The Marriage Plan

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The Marriage Plan Page 13

by Ford, Brenda

  He sits back in his chair and a wistful smile comes across his face. “When I was trying to think where to go and what to do, I tried to remember who I was as a child—before all of this. What were my dreams before my eyes were opened to Dad’s world?”

  “And you found out you were a cowboy?”

  Silvio laughs. It’s good to hear him laugh without it sounding sinister. “That’s what I wanted to be when I was a child. Maybe I can wake up that part of me again.” He sweeps his hand across the air as though painting a picture. “I see myself with half a dozen horses and a farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere. Every morning I’ll ride. Maybe I’ll grow a few veggies of my own in my land. In the evenings, I’ll sit on the porch and read. Philosophy. See if I can figure out what the meaning to life is. It sure isn’t money and power.”

  “Cheers to that.” Darren raises his glass.

  “I didn’t expect a toast from you,” Silvio says. He bows his head in shame. “I’ve got no excuses for the way I’ve been and what I’ve done. I’ve just always followed orders and not asked questions. Now Dad’s gone, I’m wondering what it was all for and if I was ever really happy.”

  “I’m glad you’re thinking for yourself at last,” I say.

  “The more I think about it, the more sick I feel. I’ve done despicable things without questioning them. I deserve to be behind bars.”

  “Go get your ranch,” Darren says. “Not enough men get the chance to redeem themselves. You were right about what you said about my military life—not everything we did was moral and good. I’ve followed orders, too.”

  After another round of drinks, it’s time to say goodbye.

  Silvio stands and embraces me. I can’t remember the last time—if ever—that I’ve hugged my brother. There is still a world of bitterness, resentment, and caution within me, but I decide to let it go. I don’t want to live the rest of my life with hate in my heart.

  “Take care of yourself,” I tell him. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

  He nods. His eyes look a little wet. “Can I visit when the baby comes?”

  I look across to Darren uncertainly and then back to Silvio. I offer him a kind smile. “We’ll see.”

  “I guess I deserve that.” He reaches out to shake Darren’s hand. “Thank you for everything,” he says. His voice is sincere. “Take good care of her. She’s one of the good guys.”



  Our new place in Utah is adorable. We’ve moved away from Salt Lake City and set up home in a gorgeous little cottage-style house in Lake Point, Tooele County. I’ve never lived somewhere so rural, but I love it. There is endless peace and quiet and a full sky of stars every night.

  I’m six months pregnant now and feel like a whale but I’ve got more energy than ever before. I’ve found a new lease of life in making a home out of our cottage and enjoying life. There is nothing to worry about now. The Alfonsis are a distant memory and the past seems to being staying behind us. The house sold for over eight million dollars, so we aren’t worrying for money.

  We live life modestly and discreetly. Darren has had enough of security and has become a personal trainer. He rents some space in a warehouse that he’s converted into a studio. He’s already building quite the following—unsurprisingly, he’s pretty popular with the ladies.

  I’m a homemaker for now, but I plan to study when the baby gets a little older. I’m thinking about becoming a pre-school teacher or maybe a nurse. The great thing is, I can do anything I like. There’s no pressure, no rush, and no expectations. I’m looking forward to finding myself. Every other week or so I order a prospectus for some online course and have a browse through. I’m waiting for that one job that inspires passion.

  Today we’re working in the garden. I told Darren I wanted roses, and he delivered. He got no fewer than ten Rose bushes to plant around the front of the cottage.

  “I want it to look like Beatrix Potter lives here,” I tell him happily as I lean forward to smell the flowers. “By the time I’m done, this whole place is going to look like it came straight out of a fairytale.”

  Darren kisses my forehead. “It already feels like a happily ever after.”

  “Speaking of, I got another postcard from Silvio today.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s finished his anger management course.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Do you think he’ll really change?” I ask hopefully.

  Darren smiles at me. “Whether he does or he doesn’t, you’ve always got family now.”

  I rub my stomach with a happy smile. “I never knew life could be this good.”

  “Me, neither. It’s been the most wonderful surprise.” He picks up one of the bushes from its crate and drops it into a hole that’s been dug. While he’s kneeling down on the ground, he frowns. “What’s this?”

  I stand over him to try and see what he’s found. “What is it?”

  He spins so he’s in front of me on one knee and holds up a diamond ring.

  “I know we’re already married but I want to do this right. I never got to propose to you.”

  “Oh, Darren…” I cover my mouth with my hands, filled with the most exquisite joy.

  “You are my everything. You are sweet and kind and courageous. You are loyal and resilient. You are everything I could ever want in a wife and in the mother of my child.”

  His eyes are shining with love. “You once told me you were afraid I’d leave because all of this happened for the wrong reasons. However it happened, I know now we’re right where we should be. Any path we took would have led us here—I’d have made sure of it.

  “This is the life I choose. I would fight for it over and over again. I vow to spend my life protecting you, supporting you, and loving you.

