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by Lynn Hagen


  Demon Warriors 12


  [Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, ManLove, Alternative, Fantasy, Paranormal, Demons, Romantic Suspense, MM, HEA]

  Dr. Amir Nadeem has only been in Brac Village for six months, moving there after his partner of ten years died. He’s trying to put his life back together, be a good father to his two little children, and even opens his own a practice in town. Things seem to be looking up until he runs into Deandre, a man who claims to be a demon, a protector of a city Amir isn’t even sure exists.

  Deandre met Amir on a hiking trail in Colorado, and is shocked when he discovers Amir lives in Brac Village. He becomes infatuated with Amir, and can’t seem to stay away, even when Amir pulls a shotgun on him and calls the cops. When sinister plans are put into place, involving Amir’s home, Deandre fights to keep the human safe, while exploring the deep attraction he feels toward Amir, and a family Deandre is hoping to be a part of.

  Length: 33,000 words


  Demon Warriors 12

  Lynn Hagen


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2020 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-198-3

  First Publication: July 2020

  Cover design by Emma Nicole

  All art and logo copyright © 2020 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Demon Warriors 12


  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  Deandre looked out over the landscape after he’d finished hiking the trail. He breathed in the woodsy scent, letting it out slowly as he felt every cell in his body begin to relax.

  This was his escape, his private oasis that no one knew about. It was where he went to clear his mind when he felt as though life had taken one too many punches and he’d lost his breath.

  It wasn’t the fact that the demon warriors were looking for a ghost, a man who had helped an unseelie try to kill Phoenyx and his mate. Deandre could handle things like that. That was the normal crap in his life.

  It was seeing how happy Phoenyx and Edward were. That look in Phoenyx’s eyes said he now had that kind of dewy love and he’d do anything his mate wanted.

  That was why Deandre was standing on the cliff, letting the wind carry his troubles away.

  For many years now Deandre had watched the warriors fall one by one, finding their mates and settling down. Everyone thought that Deandre loved the bachelor life, and Deandre tried to convince himself of that every day. But seeing another of his brethren find his mate served only to remind him that he was meant to live a lonely existence.

  “Get out of your own head,” he grumbled to himself. “Just enjoy the view and stop throwing a pity party for one.”

  “That’s sound advice.”

  Deandre didn’t bother turning around. Maybe if he ignored the intruder on his peaceful moment the person would go away. Deandre had come up here to clear his head, not engage in polite conversation.

  He was also pissed that he’d been so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard the human’s approached. And he smelled like pure human.

  “Beautiful view, isn’t it?”

  “Look, pal…” Deandre turned, and the words fell dead. The stranger was tall and lean, with russet-brown hair, hazel eyes, and a day’s growth of beard on his jaw. The guy was in hiking gear, a backpack on his back. He had his thumbs hooked in the straps as he gazed over the vista.

  “It’s not often I can get away to hike, so I really enjoy it when I do.” He stuck his hand out. “I’m Amir.”

  Deandre looked at the guy’s hand and decided not to be a dick about this. He shook it. “Deandre.”

  “I didn’t mean to intrude, Deandre. I just heard you talking to yourself and headed this way. It’s nice to have company on the trails.” He looked Deandre over. “Though you’re not dressed for hiking.”

  “I’m not actually hiking. I just needed time to myself. That’s a hint, if you didn’t catch it.”

  Amir’s laugh was light and breathy. “I caught it. But sometimes when you want to be alone, what you really need is someone to talk to.”

  “I was doing just fine talking to myself.” Deandre looked away, refusing to be charmed by the guy. Amir was handsome in a rugged sort of way, and any other time, Deandre would try to hit on him.

  He’d had his fair share of lovers. It wasn’t that Deandre enjoyed being single. A demon didn’t know who his mate was until he slept with the person, so that made for some really slutty warriors.

  And Deandre was sick and tired of faceless, nameless sexual encounters. After seeing Phoenyx and Edward together, he wanted more.

  “What a coincidence.” Amir chuckled. “I was talking to myself the entire hike. Now I can talk to you, even if you’d rather me walk away. But I’m used to people with acerbic personalities. It goes with the territory.”

  Deandre arched a brow. “Territory?”

  “I’m a therapist.”

  Great, just what Deandre didn’t need, his head shrunk. “Trust me. You don’t want to get inside my head. You’ll be scarred for life.”

  “Yep.” Amir nodded. “I’ve heard that one before. Trust me. There’s nothing you can tell me that would blow my mind.”

  If the guy only knew.

  “I live in the demon realm in a place called Serenity City. I’m a demon warrior, sworn to keep the citizens safe. My power is telekinesis, and I don’t give a rat’s ass who you are or what you do. Bugger off.”

