Unruly Waters
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drought science, 69, 71, 72–73
and famines, 69–70, 82–83, 102–103
monsoon science, 36–38, 60–64, 92–93, 98–104, 109, 137, 139–143, 236–237, 304–306, 310, 315, 317
“moral” meteorology, 72–73
and Partition, 183
politics and climate, 108–109
as science, 93
ships in research, 58, 60, 61–62, 92, 102, 104–105, 305, 310
in WWII, 167–168
See also climate; Indian Meteorological Office/Department
Mettur Dam, 161–162
migration and migrant workers, 160–161, 317–319
military, 29
See also Second World War (WWII)
Modi, Narendra, 293–294
Moneka (ship), 61
“Monsoon Asia,” 170, 307
Monsoon Experiment (MONEX), 266–267
monsoons, xiv–xv (maps)
and agriculture, 114, 170, 266, 276, 308
and Asia, 155–157, 176
in British India, 21–22, 36–37, 40, 58–59
changes and shifts, 326, 327–328
and climate, 15–16
climate change, 304–305, 307, 308–309
and culture, 155–158
data collection, 61–62, 92, 101–102, 104–105, 305, 310, 317
definition and terminology, 13, 22
description, 13–14, 23–24
and disease, 39
and drought, 68–69, 230–231
and ENSO, 264–265
failure of 1965 and 1966, 242–243, 247, 248
famine of 1876–1878 in India, 82, 83
forecasts, 102–103, 107–108, 138, 139–140, 142–143, 240–241, 266–267, 275, 308, 310
history and evolution, 22–23
impact and human responses to, 15
as lived experience, 229–230
and meteorological science, 36–38, 60–64, 92–93, 98–104, 109, 137, 139–143, 236–237, 304–306, 310, 315, 317
planning and preparation for, 313
power and dangers, 57–58
predictability and patterns, 25, 100, 306–307, 310, 326
and railway in India, 52–53
and rain science, 95–96, 100–101, 140–141, 304–305
rice economies in WWII, 170
and rivers in India, 25–26
role and influence in India, 13–16, 24–25, 156–157, 275–276
science of, 63–64, 92–93, 262–266, 310
and seabed, 310
statistical analysis, 139–140
as system and pattern, 23–25
and transportation, 51, 52–53
wet and dry line in India, 25
and wind, 23–24, 99–100, 233, 236–237
See also cyclones and storms
Mother India (movie), 207–208, 209–210
Mueenuddin, Daniyal, 278
Mughal Empire, 27–30, 42
Mukerjee, Radhakamal, 157–159
Mukherjee, H. N., 247
Mukherjee, Neel, 229–230
Mumbai (was Bombay), 310–312, 311 (map), 312 (fig.), 313
municipal water supply, 128
Muslim League, 167, 180
Mysore, 129, 131, 162–163, 206
Nangal Canal, 197–198
See also Bhakra Dam
Naoroji, Dadabhai, 77–78, 115
Narain, Sunita, 283, 285
Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA or “Save Narmada Movement”), 293–294
Narmada project, 292–294, 295
Nash, Vaughan, 85, 86
awakening in India, 114–115, 148–149
and castes, 154–155
in China, 151, 152–153
development in Asia, 147–148, 151–153
fractures between states, 148, 170
Gandhi’s rise and work, 149–151
and power and freedom, 152, 154–155
and self-sufficiency, 171
and water, 148, 152–154
water schemes post-WWII, 171–173
nature. See environment and nature
Nehru, Jawaharlal
annexation of Tibet, 188, 215
Bhakra Dam and Nangal Canal, 196–197 (figs.), 197–198
economic strategy, 243
famine in Bengal in WWII, 169–170
on freedom, 152
Hirakud Dam, 193–194
land redistribution and zamindari abolition, 191
and Partition, 182, 185
political waning and death, 228
relationship with China, 198, 215, 226, 228
resource planning, 163
on size of projects, 213
and starvation problem, 168, 171
water schemes in China, 221
Nicholson, Frederick, 131–132
Nightingale, Florence, 72, 77
Nile River, 140
Normand, Charles, 16, 141, 142–143, 167, 265
North American Review, and Ganges Canal, 44–45
northeast monsoon, xiv (map), 24
changes and erosion, 327–328
seabed and monsoons, 310
territorial waters and law of the sea, 232–233
See also Indian Ocean
oil engines for water extraction, 120–121
Oshima, Harry, 276, 279
Osterhammel, Jürgen, 88