  “Rose Aurora Russo—will you remain my wife?”

  I throw back my head in laughter and fall to my knees to hug him. “Of course, I will.”

  His arms close around me and he showers my face with a thousand kisses. Then, he takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger.

  Suddenly, it feels like there’s no more missing pieces. There are no doubts. There are no fears. There are no questions.

  Everything is perfect.

  “Let’s have a wedding,” Darren says. “A real one. I want to see you as a bride.”

  I laugh. “Who would come?”

  “Anyone who wants to. I just want the world to see me make you mine. I want photographs we can put on the mantel. I want you to meet Jake at last.”

  “I could invite my old school friends and Natalie. Silvio could come.”

  He grins. “It’s time to celebrate all this.” He gestures around him. “We’re blessed, Rose.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. “Yes. Yes, we are.”

  * * *

  Natalie finishes fixing my hair and then stares over my shoulder at my reflection in the mirror.

  “You look so beautiful, Rose.”

  I feel beautiful. The veil I’m wearing is not a cheap chapel clip-in, but a beautiful designer one that comes down to my waist in a fountain of lace. My wedding dress is a modern recreation of the one my mother wore when she married my father. I saw it in a photo once. It’s form-fitting white lace with long sleeves and a train that trails out behind me.

  A train that little Thomas is sitting on…

  I scoop up my little boy and smother his face with kisses. “You’re going to rip my dress, Little Monkey.” I rub my nose against his and he squeals with laughter.

  He looks just like his father. He has Darren’s beautiful eyes and smile. His hair is dark and curled into ringlets—he gets that from my side of the family. He’s dressed in the most adorable grey three-piece suit. One-year-olds look so cute in grown-up clothes.

  “Should I take him now?” Natalie offers.

  I pass him over to her. “You be good for Auntie Natalie now. She’s doing Mommy a huge favor keeping an
eye on you.”

  Natalie beams, resting Thomas’ weight on her hip. “He’s gorgeous.” She baby talks at him, cooing. “I want one! Yes, I do! Yes, I do!”

  I laugh lightly. “He’s a handful but I couldn’t be without him.”

  “What will you do with him when you study?”

  “I’m studying from him and by the time I’m qualified this little rascal should be the right age to join Mommy’s pre-school class.”

  Natalie lets out a long sigh. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed, Rose. We were just waitresses and now look at all you have…”

  “I’m lucky,” I say. “I don’t deserve all this.”

  “Of course you do. You’re a sweetheart. It was you and Darren who gave me the money for my start-up. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Probably would have ended up waitressing for the rest of my life.”

  “We owe you, Nat. You were there for us when things were crazy.” I smile at her warmly. “Besides, your business idea was great.”

  Natalie decided to leave the casino after it changed hands. I think the whole thing made her nervous and I don’t blame her. When she mentioned in conversation that she had this idea for a greetings card company, I didn’t hesitate to give her the seed money. It was the least I could do.

  “I’m working with this artist right now that does everything in a watercolor style. They’re beautiful. Honestly. Actually, I think it was her who did your wedding card.”

  “That’s great, Natalie. I’m so glad things are going well.”

  She looks up at the clock. “It’s nearly time!”

  I feel butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why. It’s silly really—Darren and I have been married for over eighteen months. I guess this is different because it’s public and a celebration. It’s different because it’s genuine.

  I kiss Thomas’ forehead one last time and then gather up my skirts to head downstairs.

  Our neighbor, Farmer Wilkes, insisted on letting us use his land for the ceremony and reception. We hired a wedding planner for the rest.

  She was incredible. She’s transformed the field into a wonderland of twinkling lights, bouquets of white roses, silk-lined chairs, and ornate white arches.

  It’s a small and intimate wedding but there is so much joy. Natalie sits in the front row with Thomas. Silvio is there with his new girlfriend—it will be the first time I meet her today.

  And there, at the head of the aisle, is Darren.

  He looks gorgeous in his suit. He’s clean-shaven for the occasion and wearing a light blue bowtie. His best friend and best man, Jake, stands at his side with a grin big enough for both of them.

  When Darren sees me at the bottom of the aisle, I see him draw in a deep breath and his eyes soften. I see his lips mouth the word ‘Wow’ and it makes me melt. I feel like a princess.

  We have a string quartet to play a beautiful piece of classical music as my wedding march.

  I walk down the aisle alone. I have no mother, no father, and Silvio and I aren’t there yet. Although there’s nobody by my side, I don’t feel alone. I keep my eyes fixed on Darren and know I’m walking towards my future.

  A smile breaks out on my face and I can’t control it. I wanted to stay reposed for the pictures but I’m grinning like a madwoman and my mascara is probably streaking because I’m crying again. Tears of pure joy.

  I reach the head of the aisle and Darren leans in to kiss me on the cheek.

  “You look so beautiful,” he whispers.

  You look so handsome.

  This time, the ceremony is done right. There are no gimmicks. No puns.

