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Shivers Page 26

by Remmy Duchene

  “That’s not a half bad idea.”

  Kofi thought of the suggestion and sat forward. With a sigh, he rested his head against Carter’s shoulder, suddenly feeling weak and tired. He wanted to go back and crawl into bed, crawl into Osaki’s arms. “Is it strange all I want is to just cuddle into him?”

  “No. Osaki is a good-looking man—sexy and kind, loyal and protective. Those are all attributes to desire. There’s no shame in wanting to feel him against you. But you may want to start with dinner and maybe holding hands first.”

  “Holding hands?” Kofi grinned, though he wondered what that would feel like to have his hands in Osaki’s. Heat rushed across his face and he shook his head. “Yeah. We should start with dinner and maybe holding hands.”

  “Good. Now can we go back inside? I’m cold.”


  Chapter Twelve

  “Pay attention!” Ciro thundered, hurling another bolt of lightning Osaki’s way.

  Quickly, Osaki dodged, almost Matrix-like out of the way. Grunting, he spun, curled his fingers and allowed the lance to appear. It charged, glowing blue before he pointed it toward Ciro and fired. Ciro spun away from it, but Osaki didn’t stop there. He attacked as a follow-up and soon Ciro was on his back on the desert floor with Osaki over him, lance to his throat.

  “See?” Ciro said, eyes twinkling. “Once you stop being so hard on yourself, you can actually do this.”

  Osaki made a face as pride surged through him. He was happy to be getting better but he still didn’t feel as if he was ready for an all-out war. He backed up and helped Ciro from the dirt.

  “We should call it a day,” Ciro suggested. “I notice you have some new blades.”

  “Yes. They were a gift from Hephaestus.”

  Ciro looked shocked. “As in…my brother?”

  Osaki nodded. “Yes. He has always been kind in our dealings. He said I looked like someone who would appreciate a fine set of blades.”

  “Makes sense. I’ve just never known Hephaestus to be giving to anyone.”

  “Perhaps it is because you have not given him a chance to be charitable.”

  Ciro nodded. “Perhaps. Anyway, I should go. I have dinner plans with the husband then a war to fight with Adrestia. I’m not sure why the Corites are fighting with the Duboos, but it was only a matter of time.”

  “I figured as much. You guys need an extra blade?” Osaki asked.

  “Still running from Kofi?”

  “Yes.” Osaki put away his weapons, bowed to Ciro and turned to walk across the Sahara. They used it for practice because the storms were returning to the Waste Land. “Tell me about what is happening. What is our next step in this war?”

  “I would not call it a war—yet. Everything has gone silent, which worries me.”

  “It should. It means they are planning something and we have no clue what,” Osaki said, stopping to face Ciro for a moment.

  “All the more reason to have someone with Kofi at all times—even if you cannot do it. Let us send Hades or Ares. Hell, even Herc has agreed to pitch in.”

  That was the last thing Osaki wanted—having some sexy demigod watching over the man he cared so much about.

  “I mean,” Ciro continued, “you are afraid of what will happen if you are around him, so let us protect him.”

  Osaki stopped. “No!” he snapped. The sky above them instantly darkened. The sand rose around them, making a funnel that enveloped them. Osaki’s hair blew in the wind and he felt his eyes charging with electricity. “No one can protect Kofi like I can! How dare you suggest I cannot!”

  “Osaki, calm down!” Ciro held up a hand. “You are causing a disturbance right now that can get out of hand quickly.”

  Osaki shook his head and pressed his eyes closed. The dust settled and the crackling in his eyes stopped.

  “How much longer are you going to say you are not in love with this man?” Ciro asked softly. “You do better with him than without him. Do you not see?”

  “Okay! Fine. I love him… I do. But that admission does not make me feel any better. There are still beings out there who want me dead, and even if Kofi felt for me like I do for him, how much danger would he be in? Goji said Kofi was my mate and every part of me wants to believe that, but it simply is not true.”

  “Wait, Goji said that?”

  Osaki nodded. “Yes, but that is all you got from what I just said?”

