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Shivers Page 47

by Remmy Duchene

  “That’s what you’re going with?” Kofi asked. “Shoot, I went certifiable. I mean, here I was trying to protect my brother, and he’s telling me the Goddess of Misery and Regret was following me around as well as the God of the Underworld. And to top it all off, I could feel this samurai with me everywhere I went.”

  “So, how did you get so comfortable with all of it?” Christophe asked without turning to look at them.

  “Well,” both Carter and Kofi began then stopped and laughed.

  “Well,” Carter continued. “You have to decide. He told you everything, right? About his father, his mother, how they came to being, the dangers that lurk in the corners and in the closets? You have to now decide if you can live with them.”

  “It can’t be that easy.”

  “Of course it is,” Kofi spoke up. “Love conquers all—if you don’t believe that, you can’t be involved with a Shiver. Take Ciro, for example. He’s had to kill a bunch of his brothers—”

  “What?” Christophe whirled around. “How is that okay?”

  “He didn’t have a choice,” Kofi replied. “They were strong, powerful. One of them decided to go after Carter and took out the windows of his office building. Carter could have died.”

  “Don’t forget the tropical storms during farming season in Cuba, the floods, tearing down buildings…” Carter added. “They were dangerous. They wanted the humans to die, plain and simple, and Ciro couldn’t stand by and watch that.”

  “Osaki had to kill his brother—again,” Kofi said.

  “What do you mean again?” Christophe sat across from the brothers.

  “You learned about the Ōnin War, right?” Carter asked.

  Christophe nodded. “But I barely remember it.”

  Kofi proceeded to explain everything to Christophe, who sat there, jaw dropped. When the story was finished, Christophe whistled long and low. “Shit, this is one fucked-up family.”

  Carter laughed. “Yeah. We’re trying to change that, but Zeus can’t seem to keep his dick in his pants long enough to give us a chance.”

  Christophe rose and paced.

  “Don’t worry. We won’t let anything happen to you or Geoff. Ares is with him now,” Carter told him.

  “That’s not what I’m worried about.”

  “Then what?” Kofi asked.

  “Koi was so scared,” Christophe answered, his voice cracking. “He was terrified that if he told me who and what he is that I’d leave and that’s precisely what I did. Sure, I told him that I needed time, but it feels as if I abandoned him. I mean, I should have been stronger.”

  “No. Don’t do that.” Carter walked over to touch his shoulder. “As humans, we’re terrified of everything that is labeled different. But to stay with this family, with this group, you can’t let that fear drive you. You have to put yourself out there and trust that if you fall, there will always be someone there to catch you. You have to understand that bad people surface and there are things that go bump in the night and sometimes you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves, grab a gun and fight.”

  Kofi spoke up from where he was leaning against the desk with his arms folded across his muscular chest. “The question now, Christophe, is whether you can deal with all of this. Can you learn to love Koi, even with his faults, even with some of the things he must do to protect this world from those who want to destroy it?”

  Christophe listened to those words quite carefully. He then played them over and over inside his head along with the way Koi made him feel. The logical mind told him to run. But his heart and every other part of him told him not to be a coward, to stand by Koi’s side and not betray him. After a few silent breaths, he nodded and looked from Carter to Kofi. “All right,” he said, turning to face the window. “Let the bastards come.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The room was lit with old-fashioned torches, which surprised Koi. The grand room was silent and that unnerved him. To make matters worse, it had no windows and he suddenly felt as though he was being suffocated. Taking a strangled breath, he rubbed his palms into his thighs.

  “You want me to help you—after all that this family has done to me?” Psyche asked.

  “Come now, darling,” Eros murmured. “Do not consider the Shivers a part of that family. They have proven themselves worthy time and time again.”

  “I do not know.”

  “I am begging you, Psyche. Please…” Koi’s voice broke as he slipped to his knees before her.

  Psyche tilted her head, her silver eyes peering into him, and he knew she was seeing past his soul. He didn’t like it, but didn’t really have a choice.

