Lucifer Reborn 3

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Lucifer Reborn 3 Page 2

by Dante King

  Missing you! She’d written, along with the emojis for ‘devil’, ‘tongue’, and ‘water droplets’.

  The message was meant for me, of course—but it turned Mareth on to know the whole harem was staring at the nudes she’d taken for me. Mareth was dirty like that.

  Christina was, too.

  “Fucking hawt,” the blonde said, absentmindedly scratching the interior of her thigh as she zoomed in on the picture. “Mareth is just getting better and better at these, I swear!”

  “It’s a good thing they don’t have TikTok down here,” I grunted, giving Mareth’s picture a ‘thumbs-up’ reaction.

  A naughty snap like that in the middle of the day was a gambit for attention—but Mareth knew she had to be a much dirtier girl than that to get a private message from me.

  I could see her sitting on the bathroom floor in her dorm, her eyes widening as the little ping of dopamine shot through her body at my reaction.

  Was she rubbing her pussy harder right now, getting ready to send me an even naughtier selfie?

  “Why not?” Christina asked, confused.

  “Because a needy little slut like Mareth wouldn’t be able to resist,” I said, watching as three dots appeared at the bottom of the group chat. Mareth was getting another salvo ready. “And nobody gets to see that pretty little demon pussy except me.”

  “And us, of course,” Christina said, nudging me. Right as she did, the next message sent—this one was a video. Conscious that it could very likely get me in trouble, I turned the volume down and started it.

  Mareth lay on the bathroom floor, running a vibrator over her needy little slit. Her back arched like a bow as she panted and groaned, thrusting all her best assets at the camera. But even more than the sight, it was the sound that made my cock throb in my boxers.

  “Luuuuke,” the succubus whimpered, sounding so desperate and needy that I wanted to teleport to her and rip her clothes off. “Oh Luke, fuck me! Fuck me, pleeeease…!”

  “Damn,” Christina purred, fanning herself. “I’m getting all hot and bothered here. You think Shibboleth would mind if we hit the showers real quick?”

  Before I could respond, another message popped in the chat. This one was from Maddie—currently engaged in classes up at the Celestial Academy. The lone angel of the group, her chat picture was a smiling photo of her behind the counter at her old diner.

  “Ooh, me too!” she’d written. “Gosh, Mareth, you look so pretty!”

  “Pretty,” Christina giggled, nibbling her bottom lip. “That’s not the word I’d have used…”

  “Don’t give her shit,” I growled, smacking Christina on the ass. Doing that in public was a surefire way to get all eyes on me, but I didn’t care—I liked it. Besides, I’d always liked watching her booty jiggle. “Each of you brings something different to the harem.”

  Sex with an angel had a totally different vibe than fucking a demon girl or a succubus. I wasn’t even sure if I could explain it, to be honest.

  “Fair enough,” Christina agreed with a shrug. She loved Maddie almost as much as I did. “Oh shit, looks like the new girl’s pissed off again!”

  I sighed and returned my attention to the group chat. A new message sat at the bottom, from Raquelle. Ugh, she’d written, along with an emoji of a vomiting face. Can I please get a version of this chat where I don’t have to see your pussies all day?

  Raquelle was the newest member of our group. I said ‘group’ because she wasn’t a member of our harem—though she’d been trending in that direction for a couple of weeks now, ever since starting Dual Enrollment.

  Like me, Raquelle attended both the Infernal and Celestial Academies—though in her case, not by choice. Joining the co-eds of Hell was her punishment for cheating at Solomon’s Judgment, a test administered by the Justice School of the Celestial Academy.

  When I met her, Raquelle had rigged the test so that no one could beat her at it. I’d seen through the trick and revealed it to the whole student body, proving at least one angel had more than a little bit of evil inside of her.

  I liked Raquelle a lot, and she clearly liked me.

  If the two of us had just been two students who’d gotten to know each other through an exchange program, I figured we’d have been together already.

  Instead, it was taking her a little bit of time to warm to the idea of becoming part of a harem. I knew we’d get her eventually, though—and the waiting would make it all the sweeter.