Pacific Ocean, and monsoons, 264
canals, 184–185, 186, 187–188
economy, 186–187
Indus waters, 185–186
irrigation and agriculture, 258
Kashmir clashes, 247–248
meteorology, 183
Partition, 180–181, 183–188
Partition, 176 (map)
and borders, 180–182
canals and water schemes, 181, 184–185, 186, 187–188
description, 175, 180–181
impact on government and institutions of India, 182–184
and Indus waters, 185–186, 187–188, 205–206, 320
Patkar, Medha, 293, 294 (fig.), 296
Pedder, W. G., 73
Persian Wheel method, 28
“Philindus,” 75
Philippines, cyclone science, 104, 105–106
photography of droughts, 84–85
Piddington, Henry, 60
Pillai, Vellu, 203
Pillai, Villiyappa, 73
Pires, Tomé, 30–31
PL-480 (Public Law 480), 244, 248, 249
plants, impact of climate change, 326
Pogson, Elizabeth Isis, 96–97, 101
brown cloud, 2–3, 305–306
impact on water cycle, 2–3
rivers, 2–3, 289–292, 290 (fig.)
water legislation in India, 255–256
Pomeranz, Kenneth, 10
Pondicherry, changes and erosion, 327, 328 (fig.)
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (“the Sabha”), 67–68, 74, 75–76, 86–87
population growth, 190–191, 253, 255, 269, 272
Portugal, trade in India, 31–32
poverty, and ecological problems, 254
Project Gromet, 251
Public Law 480 (PL-480), 244, 248, 249
agricultural problems, 277–278, 283–284
displacement of people, 210–211
groundwater and wells, 277–278
irrigation and canals, 121–124, 125–126, 133, 181, 184–185, 186
Partition, 180–181, 184–185, 186–187
Quit India Movement, 166
Radcliffe, Cyril, 180, 181
Radcliffe’s line, 176 (map), 186
Raghavan, S., 314–315
railway in India
development and expansion, 51–52, 53, 54–56
and hydrology, 56–57
inequality and change, 53, 55–56
monsoons and climate, 52–53
and technology, 56–57
nbsp; in trade and economy, 52, 53–55
rain and rainfall
and agriculture, 95, 134–136, 260, 279
cloud injections, 251
data collection in British India, 96–97, 118, 134–135
decline in India, 305
drought of 1876–79, 65, 67–69
and El Niño, 264–265
failure in India and China, 66–67, 95, 136, 242–243, 247, 248, 251
and irrigation, 118
“moral” meteorology, 72
Mumbai storm of 2005, 310–312
pattern and description, 13–14, 23–24, 66, 305
planning and preparation for, 313
rainfall insurance, 136
science and monsoons, 95–96, 100–101, 140–141, 304–305
and water infrastructure, 77
Ramage, Colin, 237, 239–241, 266, 267
Raman, C. R., 240
Ramanathan, Veerabhadran, 305
Ranade, Mahadev Govind, 115
Rao, K. L.
irrigation plans, 259, 297
water schemes in China, 216–218, 219, 220–222
Rennell, James, 34–36
resource planning, for water, 163–164
Revelle, Roger, 233, 241, 258
rice economies in WWII, 170
changes and diversions, 4, 29–30, 297–299
and monsoon, 25–26
pollution, 2–3, 289–292, 290 (fig.)
vessels for trade, 47–48, 49–50
See also specific rivers and areas
Roxburgh, William, 36–38
Roy, Arundhati, 295
Ruchi Ram, Lala, 98–99, 104
rural India
drought, 286–287
inequalities, 280–281
monsoon rains and water problems, 275, 281–283, 286–287
Russia, water schemes, 218–219, 222–223
Saha, Meghnad, 171–173
Sain, Kanwar
Bhakra Dam, 196
Mekong River commission, 223–225
water schemes in China, 216–218, 219, 220–223
Sainath, Palagummi, 286–287, 288
“salt march,” 155
Sanmenxia Dam, 218–219
satellite photography, for science, 239, 240–241
Scott-Moncrieff, Colin, 117, 118
seabed and monsoons, 310
Season Watch, 321
Second World War (WWII), 166–169, 170, 175
Seuss, Hans, 241
Shah, Firoz, 42
Shah, Gyansham, and colleagues, 287–288
Shah, Tushaar, 277
Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 243, 248
ships, information on monsoons and meteorology, 58, 60, 61–62, 92, 102, 104–105, 305, 310
Shiva, Vandana, 283–284
Simpson, G. C., 141
Singh, Deepti, 307
Singh, Khushwant, 275, 278
Singh, Manmohan, 272
Sion, Jules, 128
Slocum, Harvey, 199, 200 (fig.)
