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Entanglement Page 28

by Max Ellendale

  "We're both a little messy then?" She smiled when she said it and I laughed.


  Mira yawned and tucked her knees up on the seat after slipping out of her boots. "I'm beat."

  "You've spent the last eight hours under stress. It makes sense."

  "I'm also starving."

  I chuckled, shaking my head. "Because you hardly ate anything."

  "Can we go to Taco Bell on the way home?" She offered me a coy smile and I cracked up.

  "Now you sound like Ellie. And sure."

  For most of the drive, Mira's body uncoiled from its tension and we chatted idly about anything and everything. My most favorite thing about Mira was the ease at which we spoke. I could talk to her about clouds for an hour or music for another.

  "This is a lot of driving for you in one day. Do you want to switch?" she asked.

  "Nah. Beat cop life prepared me for this. Sometimes I'd spend a full twelve-hour shift in a cruiser driving around."



  My phone rang and I pressed the dashboard answer button when Eleanor's name popped up. "Hey, sweet girl."

  "Hi, Beej." She yawned afterward. "What time you coming home?"

  "About an hour. Mira is with me and you're on speaker."

  "Hi, Mira."

  "Hi, Ellie." Mira smiled while she listened to the two of us.

  "What are you guys up to?" I asked, knowing that at eleven at night, they're fun only just begun.

  "Robbie is playing Resident Evil with Riley. Daniel and I are watching them."

  "Riley is still there?"

  "Um…" She paused.

  "With an intermediate license?"

  "Um…he'll leave before one."

  "Uh huh…" I smirked and glanced to Mira whose grin amused me.

  "He can stay over if you want, but ask his mom," I said, breaking Ellie's quiet.

  "Okay. Are you coming home soon?"

  "Yep." I laughed softly. "Are you worried about what I'll find?"

  "Sort of!" Eleanor laughed now.

  My snickers continued and I said, "I'm taking Mira for Taco Bell then we'll be home."

  "Bring us some!"

  "We will," answered Mira, joining my laughter.

  "House party, woo," Eleanor announced. "Oh. Speaking of. Jordan invited me to go to a party tomorrow. Can I?"

  "You mean the same party I'll be going to?" I grinned when I asked it. "Sure. Come hang out with the old farts."

  "You're not old! And besides, Finnley and Riley are going, too. All the salon people are."

  "Well then we'll all go."

  "Okay good. See you soon. Get extra crunch wraps."

  "Okay. See you." I laughed and right before I hung up, I heard her say, "Robbie, B.J.'s on her way."

  "She wants to hang out with you." Mira grinned at me and poked my arm. "So cute."

  "And you too, don't forget. Let's pick up junk and crash the dorm. What do you say, Professor?"

  "I'm game. Do you have to work tomorrow?" she asked, reaching across the console to tuck my hair behind my ear.

  "I do. Sorensen covered for us today so tomorrow, Angie and I will take the shift. Stupid holidays."

  "Spending the night at mine tomorrow?"

  "Definitely. Baby, do you really want to go to Jordan's party tomorrow night? It's just a dinner party with all of our friends."

  "Will I know anyone?"

  "Probably. Eve and Ciara always go. Alice and Stella."

  "All right." She yawned and stretched out again. "I'm in. If you're staying over after."

  I laughed and reached over to pinch her cheek. "I am."

  "Good. Now onward to the tacos." She pointed through the windshield and I delivered on my promise.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mira rebounded, somewhat, from the visit to her parents. She appeared to have fun with my siblings and their partners the night before, but when moments quieted, I caught her gazing off in the distance. I worried their reaction would forever taint her ability to accept herself. Her sister's reaction bothered me the most and I imagined it plagued her as well. After work on Saturday, I met Mira at her place before we'd head out to Jordan's party.

  "Mira?" I called out and she emerged from the kitchen, clutching a mug of coffee. Despite her cute outfit and perfect hair, her expression appeared drawn, even with light makeup. "Hi, baby."

  "You're limping," she said, the second I made my way to her. Her demeanor shifted from sad to concerned in a heartbeat. She burst into action and approached me after setting down her drink.

  "I'm okay."

