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Deandre Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  Locking his gaze onto Amir’s smoldering eyes, Deandre pressed the head of his cock against Amir’s tight ring of muscles, letting his natural lube do the rest.

  Amir’s eyes widened. “What was that?”

  “My natural lube, babe.” He winked before kissing his way along Amir’s jaw, loving how the man’s stubble scraped over his skin. Deandre had never been with anyone who had facial hair, and he found he loved it.

  When the second spurt came, Deandre entered Amir, thrusting slowly, filling his lover with deliberate care even though his hips bucked and the tendons in his neck popped tight under his skin. He rocked gently inside of Amir, stroking Amir’s body with maddening restraint.

  Scooping Amir up into his arms, Deandre moaned as his lover sank deeper onto his cock. His legs trembled and grew tight as he held on to Amir. The human wrapped his legs around Deandre’s waist, his arms locking around Deandre’s neck as Amir held on.

  His hands slid behind Amir tenderly, his fingers curving around the globes of Amir’s ass. Deandre didn’t know what packed the stronger punch—the tight heat of Amir’s ass gripping his cock as he thrust his hips upward or Amir’s sudden, wholly unexpected nip at Deandre’s neck.

  Together, the two sensations proved almost cataclysmic. Deandre hungered for Amir, so deeply that it seemed to wring him out from the inside. He let his head fall to the side as Amir’s lips explored him. His body began to move at a fierce, demanding tempo. The scent of sex and sweat on hot skin intoxicated him.

  Deandre fought for control as the slick friction of joined bodies writhing together damn near sent him over the edge. His hands clamped down on Amir’s hips as Deandre slowed their rhythm.

  “I don’t want this to end so soon.” Deandre’s husky voice filled the room, sounding just as desperate as he felt.

  “Me either,” Amir replied breathlessly. “I don’t want you to ever leave my body.” His legs tightened around Deandre’s waist as his fingers curled around Deandre’s nape, his fingernails digging into his flesh.

  Amir had no clue just how tempting those words truly were. Deandre could just imagine staying locked like this forever. He knew it was an empty wish, not a practical reality, but that didn’t stop him from enjoying Amir’s body.

  “If only I could stay buried here forever.” Deandre was slowly rocking his cock upward, the tortuously unhurried move seeming more intense than when he was thrusting forcefully.

  “God, I’ve missed sex so much,” Amir moaned. “I’ve almost forgotten how good it feels.”

  Deandre chuckled, knowing Amir was feeling the drugging effects of the sex they were sharing together. Rocking forward, Deandre placed Amir on his back. Deandre had started to rear back when he felt it.

  Their connection slamming into place, binding their souls together.

  Amir was his mate.

  “Fuck, Amir. You’re mine.” Deandre’s hand slid under Amir’s ass, lifting his mate higher as he thrust his cock deeper. “All fucking mine.”

  Deandre’s cock thickened as his body exploded, his seed feeling as if it was being ripped from his balls. Amir was his. Fuck, Deandre couldn’t believe it. He’d hoped but hadn’t want to believe it, hadn’t wanted to be crushed if it weren’t true.

  Deandre gave a deep and predatory growl as his mate’s ass tighten around his cock, ropes of pearly-white cum splashing between them.

  Amir blinked several times as he stared at Deandre. “Fuck, it’s true, isn’t it? I felt it inside me, like a rubber band snapping into place.”

  “Are you upset?” Deandre eased out of Amir and settled behind him, pulling his mate close.

  “I’m not sure what to feel.” Amir turned in Deandre’s arms and stared up at him. “This feels like it’s moving so damn fast. I haven’t had time to process anything.”

  That wasn’t the answer Deandre wanted but accepted it. Everything seemed to be moving at lightning speed. Neither of them had had time to catch their breath.

  “I’m not rejecting you.” Amir slid his hand down Deandre’s sweaty chest. “I just…”

  Deandre kissed his mate’s forehead. “Take all the time you need.”

  A day for Amir was seconds for Deandre. Time moved differently for him after being alive for thousands of years. What was another day or another week? Just as long as Amir didn’t ask Deandre to stay away.

  He wasn’t sure he could. Amir was his to protect, love, and cherish. And now Deandre had two kids to think about. Amir wasn’t the only one who needed time to process everything.

  Chapter Seven

  Amir couldn’t believe he’d slept with Deandre. It had been the most amazing sex he’d had. Not that he was putting Hasan’s skills down, but… Amir forced those thoughts from his head. He wasn’t going to spoil the moment with guilt. Not when he felt amazing.

  And terrified.

  They were mates. Deandre had finally gotten his answer, and Amir was freaking out on the inside. A demon as a stepfather to his children.