  “You are in love, Koi,” Psyche said.

  He bowed his head.

  “Yes. I can see it. You are afraid for him, so afraid that you would come to me.”

  “I do not mean to be rude or opportunistic,” Koi explained. “We felt you needed to be left alone after all you have been through to get to Eros. We did not wish to intrude. But now, I need to save Earth, I need to save my brothers and I need to save…the man I love.”

  Psyche smiled and cradled his face. “No one understands that urgent need to get back to the arms of the man you love better that I. There is nothing more primal in us. But are you sure I can be of assistance?”

  Koi nodded. “We do not know who is behind this. They are coming after me, Christophe—”

  “Oh, the fighter…” Psyche said in a teasing voice.

  “You know of Christophe?”

  “I can see him through your eyes,” she replied. “You may not wish to admit you feel strongly for this man, but I know.”

  Koi smiled. “It will all mean nothing if I cannot keep him safe.”

  “It will be important, for you love him. Love is always vital and special.”

  “I get that. I am not saying love isn’t important. What I am saying is it will not matter if he is not here. So, will you help me?”

  Pysche glanced over to Eros, her husband, and Koi knew the two were having a conversation only the two of them understood. He rested his head forward against Psyche’s knee as his heart raced with terrified anticipation. He remained that way until she touched the top of his head.

  “I shall assist you, Koi. But only because you and your brothers have been kind and you are truly in love.”

  “But Eros didn’t say anything about—” Koi began.

  “A woman knows,” she replied with a smile. “I am sorry I have not been more open to you and your brothers and their mates. Sometimes people hear about me and automatically believe I will go digging around in their souls. That is not the case. I stay with my love, tend my gardens and I am happy.”

  “There is nothing wrong with that,” Koi replied. “I seek the peace and comfort of my man’s love, but the dangers that lurk in every corner make it hard for me to be at rest. My brothers take it in their stride. They believe in the idea of facing things as they come. But my brain is in a constant chess game, thinking many dangers ahead.”

  “Perhaps you need to take a break. Take this love and go away for a while,” Eros offered. “Once this is over, I mean.”

  “Perhaps you are right, Eros. But that would be up to him.”

  “Now,” Psyche said, standing and offering Koi her hand, “let us figure this out.”

  Koi nodded and the three of them met with Harun in the desert and proceeded to Hurghada. Once there, Psyche told them to remain on the ground as she rose in the air, white gown flowing around her, dark hair fluttering beautifully about her gorgeous face. She extended her arms outward, allowed her deep, green eyes to drift closed.

  Out of sheer habit, Koi recalled the guns on his back as everything suddenly went still. Eros, too, had a sword in his hand, and Harun’s silver eyes closed beneath his hood. Maybe they were all being paranoid, but Psyche was putting herself in harm’s way to help Koi and he’d be damned if he allowed anything to happen to her while doing so.

  After a few tense minutes, Psyche lowered
herself to the sandy ground and they walked up to her. She fell into Eros’ chest, seemingly exhausted. He sheathed his sword and scooped her into his arms.

  “Did you feel something?” Eros asked.

  “Yes.” She sighed. “Do you know Gnóseis?”

  Koi tilted his head. “Gnóseis? Yes. But she has nothing to do with this. She was purged by Zeus and Hera for they could not trust her after she tried ruining Ciro.”

  “No, she was not. Zeus told Hera to do it. Now Gnóseis has something Hera wants and is willing to do anything to get it back. I could not see what.”

  “Hera is doing this to me,” Koi whispered, his knees shaking.

  Someone grabbed him by the shoulders and he looked up to see that it was Harun.

  “Be strong, my friend,” Harun encouraged. “We know what we must do now.”

  Koi stepped away to hug Psyche. “Thank you.”

  “Be careful,” she advised, returning the embrace. “Hera is dangerous and she is evil and for some reason your brothers and you are not loved by her. Please…”

  “Thank you, beautiful soul,” Koi whispered before easing back to cradle her face and kissing her cheek. “But you know what I have to do. It will not end until I make it.”

