parted and chatted about their special day.

  Naomi and Maryann approached them, shivering. “The air is cold out here. Kumme inside.”

  “We’re getting married!” Ellie clapped her hands.

  Naomi hugged her. “I’m thrilled! This is wonderful news.”

  “Congratulations!” Maryann held her arms open wide to Ellie.

  Ellie hugged Maryann. “I’m freezing. Let’s go tell everyone.”

  They ran inside, and Joel cupped his mouth. “Ellie agreed to marry me!”

  Her family circled them in a big hug. No one had dry eyes. She was glad they were all shedding happy tears.

  Liza gently pulled Ellie aside and held her a moment. “Jacob told us Joel asked for your hand in marriage while you were outside. He told Joel that you and he are wilkom to build and live on our land.” She swung Ellie’s hand in hers. “Our family is growing fast. We’re adding Joel, and then later, this little one. What an exciting year we have ahead!”

  “I’m sure we will take you and Daed up on your generous and thoughtful offer.” Ellie kissed Liza’s cheek. “You’re right. We do have an exciting year ahead!” Ellie leaned into her.

  Jacob took Ellie’s other hand. “My little girl is all grown up, and now she’ll be starting a family of her own. Of course, you’ll always be my little girl.”

  Ellie rested her head on his shoulder. “Good!”

  Peter looked at her. “Can I kumme over and play? Does this mean Joel will be my bruder?”

  “Jah, Joel will be your bruder, you can visit anytime.” Ellie grinned and gently squeezed Peter’s shoulder.

  Hannah handed her a handkerchief. “You and Joel are glowing with joy. I hope I find the same kind of man.”

  “You will, and then we’ll plan for your special day. I love you, dear friend.” Ellie swiped her wet face with the handkerchief Hannah offered.

  Abe blew his nose into his blue handkerchief. “She’s kumme a long way, Jacob. I’m proud of her.” He kissed Ellie’s forehead.

  Esther gently squeezed her arm. “You’ve done well, Ellie. I’m so glad this all worked out for you and Joel.”

  “Me too.” Ellie grasped Esther’s hand.

  She’d prayed for this day. God had performed a miracle. She would be Joel’s fraa, and their families both approved. Ellie went to Naomi. “I love your son, and I promise I’ll be good to him.”

  “I have no doubt. You brought my dochder back to me. Joel told me you insisted on going after her. She has had nothing but good things to say about you. She opened my eyes and made me realize how blessed I will be to call you my dochder-in-law when you wed Joel. The Amish shun their kinner who leave. I couldn’t do it. I don’t know any other person in our community who would’ve done what you did for me.”

  Ellie said, “Maryann is a wonderful person. You raised kind and loving people.”

  “We’re going to start over. You and me. And we’ll have family socials often.” Naomi put her hands on Ellie’s shoulders.

  “Would you help me plan our wedding?”

  Naomi hugged her again. “I’d be hurt if you didn’t ask.”

  * * *

  Joel’s cheeks heated as the men slapped him on the back and expressed their good wishes. He excused himself, ran to the bedroom, and returned holding a small package. “Ellie, I need a couple more minutes before I dump water on the fire and put it out.”

  She skipped to the door and stepped outside, pulling her heavy wool shawl close.

  He held out the gift. “This is for you.”

  “Danki, Joel. You’re so sweet.” She unwrapped the package and gasped. “I love this. How beautiful.” She held the cedar box to her nose. “I love the scent.”

  “Open the lid.”

  She lifted the top and pulled out a note.

  Dear Ellie,

  I’m presenting this gift to you as a reminder of our special day. The day our prayers were answered and you said you’d marry me. I’ll never forget when we first met. My heart raced looking into your beautiful blue eyes. A connection I couldn’t explain. I’m excited to find out what God has in store for us in the years to kumme. I’ll cherish, honor, and protect you all the days of my life. I love you with all my heart.


  Tears dripped onto her dress. “This is the best gift you could’ve given me. I’ll reread this note again and again over the years. Danki.”

  “Ellie, your parents have offered us land. I’d like to accept their offer and build us a haus there. Are you in favor of this?”

  “I would love to build on my family’s land. Danki, Joel.”

  Peter waved them in. “Daed said to tell you we better go home. I had hoped Betsy would wake, but she didn’t. I’ll have to hold her some other time.” He frowned and snapped his fingers.

  Joel and Ellie went inside and she and her family said farewell and went to their buggies.