  “Bell!” Shibboleth’s voice echoed across the chasm. “Eyes front and center, recruit!”

  “Oh shit,” Christina whispered, pocketing her own cell phone smoothly. “He’s pissed about the phone…”

  But Shibboleth didn’t give a damn about my cell phone.

  “You’re to leave Wrath School at once,” the burly demon said, glancing at a device strapped to his wrist. “The Headmistress wishes to speak with you immediately.”

  I did a double take.

  Next to me, Christina stiffened.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, realizing how stupid the question sounded as the words left my lips. “It doesn’t say what she wants from me, does it?”

  Shibboleth’s eyes narrowed. “Do you really think the Headmistress of the Infernal Academy deigns to tell me what her plans are, Bell? Get to Lilith on the double!”

  He gestured at a stone archway standing at the edge of the platform. To anyone unfamiliar with the schools of the Infernal Academy, it looked as if stepping through would send you over the edge into a lake of fire. Students knew it was the exit.

  With a sigh, I tucked my phone away.

  “Let the others know what’s going on, would you?” I asked Christina.

  She nodded. “Yeah, you better go. Lilith’s not the kind of woman who tolerates being kept waiting.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  The ghost of a smile flickered across my girlfriend’s face. “This is something big, isn’t it? You can feel it, right?”

  Standing next to the edge of the platform, I took a moment to stare over the lake of fire. Far above our heads, Bryan and Aztomund did battle with a phalanx of angels, dispatching them with less style than Christina and I had done but still doing a fine job. The crowd, however, had lost interest in the fight. This news about the Headmistress captured their attention, drew their gazes to me.

  I could feel it. A change in the air.

  “Yeah, it’s definitely something,” I told her, giving Christina a peck on the cheek. “I’ll let you know what’s going on as soon as I can.”

  “You’d better,” she purred. “I’ve had more than enough Wrath practice today, Luke Bell. I’m looking forward to getting a firm session with my other favorite subject once you return.”

  Lust, I thought with a big, dumb grin.

  “Hell yes I will,” I said.

  But as I made my way to the portal leading back to the Infernal Academy proper, I wasn’t quite sure. A summons from Lilith could mean just about anything.

  The Fae are back, I thought, my heart sinking into my stomach.

  Even the combined might of both Academies couldn’t hold them back forever.

  Or worse—Lucifer is finally dead, and the contest for Archlord is coming to a premature end. God damn it, why couldn’t she give me a hint beforehand?

  There was one other possibility, of course.

  Though I tried to hold it back, the vision I’d had during my first meeting with Lilith flashed through my mind.

  Just like all those co-ed demon girl fantasies, I was using my tendrils for their sheer erotic power. Only I had Lucifer’s ex-wife tied to the ceiling of a chamber inside the Fae, fucking her mouth and pussy with my demonic tentacles while my fat cock pounded her ass like a piston.

  The vision had felt so real that it could only be one thing: a vision of the future.

  I was going to fuck Lilith—Lucifer’s ex-wife.

  Honestly, I wasn’t sure which possibility was worse. I’d find out soon enough.

>   Chapter 2

  Hell was surprisingly quiet today.

  It was as if the whole campus knew something big was going down and wanted no part of it.

  As I made my way across the student commons, my shoes leaving footprints in the too-green grass, only a few clusters of demonic students were studying or playing hacky sack. Technically, classes were still going on, which explained most of the absences—but even on an ordinary day, there should have been more demons playing hooky than this.

  A nymph in yoga pants whispered a lewd suggestion as I passed, propositioning me as smoothly as a pickpocket. I flashed a grin at her and walked on, my eyes filled with promise, but my feet filled with haste.

  These days, I had to be careful with who I took to bed. Way back when I first got my powers, Lucifer warned me that ‘coupling’ with the same woman too many times could permanently bind her to me. If I truly ascended to become an Archlord of Hell, those women would be my wives—so I needed to choose them carefully.