  “Then I will help you,” Eros offered.

  “No,” Koi replied, turning to pat his shoulder. “You must remain with Psyche just in case there is some form of retaliation for her assisting us. I will return once I am finished.”

  They struck an agreement and Harun vanished along with Eros and his wife. Once he was alone, Koi’s anger built within him, bubbling like lava in a volcano. He tried inhaling, to calm down, but it didn’t work. He lifted his head to the sky and shouted his displeasure. The heavens heard and it rained, drenching him to the very core. Lightning charged across the sky with each step he took in the desert.

  The sky parted and a figure Koi would recognize from anywhere descended. The god stopped before him and Koi instantly allowed his guns to materialize on his back and reached for one. He pressed the weapon into Zeus’ chest and fired. Zeus went sailing across the wet sand. Koi knew he couldn’t kill Zeus, but he could hurt him, maybe as much as Koi had been hurting.

  Zeus laughed and that just served to infuriate Koi further.

  “This is all your doing!” Koi thundered, stalking across the sands like a man possessed. He fired again, this time clocking Zeus in the shoulder, flipping him over.

  “I see you found out,” Zeus said, struggling to his feet.

  “You knew!” Koi was incredulous. “You knew she was doing this and you did nothing! I am your son!”

  “You are my mistake!”

  “Ah, I see,” Koi said. “Not my circus so not my monkeys—is that it? You will end this.”

  “Or what?” Zeus taunted

  “How would you like to see the sky on fire?” Koi growled.

  “All this for a piece of ass?” Zeus asked.

  Koi raised the blasters again.

  Zeus held up his hand in surrender. “Why is it you Shivers fall so hard? I mean, look at Osaki and Ciro, why humans? They aren’t forever, you know?”

  “You have been around longer than I, so you should know the answer to that. Oh, but then again…” Koi stopped, took a breath and sheathed his guns. He turned to walk away when Zeus grabbed his arm.

  He whipped around, braced both hands against Zeus’ chest and shoved. Koi felt his eyes crackling as the battle began. Though Koi didn’t usually use a lance to fight, he had one materialize and was charging after Zeus across the sky. Their weapons crashed into one another’s, causing fiery sparks to trail to the ground in the rain. At one point Koi was struck in the chest and it took his breath away. He sailed through the air, crashing onto the desert floor, leaving a wet trail behind. Gritting his teeth, he was in time to move out of the way of Zeus’ landing. He slammed the lance into Zeus’ back, dropped it and reached for his guns.

  “I did not realize how strong you were,” Zeus said, turning.

  “You have not seen anything yet,” Koi replied.

  Their fight continued until Osaki, Ciro and Sisqo showed up. Zeus growled and vanished in a swirl of dust. Koi slumped to one knee, exhausted. Ciro stopped the rain before rushing to Koi’s side.

  “What is going on?” Osaki asked.

  “It was Hera,” Koi replied. “Hera and Gnóseis, working together to ruin me. What have I done to deserve this?”

  “You exist,” Sisqo said.

  “Gnóseis—she and I need to have a conversation.” Anger was evident in Ciro’s voice. “And this time, Carter will not be there to save her.”

  Koi stood and took his brother’s shoulder. “No, Ciro. It is my turn. When I am through, Hera will have to answer for her crimes, and as for Gnóseis—I will not be as merciful as you were.”

  * * * *

  Christophe listened to the story Koi told about Eros and his wife Psyche and what they found out. Instantly, he knew what had to be done and almost as quickly his stomach churned with fear. He did not like the idea, especially the part where they had no plan for how to get Hera to stop.

  “She could kill you,” Christophe said. Those words left a bad taste in his mouth.


  “Then what would I do without you?”

  “Move on.”

  “Damn it, Koi! Stop sounding so fucking matter-of-fact about it. It’s not that simple. I just got you to start looking at me like you do, so I’m going to be selfish as shit and say she can’t take you from me.”

