Clara Vaughan, Volume 2 (of 3)

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Clara Vaughan, Volume 2 (of 3) Page 23

by R. D. Blackmore


  On the following Monday, my poor uncle being rather better again, I setoff for London, as had been determined, and arrived there late in theafternoon. It had been proposed to send a servant with me, but I hadbeen too long accustomed to independence, and also had reasons of my ownfor refusing. I was to receive, on the morrow, an account, bytelegraph, of my patient's health and spirits, and promised to give, inreturn, some tidings of myself. Mrs. Shelfer had not been apprised ofmy coming, because she would have been sure to tell Miss Isola, whom, aswell as her brother, I wished to take by surprise. Dear Isola had ofteninquired about my family, but only knew that I was an orphan, muchreduced in the world, poor, and all alone. Much as I loved her, I knewquite well that she could not keep a secret, and whenever she teased meabout my "iron mask," I retorted upon her that she had first to discoverthe secret of her own home.

  As we rushed towards the mighty city, what a flush was in my cheeks,what a flutter in my heart! Whom might I not see even upon theplatform, or, at any rate, in the streets, and, poverty being removed,what obstacle could there be between us? Not that I intended to resignmyself to affection, and lead a life of softness, until I had dischargedto the utmost my duty to the dead. Yet some sort of pledge mightpass--some surety there might be, that neither of us would feelthereafter quite alone in the world. But how could I tell that he evencared about me? Well, I had a strong suspicion. In some things theeyes are the best detective police. Only I had always been so unlucky.Was it not too good luck for me ever to be true?

  Mrs. Shelfer's door was opened at my knock, not by her own littlebustling self, nor even by shock-headed and sly "Charley," but by ashort stout man of affable self-importance, with a semi-Jewish face, anda confidential air. He had a pot of porter in one hand and a paper-rollin the other, a greasy hat on his head, and one leg of his trousers hadlost the lower half. Upon learning my name and object, he took nonotice whatever of me, but put up his paper-roll for a trumpet, andshouted along the passage, "Balaam, here's a kick! I'm bothered if it'sall lies, after all. Never dreamed the old gal could tell a word oftruth. Had a higher opinion of her. Blowed if the young woman herselfain't come!"

  "Easy there, Balak"--the mouth of the speaker was full--"keep the door,I tell you. Never gets a bit of time to my victuals. She's up to aplant, I doubt. Just let me have a squint at her." Out came anotherman with a like appearance and air, and a blade-bone in his hand,whereat he continued to gnaw throughout the interview. It was indeed asquint with which he favoured me, and neither of them would move for meto pass.

  "Pray what is the meaning of all this?" I asked, in my grandest manner."Surely I have not mistaken the house I lived in. This, I believe, isMrs. Shelfer's house?"

  Instead of answering me, they closed the door enough to put theslide-chain on, leaving me still outside, where, with boilingindignation, I heard myself discussed; the cabman looking on with anexperienced grin.

  "Well, Balaam, now, and what do you think of that party?"

  "Uncommon fine young gal, and doosed mannersome too; but it don'tfollow, for all that, that the thing is on the square, you know. Haveshe got any luggage, Balak?"

  "No, mate. And that looks fishy, now one come to think on it. Stop,let me have another look."

  "No; leave that to me. Slip the chain out, Balak: and keep your footbehind the door. She can't push us both in without assault andbattery."

  To my shame and indignation, I was subjected to another criticalcross-fire from half drunken eyes. I turned my back and stamped in myvexation; the cabman gave me an approving nod. This little act of minewas so unmistakably genuine, and displayed such very nice embroidery--Ido like a tasteful petticoat--that the hard heart of Balaam wassoftened; at the same moment a brilliant idea stole through his cautiousmind.

  "Stop now, Balak, put your foot there. She can't push us both in, Ibelieve; leastways not without battery and contempt of court. Now whatdo you think of this?"--And he whispered to his grimy friend.

