The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One

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The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One Page 3

by M. Kristine

  “It’s bullshit. I love Ace and our uncles, but it pisses me off that you and my brother can’t be together,” she scoffs. I agree with her but nothing, and I mean nothing will change dad’s mind.

  “Yeah, well nothing we can do about it so it’s better if I’m not around him. I can’t stand to see him with the chicas, so I stay away as much as I can. I’ll be glad when school starts again,” I reply, knowing there’s no force on this earth that will change his mind about Saylor and me.

  “Saylor is going through the same thing. She’s just better at hiding it,” Lane says. My head spins around to her as she looks out to the pool where my twin is doing laps. She is the athletic one of us.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t know? I mean really, Senna, she’s your twin. Don’t you have that mind sharing thingy?” she asks with laughter in her voice. She knows damn well we don’t, she’s just being a snarky bitch.

  “Who is Saylor hot for?”

  “Nope. You can ask her.” She shakes her head and I know her well enough that she isn’t going to tell me. I file that shit away for later. Saylor will be telling me who.

  Mom, Lane, Saylor and I had dinner and drinks out on the patio, enjoying the beautiful Texas evening. I love spending time with these ladies. Sheila Austin is the best mom a girl could ask for. She is loving and caring to Saylor and I. Dad is an honorable man, but he’s not very affectionate toward us. Mom is the total opposite. She gave us the love he couldn’t, and I can’t imagine life without her. Being the wife and old lady of the club president is hard, but mom is the toughest woman I know, and dad is lucky to have her next to him.

  Mom asks us what our plans for the rest of the summer are and about school in the fall. Saylor and I are headed back for year three at UTSA and Lane have decided to take a year off from school. She is supposed to start her senior year, but she decided she wanted to take the year off and maybe finish next year. We have asked her numerous times why, but she won’t tell us. I have no idea what has gotten into her, but I see changes in her. She used to be spunky and friendly with everyone. Now she is withdrawn. She doesn’t want to go anywhere or be around the club. We all grew up there so for her to not want to go around throws red flags up for me. I wish she would confide in us. Maybe one day she will,

  As we finish off a pitcher of mom’s famous mango margaritas, we hear the familiar sound of bikes in the front of the house. I hear at least three, so I know the night is going to go down the shitter. The night goes quiet and a few minutes later Dad, Spade and Luca come around the house walking toward us. Dad walks straight to mom leaning down, planting a kiss on her lips. Ace Austin might be a badass MC president, but here he’s a dad and a husband who loves his wife.

  Dad comes around kissing me and Saylor on the head before moving back to mom. Spade, Luca and Lane’s dad, goes to his daughter and plants a kiss on top of her head. Luca is standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest with a scowl on his gorgeous face. What the fuck is his problem? UGH! This is why I stay away from him. He pisses me right the fuck off!

  I jump up from my comfortable chair and stand right in front of him, mimicking his stance. “What the fuck is your problem, Luca?” I growl at him. Instead of answering my question he gives me one of his own.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  Looking down at myself there’s not a damn thing wrong with what I’m wearing. I’m in my white bikini top that covers my generous tits with matching bottoms, which are covered in daisy dukes. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? I’ve been at my home, lounging by my pool with my sister and best friend. Not that it’s any of your business. So, don’t you come in here getting all pissy with me Luca Warren!” I screech, poking my finger into his rock-hard sculpted chest. GAH! He fucking makes me lose my shit every time and I hate it.

  He leans down whispering in my ear, “Good, Princess. Cause if any of the guys saw you like that I’d have to gut them.”

  Instantly, my bikini bottoms are soaking wet and it takes every ounce of control I have not to moan in response to him being so close to me. This man can make me a horny mess with just a look. When he starts breathing in my ear, I’m a goner. He’s the ultimate alpha male and fuck if he doesn’t do that shit on purpose knowing how I feel about him. I think he enjoys torturing us both.

  Once he’s satisfied, he has pissed me off and turned me on in the same breath, he gives my dad, and his, a chin lift before heading back around the house. A moment later I hear his bike fire up and pull out of my driveway. Lane looks to me, shaking her head. Yeah sister, I know.