  “Listen to me, Osaki. Listen carefully. You must return to Kofi. Something is not right here. My brothers may be psychopaths but they are not liars. They know something we do not or they would not have said something so profound. I believe they had you read by an Oracle. I will find out by whom and will be in touch.”

  “You think Kofi is in danger—more danger than we thought?”

  Ciro nodded. That was all Osaki needed to know. With a nod, he left Ciro floating over the Sahara to find Kofi sitting in the gazebo, painting the landscape. He walked across the bridge and had to stop when Kofi looked up and smiled at him. His heart skipped a beat and all he could manage was a wave. Kofi rose as he climbed the stairs into the beautiful space.

  A smudge of paint tarnished Kofi’s cheek, so Osaki used a thumb to gently wipe it away. The gentle touch left him trembling all over. He smiled and cleared his throat. “There is a private swimming hole just over that ridge right there. I am going to take a swim. Would you care to join me?”

  “You know, there are easier ways to get me out of my clothes.”

  Osaki tried speaking but just couldn’t get the words out. It was as if he was choking on them. Each time he opened his mouth, all he could do was clear his throat.

  “A joke… Osaki, I was kidding.”

  “Oh… So, swim?”

  “Yeah.” Kofi said, tapping him on the shoulder. He then took off running. “You’re it!”

  Osaki laughed. He remembered playing that game with his younger brother. “You forget, human! I am a Shiver!”

  Kofi’s laughter traveled through the air. Though he was tempted to use his powers, Osaki didn’t. There was something so desperately sexy about playing such a game with a man he’d grown to love so blindly. Osaki gave chase, knowing Kofi had a large head start on him. He pumped his arms, pushing himself across the beautiful space then tackling Kofi on the bank. They tumbled to the grass and the momentum carried them toward the water. Wrapping his arms around Kofi, he used his powers to float them over the swimming hole while bringing a large trail of water over them. The liquid froze in mid-air and caused a look of wonder to grace Kofi’s face. Osaki gasped softly, loving the light in this man’s big brown eyes.

  He waited for a moment before parting the water above them and letting the droplets fall back into the clear deep of the swimming hole.

  “That was so cool!” Kofi exclaimed.

  Osaki chuckled. He levitated them back to land and lowered Kofi gently to the grass. “You should take some clothes off if you wish to go swimming today,” Kofi suggested.

  Osaki began peeling off his kimono. Osaki stood, staring out at the water when a tender finger traced the tattoos against his back. He trembled and turned his head to look at Kofi.

  “I didn’t know you had these,” Kofi said.

  “They appeared when I was turned into a Shiver,” Osaki explained.

  “They look like wind marks.”

  “Yes.” Osaki stepped away from Kofi’s touch and walked into the water to submerge his body, hoping it would do something to the fire burning in his core.

  For a quiet moment, Kofi swam in the water. He didn’t know why but it felt different having the liquid against his skin. Perhaps it was because the liquid around him was fresh, clear and seemed perfect, but whatever the reason, Kofi resigned himself to enjoying every sensation it had to give. Soon, if he survived long enough, he’d be back to the hustle and bustle of being a business owner. He trembled at that thought and dove beneath the water, swam for as far as he could then surfaced. The sun against his face felt

  Osaki splashed him and Kofi laughed before returning the favor.

  “Oh! You will pay for that,” Osaki threatened idly. “I assure you.”

  Kofi wiggled his eyebrows at Osaki before diving beneath the water again. When he surfaced, it was to have a big splash into his face. He groaned. “Now that is hitting below the belt! I thought samurai didn’t fight dirty.”

  Osaki laughed. “I am a new breed, my friend.”

  They played around for a bit. From time to time, he would jump on Osaki, trying to push him under. With each attempt, the Shiver would simply cause the water to make a dome around them. Once Kofi let him go, the cove would come crashing down over their heads. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard. Eventually, he had to crawl to the grass and fall on his back, laughing. He pushed to his elbows to watch Osaki dive under then surface like an Olympian god. When he pushed up, a whoosh of water sailed into the air before the Shiver flipped his dark hair from his eyes. He walked toward land, and inside Kofi’s head it was all in slow motion. Unable to stop himself, Kofi bit his lower lip and eased into a sitting position.