  "Well, that beats all I ever heer'd on. Let you alone for brains,Balaam, and me for muscle and pluck!"

  "Now, young lady," began Balaam in a diplomatic tone, "me and my matehere be in a constitution of trust, or else you may take your oath, andnever a pervarication, we never would keep an agreeable youngfemale"--here he gave me two ogles intended for one--"on the flintystones so long; only we can't say if you mean honest, and there be sucha many bad ones going, and we've got a leary file inside. Now listen towhat I say. There's a dog as big as a lion in the room as you callsyourn; and he do show his teeth, and no mistake. We be afeared to showour noses there, even at the command of dooty. You can hear himgrowling now like all the Strand and Fleet Street; and my mate Balakhere leave half his breeches behind him, saving your presence, Miss, andlucky to get off so. Now if so be you undertakes, honour bright, tomarch straight into that front room, my mate and self have concluded tolet you in."

  "Of course I will," said I, smiling at their terrors. So I paid thecabman, took up my little bag, and ran right up the stairs. Balaam andBalak feared to come round the corner. "You must unlock the door,Miss," cried one of them, "we was forced to lock him in."

  "Oh Judy, my darling Judy, my own pet love of a Judy." He let me say nomore; his paws were on my shoulders, and I was in a shower-bath ofkisses. In the ecstasy of my joy, I forgot all about the two men andtheir mysterious doings, and flung myself down on a chair, while Judy,out of his mind with delight, even tried to sit on my lap. He whinnied,and cried, and laughed, and yelled, and could find no vent for hisfeelings, until he threw his great head back and told all in a wow-wow,that must have been heard in Oxford Street. A little familiar knock,and Mrs. Shelfer appeared, looking rather better than ever.

  "Why, dear Mrs. Shelfer, how glad I am to see you! And you look muchyounger, I declare!"

  "And, Miss, you do look bootiful, bootiful, my good friend! Splendidthings,"--I was dressed a little better, but still in sombrecolours--"splendid, Miss Vaughan, and how you becomes 'em to be sure!Talk of Miss Idols after that, why it's the Queen to a gipsy! And pray,Miss, if I may make so bold, what did you give for this? it beats mysarcenet dress, I do believe."

  "Nothing, Mrs. Shelfer, only a little kiss."

  "Gracious me, Miss, then you've been and got engaged, and to a lord atleast. I heard you were come into your great fortune at last; more thanall Middlesex they tell me, Regency Park and all! And that poorstraight-legged young man, as come here every day to see Judy, and toask for you."

  "Now, Mrs. Shelfer, don't talk nonsense,"--my heart was jumping, but Idid not want her to see it. "I only hope you haven't said a word to himabout these foolish reports."

  "Me, Miss! Do you think I would now?"

  "Yes; I know by your face you have. You can't cheat me, Mrs. Shelfer.Never mind, if you have not mentioned my name." It never struck me thatConrad would be frightened at my money.

  "No, never, Miss, as I hope to be saved." And she crossed herself,which I had never seen her do.

  "Come, Mrs. Shelfer, now; I've got some pretty little trifles for you inthis bag."

  She jumped with pleasure; she was so fond of knick-knacks: then she puther fingers on her lips and went to the door and listened. Presentlyshe came back with a mysterious air.

  "Pray, Miss, as you are so very kind, excuse my taking the liberty, butwould you mind giving Judy the bag in his paws? no fear of them gettingit there."

  "Why, what on earth is the matter? Why didn't you let me in? Who arethose nasty men?"

  "Oh, it's nothing, Miss; nothing at all to speak of: only they knocks mysticks so in making the inwentory, and the one they made last time, andthe time before, would do every bit as well. But they charges for it,every time, the rogues--and they dare to put the chairs down lackeredand American cloth, good, morocco as ever was, and as if Miss Minto--"

  "Now, Mrs. Shelfer, tell me in two words what it means. Is it a sale?"