  “What the fuck was that little show about,” my dad barks out shattering the silence, my heart still beating fast from Luca. My body feeling like a live wire.

  “Oh, darling,” Mom says pulling herself up beside Daddy. “You know what Luca’s like when it comes to Senna. This is why he's interested in her safety.” She kisses Daddy’s cheek before turning and picking up the empty jug, throwing me a wink.

  “Yeah, well that's true but...” Mom cuts dad off. “Sam come here.”

  Thank god for mom distracting him. I’m gonna need to really watch myself around Luca. Last thing I need is dad picking up on my feelings for his enforcer.

  Chapter Five


  Damn the gods for creating such temptation.

  That’s all my mind has running through it as I sit at this seedy bar on the other side of town. Senna and her fucking sexy, sassy ass are killing me. Fuck, how much more can one take before I just grab her and slam my cock in her pretty mouth, shutting her up. Feeding the beast that wants nothing more than to fuck her hard.

  Then the good part of me, Luca Warren, just wants to take her away from here and fucking love her till she forgets to breath and I have to do it for her. I don't want any man but me with her. I want my hands on that perfect, white skin. My knuckles wrapped around her fiery red hair as her green eyes melt into my stormy, gray, dark ones. She’s the reason I fucking breathe. She’s the reason I come back from the dark each night.

  I’m falling to pieces around her and it's getting harder to hide. She doesn't even know how powerful those emerald eyes are. She unarms me with just one look and sends me into turmoil that’s caused me to act out like I just did in front of my Prez. In his fucking home with both my dad and sister giving me death stares. Lane knows. Lane fucking knows everything.

  Senna is so fucking infuriating. The want as she brushes past me; her smile, her spitfire attitude and pouty lips. It’s the worst foreplay ever. She’s pure fucking sexual torture.

  I need to do some serious work over at the gym. That will definitely fix it. Stay there, work her out of my system and just drill some guys asses. The buzzing of my phone on the bar top pulls my attention from Senna. Everything is fucking Senna. I need to just fuck her, that will fix it! I slide the logo of my club to open and read:

  Flame – Hey, dick wad, Capone is on my ass about where you at.

  Me - Your telling me this why?

  Flame- Because dick last time I checked I wasn't your bitch required to pass on messages.

  Me - you would make good bitch though, prospect.

  I smile as this will be pissing Flame off. All he ever wants to do is build bombs, watch said bombs blowing shit up and smoke. I’m sure that is because of the fact that he has used a flame to light said smoke.

  Flame - Fuck you V just fucking answer him.

  Me - He hasn't messaged me only you have dick wad.

  Flame – You’re a fucking dick bro just get ya ass back here. You have forms for the gym waiting and fucking church has just been called. So, move ya ass or is your dick dreaming about Senna stopping you from coming in general?

  Cracking my knuckles and biting the inside of my cheek till I taste blood; I’m going to stab him.

  Me - you, me and a knife that'll make me more than come!

  I fire back, downing the rest of my drink, lighting a smo
ke then walk out into the bright light of the late afternoon sun.

  Straddling my bike, she gets me off like no other. The purr of her engine is something else and she don't answer back. A fucking win if you ask me.

  The music was pounding and laughter rolling around the compound as I pulled in on my bike. The night had just started to set in. The blood-orange sky fading behind the place that I grew up at. So many times, I have pulled in and never wanted to be anywhere else, but lately it’s been more that I wish I wasn't there. I can’t handle Senna anymore. She's turning into a woman. A sexy one at that and I find I need to be here less. Fuck, it was so much easier when she was younger.

  Walking up to the front of the club house, pushing the door open, smoke and the smell of beer hit me instantly. The warm feeling of home also hits me, so I answer my own question about staying. Fuck me, it’s dangerous and do I really want to give it all up? I know I will have to make a decision sooner or later. Her or the club. She's going to cost me more than my patch if I stay.