  "You're not. What happened?" Mira's hands fell to my waist and I leaned into her.

  "Angie and I were at a scene today," I told her, allowing her to fuss. "I'm okay."

  "But what happened?" Her brow furrowed with worry, and she cupped my face in her hands.

  "I don't like talking about work in detail. It can be disturbing," I said, my voice softer than I intended.

  "I understand that, but what happened to you?" She stroked my cheeks, and her concern only escalated. My gaze lingered on her pretty sea-like eyes as I considered my words.

  "We found a body by the docks and while we were there, something, or someone, released one of the loading crane things," I said, gesturing to emphasize the height of the structure. "And a chain got loose, cracking me across the legs. I got checked out and I'm fine. Just some bruises."

  "Let me see," she demanded, nudging me to sit in a chair at the kitchen table.

  "Okay, baby. Easy." I released my belt, and she tugged my pants down around my knees to reveal the deep bruises across one thigh and a welt on the other. "Just bruises."

  "Jesus, Billie." She placed her hands on my legs, and brushed her fingers over the discolored spots. "You need ice on that."

  "I'm okay." Though the more she fussed, the faster the swell of emotion tightened my throat.

  "You're hurt, honey." She stroked my face, and our panic cooled to mutual pain. "Stay here a minute."

  I nodded and leaned my elbow on the table. Never before had I let a work injury bother me, but Mira's doting wasn't something I was used to. She returned a moment later with the first aid kit, a dish towel, a thick ice pack, and then wrapped the latter around my thigh. Her gaze lingered on mine and I blinked away the mist in my eyes.

  "Thanks," I said, my voice soft.

  "Did you go to the hospital?" she asked, reaching up to stroke my cheek.

  "Yeah, but I'm okay."

  "I'm aware. You're allowed to be hurt and okay at the same time," she said, and I nodded. "I wish you would've called me, Billie."

  My lips pressed together and I settled in the chair when the ice eased the discomfort. "I didn't want to worry you."

  "Now I'm more worried that if you're hurt again you won't tell me." She tugged my boots off my feet and my pants followed, leaving just my socks. "Tell me about the case?"

  "I don't want to." I sniffled and fought the surrender that beckoned. I wanted so badly to slip under her spell in that moment.

  "I never took you as ornery under the circumstances." She tapped my chin and I looked up at her. "You're used to keeping a smile on and chin up always, I see."

  "I am." I leaned toward her and she hugged me right away, lifting me from the chair with surprising strength. "Mira."

  "I have you. Hold on." She slipped her arm under my legs and I gripped on to her shoulders as she toted me from the chair to the sofa. "You're much lighter than I expected."

  "I can't believe you're carrying me." I laughed nervously until she set me down, then settled with me, draping my legs over hers. "No one has ever done that before."

  "It's like six feet. Don't get excited." She chuckled and adjusted the ice pack. "Cute panties, by the way. Didn't take you for a boxer-brief girl."

  "I wear them to work sometimes." I laughed as I leaned into the pillows. "Normally, I go home to change before I come to see you. It gives me a chance to don something sexier."
  "I love your sexy panties and these just the same." She rubbed my knee and offered me a soft smile. "Tell me about the case."

  "It was another serial killer victim." I sighed as I gave into her caretaking. "The FBI is handling it, but my team keeps finding bodies."

  "How many?"

  "Seven so far. There's been no victim type. They've been really varied," I told her, watching the expression on her face shift from worried to thoughtful. I half expected her to cringe over information like that.

  "Does it have any signature?"

  "Use of a zip tie around the neck," I said, letting out a shaky breath. "My leg really hurts."

  "I know, honey. I can tell." She turned slightly so that we could make easier eye contact. "I don't want you to hide your pain from me, Billie. I am fully aware of what it means to be dating a cop. You might get called away. You might get hurt. Work is unpredictable."

  I nodded, listening to her words with care.

  "You have to be honest with me, honey. I don't expect details of cases, but I need to know if you're okay. The same way you need to know that Ellie and Robert are okay. Finding out after the fact is scary," she said, rubbing my shin from knee to ankle. "All right?"