  "No, n
o, Miss, I should hope not; only an execution, and them two menare the bailiffs; civil tongues enough, and very good judges of porterand periwinkles. They're the ones as come last time; but I'd sooner havethe old ones, jolly fellows they were, and knew how to wink both eyes.But that cross-eyed thief--"

  "And have they got my things, Mrs. Shelfer?"

  "No, Miss; only what few was in the bedroom; they daren't come here forJudy. It was as much as their lives were worth. If I had known theywas coming, I'd have had him at the front door, but they locked him inas soon as he got a piece out of the other fellow's leg. Bless me, howhe did holloa!"

  "Do you mean to say, Mrs. Shelfer, that they have taken possession of mythings in my bedroom?"

  "To be sure, Miss. I said they was yours, and of course they wouldn'tbelieve me, and the folding door was shut, but Judy would have broken itdown only they put the bedstead again it. Gracious me! I never see adog take on so in all my life! He was like a roaring lion."

  "I should rather hope so. Giudice, I commend you; and I've a great mindto let you out, and what is more, I will if they don't give me back mythings. Surely, Mrs. Shelfer, they have no right to my property."

  "Well, so I say, Miss; because it isn't for the landlord; but they won'tbelieve they are yours."

  "If they don't believe me pretty soon, Giudice shall convince them. Heis a judge you know, and I've no idea of robbery any more than he has.But who is doing all this, and why do you seem so unconcerned about it?I should cry my eyes out, I am sure."

  "Bless your pretty heart, Miss; this makes the fifteenth time I've hadthem here in the last four years. At first I was terribly put out, andmade myself a figure crying; but now I only think it's company, and theydrink as if they was, that's certain. You must have seen theinwentories, Miss, round the candles lots of times. Only one thing theydoes that don't strike me as wery honourable, though it's law I b'lieve;they charges me, and wery high too, for eating up my victuals, and theywill have meat four times a day. Why, that Balak, him with his breechesgone--"

  "Who put them in, Mrs. Shelfer, and how much is it for?"

  "Oh, it's one of Charley's bills or notes, of course. Quinlan holds it,him as keeps "the little dust-pan," down Maiden Lane, and Charley saysthat all he got for it was ten shillings and a waggon-load ofwater-cresses. Now they'll be here directly, Miss, with you to keep thedog in. Excuse me, Miss, I see you have got one of them new wide thingsas go all round and up--capital things, I must have one before they comeagain. And could you manage to sit upon the sofa, Miss, and the threebest chairs in your petticoat, with the tea-poy on your lap?"

  "What on earth do you mean, Mrs. Shelfer?"

  "Why, Miss, they can't lay hold of any article in use, I believe, andyou have got so much room in your things."

  "Do you suppose I intend to let them come here, for a moment? Now letme look at my bedroom. Come, Judy."

  "Oh, Miss, they did have such a hunt here for Charley's double-barrelgun; a regular beauty it is, and that big rogue Quinlan is after it.They know it all round this neighbourhood, it was made by a famousmaker, Joe something, I b'lieve, and the best he ever made; it was poorMiss Minto's brother's; and they shan't have it, not one of 'em. I'dsooner shoot them with it. I keeps it always in the safest place Iknows on, and twice a year I see that it don't get rusty."

  "What safe place do you keep it in?"

  She put her little mouth up to my ear, and her little hand up to hermouth, and whispered--

  "At the broker's, Miss, in Barbican. He has had it now six years. It'sin for a quarter its value, but that's all the better for me: I haveless to pay for keeping it, and I carries the ticket night and day in mybosom. And do you know, my good friend, they thought they had got itjust now; they got a key that fitted that box of yours, that you alwayslocked so carefully, and they made sure that was it; ha, ha, how Ilaughed at them when they opened it!"

  "What! have they dared to open my mahogany box?" It was the repositoryof my precious relics.

