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Shivers Page 37

by Remmy Duchene

  “You’re overdoing it again,” Geoff said from behind him.

  “I know.”

  “What’s going on in your head?” Geoff asked. “You normally call me a million times during the day, but since you’ve moved out, I’m lucky if you call me once a week. Hell, the only time I see you is here or when I practically have to drag your ass out of the damn penthouse.”

  “I’m sorry.” Christophe began removing his gloves. “Lately it’s been work, showings, home. I can’t seem to focus on most things. I’m really not avoiding you and I don’t mean to make it seem like I am.”

  “Then what are you doing?”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. A few days ago, Koi and I had a moment in Kofi’s kitchen.”

  “What kind of a moment?”

  “We flirted—shit, it may be in my head, but I accidentally called him sexy.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Geoff sat beside him.

  Christophe inhaled deeply and set his gloves between his feet. “I don’t know. He started flirting back, even suggesting we kiss. I almost said something stupid. I almost told him I couldn’t get involved. It wasn’t like he offered me forever or even to take me to dinner. The second he showed me some attention, the first thing that popped into my mind was to run.”

  “I don’t know why you’re so gun-shy with men. Your father was never in your life, so we can’t really blame him and your mom was amazing.”

  Christophe eased back so his shoulders were pressed into the cool wall behind him. “There’s something about Koi—something almost otherworldly that scares me. And I know that sounds stupid. But there is no way a man’s eyes can be that beautiful. And that body—have you seen his body?”

  Geoff smiled. “Yes. We’ve met. Is this your way of saying he’s too good looking?”

  “No.” Christophe shook his head then stomped a foot in frustration. “That day in the kitchen I saw his eyes go from unreadable to the most beautiful puddle of hotness I’ve ever seen.”

  “Damn. That must have been sexy as hell.”

  “You have no idea,” Christophe replied. “I’ve never looked in a man’s eyes and gotten hard before. Even now as I’m thinking about it…” Christophe looked down and frowned at the tent in his shorts. “This is bullshit.”

  Geoff laughed. “Well, you’ve finished your workout anyway. You probably should go take a cold shower before we head out.”


  “We’ll finish talking later,” Geoff said. “I’m going to get another few minutes in.”

  After Geoff left him there, Christophe felt as if he were being watched. Though he knew it was a stupid thought, he still glanced around to see the usual suspects. Frustrated, he made his way into bathroom. He gathered his toiletries while the water heated up. Still, by the time he stepped beneath the downpour, his arousal was rigid between his legs.

  He switched the water to cold and groaned, watching his cock taunt him by pulsing visibly. “This is some bullshit.”

  Christophe finished up his shower and, after getting dressed, met Geoff in the sitting area. They walked wordlessly out of the gym. Christophe stopped to look around him. That feeling was back and he wasn’t sure why. When he finally pulled it together, Geoff was talking and heading toward the car.

  “Hey!” Christophe called. He ran to catch up. “You want to come over tonight? If you’re not busy with the man, that is.”

  “You didn’t hear what I said? He and I broke up! Damn, Chris, I know you don’t listen, but I spilled my heart to you. And you weren’t even paying attention”

  “I’m sorry. Okay?” Christophe glanced around them.

  “What’s wrong with you anyway?”

  “Nothing… I just…” Christophe looked behind him.

  “And who are you looking for?”

  “No one.”

  They climbed into Christophe’s car and sped from the parking lot. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t listening. I think lately I’ve been losing my mind.”

  “Make me dinner and you’ll be forgiven.”

  “All right. I’ll drop you home and later on tonight you can come over. I’ll have a nice dinner ready for you.”

  The two chatted for the rest of the ride and after Geoff was gone, Christophe felt as if he was alone on the planet.

  * * * *

  It took a little doing, but Christophe managed to get a nap in before he had to show a client a property. When that was over, he figured he’d never see the man again. It was no big loss. He wandered back into the office, but Kofi wasn’t there. Instead of getting any work done as he wanted to, he stood by the window staring down at the traffic. Everything below him was small, like ants skittering back and forth. Christophe glanced at the clock and it was almost time for him to go home.

  A soft knock drew his attention somewhat to the door but all he did was bid the person enter and fold his arms. His gaze was still on the ants below.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  “Kofi—I’m fine. I just— Ever get that feeling that—? Never mind. I was just going to make some phone calls then head home. I promised Geoff I’d make him dinner tonight. Apparently I haven’t been paying him much attention.”

  “You two aren’t dating, right?”

  “We’re not. But you have a best friend, right? You know how they get when you get too caught up in your world. I seem to be doing that more and more lately.”

  The sofa creaked, telling Christophe his boss and friend had taken a seat. Inhaling, he turned to look at Kofi. Kofi was handsome with big brown eyes. He was tall and muscular. To make Kofi Olabasu even sexier, he was now a badass fighter. Apparently he’d learned a few things from his fiancé, the samurai.

  Of course, Osaki wasn’t a samurai, Christophe knew better. But that was what Christophe and Geoff called him. “Can I talk to you about something?”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It kinda is.” Christophe walked around the desk. He turned one of his guest chairs so he was seated right across from Kofi. Rubbing his palms against his thighs, he tried to find the perfect words. When no help came, he rested his elbows on his knees and met Kofi’s brown stare. “And you can tell me if this is way out of line here but I…”

  “Chris… It’s me you’re talking to.”