  Maybe I do need to leave, just for a while. Get her right outta my thoughts, mind and soul.

  I need to do this run for the club and then sort out all the shit with the gym. Fuck, I hired Willow and Mason to run it while I wasn’t there for a reason. The gym isn’t just a smoke screen for the club. Nope, it’s also my dream, my baby. We all have a side gig and personal training and health is my passion.

  Decision made. Just go Nomad for a while. A few months on the road checking on other Chapters might just be what I need. It’s been running on repeat inside my mind for months nowthe open road, bike and nothing fucking else.

  I seen the look my Prez gave me when I left his house this afternoon. The way I reacted to Senna and what she was wearing. What she does really is starting to turn heads. My infuriating, annoying sister has even pulled me up one too many times now. Flame even has and that's shocking. That guy doesn't see anything past the fire he builds.

  Walking up to the bar I say, “Whisky and lime, Doll.”

  The new chick, she's cute. Has her hair in long ponytails with an Ace of Spades tight, black tank tied to the side in a knot exposing her tight stomach. Giving her a wink maybe I will peel her sweet ass back later. Wrap them ponytails around my fist while I slam her from behind. Callie isn’t here to quell the beast inside of me after a Senna mindfuck.

  She made a point of slipping a note under my door at the club to inform me of the fact. Like I care if she’s here and really how fucking high school. You're a tap and gap baby. You're a club whore; nothing more, nothing less.

  Taking the fifteen strides toward Church, I push open the door. All eyes fall to me.

  “Late again, I see Viper. This is becoming a habit, son.” My Prez, the man I respect like I do my father, shoots daggers at me

  “Sorry, I was out doing gym business and lost track of time,” I reply pulling my chair out.

  Total blatant lie, but hey, can't say sorry Prez was sitting at a seedy ass bar across town drinking my worries away because all I want to do is fuck your daughter. Nope, because that won’t go down too well at all.

  I take my seat next to my father who is the VP. Pulling my smokes from my pocket placing them on the table along with my phone, I looked around at Ace as he cleared his throat and starts on tonight’s agenda.

  “The run is set up and ready. You ride out within the hour. Viper, Saint, Nitro, Flame and Stone, you will all run the guns down to the border with the Chapter that rode in for this job. A new drug trafficking ring has been brought to my attention, along with a new meth house. The charity event for the new kids’ cancer wing at the hospital is in 2 weeks. The car and bike are just about ready.” He picks up his beer, taking a long pull, before locking eyes with me and then Flame, moving back to me as he speaks again.

  “Viper and Flame you did an outstanding job on amending the meth house.” He stops again, lighting a smoke and taking a long drag. I watch him as he blows smoke out, my heart beats faster and my hands sweat. “Today though, while I was at home with my family...”

  I swallow a lump in the back of my throat.

  What the fuck does he know. Fuck, did she... no she wouldn’t have. No matter how mad she is at me she wouldn’t. Oh fuck, is it Senna? Is she okay? All these questions. Why is it taking him so long to speak?

  I really hope he didn't see or read anything other than me protecting her. Not wanting to fuck her.

  “So, the storage shed that we have out at the abandoned farm, well it's been raided and shot up with a nasty message written in blood. The watcher’s blood all over the doors. It's a threat I take seriously, and it won’t go unnoticed.” Murmurs and shuffling started around the room as I breathed an easy breath for the first time since he started talking about his place.

  “Yes, to answer your murmurs, I'm sure it's retaliation for a meth lab you blew up. So, we need to send some scouts out, some ears to the ground. Get Blade to do some digging and figure this shit out. I want who, when, how, and their heads,” he rages, stabbing his smoke out and looking at me.

  “Viper don’t fuck around on this ride, either. The threat was to my girls and that I take like a bullet to the head, dead cold serious. If I had another man, I knew could do this run as fast and efficient as you then he would be on to it.”

  I watched as his face ripped with pain. Worry danced in his eyes. Now gone was the hard core prez and in its place was a dad. His hands wrapped around the gavel and slammed it down, calling the end to church.

