The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One

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The Beautiful and The Damned: Ace of Spades MC- Book One Page 8

by M. Kristine

  "What am I to do Viper?" My eyes snap to his like he really is fucking asking me.

  "We fucking fight and we go back to running shit the way it was meant to run. With us being a biker gang, an MC built on a brotherhood, not threats and favors. We show them that we are not going to cave and we fucking blow them all up," I say to him. I can see Senna walking in front of the windows. Her silhouette I can see behind the curtain. I would know that body anywhere she's like braille to a blind man.

  "Not hasty though, Flame and I we have ideas. We see shit you and the old man don't. We have informants and Intel." Flicking my smoke into the dark night I watch it twist and turn on the small breeze around us.

  "I know son, I know," Ace says, his hand falling to my hunched shoulders. I know damn well that I have to go in there and see tears in her eyes. I know her so well she will fall apart seeing me, she will break down inside the walls of her mind and her eyes will show me. I've hit rock bottom when it comes to Senna.

  "You and Capone are in charge of these girls of mine, Viper. Two prospects will be stationed outside at all times along with the cameras. I have eyes on this place. In the morning I'll be back with Spade and we will talk tactics."

  His hand squeezes my shoulder before he walks away to the waiting van, slamming the door. As I pull my body from my bike, kicking up the kickstand, I wheel her inside the gates of this property that will now be home to Senna and the war zone that is us!

  Chapter Fifteen


  Pulling up to the safehouse gives me a feeling of Deja vu. I remember coming here as a little girl with Saylor and our parents. This was our getaway and dad always said we were never to tell anyone about this place, that it had to be our secret. Now I know why.

  Since there have been threats to us, Dad and the club wanted us in hiding until they can neutralize the threat. Saylor and I are stuck here for who knows how long. Mom, Jolee and Lane are in different locations. We have no way of knowing where they are or talking to them. I expressed my unease of being separated from mom, but dad shut me down quickly. I know he’s doing this to protect us but I fucking hate it.

  The house is large with four bedrooms and four baths. The living room, dining room and kitchen are situated in the middle of the house with two bedrooms with baths on the east and west sides of the house. I wanted Saylor and I to have one side and the guys to have the other, but dad wasn’t having it. So, Luca and I are on the east side while Capone and Saylor are on the west. It’s not ideal, but at least I have my own room with a door that locks.

  The last thing I want to deal with right now is Luca getting his hands on me again.


  "Sup, Cap," I say. Walking inside the heat hits me warming my stone-cold skin. Shutting the back door behind me and flicking the locks one, two, three, four nice and sliding the lock chain in place I look at him.

  "Why wasn't that locked?" I question looking at him.

  "I knew you were out there, heard your bike pull up and Ace had just run out the fucking door." He spat at me as Saylor walked into the kitchen.

  "Oh, look who decided to show up, Captain Dick Pants," she snapped at me as I stepped up to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smelt of stale liquor and hard liquor at that.

  "What?" she barked at Capone as he raised his hands up in defence.

  "Nothing, Princess, nothing. " His voice shook with nerves. My eyes going from him and then her, yup he feels the wrath of the Austin twins also. Loving them is hard fucking work. Even to outlaws like us.

  Saylor grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked away. I kicked out the chair and sunk down into it.

  "This is going to be a long lockout, isn't it?" I said to my brother as he poured me a Jack on ice from the kitchen bench sitting across from me.

  "Fucking feels like it may just be that, brother," he says taking a swig.

  We sat and talked for hours; Senna did not come out once. Saylor only once after the first time her scowl said it all. Hungover as hell and bitchy about the lock down. Plus, she was spitting tacks at Capone. He didn't even see it poor bloke. I wonder if he knows she's in love with him.

  After checking all the locks, doors, windows and prospects I flick the lights out leaving just the hallway light on. Walking into the living room I check it out finding my room just off it, the door open and a bag packed for me. No doubt Mrs H's handy work. Smiling for the first time all fucking week, that women is too thoughtful.