  “I know.” Christophe cleared his throat. “Do you think I push men away? I mean, you’ve seen me around prospective lovers. You know me very well. I’d say you know me better than anyone else in my life because we spend so much time working together. Do you think I go out of my way to push them away?”

  “Honestly?” Kofi asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Yes. Remember Baptiste? He tried for three months to get your attention, but you were always saying something to add another brick to the wall.”

  “You noticed that, huh?” Christophe rose and walked behind the chair. He gripped the back. “I didn’t even know I was doing that until Geoff said something and by then it was too late to salvage that relationship. I don’t know why I’m like that.”

  “Sometimes there isn’t a reason. You get anxious at the thought of being with someone else, of showing them your true self and that is all there is to it.”

  Christophe sighed. “I don’t want to be that kind of man. I’m at the age where I have to be able to put myself out there. I just— I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “But getting hurt is a part of this whole love thing. Look at me and Osaki. I always knew there was something inside me, something that wasn’t quite right. Then I could feel Osaki, and I was terrified. I mean, I thought I was straight.”

  “We can’t all be perfect.”

  Kofi chuckled. “Jerk.”

  “I know, right?” Christophe laughed. “But seriously. Every time I think of getting close to a man, this dark cloud falls over me and suddenly it’s like the world is coming to an end and I’m the only one who knows it.”

  “What’s brought all this about?”

  “I p
robably shouldn’t be telling you this but Koi…”

  “Right. You two had a conversation the other day in the kitchen—what happened? The reason I’m asking is when I came back, he ran out of there so fast I thought someone lit his pants on fire.”

  “I came so close to putting my foot in my mouth like I always do. You came back just in time because I just know I would have said something moronic. I accidentally started flirting with him and thankfully he didn’t look at me like I’m some stupid kid. He flirted back—I think.”

  Kofi laughed softly. “Come on, Chris. You’re old enough to know when a man is hitting on you.”

  “I can never tell with Koi. One minute he’s unreadable, a complete mystery, and the next he smirks at me like he did in your kitchen and my whole insides… Just the way the corner of his lips tilted upward made me want to drop my pants.”

  “Dropping your pants for a man who looks like Koi? That’s a horrible idea, says no man ever.”

  Christophe laughed softly. “Look, I should go. I promised Geoff a dinner. Don’t say anything to Koi, please?”

  Kofi rose and walked up close. “It’s not my secret to tell. But you should say something. You have to take a chance on love, Chris. I took a chance on Osaki and it worked out. Even if it doesn’t with you and Koi, it’s another one of those things that adds to your life. If you don’t, how will you know how good it could be?”

  Christophe hugged him then watched Kofi leave. Once the door had closed, Christophe’s knees gave out and he struggled to fall into a nearby chair. Maybe Kofi was right. Maybe he should take a chance, seduce Koi.

  What the hell did he know about the art of seduction anyway?

  He buried his face in his hand and was about to groan in frustration when the idea hit him. Christophe jerked to standing with an arched eyebrow. “I may not know—but Geoff… Well, he’s a veritable library of all things carnal!”

  Without making his calls, Christophe grabbed his cell phone and bag then darted out of the door.

  Chapter Five

  Koi looked over at Thýella. His mother smiled at him and he could tell she was wondering about him. She just had that look in her eyes he imagined every mother got when they think they’ve failed their child or that their child is in pain. He could always tell when she was worried for him. Though he never wanted her to be concerned, she was his mother and he’d learned a long time ago that he couldn’t stop her. Koi grinned.

  “You are so handsome,” Thýella said. “I do not know if I say this often enough. But I am proud of you and your brother—I hope you know that.”


  “No, I must say it. With everything that has befallen us due to your father’s betrayal and my stupidity, it is remarkable how much good you and Ciro have given my life.” She rose and approached him, extending a hand to caress his cheek gently.

  “Even though we have Zeus’ blood running through our veins, even though, like Perseus, we can handle the mighty lightning bolt, and even though we’re a constant reminder of a horrible past?”

  “Even then,” Thýella told him softly, her voice cracking. “To not love you and your brothers would be to deny my own breath. Though I may dislike your father and everything he stands for, I cannot put that on you and Ciro. I did not enjoy the union, sure, but my children are my everything.”

  “Sometimes I feel as if I ruined you, Mother. I feel broken and contemptible.”

  “But, my darling, you were born with ten toes and ten fingers and a smile that could light up a room. There’s nothing broken or unworthy about you. You are perfect.”


  “I do love you, Koi. And yes I worry about you because one, I am your mother and if I did not, what kind of mother would I be? And two, everyone needs companionship—one that makes you happy.”

  “Love is not for everyone, Mother,” Koi replied. “Some of us will never find that special person.”

  “Anoi ̱síes.”

  Koi chuckled. “It is not nonsense, Mother. Just the truth.”

  “That is your truth,” Thýella told him. “Not mine.”