  The officiant smiles out over the crowd and then beams at both of us.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Darren Miller and Rose Russo.”

  It’s really happening.

  I let the words of the ceremony wash over me. I keep sniffing and feel so loved when Darren tenderly wipes the tears from my cheek with his thumb. I only just make it through to the vows without fainting from happiness.

  The officiant turns to me. “Will you have this man to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

  “I do.”

  I thought I’d lost my voice but they’re the easiest words I’ve ever spoken. The congregation applauds and cheers.

  It’s Darren’s turn. "Will you have this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

  “I do.”

  We exchange wedding bands. My hand feels complete.

  “Then, by the power invested in me by the state of Utah, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  The crowd erupts in cheers and Darren sweeps me off my feet into a romantic, movie-standard kiss that makes me hold onto my veil. When he draws back, I find myself unable to stop laughing with joy.

  Darren grabs my hand and we run back down the aisle together as we are showered with petals by our guests.

  When we have reached the last row of chairs and have a moment alone, Darren kisses me again.

  “Mrs. Miller.”

  “I am so happy to be your wife.” I can’t inject enough emotion into my voice to convey how happy and grateful I feel. I want to dance for joy.

  “We have the rest of our lives to be happy.”

  “I don’t doubt we’ll be anything other than blissful for the rest of our lives.”


  We are blissfully happy.

  Year after year rolls by in a fairytale haze of joy and companionship. A couple of years after the wedding, I complete my teacher training and get a job as a preschool teacher. Within six months, I’m pregnant again. Even though it means my career is on hold, I couldn’t be happier. Thomas is the light of our lives, and we know his little sister will bring equal joy. I’ll finish out the school year then take a year of maternity leave when Laurel is born.

  Darren is happy in his job. He has a huge clientele and now also hosts weekly Insanity workouts that are infamously difficult. For the most intense gym-bunnies, he trains them to be as fit as a SEAL. People love him.

  Most miraculous of all, perhaps, is the change in Silvio. Within a couple of years of ranch life, he became a changed man. He no longer drinks and he dresses like a cowboy. Whenever I video call him or receive pictures, he’s wearing his checkered shirt, bolo tie, and cowboy hat. It would be comical if it wasn’t so wonderful.

  He’s become an avid churchgoer, trying to find both forgiveness and purpose. It was there that he met Helen, who he’ll be marrying next year.

  He’s unrecognizable as the arrogant and aggressive goon he was in Vegas. Now he’s a clean-cut cowboy with a successful stallion rearing business and a loving fiancée.

  Sometimes I think back to who I was before Darren came into my life, but there are no regrets. I didn’t know life could be this good—and it just keeps getting better.

  I hope you enjoyed reading The Marriage Plan. If you love Secret Baby Romance with a Second Chance, keep reading for an excerpt from my Amazon TOP 100 book, Unexpected Baby.


  Zoe Portwood: A s$xy goddess who irritates the crap out of me.

  My one night stand, sworn enemy, and…the mother of my child!

  I hate her…I’ve always hated her,

  And it will never change.

  I think she’s been faking it all along…

  The baby, the dating, then falling for one another…guess it was all a part of her stupid big plan?


  Maybe that’s why she walked away five years ago.

  Now, she’s back, but she’s not alone.

  She’s come back with a little girl,

  Who I think I have a connection wit

  God! It’s all so f@cked up!

  Looks like I am up against someone who’s pure evil,

  And yet, I am supposed to win.

  Hell…I don’t have a choice.

  I gotta do it for my daughter and for Zoe…the girl I fell for long time ago!


  Her red hair spills across the pillow, the curve of her ass sits nicely between the sheets, I can see the tip of her button nose, and it’s a cute one… this woman is beautiful, from what I can see of her anyway, but I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. To be perfectly honest, I can’t even remember her name. She’s just the faceless woman from last night. The woman who I talked to for long enough to get her in to bed but that was about it.

  But it was just a fuck. Just another fuck that doesn’t mean anything. Nothing at all. Just like the rest of them. It doesn’t matter how many women I have been with in the last month, none of them have cleansed her. None of them have made me feel any better about the woman that I screwed back then, the one who I definitely shouldn’t have. It makes me shudder to even think about the fact that I fell in to bed with Zoe fucking Portwood.

  I hated her the moment that she stepped in to the office, the moment that she took the job working with me at the technology company. I don’t know what it is but the moment I saw her I just knew that she was going to be trouble for me. I didn’t realize quite how much she was going to tear my life apart. How much she’d ruin me.

  I wasn’t worried on that first day. I didn’t have any reason to be. A chick strolls in wearing harem pants with feathers in her blonde curly hair and not a scrap of make up on her face. I immediately judged her as some one who wouldn’t be able to do the job, who was too much of a hippie to be great with technology but fuck me I was proven wrong. She’s a whiz, something of a genius, and she’s really damn hard to be around. She changed me from being the top dog, eons above other people, to being just normal and I don’t like that at all.


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