  So much for not being a colossal dick.

  A burst of laughter escaped Amir, making his hazel eyes gleam. “Okay, you got me there. I haven’t heard that one before.”

  The guy thought Deandre was joking, pulling his chain, when he had just spilled the entire truth. A smile twitched at the side of Deandre’s mouth. “Here’s another one. I want to fuck you to find out if you’re my mate.”

  Amir’s smile faded as caution entered his eyes. He cleared his throat and looke
d away. “I think I should be heading back. It’s getting late, and I have a flight to catch.”

  Deandre would finally be alone again, but he felt like a complete ass for scaring Amir off. He was a fucking train wreck, and he’d just taken a light moment and turned it sour.

  Everyone always said Deandre was a little off, but he usually wasn’t so rude. He started to go after Amir but decided to let it go. What did it matter? He’d never see the human again. He didn’t even know his last name or where he lived.

  And that was for the best.

  Deandre hiked to the nearest cave and walked into it, exiting into Serenity City by King Wings. His stomach grumbled, so Deandre went inside for a bite to eat, Amir still on his mind.

  The loneliness inside of him grew just a little more.

  “That looks good.”

  Deandre groaned to himself. It seemed he couldn’t get away from people. Donny took a seat across from him and snatched one of Deandre’s fries.

  “Sure, help yourself.” He shoved the paper boat toward the warrior.

  “What bug crawled up your ass?” Donny grabbed a wing and tore into it as Deandre looked out the window. He needed to look harder for the mysterious partner Lyle had had. That would give him a purpose, a mission he could sink his teeth into and a way to forget that he had no one to go home to.

  “Does someone need a hug?” Donny dropped the decimated chicken piece and wiped his hands together. “Come here and I’ll give you one.”

  “Come anywhere near me and I’ll stop you from ever fathering children.”

  “Like that’ll ever happen.” Donny grabbed one of the napkins on the table and wiped his mouth. “Seriously, what’s going on with you?”

  I met a nice guy and kicked him in the nuts. “Just ain’t feeling it today.”

  “I have plenty of those days.” Donny scooted the paper boat back to Deandre before wiping his hands on one of the napkins on the table. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, and I’m a shitty counselor anyway.”

  Why did Donny have to say that word? Now Deandre was thinking of Amir again.

  “You need to focus on one task.” Donny tapped the pad of his index finger on the table. “Think of one thing to do and do it. Put your mind fully into it.”

  “Like catching that mysterious partner?”

  “Funny you should say that.” Donny leaned in closer. “It might not be anything, but rumors say someone with powers is working in some house on the outskirts of Brac Village. It may or may not be our guy, but what do you say we check it out?”

  “A ghost,” Deandre huffed. “We’re chasing a fucking ghost because we don’t even know who the guy is, what he looks like, or if he even exists.”

  “So sit here and wallow in whatever’s bothering you. I’m gonna go see what’s going on.” Donny stood. “See, I’ve got one task, and I’m focusing on it. If it doesn’t pan out, I’m stopping at the diner for some dinner since you only shared one wing and a fry.”

  “I didn’t order that food for you,” Deandre argued as he got up. “That was my snack, not yours. Buy your own damn food.”

  Donny flipped him off as they strode out of the wing joint. Deandre chuckled. His best friend could always cheer him up, even if he was being an asshole.

  They used the alley between Diablo’s and Malcor’s to enter the human realm. They stepped out of the alley on the side of the post office into the bright day.

  The two let their corporal forms fade in the sunlight, making them invisible as they walked down the street.

  “You could’ve gotten us closer to the house,” Deandre complained.

  “Since I don’t know which house, shut the hell up and stop complaining. Whatever got you in a sour mood is starting to wear on my nerves.”

  Deandre came up short when he saw a familiar figure walking out of the diner. No goddamn way. What were the odds?

  Donny stopped and turned. “What?” His gaze followed Deandre’s. “What’s up with that human? You know him?”

  Amir had a plastic bag in his hand, no doubt carryout. He looked around, and Deandre realized he hadn’t whispered. Nor had Donny.

  “Hello?” Amir looked up at down the street, shrugged, and walked to a red sedan. “I definitely need some rest if I’m hearing a conversation without anyone here.”

  “Tell me what’s going on.” Donny joined Deandre at his side. “What’s got you so fascinated with him?”

  “I don’t know,” Deandre answered honestly. “I was a total prick to him.”

  “So you do know him.”