  Koi pressed his face into her soft touch and sighed. “Come, Mother. We mustn’t be late for Kofi’s dinner.”

  “He will not mind. I have been meaning to get you read.”

  “Read? For what purpose and by whom? Ciro was read and look how well that turned out.”

  She made a face at him. “I never expected that. Believe me.”

  “I am quite all right without having someone look into my future. Let it be a surprise.”

  “I do not care very much for surprises.” Thýella pouted. “I would like to see you happy too, my son. Like I said before, I do not wish for you to be alone.”

  Koi smiled and stood. He cradled her face, meeting her stormy gray eyes. “Did you not know, Mother? As long as I have you, I will never be alone.”

  “But you need a lover…”

  He kissed both her cheeks then her forehead. “Do not worry so. Humans go their whole lives without knowing who their true love is. Sometimes they never meet said destiny. Yet they are strong and prosperous. I will not die if I never find carnal love. I have a family who adores me—is that not enough?”

  “For now… Come. You are correct. We should not be tardy. It is in very poor taste.”

  Koi chuckled and allowed her to wrap her arm with his. Together, they stepped out of existence in the great hall and walked across the sky unseen by human eyes. When they popped into Kofi’s house, Koi’s nose was instantly assaulted by the most delicious food he’d ever smelled. “Kofi?”

  “In the kitchen!”

  They followed the chatter coming down the hall until they entered the open-concept space. Ares and Sisqo were already there. He took a moment to greet them all while his mother did the same and soon she was sitting in the living area, flipping through the television stations. He watched her for a moment, but when Sisqo and Ares joined her, Koi delved in to help Kofi prepare dinner.

  “How are you?” Kofi asked. “We haven’t had a chance to talk in a while.”

  “Been better, I suppose,” Koi said. “But it is okay, really. With planning yours and Osaki’s wedding, I understand.”

  “I’m still sorry. We’re family. I really should learn to multitask.”

  Koi laughed. “Sure. Mother cornered me to ask about my happiness.”

  Kofi chuckled. “She’s a mom. That’s her job to worry over you. I miss that.”

  “I understand. I just feel…” Koi dumped some ice into a large holder and stuck the sodas Aries had gotten addicted to in it. “Sometimes I feel like the child outside the Candyman’s shop, wanting to buy candy too, but cannot afford it so I stand out there, with my face pressed to the glass looking in.”

  “Why, Koi, is that a Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory reference?”

  Koi grinned shyly. “I believe that was the name of the movie. I still feel sad for him. But, seriously, I would enjoy being in love, I think. I have no experience in that part of life, but it looks like pure heaven.”

  “And you think I do—have experience, I mean? Look around you! A few years ago, I thought humans were it. Now there are Shivers. The Greek God of War is sitting in my living room with one of Poseidon’s sons and my mother-in-law is Goddess of the Storm Winds who is watching How to Get Away with Murder in my living room—I’m not used to any of this either. But it’s a learning experience. After a while, it will be like breathing.”

  Koi nodded. “I suppose you are right.”

  “Did you and Christophe have a chance to talk?”

  “Something like that. I thought we were heading in a bit of a good direction, then he got this look… Let’s not speak on that now. Tonight is a happy occasion.”

  The words were barely out of his mouth when Hades popped into the room carrying a bunch of flowers. Koi reached across the island to bump fists with Hades—a way of greeting he’d learned from Carter.

  “You would not b
elieve the chatter,” Hades said. “Hey, Kofi. Something smells delicious.”

  “Thanks. What chatter?” Kofi asked.

  “Gossip, really.” Hades climbed to a stool and stuck his hand into the salad to snag a piece of lettuce. “It all makes my head hurt. Olympus is like… How is it Liosh said it—high school?”

  Kofi chuckled. “Sounds about right. I’ll go see if the others want anything.”

  After Kofi had left, Koi turned to look at Hades. “I know that look. There’s something on your mind. What is it?”

  Hades glanced over his shoulder then walked around the kitchen counter to grab a glass vase. He filled it with water and dropped the flowers in. “You know they said the God of the Underworld could never hold anything beautiful—they said my touch would kill all the loveliness of the world.”



  “The chatter?”

  “Oh, right. Sorry. Um, right. They’re saying they sense a Shiver in the air.”

  “Which one?”

  Hades shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t know? It has to be either me, Ciro or Osaki. Did they not mention a name?”

  “No. But they didn’t mean any of you three and I know all the rogues are accounted for. Perhaps they are just speaking from old times’ sake, but I get the feeling something is wrong. This is why I do not venture to Olympus much. Their constant bickering makes my head hurt.”

  Koi took a breath and patted Hades’ shoulder. “Let us prepare for dinner.”

  Hades agreed, and while Koi was involved in dinner, his mind kept switching back and forth between Hades’ concerns and just how sexy Christophe was sitting across from him. Christophe’s face was sculpted with a scar over his right eye. That was probably from his days in the octagon as a mixed martial arts fighter. He had brown eyes, the deepest browns Koi had ever seen, and each time he looked into Christophe’s eyes, Koi wondered what they would be like, hot with desire. At one point he caught himself staring and had to bow his head and smile.


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