  “Oh, one more thing, safe houses. We are now having three set up. Vix and Dex take some chicas to sort them. Mine and Spade’s wives will meet you there. One is for Spade’s wife, the other my wife and the other is for my girls. Keep them all within a one-mile radius of each other on the same block so I can monitor all three and Blade will be installing the latest cameras so all phones of members will be able to see the homes and all around them at all times.” With that he left, and the men followed him.

  I stayed and smoked smoke after smoke, drank glass after glass. My mind running over all the shit that could happen and how a threat to the women I loved has caused me to mentally lose it.

  That seals it then, no going nomad. I stay and fight for my woman. Keeping her safe was all that mattered. Fuck my heart, I had a job and that job was about to get kicked up into possessiveness like nothing else.

  Chapter Six


  This is such horseshit!

  I love my dad and all that, but I can say with all honesty that he is being ridiculous. Totally and utterly ridiculous. He has mom, Saylor and I on lockdown at the clubhouse. He came home the other day barking orders like we were members of his club. Telling us he was putting us in lockdown, only grab what we absolutely needed to take. We asked why and he gave us no reason. Just that it was necessary. Pfft! I call bullshit. Mom backed dad of course. She knows that he only puts us in lockdown if it’s serious, so she did as he asked and made us do the same.

  We have been locked down in the clubhouse for four days and I’m about to lose my shit. I hate being confined, unable to go when I want, where I want. We can move within the confines of the clubhouse. If we want to go outside, we have to have an escort. Heaven forbid a girl have a few minutes alone to collect her thoughts. I’m bored out of my goddamn mind, and no one wants to be around a bored and frustrated Senna.

  Needing something to take the edge off I head to the bar jumping up on a stool. Leaning over I whistle at the prospect at the other end putting bottles in the fridge. Vix has been with the club about four months and he’s a hit with all the girls. He’s a gorgeous specimen and all man with his light brown hair and dark blue eyes. His smile lights up the room and the panties drop. I can appreciate a good-looking man like the next girl, but he does nothing for me. I like the dark and broody type. I don’t want a man who spends as much time in front of the mirror as me.

  “Hey Senna, what can I get ya?” he calls me by my first name out of respect, all the guys do. He was made aw
are from the moment he walked through those doors that Saylor, Lane and I were hands off and treated with the upmost respect.

  “Bud light please, Vix,” I reply, and he reaches in the cooler pulling out a bottle, popping the top and handing it to me across the bar. Some of the guys, including Luca, have been on a run for the club since we were put on lockdown. Thank god for small miracles. I’m not sure how I’d handle being confined here and watch as the whore’s paw all over him.

  I take a deep pull of the beer. Damn, I needed that. I’m not twenty-one yet, but I deserve this damnit! I’ve been stuck in this damn clubhouse for days now and a girl can only handle so much. I mean I’ve been drinking since I was sixteen. I’m not an alcoholic or anything but being a biker princess, it’s normal to drink at such a young age. I grew up here and have been around rough and tough bikers my whole life. Drinking is nothing compared to some of the things that I’ve seen in this place. Things my dad has no clue that I’ve seen.

  Speaking of my dad, he walks over taking the seat next to me. I lean over placing a kiss on his cheek. Sam Austin, aka Ace, president and founding member of the club, is a badass motherfucker and will kill you with a smile on his face. To me he’s my daddy and I love him more than any man, but I’m kinda pissed at him right now.

  “Kinda early for that Senna?” he asks quirking a brow, his signature move with Saylor and me.

  “Nope. You keep me cooped up in here, so I drink to pass the time,” I reply flatly, not looking his way.

  He sighs knowing I’m pissed. “Senna, there have been threats to you and Saylor and I need to keep you safe,” he says as Vix puts a beer in front of him. He takes a swig as I process his statement. Threats against Say and I?

  “What kinda threats, Dad?” I ask looking at him. I can see how this is affecting him by the wrinkles in his forehead and the frown he is sporting. The ticking of his jaw. The stiffness of his shoulders. This is weighing on him and I’m acting like a spoiled child.


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