  "To be sure they did, Miss, and they found such curious things there! Alovely thing all set with jewels, they said, a baggonet fit for the Dukeof Wellington, and plaster shapes like a cobbler's last, and colouredpaper with queer letters on it, and a piece of long black hair, and aplan with distances on it--Lor, Miss, what on earth is the matter?Water! water! You're like death--Balaam! Balak!"

  "Stop, Mrs. Shelfer"--I had fallen on the bed--"I would not for tenthousand pounds have had that box exposed to those low ruffians,ransacked, and even catalogued. If I can punish them I will; and youtoo, you low, miserly, meddling, inquisitive old crone."

  She cared for nothing--though afterwards she told me she never saw sucheyes in her life--until I luckily called her an "old crone." At that,she fell back upon the towel-horse, and sobbed with both hands over hereyes, as if her heart would break. I had pierced her in the tenderestpoint--her age.

  I did not feel sorry for her at all for at least two minutes, but lether cry away. "Serves her right," I thought. Even if she could nothave stopped them from opening that box of mine, at any rate she had noright to gossip about it, and enjoy it all, as she evidently had done.Furthermore, I knew well that she had always been on the tingle to learnthe contents of that box, and many a time I had baffled her. Now shehad triumphed thoroughly, and I should not have been female if I hadcalmly allowed it. But seeing her great distress (through all of whichshe talked, with sobs for affirmations), I began to think what a pity itwas; then to wonder whether she deserved it all; next, to believe thatshe had done no harm; lastly, to feel that I had been a brute.Thereupon I rushed to coax and kiss her, wiped away her tears with myown lawn handkerchief--the feel of which consoled her, for the edge waslace--and begged her pardon fifty times in a thousand foolish words.Finally she was quite set up again by this:

  "I tell you, my dear Patty, when I come to your age, when I am five andthirty"--she was fifty-two at least--"I shall fully deserve to be calledan old woman for this; and much older I shall look, there is no doubt,than you do."

  "Right, my good friend, you are quite right there"--this expressionshowed me that she herself was right.--"Why the young man from thebutcher's, he said to me this morning, and beautiful black hair remindedme of yours, Miss, all stuck together with the fat from off thekidneys--"

  "Come, Mrs. Shelfer, let me see about my box."

  "To be sure, to be sure, my dear Miss Vaughan; but what do you think hesaid? 'Now, William John,' says I, 'a good steak mind, a tender juicysteak, for the gentleman visitors here'--Balaam, Miss, and Balak, if youplease,--'does like good juicy meat.' 'Mrs. Shelfer, ma'am,' he says, abowing with his tray like that, 'you shall have a steak, ma'am, as freshand as juicy as yourself.' Now wasn't that pretty, my good friend?"

  "Beautiful, Mrs. Shelfer. But see about my box."

  "Surely, surely, Miss Vaughan. But it was very pretty, like avalentine, don't you think it was now?"

  "Where is it?"

  "Downstairs, Miss, in my little parlour."

  "Then send it up at once, by one of the men."

  Presently Balaam came up, looking askance at Judy, and with the mahoganybox under his right arm. He touched his dirty hat, for Mrs. Shelfer hadfilled him by this time with the wonders of my wealth, and then helooked doubtfully, and with sorrow, at his burden.

  "Put it here if you please," and I pointed to some chairs, "the dog willnot touch you while I am here. Now what is the amount of thisexecution?"

  "Debt fifteen pounds, Miss; expenses up to five o'clock, four poundten."

  "Here is the money. Now give me a receipt."

  "No, Miss! You don't mean to pay all!"

  "Of course, I do."

  "Then, Miss, I beg your pardon, but I can't allow you. I has a duty tomy employer, and I has a duty to the public too, not forgetting Mrs.Shelfer, and Charley an old friend, and all so handsome in the way ofvictuals. And I'm sure she wouldn't wish you to be cheated, Miss. Payten pounds for the debt, Miss, and that's a deal more than it cos
t themor they expects to get. 'Twixt you and me, Miss, every stick of thishere furniture is in a dozen bills of sale already; and we comes heremore for practice like, than for anything else."