  Walking across the room and to the side I open the curtain looking out, checking. My mind falls to Senna and what she's doing. Is she sleeping? Reading? Listening to music? Crying? Fuck it, I pad quietly to the door across the hall. I know that's her room, I had Capone tell me. He has the room down the hall and across from Saylor in the west wing. Senna and I are in the two in the east.

  With one at the back of the house with an outside entrance for the prospects. Putting my ear to the door like I could possibly hear anything that way. I used to do it when Senna and Saylor would stay over at our place. Didn't work then, it won't work now. Running my fingers over the grainy wood I imagine what she's doing behind the door. What's running through her mind. Is she gunning fire, angry with me or has she cooled? How is her head? If Say has a hangover no doubt Sen has also and that means Lane too, fuck my poor mother.

  My hand finds the cold metal doorknob and I don't even think, I twist the knob. The door clicks open and I slip inside leaving the door slightly ajar to allow the soft hue of the lounge room lights to splinter through the darkness of the room lighting up her stunning features. Her face is peaceful kneeling down at the side of her bed I run my fingers over her skin fanning back a few strands of hair that has feathered over her face in her sleep. Lowering my face close to hers, I take in her scent of coconut and Vanilla. Nothing beats this smell. She's home, she always has been, and she always will be. I just hope that she can look past what’s broken and bent with me and see that what I do I do because of her, for her, and for them, the club.

  It's like fucking Russian roulette in this life and this place. She stirs as my fingers graze over her lips, so red so plump they taste like heaven laced with sin. She's like a bullet in a bonfire, my red-haired goddess.

  Twisting my body to lean my head onto the back of her bed I stare at the wall. I mulled over all I could lose; all we could lose if the world seen that I loved her. How much danger would she then be in? When they all find out that she's mine and wears my property patch. That she is Viper’s old lady. It would be over. She lives in fear now, is in danger and there’s constant threats just being the daughter of the feared president of the Ace of Spades MC.

  It would be 20 times worst being mine. She would have all the men I'd wronged, all the men I had laid enforcement onto, all the clubs I had attacked, deals stopped, meth houses blown up after her. She would be in their crosshairs and I'd be fighting a consent battle keeping her safe. I’d be forever worried what the night would bring, having to leave on runs, club business leaving her unprotected. The odds add up and loving her just wouldn't be enough to keep her safe. From them nor me. It would only be a matter of time before someone got her or she woke up and seen that the love she found in me isn't enough to save her from the demon I possess.

  Turning and standing, my lips find her warm forehead kissing her lightly.

  "You will always fill that empty space, mine or not. I will always love you and still seek a stranger's bed. It's the only way I can keep you safe." I whisper into her skin slipping just as quietly from the room and out to mine. Kicking off my boots, undoing my belt and jeans I step from the stiff, worn denim. Pulling my cut off and hoodie with my t-shirt next, I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. Putting in my headphones, I just lay back and suck in some smoke. I let the music take me away from my vicious thoughts.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Morning broke and with it so did the calm from the late night.

  Walking into the kitchen I'm in just my jeans, the
belt and top button undone. I need coffee before a hot shower and this meeting with the old men.

  I regretted walking into the kitchen almost instantly. You could cut the tension with a knife. Capone sat scared on the corner seat next to the wall a pissed off Saylor sat staring at him till I walked in. Her and Senna's death stares found me causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up and goosebumps to ripple down with them.

  "Morning ladies!" I smiled out extra chipper just to really dig it in. They were already pissed so fuck what was a little more fuel to the fire.

  "Oh, morning is it like that?" Senna bites out at me.

  "Yup Morning, doll face." leaning down I peck the side of her cheek as she pulls back.

  "Oh, being MIA for over a week and walking in here all God like with just a morning makes it all good does it?" she raises her eyebrow at me as Saylor files her nails. Bitches always so damn moody and sharing shit.