  Amir was already dressed and standing back in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring the view of the city. It wasn’t as bad as he thought the demon realm would be, but it wasn’t a place for kids.

  Deandre had gone to Donny’s apartment to talk to him about something, which gave Amir time to himself—time to pull himself together and think this through with rationality.

  Until his phone rang. Honestly, it took him by surprise that it even worked in this realm. Then he worried he’d be charged something outrageous by his phone carrier for answering his cell while there.

  “Hello?” Amir stuck the phone to his ear and walked toward the kitchen, nosing his way into Deandre’s fridge. Hell, it was empty. The guy needed to shop for some groceries.

  “Where are you?” Zanny asked. “I came by this morning to drop the kiddos off, and you’re not here. And why on earth is the basement door off its hinges?”

  “What time is it?” Hadn’t Deandre said something about time moving differently here?

  “It’s three in the afternoon, Amir. This isn’t like you. I thought you’d be at work, but your office is closed. What’s going on?”

  Amir couldn’t have been at Deandre’s for more than an hour. Yet it had been at least fifteen hours since he’d left home. Fuck! “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Okay. The kids have had lunch and are out back playing.”

  “You’re still at my house?” Panic squeezed its way into Amir’s chest. What if more bad guys showed up looking for what Donny had pulled out of the wall?

  “Why do you sound freaked out?” Zanny asked. “Tell me what’s going on, Amir.”

  “I’ll explain everything when I see you. Until then, take the kids back to your house.”

  “Uh, okay. Call me when get home.” Zanny hung up just as Deandre walked into the apartment.

  “I have to go. It’s three in the afternoon in the human realm. I’ve been here too damn long. Zanny’s calling me, worried, and she’s at my house.”

  Deandre opened the front closet. “Let’s get going.”

  “See, this is why I should’ve never come here,” Amir said. “I can’t tell the time in my world and…ugh. This is a disaster. What if something had shown up at my house while my kids were there?”

  Deandre didn’t say a word. He simply grabbed Amir’s hand and pulled him forward. There went that feeling of falling. Amir tried to play it cool, but he ended up latching onto Deandre until the feeling disappeared.

  They were in his garage. “I didn’t know it could get this dark in here.”

  “You’d be amazed where darkness lies.” Deandre opened the garage door. He started to argue that maybe it was best Deandre went back home, but in truth, Amir wasn’t sure how he felt and, at the moment, didn’t want to be alone.


  Amir groaned. Zanny hadn’t taken them to her apartment like he’d asked. Sometimes he wanted to shake some sense into her. Amir loved her to death, but her life was a wreck, and that
was one reason Hasan had begged Amir never to tell their kids the truth.

  Amir hadn’t agreed but had given Hasan his word. It had been the least Amir could do considering Hasan had been two weeks away from dying. He would’ve promised anything.

  But in truth, Zanny was all about Zanny. She’d always been that way. Sure, she wanted to be in the kids’ lives, but she’d never wanted kids in the first place. It couldn’t even be about co-parenting because she’d been in and out of their lives over the past four years, coming and going on her own schedule.

  Amir was surprised she’d been so reliable lately, mostly, but didn’t hold out hope that it would last. Soon or later she’d find something that got her interest and she’d be off to do whatever Zanny did.

  Being a surrogate had been a favor to Amir and Hasan, not a responsibility she ever wanted on her own.

  Amir hadn’t told Deandre that part, because he didn’t want to tarnish Zanny in his eyes. But he had a feeling deep down in his gut that she wasn’t going to stick around. Some days she had a look in her eyes, a look that said she felt trapped.

  “Hey, munchkin.” Amir hugged Dahj and scooped Flynn from the ground, cradling the toddler in his arms. It felt good to be around them again. Amir hadn’t been gone that long, but damn had he missed them.

  “Tooth fairy!” Dahj beamed up at Deandre. “Do you have another dollar?”

  “Dahj!” Amir shook his head, exasperated with her. “You don’t ask people for money. It isn’t polite.”

  Deandre crossed his arms. “Unless you earn it. Clean up all your toys in the yard and I’ll give you a dollar.”

  Amir wanted to argue, but Deandre had a point.

  “Keen up!” Flynn wiggled in Amir’s arms until Amir put him down. He ran toward his sister to help her, doing most of the work.

  Amir and Deandre were standing at each other’s side, and even now, with his emotions all over the place, Amir wanted to fling himself into Deandre’s arms and stay there forever. He’d been attracted to Deandre from the start, and now that attraction went so much deeper.