  As much as I longed to have random hookups with as many cute demons and hot angels as possible, it was too easy to get confused. Was the hot yoga nymph the same girl who’d given me a blowjob during the Omega Omega frat mixer last week, or was that a different nymph? And did the blowjob count as one orgasm toward my binding total? If it was a half-point, did the Angel of Darkness round up or down?

  Better to keep close company with a few good friends. I had three women bound to me at the moment: Christina, the succubus Mareth, and the angelic Maddie. A teacher at the Celestial Academy named Eiko was a single orgasm away from becoming one of my wives—messing around with her again in almost any capacity would bind her to me forever.

  Other than that, I was pretty sure I hadn’t gotten too close to the edge with anyone. Even in Lust School, I stuck with Christina for the erotic exercises and lessons.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew what I was doing—distracting my mind with sex questions to avoid having to think about what Lilith wanted from me. I couldn’t escape the fact that I owed the Headmistress of the Infernal Academy a favor. Whatever she wanted me to do, I’d agreed to do without question.

  Except for breaking up with any of my girls, of course—I’d told Lilith that was totally off the table. She’d accepted in her characteristic way, by telling me if she didn’t like a member of my harem, she’d merely tear them to pieces herself.

  I believed it, too.

  Lilith’s offices were right at the front of the Academy, in a penthouse suite with a killer view of the whole campus. She also kept quarters at the Pride School for school introductions and to have new students sign the matriculation book.

  A bored-looking secretary waved me up without even checking my name. Evidently, I was expected.

  The elevator hummed the whole way to the top floor, playing a low tone that sounded like someone had pulled the plug on some Muzak.

  The top floor of the administration building was dead quiet. This was intensely unusual. Lilith normally had assistants and interns out the wazoo, running around doing the business of the Infernal Academy.

  Today, she wanted to be completely alone when she received me.

  The thought of sex came back to my mind.

  Maybe it was the fact that I’d just been flirting with Christina, or the memory of Mareth’s quick masturbation video, but the idea of sinking my cock deep into Lilith’s mature demon pussy didn’t sound so bad at that moment.

  Lucifer definitely knew how to pick his partners—despite being thousands of years old, Lilith was easily hotter than most of the demon girls you saw at sorority mixers or playing volleyball on the green. Only a few students, like Mareth, could claim they were objectively hotter—and knowing that particular succubus was in my harem drove Lilith crazy, though she did her best to hide it.

  “Lilith?” I asked as I walked down the hall.

  For a moment, the thought of sex left my mind completely, and I thought of assassination.

  What if someone had broken in, killed Lilith, and now lay in wait for me to walk in and get murdered as well?

  Maybe I ought to come back with my harem.

  The thought was foolish, of course. A moment later, the sure, even voice of Lilith filled the air: “I’m in here, Luke. I’m working alone today, for reasons you will soon understand. Please, come in.”

  I hesitated at the door.

  More than any other woman on campus, Lilith was dangerous. She had power—not the silly kind that involved throwing fireballs or turning into a giant demon. The kind that changed the world, that killed with a smile or sent daggers in the night to slash your throat.

  As I opened the door, I couldn’t help but remember that Lilith hadn’t spoken to her former husband in nearly a decade. Why was an open question among the student body, but not a question anyone would dare ask out loud.

  Casual was the word I’d use to describe Lilith’s appearance. As if a goddess could be casual. Even in a simple purple robe and slippers, she was the kind of woman men burned empires in order to claim.

  Her deep almond eyes were twin pools an observer could fall in and never escape from, and her pouty lips were no doubt the subject of ten thousand filthy fantasies among the student body.

  More than any other woman I’d met in my life, human or demon, Lilith truly looked like she deserved to be the Devil’s wife.

  Curiously, Lilith wore a tiny pair of reading spectacles over her nose. I knew for a fact she didn’t need them, so it was pure ostentation. Was she trying to make me think of Maddie?

  Like every time I was brought before her presence, I fought the urge to drop to my knees and start worshipping Lilith. It wasn’t a magic spell—the woman was just that sexy.