  A man is not supposed to be this sexy. What am I thinking?

  He turned so he could keep his eyes on Osaki, who sat then rested back in the low cut grass beside him. Kofi couldn’t ignore his arousal. Watching clear, cool water slide down Osaki’s perfectly sculpted body brought his cock to attention. Groaning, he lay back, staring up into the sky.

  The sunshine flowed warm over his skin and for the first time in a long while, he was content. Turning his head, he looked over at Osaki. He allowed his gaze to travel the Shiver’s face, over full lips, a proud nose and up to see that Osaki’s eyes were closed. There was a peace on his face that made Kofi jealous for a split second.

  “Is something on my face?” Osaki asked.

  Kofi blinked. “Huh?”

  “You are staring, Kofi Olabasu. Is something the matter?” Osaki didn’t open his eyes. “Um—no. Nothing’s on your face. How did you know I was looking at you?”

  “I can feel it. I love the heat I get from your gaze on me,” Osaki whispered. “I probably should not have said that, but I could never lie to you.”

  Kofi shifted and Osaki opened his brown eyes to look at him. “I…um…”

  Osaki chuckled softly. “It is all right, Kofi. It was merely a statement. There is nothing in it for you to be uncomfortable about. You have set your lines and I will not cross them.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “For making you think that I—I mean for suggesting…” Kofi muttered a profanity under his breath—getting the words out was harder than he thought. He rose and climbed to sit astride Osaki’s hips. For a moment, he merely remained there on his back while Kofi stared down at him. Surprise and confusion registered on Osaki’s face, even as Kofi trailed a finger across his eyebrows then down over his nose to his lips. He trembled when Osaki kissed his finger.

  Osaki’s cock hardened beneath Kofi’s ass and at first, Kofi was scared. He knew if things went any further, Osaki would be penetrating him. Kofi wasn’t sure he was ready for that—and there could be pain. Still, those thoughts were not enough to dissuade him from his seduction. His body wanted Osaki and he would see where it went.

  There was no disgust, no urge to run away. In fact, Kofi ground his ass down, loving the way Osaki moaned.

  When he tried wrapping his arms around Kofi’s hips, Kofi pressed his hands back to the grass. Slowly, he leaned forward, licked his lips and used both hands to push Osaki’s dark hair from his beautiful eyes.



  “But the last time…”

  “Osaki, I’m going to kiss you,” Kofi whispered, pressing his chest into the hardness of Osaki’s body. “If you don’t want this, walk away now.”

  “How can you think I would not want to kiss you? I have tasted you, Kofi. You are not thinking clearly. You do not want this.”

  “Do you feel my cock against you?”

  Osaki nodded.

  “No—say it.”

  “I feel it.”

  Kofi shivered at the way Osaki’s voice cracked. “Then, I turn your question back to you. How can you think I would not want to kiss you?”

  Osaki said nothing but Kofi felt the movement of the samurai’s hips under him. Osaki was grinding into him, something that left Kofi weak and trembling. With a helpless sigh, Kofi kissed Osaki. He cradled his face and allowed Osaki access to his mouth. Osaki’s tongue was warm and sweet, then hungry and rough. Kofi whimpered, loving the way Osaki reacted to him. To make it all better—hotter—Kofi ground his cock on Osaki’s. He kissed Osaki deeper and deeper until there was a soft crackle in the air. He pulled back to see Osaki’s eyes were no longer brown, but gray with sparks flashing through them. The wind picked up around them and drops of water fell against his skin. Kofi knew where they came from. Osaki’s powers had caused water from the swimming hole to fly through the air then rain down on them.

  Kofi exhaled. His breath was white as though it was winter. “Osaki—”

  “Do not be afraid,” Osaki whispered, reaching for Kofi’s lips. “I cannot seem to control these powers when I kiss you.”

  Kofi blushed and lay flat against Osaki, cuddling his head beneath the samurai’s chin. “I like the way that sounds…”

  “Do you really? Because if we explore this, you will be in even more danger.”