  "I'm sorry, Mira. I just wanted to protect you from worrying."

  "You can't. I'm always going to worry about people I love. The same way you worry for me and your siblings," she said, her gaze lingering in the seriousness of her statement. "Promise me you won't keep things from me?"

  "I promise." I held my hands to her and let out a soft breath. "I'm sorry."

  "I understand your motives. No more of that." She poked my stomach and I smiled. "Okay?"

  "Yes, baby." I squirmed and it made her chuckle.

  "You're also lucky that chain didn't snap your femur. You realize that?" She lifted the ice and towel to inspect my leg. "Damn, Billie."

  "It knocked me off my feet pretty good. It probably would've if I wasn't free-standing like that. I probably have a bruised ass as well."

  "I think we should skip Jordan's party and let you rest."

  "No." I nearly whined. "I want you to see our Friendsgiving. It'll make things better."

  Mira laughed at me, giving my finger a tug. "Are you whining? Really?"

  "Yes." I poked my bottom lip out at her. "We have a few hours before we need to leave. I can rest."

  "Fine. Then you're going to stay here on this sofa, icing on and off, while I fix you something to eat. And then, you're going to eat it, and take a nap." She cocked a single eyebrow at me. "Deal?"

  "Yes, Professor Lewis." I laughed when I said it and she tickled my side. "Mira!"

  "Relaxing begins now." She pointed at me then wiggled out from under my legs with caution. "Back in a few."

  I chuckled as I watched her head off to the kitchen, then allowed myself to fade into the softness of the cushions. Everything Mira said was true about the way I kept big details about my job from her and my pain. I kept it from my siblings as well. For as long as I could remember, I relied on myself and only myself. The homicide team leaned on each other in moments like these, but at the end of the day, we all went to our own beds. Some of us alone.

  I watched Mira from over the back of the sofa, smiling while she fussed with something in the kitchen. Despite her struggles of yesterday with her family, it didn't seem to offset her conviction to be with me. I hoped her resolve would hold, as the thought of losing her hurt more than anything I could fathom. Including my stupid leg.


  "Here, honey." Mira leaned over the back of Ainsley’s sofa to hand me a plate of decadent chocolate desserts. "Thought you might like this."

  "You know it." I leaned into her when she brushed her lips over my neck. "Thank you."


  At least two-dozen people surrounded us, imbibing in the spirits, sharing conversation, and devouring heaps of food. Ainsley and Jordan didn't do anything small when it came to parties, and tonight was no exception.

  Eleanor, Riley, and Finnley sat together on a circular carpet by the fireplace with plates full of food while they chatted excitedly and passed their phones around. Several selfies happened, and Eleanor and Riley's closeness became more evident to me. If she hadn't told me he was transgender, I never would've considered him anything but a typical teenage boy. I wondered if life treated him fairly, and worried about what it would mean for the two of them later on. Finnley, with her bright eyes and bold demeanor didn't appear anything like her mother, Vee, who I met in person for the first time despite having spoken on the phone numerous times. Her wife, Scarlett, was equally lovely. They sat with us on the sofa, while I kept my battered leg from moving around too much.

  Jordan and Ainsley bounced between all the party-goers, introducing new faces to old ones. Alex, Cin, Grace, Kari, and a handful of other women sat around the dining room table where Eve and Ciara joined them.

  "Does Angelina come to these parties?" asked Mira when she returned to sit beside me.

  "Sometimes she comes with Eve, but we had a long day," I said.

  "Mommy, can I have cake and cookies if I eat salad?" asked the tiny voice belonging to Nova as Stella led her to the coffee table in front of us. Like the time I saw her at the hospital, she wore a cute pair of Doc Martens, but this time paired with leggings and a purple tunic.

  "If you eat it all, perhaps." Stella crouched beside her and set down her plate with a juice box. She offered me a smile and I glanced down to my plate filled with junk.

  "Now I feel guilty that she's suffering through a salad while I have all this yumminess," I muttered, and it made Stella and Mira laugh.

  "She will survive." Stella ran her fingers through Nova's hair before taking a seat in the armchair beside us.