  "Well yeah, babe, you're not my Mrs so I don't need to answer shit. " fuck, dick move Viper, but fuck she pissed me off like right away. Capone’s eyes say it all. We both are in for it now. And just like that they both stand and start screaming at the pair of us like cats in a fire. You can't make out a God damn fucking thing they are saying!

  Raising my hands in defeat I yell out Women to him as I walk away from them and outside with the pot of coffee and a cup.

  “The fuck is going on.” A newer prospect comes screaming around the corner eyes wild.

  “Whoa, brother, slow down before you hurt yourself.” Capone calls out placing his hand on his chest and stopping the young kid in his stride.

  “I heard screaming and well the girls and fuck me.” his hands ruffle through his hair.

  “It’s like my first watch I just took over from the nightshift.” Cap and I look at each other and laugh.

  “Nightshift yeah?” Cap says shaking his head as I sit back, the morning sun warming my skin. I sip my coffee and I wait.

  “Yup, well you know it's the boss's girls we are watching, and you seem well____”

  “Not fazed at all by the banshee calling coming from in there.” looking back toward the house.

  “Why?” he looks at us both as Cap sits down on the lawn chair next to me. Crossing his leg over his knee boot resting on his knee, black with red laces he's a wired one is our Capone.

  “Why you ask because in Three, Two, One. Here they come brother best you step back a foot or two.”

  His eyes search mine.


  “This is why! See out they come screaming their heads off. They’re seeking two men in which they can abuse and well, fuck me, they are me and my brother here.” looking at him, his eyes bug out of his scared head and laughter bubbles from me.

  Senna’s eyes zone in on me. As I stand, she comes flying at me, my hands find her wrists as she slams wild punches into my chest. Whipping her fast around, so her ass is pushed up hard against my crotch, my cock growing hard at her fire. She’s fucking hot when she’s worked up like this.

  “Fuck, babe, chill.” I whisper hot into her ear.

  “Fucking chill fuck, you FA” she hollers out, my grip tightens on her and my will power fires from one of wanting her to be quite and one of me wanting to freshen her breath with my cock.

  “FA, what the fuck is that?” I ask her as I watch Capone fight with an equally mad Saylor.

  “FA stands for Fucking Asshole and that, Luca Warren, is what you are.” Her heel stomps down on my toes hard and a cracking sound rings out as pain vibrates up my body. As my grip on her loosens, she slips out of my grasp and heads inside with Say hot on her heels.

  “Fuck me, brother, they are something else.” Capone calls out walking toward me as the prospect, white as a ghost, walks back where he ran from.

  Shaking my head as I sit back down, checking my phone, I have a text from Ace.

  If that woman is ever to be mine, she will have to fucking learn to chill the fuck out. That fire in her is hot but that fire also is just as fucking dangerous to a man’s soul.

  Ace and my father came and called a safe house church with just Capone, Flame and I seeing as Flame had turned up to see how I was getting on with the firecracker known as Senna and her equally feisty sister. I had never seen Saylor act like that before and wow is all I have to say.

  We are waiting out for info, ears to the ground and scouts out seeking any information possible. As it stands, they have all gone to radio silence and hiding. That's not a good thing, that means an ambush of sorts is coming. I know how dirty these guys play. Or they are waiting it out till we lower our guard. Well not on my watch. As insanely mad as Senna is at me right now, I'm not going anywhere. So, she needs to suck it up and just deal with it.

  Ace and the old man left. Capone, Flame and I began to grill out in the back yard. Mrs H had dropped off a whole bunch of food for grilling along with coolers of beer and whisky. Once again, I will say she is a good woman, that one. She also brought the girls movies and girly shit. I swear I will need to be drunk to even sit through that shit.

  Evening rolled around us and the stars began to dot the night sky, just like the moon had spewed glitter. Senna and Saylor joined us out back. Flicking on the fairy lights that dangled all over the trees and grilling area, lighting it up in a hue like fireflies flying as the wind caught them, we sat there around the huge fire pit on lounge chairs enjoying the sounds of the night. While eating and drinking, the music was good even if the company was a little tense. The scowling girls didn't help that, but hey, it was pleasant enough for me to settle in and just breathe. For the first time in 10 days I feel somewhat sane.