  In short, I paid 10*l.* for the debt, and 4*l.* for the expenses:whereupon Balaam looked at me with a most impressive and confidentialglance.

  "Now, Miss, you won't think me rude; but you have come down so handsome,I can tell you something as you may like to know. I've seed the verymoral of that sword of yours before."

  "Are you certain? Pray where was it?" I trembled with excitement.

  "It was in a place in Somers-town, Miss; where I made a levy, some eightyear agone."

  "What was the name of the people?"

  "Dallyhorse, or Jellycorse, or something of the sort. Foreigners theywas, and they had only just come to this country. But I can tell youthe name more shipshape from the books. Ah, the very moral of it; onlythere warn't no serpent."

  "Do you know what has become of them?"

  "No that I don't, and don't want to come across them again. A mean setof mongrel parlywoos; I got starved amost. But I did hear they wasriding the high horse now, and something about court."

  "Are you quite sure that the weapon was exactly like this? Look at thisagain."

  "Miss, I can take my oath it was the fellow pea, all but the littlesnake, and he ain't a fixture, I don't believe. I would have sworn itwas the very same, only you tells me not. I noticed it most particular;for I never see one like it, though I have had a sight of foreignweapons in my hands ere now. And the gent had got it put away so; wecome across it only through a cat as happened to be confined--"

  "And what became of it? Did your employer have it?"

  "Not he, Miss. When the gent found we had got it, he was put out and nomistake; though he sham not. Away he goes and gets the money somehow,and has us all away in no time."

  "How many were there in the family?"

  "Well, let me see. They was only living in lodgings, and had but halfthe house. There was Dallyhorse himself, and a queer-looking lady, andsome children, I don't know how many children, for they kept them out ofthe way; and a nice young woman as did the cooking for them, andprecious little it was."

  "What was his profession? And who was his creditor?'

  "I don't know. They called him an artist I think, but he look to memore like a sailor. It was a boarding-house bill, as I was on him for.Rum-tempered fellow. I thought he would have stuck me when I got hissword thing. A tallish man he was, slight build, and active, and suchblack eyes."

  "Now, Balaam, if you can trace that man, and find out where he is livingnow, I will give you two hundred pounds. Here's ten pounds for you asan earnest."

  Balaam was so amazed, that he almost looked straight at me.

  "Please, Miss, may I tell Balak? I shan't be happy if I doesn't. Wealways works together, and it wouldn't be on the square like."

  "Was he with you then? And can he keep a secret?"

  "Yes, Miss, he was with me, and I'd trust him with a gallows secret. Ican't do no good without him."

  "Then, certainly you may tell him; but not while in this house. Here ismy country address, that you may know who you act for. Keep clear ofthe Police. Keep the whole matter to yourselves. In two days, I leaveLondon; if you discover nothing in that time, write to me here, and Iwill take good care to have the letters forwarded. Do nothing, but findout that one thing, and when I have verified it, I will pay you the twohundred pounds."

  "Would you mind, Miss, putting it on paper?"

  "Yes: for many reasons, I will not write it down. But you are at libertyto inquire who I am, and whether I am likely to disgrace my word."

  After taking his address, "Balaam Levison, Dove Court, Chancery Lane," Iallowed him to depart, and heard him pause on every stair, to ponderthis strange matter.

  Presently Mr. Shelfer came home, and was delighted to see the bailiffs;and the pleasure being mutual, and my cash burning to be quenched, amost hilarious evening was the natural result. My health was drunk, asI could hear too plainly, to unfathomable depths: and comic songs fromthree loud organs, provided with patent nasal stops, with even Patty'streble pipe audible in the chorus, broke from time to time the tenour ofmy sad and lonely thoughts.


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