  “Sort of. We met on a hiking trail in Colorado.” Since time worked differently between the realms, Deandre wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he’d seen Amir, but it couldn’t have been that long. A day or two? Twelve hours? He was never any good at the whole time difference thing.

  Deandre wanted to apologize to Amir, but he’d probably freak the human out if Amir saw that he was in Brac Village, too.

  “Task. Gotta check it out.” Donny tapped his upper arm. “Get your head out of his ass and let’s get this done.”

  Deandre watched as the car pulled from the parking spot, drove forward, and turned the corner.

  “I know you’re bullshitting me because you don’t even hike.” Donny started down the street again. What did that say when Deandre’s best friend knew very little about him?

  That you’re a closed-off son of a bitch that won’t even let your friends in.

  Restless and twitchy, Deandre caught up to Donny, putting Amir out of his mind so he could get back to his lonely, miserable life.

  * * * *

  They’d finally managed to find the house they were looking for. It was nightfall, dark as dead outside. This far from town there weren’t any streetlights and the moon was only a sliver, hiding behind thick clouds. The wind kicked up, sending forgotten dry leaves swirling toward the back of the house.

  There was a single light on in the front window. The rest of the place was dark. The house was nicely kept, with a front porch and a swing, along with a two-car garage in the back. The yard was huge considering the property was on a backroad.

  He heard the central air unit kicking on from somewhere in the back. A whirl and then a steady buzz.

  Empty swings moved back and forth with the wind, creaking chains, making it seem as if ghosts were out to play. Deandre saw the cluster of toys by the sandbox and cursed.

  “Are you sure we got the right house?” Why would a powerful nonhuman be at a house with kids? Deandre didn’t want to think about the answer.

  “Not one hundred percent.” Donny walked toward the back of the house. He must’ve seen the toys, because he turned and looked at Deandre. “I’m hoping we don’t have the right place.”

  Stones gathered in Deandre’s gut as he moved toward the windows and looked inside. He saw that he was looking at a kitchen, but the lights were out.

  If a powerful being was inside, it sure as shit was quiet. Deandre moved to the side of the house and peered inside. He saw a small bed, blue blankets, and racecar stickers on the walls. There was a small lump under the blanket.

  The next window showed him gossamer curtains, frilly bedding, pink walls, and dolls scattered about the room.

  The stones were getting heavier and heavier. Deandre prayed they were at the wrong house or their intel was bogus. He closed his eyes for a brief moment then turned toward Donny, who was studying the land that spread out on the right side of the house.

  “What?” Deandre whispered.

  Donny’s dark brows were furrowed. “Thought I saw something.”

  Beyond the vast yard were trees. Deandre took a moment to scan them, but he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “I’m gonna check it out.” Donny transported from where he stood in the driveway to the tree line, and then he walked into the woods, disappearing from sight.

  Deandre pulled his attention back to the window, only to find a tiny girl staring right at him. She could
n’t be any older than three or four in human years. He simply looked at her as she looked right back at him.

  Then she smiled and waved.

  Good fucking god. Didn’t she know not to interact with strangers? Some random dude was at her window and she was smiling, her little fingers twinkling at him.

  She had big, expressive hazel eyes and russet-brown hair that fell to her waist like an inky waterfall. She also had on one of those long nightgowns little girls wore, and there was a stuffed elephant tucked under one arm.

  Then she did the unthinkable. She opened her window. “Are you the tooth fairy?”

  Deandre was the biggest of the demon warriors, thickest, tall as shit, with shitkickers on his feet, faded jeans on his lower half, and a tight black T-shirt covering his broad chest. He was on the opposite spectrum of the tooth fairy.

  “You should go back to sleep, sweetheart,” Deandre whispered. Then he thought about it. “Who’s home?”

  She smiled, and he saw where the tooth was missing. “Me, Flynn, and my daddy.”

  “No one else?”

  “Nuh-uh.” She shook her head. “Aunt Zanny went home. Are you the tooth fairy ’cause I got a tooth under my pillow.”

  “Give it here.” Deandre couldn’t think of a quicker way to make her go back to bed. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. That was all he had.

  She came back to the window, her tiny hand curled into a fist. Deandre held his hand out, palm up, and she dropped her tooth into it. He handed her the money. “Put it under your pillow. Now go back to sleep.”

  She looked at the money. “Is this a dollar? Can I buy candy with it? Do I have to tell my daddy I have it? He’ll make me put it in my piggybank and I won’t be able to buy candy with it.”

  She could buy a shit-ton of candy with it. “Never keep secrets from your father.”

  Even if he would wonder where she got the money and who the fuck had been outside her window. Deandre wouldn’t be surprised if the guy put up security cameras after tonight.


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