  “I know,” Koi said. “And I am sorry.”

  “Stop saying you’re sorry. Shit, would you listen to me? I sound like a needy little—”

  “Like a what?”

  “Gimme a break, huh, Koi? I’m trying to deal with this, and even though I… Even though I am not running away, it still sucks.”

  They fell into silence again. The admission of war and the almost confession of love hung in the air like a bad smell. He hadn’t dated much, but each time he’d tried, something had happened that turned him off and pushed him right out of the relationship. With Koi, this being a Shiver thing should be just another one of those deal breakers. But his heart fluttered at just the mere thought of Koi. Then he remembered how his body caught fire at Koi’s touch, the way his eyes turned Christophe on, and he couldn’t run.

  “It is still not too late to get out.”

  “Don’t be an ass,” Christophe snapped.

  “I just…”

  “And you’re sure you have to do this?” Christophe asked. He sat on the sofa and rested half his body across Koi’s lap. Out of sheer need to be comforted, he tangled his fingers with Koi’s as the Shiver gently caressed the back of Christophe’s hand with a thumb.


  “Not for me—”

  “Always for you,” Koi replied. “But I am doing this for me as well. I would like to be happy, Christophe, with you. All this fighting is slowly destroying— It is breaking my heart, and soon I fear there will be no coming back from all of that. I cannot have them constantly coming after you, after us. You do not deserve that. It would kill me because I…”

  “You what?”

  Koi didn’t speak, so Christophe leaned from his lap, tossed his legs over the side and turned. He looked into the beautiful, yet troubled gaze of the man he’d been falling in love with since the first moment their eyes had met. “Koi?”


  “You what?”

  Koi closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. Christophe dropped a soft kiss to his lips but didn’t sit up all the way. He kept his face so close to Koi he could feel the Shiver’s breath caress his flesh. “You can tell me anything, Koi.”

  “I do not know about this time.”

  “You told me you weren’t human. What’s harder than that?”

  “This is…”

  “Koi, you can trust me. Have I given you a reason not to?”

  Koi shook his head. “That’s not the reason why I�

  “Guys, I hate to interrupt but…” Carter stuck his head through the back door.

  “Then don’t,” Christophe replied.

  “It’s time,” Carter said. “I’m sorry, Chris.”

  Christophe bowed his head against Koi’s shoulder. He couldn’t believe what was happening. “I’m coming with you.”

  “What? No.”

  “Koi, this is not up for debate. This—this, what we have, is about me too. I can’t sit here like some damsel in distress and let you save me. It’s cute and reads very nicely in a book, but I want to fight for us too.”

  “You don’t have time to argue with that logic,” Carter said. “And speaking from experience, there is no way you’ll be able to talk him out of it. So just give him a weapon and let’s go.”

  Koi sighed and removed a necklace from around his neck. Christophe watched as Koi fingered the strange blue pendant for a silent moment then strapped the piece of jewelry over Christophe’s head.

  “I am hoping you will not need this,” Koi said, his voice cracking. “But if you do, it will protect you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I figured you would wish to be by my side, so I have stored a little of my powers in the pendant.”

  “How do I activate it?”

  “I am not a Power Ranger.” Koi laughed then pressed his lips to the pendant.

  It heated against Christophe’s flesh, making him moan. “What-choo know about Power Rangers?” Christophe arched an eyebrow.

  Instead of replying, Koi merely cradled Christophe’s face and kissed him. It wasn’t a kiss like before. This kiss didn’t stir any carnal desires, but showed Christophe just how much this was breaking Koi’s heart. Christophe allowed his lover to taste from his lips, hoping it would give Koi comfort. When Koi eased back, there were tears in his eyes. Christophe reached across and pulled Koi into his arms.

  “I feel it too, Koi. I fight by your side or we don’t fight at all.”

  “What weapon did you certify in to get your belt?”

  “My black belt? Why?”


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