  “We’ll talk more tomorrow. I’ll stop in at the bakery. Safe travels, Ellie.” Joel squeezed her hand, and she went to join her family in the buggy.

  Hannah and her parents were heading down the lane in front of Ellie’s family’s buggy. They would be his family soon. He joined his parents and Maryann on the porch. “What an exciting evening.”

  “We’re happy for you, Son. They’re lovely people.” Daed clapped a hand on Joel’s shoulder.

  “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time about her. I’m remorseful as I can be about how I treated her. She’s gracious to give me another chance.” Mamm shivered. “Let’s get warm inside by the fire. Joel, you better put the flames out in the fire pit.”

  He went and grabbed a bucket. “My mind is clouded. I’m walking around in a fog I’m so giddy.” He went to the pump, filled the bucket with water, and extinguished the fire. The end of a memorable night and the end of Mamm’s disapproval of him and Ellie. New beginnings. He had questions for Ellie. When did she want to get married? He’d have to build a haus. He was sure Jacob, Abe, and his friend Timothy would lend a hand.

  He went inside and said good night to his parents and went to his room. He read his Bible for an hour and climbed into bed. He tossed and turned most of the night. He could rest for one more hour before getting up. He groaned. No use. He couldn’t wait to settle the date with Ellie and get their wedding on the bishop’s calendar. He raced through his chores and went to the bakery, whistling as he walked inside. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  Ellie bounced on her toes. “What brings you here this fine Saturday morning?”

  “I should speak to you at home later, but I couldn’t wait.”

  “We’re not busy. Liza and Hannah are in the kitchen. What’s on your mind?”

  “What date should we get married?”

  Ellie dragged over a calendar and flipped the pages. “February fourth?”

  He peered at the weeks. “February fourth is good. I’ll get started on our haus, and I’ll ask as many men as I can to help. I should have plenty of time to finish it before then.”

  “The weather might interfere.” Ellie wrinkled her nose.

  He gently tapped her nose. “Are you making excuses to postpone being my fraa, Miss Graber?” He’d marry her tomorrow if they could make it happen. He’d work with the threat of frostbite in winter to construct their haus. He’d rather not live with his parents or hers for any period of time.

  She swished the skirt of her dress from side to side and grinned. “Not for a minute. I’ll leave the construction part of this plan to you.” She picked up her pencil and smoothed the calendar out on the countertop. “Liza and Daed will host the service and ceremony.”

  “I’ll ask the bishop if February fourth is a good date for him. Why don’t you kumme for supper tonight?”

  “I’d love to. I’m anxious to chat with your mamm
and Maryann and hold Betsy. What time?”

  “Six thirty.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Joel smiled. “I’ll go home and tell them you’re kumming.” He looked out the window. “No one’s kumming.” He kissed her forehead and hurried out the door and headed home.

  In the kitchen, Maryann had Betsy in her arms, and Mamm sat next to her, peeling potatoes. “Three beautiful ladies. What a sight to behold.”

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” Maryann chuckled. “You must’ve been to town to visit Ellie. I imagine she puts a smile on your face often.”

  “I have been to the bakery. We chose our wedding date. It will be February fourth, if the bishop agrees.” Joel beamed. “I came home first to tell you I invited Ellie for supper this evening at six thirty.”

  “Wonderful! Now we can plan.” Maryann patted the seat next to her. “Sit a minute.”

  “I should help Daed. Where is he?” Joel crossed his arms.

  “He’s over at the neighbor’s haus. Their roof has another bad leak.” Mamm smacked her lips and shook her head. “They’ve had one problem after another with their haus.”

  Maryann rocked Betsy in her arms.

  Joel kissed Betsy’s little fingers. “She’s such a good boppli.”

  “I’m fortunate.” Maryann stood. “I’ll be right back. I need to put her down for a nap.” She returned. “Joel, I should speak with the bishop about my situation. I’d rather not do it by myself. Would I dampen the excitement of checking the bishop’s calendar for your wedding date if I tagged along and had this conversation with him at the same time?”

  “Nah. I wouldn’t mind. I’d be happy to accompany you to the bishop’s haus. We’re all pleased you’re staying in Charm. I’m glad you’re ready to talk with him about making your home here with us permanent.”

  Mamm sighed. “You may have to attend meetings with the bishop for a while until he’s convinced you once again understand what is expected of you living the Amish life.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m prepared to do whatever is necessary to convince him and the community that I’m sincere.” Maryann rested her forehead against Mamm’s for a second.

  “I don’t want anything or anyone to make you change your mind.” Mamm wrung her hands.


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