  “You going to give me the death stare all night, babe.” I say running my hand over the small of her back. I stretched out the only way I could touch her. Believe me that's all I have wanted to do all day since she started flipping her shit at me this morning.

  “Yep.” is all she gave me back cold and harsh.

  “You can't hate me forever Sen.”

  “Oh, Viper, believe me I can.” fuck me running my free hand over my heart.

  “That hurt, babe.” I say faking a broken heart, hoping to rouse a smile on that beautiful face of hers, but nothing.

  “Gotta have a heart for that to hurt, Viper. You FA.” snapping at me she shifts her chair a little away from me my hand falls from her back and into the air. I Seek her eyes in the dim light.

  “To you it’s always been Luca.” I breathe out to her.

  “Well at the moment that's not who I see.’ she says looking away and taking a long pull from the Bud Light Mrs H brought. My eyes fall to the fire crackling in front of me and the music playing on the iPod, Boom Waste Love by MGK (Machine Gun Kelly). Taking a cig from my pack I light it. I pick up my whiskey, pull myself deeper down into my cut and just listen to the banter from my brothers. Fuck her moody shit. Keep her safe, take out the threat. Tie up all the loose ends here and then I’ll go back to my plans of nomad.

  Rogue it is. See ya later to all that is the woman with the fire red hair and eyes that unarm me with one flutter of their long black lashes.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My morning started out on the good side as I watched Saylor and Capone give each other sexy eyes across the table. To a stranger, it might seem like they are glaring and may not like each other. To me, they are giving each other fuck me eyes. These two need to get it on already. To watch them it kinda makes me nauseous.

  I turn my back on my sister and her man and pour myself another cup of coffee. I can’t function without at least three cups of go juice. As I sip on my coffee, I think back to last night. I might love Luca with every ounce of my being, but I’m struggling with his alter ego Viper. I have been around the club my whole life and I have seen what these men will do to protect us and the club. They have to go to a place that is devoid of emotion so they can do what needs to be done.

  What scares me is how easily Luca can slip into that place. As if he lives to be the
re. Like he craves the rush of punishing those who have wronged him or the club. So, where do I fit in? Can I accept this side of him? These are the questions I have been asking myself since I saw him become Viper, the Ace of Spades MC enforcer.

  I still don’t have the answers.

  Filling my cup for the third time this morning I turn to see Luca walking down the hall in nothing but a pair of jeans which are unbuttoned, I might add, walking straight to me. I move out of his way knowing he needs coffee as much as I do in the morning. He moves to me placing a kiss to my cheek which does two things simultaneously- makes me melt and pisses me off. Well, the later emotion wins out and he and I get into it.

  After our argument and me nearly breaking his foot, I decide I need to drink and of course my sister joins me as we again try to forget that we love men that we can’t have.

  Hours later I’m taking in the house as people from school and Hope Falls make their way into the house. Yep, you heard right folks. Saylor and I decided we didn’t want to have just another boring night of drinking alone, so we called up a few people and they called a few people and now the house is full.

  Of course, Capone and Flame, who showed up after Luca left, threw a bitch fit but Saylor shut it down quickly. She is just as frustrated about this as I am, and we needed another outlet for all this built up tension. Since we can’t have sex with the men, we love to work it out, the next best thing is letting loose.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Waking before dawn, I slipped into Senna’s room. She really needs to use that fucking lock on her door. Her headphones are in her ears and she is sound asleep. I watch the way her chest rises and falls with each precious breath she takes into her lungs.

  Pushing back a few strands of hair from her face her warmth is crazy hot to my hungry skin, her smell’s just as intoxicating as her taste. My body craves her again and again, taking her to the edge of her mind and back again. Why, why is the forbidden so captivating. I know she’s mad. I know she loves me. I know all of this and I want nothing more than to make her mine.


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