  “I’m a big boy, Osaki. I may not have super powers, but I can kick butt if I have to.”

  Osaki laughed softly. “I do not deny that, but if you keep sitting on me like this…”

  “I’m curious about your touch.”

  Osaki stared up at him, his eyes unreadable. Kofi blinked. Perhaps he’d said more than he ought to. He sat up and began climbing off Osaki, but the Shiver pulled him back.

  “We are going to do this slowly, Kofi. It will give you a chance to back off if you want to.” Osaki stopped, dragged a finger down Kofi’s chest. “If you want to, that is.”

  Kofi kissed Osaki’s nose and leaned forward for another kiss when the sky seemed to explode.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Osaki was on his feet, weapon in hand and Kofi beside him, as he watched the sky turn orange. He expected trouble and it came in the form of Zeus. Osaki didn’t let the lance disappear. He didn’t trust Zeus as far as he could throw him—and that wasn’t far.

  “Is he a Shiver?” Kofi asked.


  “What does he want?”

  “I know not.” Osaki kept his gaze on the man with the flowing white hair, who walked as though he had not a care in the world. Though he didn’t step before Kofi, he still remained in a position to do so should the situation warrant it. Zeus wasn’t a fool. He would know that if anything happened to Kofi, Osaki would burn the world down. When Zeus settled across from him, the King of the Gods turned to peer at Kofi before meeting Osaki’s eyes.

  “You have left Olympus,” Osaki spat out. “Why?”

  “I am here to keep tabs on you,” Zeus replied easily.

  It occurred to Osaki once again that Zeus was shameless. He knew any other being would lie about his reasons.

  “You and your brothers cannot seem to get along and your actions are coming back to haunt me.”

  “I guess you should have thought about that before you had sex with the Goddess of the Storm Winds without a condom.”

  “Do not be impertinent! I am your father!”

  “You are not my father!” Osaki fired back. “Do not even begin to call yourself that! My father was a man of honor and strength! You are nothing but a bully!”

  Zeus’ eyes flashed as the sky darkened and lightning streaked across it. Osaki glanced at Kofi for a split second to ensure that he was still by his side then eyed Zeus.

  “I am not a fool, Zeus. Tell me truly. Why are you really here?”

  “I do not know why Cir
o saw fit to give you more than you already had. You did not deserve these abilities.”

  “That is what you came here to do? To say the same thing the rogues have been saying since Aerios tried to wipe us out? Save your—”

  “Now wait a minute!” Kofi spoke up, shoving roughly against Osaki’s arm.

  “Kofi—” Osaki warned.

  “No!” Kofi said, stepping forward. “No. He has no right talking to you like that. One of his dumbass sons tossed a fucking lightning bolt at me and almost killed you, and now he has the nerve to say you don’t deserve to be a Shiver? To hell with that.”

  Osaki couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so proud. Here was a man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in and this man—if he could find some way to make it happen—was all his.

  “I could crush you with a thought,” Zeus threatened.

  “But we both know you’re not going to because Koi and Ciro would burn your pathetic world to the ground.”

  Zeus took a step back. Osaki was shocked, for it seemed Kofi’s words genuinely scared Zeus. What was going on?

  “You sit on Mount Olympus, only venturing down here when you’re horny, then you leave your poor, unsuspecting victims to handle the messes you’ve created!” Kofi continued. “Forget King of the Gods. You’re a coward!”

  “How dare you! I am Zeus!”

  Kofi lifted his hand as if he was holding a sock puppet. “Blah, blah fucking blah! Who gives a flying fuck? There is a battle happening here. And all you can do is come down here to throw your power around? We’re not impressed.”

  Kofi took a step toward Zeus, which made Osaki very uncomfortable.

  “You are either on our side or you’re part of the problem,” Kofi continued. “Choose.”

  “Is he yours?” Zeus asked Osaki.

  “Stick around, Zeus, and you will learn Kofi belongs to no one,” Osaki spoke. “But I am his.”

  “He has fire—a fire that could be a world of hurt for him and for you. But…” Zeus took a breath. “I am a part of the problem. I created these beings and now I have no way of stopping the damage they cause.”


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