  "All right, Peanut. Park it." Alice led Luna over beside Nova and set her plate down as well. As before, Luna's outfit matched Nova's except she wore a pink tunic. The three-year-old picked up a chicken finger and took a heaping bite without complaint. Alice, with her tiny baby bump, sat in Stella's lap and held a plate up to her. The two of them shared their own chicken fingers and a fancy turkey wrap.

  "They're inspiring," whispered Mira, and I nodded, offering her a bite of the brownie I'd lifted to my lips. She accepted it and kissed my cheek. "I'm so full," she said. "I ate two plates."

  "Me too, but I'm not denying myself all this chocolate."

  "Momma." Nova turned around and Alice looked to her. "What time is it?"

  "Almost seven. Why? Do you have a hot date?" asked Alice and it made us all chuckle.

  "I just wanna know how far away bedtime is." Nova looked to her sister who struggled to stab a cherry tomato with her fork. It shot across her plate a few times, and her little brow narrowed. Nova didn't hesitate to help her sister. She set down her own fork, pinched the tomato between her fingers, then put her hand on top of Luna's to help her stab it. "There."

  "Yay." Luna smiled cheekily and dipped the tomato in ketchup before eating it.

  "They're so cute," said Mira, smiling as she looked to their mothers.

  "Thank you," Alice and Stella said together, both of them beaming.

  "You got good taste, Olsen." Alice nodded in Mira's direction. "I approve of this one."

  "You approve because she's hot," I teased and everyone laughed.

  "Also true." Alice grinned at Stella who pinched her elbow. "Not as hot as my lovely wife though."

  "Better watch it or your pregnancy desires will go unfilled for the next four months," threatened Stella. Again, we laughed and Mira nipped my neck while I reached back to stroke her cheek.

  "Have you come up with a name for your soon-to-be third?" I asked, glancing to Stella who smiled right away when I asked.

  "We have. We think Astra will go lovely with Nova and Luna. Though Aurora is not totally off the table," answered Stella.

  "Mainly because I like Rory as a nickname," offered Alice. "Soleil is still bouncing around, too."

  "So, no. The answer to th
at question is no." I chuckled at the two of them.

  "I like them all," said Mira, smiling at the two girls who chattered to each other while they ate. "Maybe you won't know until you meet her."

  "That's what happened both times with these two." Alice nodded toward the girls. "Though I knew I wanted Nova, I didn't tell Stella until we saw her together."

  "It was a perfect name." Stella smiled at the kids.

  "Nova," called Finnley. "You wanna play this with us?" Finn lifted her phone to show her some sort of game. "We're all going to."

  "Yeah!" Nova spun around toward her parents and pointed at her empty plate.

  "Go ahead." Stella nodded and we watched Nova join the teens in whatever they were doing.

  "I can go too?" Luna looked longingly over at the group and Finnley waved her over.

  "Of course. C'mon."

  Unlike her sister, Luna didn't ask permission, but she took her chicken finger with her. To my surprise, she sat down in Eleanor's lap while Nova settled in Riley's. Eleanor kissed her cheek and the group of them played together like they did this every day. My brow furrowed and I looked back to Stella and Alice.

  "Do they know Eleanor?" I asked.

  "Oh yeah. They're at the salon all the time," answered Alice.

  "Especially if I get called into work. Finnley and Eleanor look after them sometimes," said Stella.

  "Huh." I glanced to Mira, smiling as I watched my sister with the kids. "Well, that's news to me."

  "It shouldn't be that shocking, Olsen." Alice chuckled. "It's us after all."

  "True. The three of you." I shook my head.

  "What do you mean?" asked Mira.

  "Alice, Jordan, and Vee are best friends so they're together a lot."

  "I heard my name," said Vee as she headed back over to us, Scarlett on her heels. "What's going on?"

  "We were saying how lovely Finn, Riley, and Eleanor are with the littles." I nodded in their direction.

  "Oh yeah. They're all built-in babysitters. And we love it." Vee sat down on the sofa beside Mira and Scarlett joined her as well.

  "We're glad you decided to show up again, Olsen. It's been awhile," said Alice.

  "I thought it would be good for Mira to meet everyone," I said, scrunching my nose at her when she blushed.


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