Smith, Zadie, 325
Solani aqueduct, 43
South Africa, 149–150
South Asia’s rivers, xii–xiii (map)
South to North line project, 298–299
Southern Oscillation, 140, 142, 264
southwest monsoon, xv (map), 13–14, 23–24
Soviet Union. See Russia
Srinivasan, B., 199–200
steamboats, 49–51
Stommel, Henry, 234
storms. See cyclones and storms
Strachey, Richard, 69, 71, 81–82
Subramaniam, C., 244–247, 248
suicides of cultivators, 287
Sullivan, H. E., 82
Sun Yat-sen, 152–153
Sundara Raj, V., 165
sunspots theory of drought, 82–83
Supratik (in The Lives of Others), 229–230
Sutlej River, 199
Swadeshi movement, 148–149
Tansa project, 128
Tata and Sons, 129
taxation, 48–49, 116
Tchernia, Paul, 233
technology, impact on water, 8, 145
Temple, Richard, 70, 80–81
territorial waters, and law of the sea, 232–233
textiles trade, 30–31
Third Pole, 321
Third World, 284–285
Third World Network, 284–285
Tibet, 188, 215, 226–227, 300
Tibetan Plateau, xviii (fig.), 1–2, 188–189
Todd, Charles, 102
boats for, 47–48, 49–50
early trade, 30–33
and railway, 52, 53–55
transportation, and monsoons, 51, 52–53
Trevelyan, Charles, 48–49
tsunami of 2004, 327–328
tubewells, 160, 256–257, 257 (fig.), 277
Tungabhadra Dam and River, 203, 204, 211
typhoons. See cyclones and storms
UN conference on environment (1972), 253–255
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 233
underground aquifers. See groundwater
United Nations, Indus dispute, 185
United States
agricultural policy in India, 245
Bihar famine of 1966–1967, 248, 249–250
food aid to India, 244, 248
Mekong River and interests in Asia, 223, 224, 250
in monsoon study, 234, 239
weather control schemes, 250–251
Vairamuthu, 295–296
Vakil, C. N., 183–184
Vasco da Gama, 31–32
Vietnam, 176, 178–179, 250
The Violence of the Green Revolution (Shiva), 283–284
Visvesvaraya, Mokshagundam, 129–131, 162
Walker, Gilbert
background and interests, 137–138, 142
breakthroughs in weather science, 139, 140–141, 142, 143
climate in India, 15–16
Indianization of staff, 144
monsoon science and forecasts, 139–140, 142–143, 236, 264
rainfall in India, 140–141
Water Act (1974, India), 255–256, 289
water control. See control of water
water crisis, 269, 272–274, 278–283, 291–292, 316–317
water mining. See groundwater
water table in India, 278
Watsuji Tetsuro, 155–157
weather. See climate
weather control schemes, 250–251
Webster, Peter, 265, 267
wells, for irrigation, 119–121, 256–258, 260
Wheeler, Raymond, 224
Wickizer, V. D., 170
and monsoons, 23–24, 99–100, 233, 236–237
and trade to India, 31–32
Wittfogel, Karl, 7
World Bank
agricultural policy in India, 245
climate migration, 319
and dams, 194, 206, 292, 293, 296
Maharashtra drought, 260–261
World Commission on Dams, 296, 297
World War II. See Second World War
Yamuna River and Canal, 28, 42–43
Yangzi River, 40–41, 291–292
Yarlung Tsangpo. See Brahmaputra
Yellow River, 153, 163, 166, 218–219, 291
Yunnan, control of water, 164–165
Zhou Enlai, 197 (fig.), 198, 219, 220, 226