  I found it almost impossible to believe that I called her such nasty things in that vision I’d had of the two of us together—or that I’d wrap a tendril around her throat and choke her like a whore while I fucked her.

  Could Lilith really be into that kind of treatment? A haughty queen like her?

  “Have a seat,” Lilith said, perusing the paper in her hands. “Unfortunately, I don’t have any servants this morning—I sent them all home—but I can get you whatever you might want. Water? Coffee? Liquor?”

  Lilith’s coffee was as bitter as regret and stronger than the walls of Jericho.

  I loved it, though Christina couldn’t stand the stuff.

  “Coffee would be great,” I told her, taking a seat. “Just came from the Wrath School—I always like a little caffeine after a fight.”

  “Along with other forms of recreation, I’m sure,” Lilith said smoothly, snapping her fingers.

  A chipped coffee mug appeared in mid-air, a tiny portal opening a few inches above its rim. A stream of hot, black coffee poured from the portal, filling the cup two thirds of the way full, then the portal closed. The cup slid to the surface of the desk, coming to a rest in front of me.

  “I do apologize for taking you from your studies,” she said. “Rest assured, I wouldn’t do such a thing were it not important.”

  “I’m sure,” I murmured, sipping the coffee. Damn, but it was good. “So what can I do for you, Lilith?”

  Lucifer’s ex-wife sat up a little straighter in her chair. She appeared to be staring right through me, rather than at me.

  What’s your game? I wondered, admiring Lilith’s face over the rim of my coffee cup. It wasn’t like the Headmistress of the Infernal Academy to hesitate.

  Finally, Lilith cleared her throat. She gazed down at the top of her desk, where a small stack of parchment lay in a disorganized pile.

  “I was curious,” the Headmistress said, making a steeple of her fingers, “whether you’ve heard anything from our friends upstairs lately.”

  The Celestial Academy? I had no idea why Lilith would be asking me about them.

  “Not from anyone whose name isn’t Maddie,” I said, shaking my head. In this I didn’t have to lie. “I don’t start the next phase of my Celestial Enrollment for two more weeks. Maddie�
��s up there, of course, and she sends lots of pictures and texts.”

  “Ah yes, Maddie,” Lilith said, as if she’d forgotten the woman existed. I didn’t believe that for a moment—nothing escaped Lilith’s notice. “How is she getting along at the Celestial Academy? It must be hard, not seeing your girlfriend for so long.”

  “I have several girlfriends, as you know,” I said, feeling a little irritated. I didn’t have the patience to play whatever game Lilith wanted to run through with me. “If you want to know about the Celestial Academy so much, why don’t you ask Judyth? The two of you seemed pretty buddy buddy, the last time I saw you together.”

  Lilith’s face went as hard as a statue.

  “The Headmistress of the Celestial Academy and I maintain a professional relationship,” she said, showing her teeth. “We do not fraternize, Luke. We merely act together where we have a common interest.”

  “Unlike me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “Is that it, Lilith? You dragged me in here because you have a problem with me being in a relationship with an angel?”

  Lilith barked out a flat laugh. “Of course not. If I had a problem with your little waitress-turned-angel, I’d merely…”

  “…rip her apart limb from limb,” I finished, having heard this spiel once already. “Why don’t you do me a favor, Lilith, and just tell me what I’m here for. I’ve never known you to be someone unwilling to get to the thrust of an argument.”

  After a rebuke like that, I expected Lilith to get angry with me. Instead, the Headmistress hesitated. For a moment, I refused to believe it—then my veins turned to ice water as I realized the truth.

  She’s scared, I thought, the knowledge chilling me. Something’s got Lilith spooked. What the fuck?

  “Perhaps you’re right,” the Headmistress said, shocking me further. “I have, on occasion, used you and your friends poorly. My antipathy toward my niece is well-known, but I truly have no problem with you making Mareth one of your wives, Luke. This is far beyond that. Far beyond.”

  I sensed the worry in Lilith’s tone.


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