  Did it really matter if the guy wasn’t human? Had Deandre done anything to prove he couldn’t be trusted? If anything, he’d proven himself time and again and had the patience—when it came to Amir and his kids—of a saint. The guy had even pitched in when he didn’t have to.

  Amir turned to him. “I’m sorry if I seem…off. I’m trying. I really am. I just need time to absorb all this.”

  Deandre seemed to visibly relax. “I know it’s a lot, and I’m not pressuring you to make any decisions or rearrange your life for me. I just want to be a part of it.”

  Amir bit his bottom lip. “And I want you to be a part of it.” He blew out a breath. “I was with Hasan for ten years and then single for over a year. It’s taking some getting used to, dating again.”

  Deandre brushed his knuckles over Amir’s cheek and smiled. The touch felt warm against his skin, and Amir fought not to lean into it. “We’re not dating, sweetheart.”

  “Mated.” Amir nodded. “I’ve got to get used to that too.”

  “Are you gonna kiss my daddy?”

  Amir had been so focused on Deandre that he hadn’t seen his daughter approach. He jumped back as if he’d been burned.

  “What do you know about kissing?” Deandre put his hands on his hips and an easy smile on his handsome face. “You better not be kissing any boys.”

  “No! Yuck!” She screwed her face up as if she’d just bitten into a lemon. “I know about kissing because my daddies used to kiss all the time.”

  “Dahj, go finish cleaning up your toys.” Amir was flustered and didn’t know how to answer her. Was he ready to tell his daughter that Deandre was there to stay? Would she be ready to hear that? She’d adored Hasan, and Amir wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  “And if I wanted to kiss your daddy, would that be okay?” Deandre asked, even if Amir hadn’t wanted him to.

  She puckered her lips and tapped her chin. “Are you gonna be nice to my daddy?”

  “Always,” Deandre said.

  She smiled. “Then you can kiss him.” She skipped away and sat on the grass while she watched Flynn clean up all the toys.

  “Don’t.” Deandre held up his hands. “Don’t be mad at me for answering her questions.”

  Amir spoke what he’d been thinking then added, “She’s so young, and I’m not sure if she’ll understand. What if she thinks I’m replacing Hasan?”

  “As long as you bring positive influences into her life, steady people she can depend on, I think she’ll be okay.”

  Amir was the therapist, yet Deandre was saying exactly what Amir would’ve told anyone else in his position. So why wasn’t he taking the sage advice? “Slow,” he said. “We take this real slow in front of the kids. I want Dahj to have time for adjustment.” Amir wagged a finger at Deandre. “And stop having her call you the tooth fairy.”

  Deandre laughed, which made Amir smile. “She assumed I was, so who was I to let her down?”

  Zanny finally came outside and looked between them. “I’m heading out now. I have a ton of things to do.”

  She seemed pissed, so Amir didn’t say a word as she spun and went back inside.

  “Will she be okay?” Deandre asked.

  “Zanny is Zanny.” Amir shrugged and joined his kids to help them clean up their mess.

  Deandre went inside, and when Amir and the children followed, he found the guy at the stove.

  “You didn’t have to cook, but it does smell wonderful.” Crap. Amir remembered he’d had clients today. He’d have to call them and give them some bullshit excuse and reschedule them.

  He took Dahj and Flynn to the bathroom to wash up and settled them in front of the television before joining Deandre in the kitchen.

  “Something simple,” Deandre said over his shoulder. “Pork chops, corn on the cob, and biscuits.”

  That was simple? That meal would’ve taken Amir a good amount of time to make considering he would have been running behind Flynn most of the time. Deandre was proving to be more helpful than the guy knew. “About the problem we’re having…”

  “I can crash on your couch,” Deandre said without turning around. Amir liked that Deandre knew instantly what he was talking about. “Donny already agreed to keep watch outside. That’s what I went to talk to him about.”

  Now Amir really felt like a jackass for halfway shutting down on Deandre after that amazing sex. The guy had just been going to talk to someone about looking out for him.


  Deandre looked past Amir, which made Amir look over his shoulder. He didn’t see anyone. When he turned back around, Deandre stole a kiss.

  “Nobody saw me.” He winked before he went back to the stove. “After dinner I’ll fix the basement door.”

  Dear god, Amir was blushing like a schoolgirl. He sagged against the counter and smiled so brightly that his cheeks hurt.

  Was he falling for Deandre? It sure as hell felt like it.

  * * * *

  It felt good to contribute in some sort of way, like he was a part of Amir’s inner circle. Making dinner had been a breeze and something Deandre thoroughly enjoyed.

  Cleaning up afterward, not so much. But he did the dishes as Amir gave the kids a bath. The whole domestic thing. Wow. Hit him right in the heart. Technically a dad now. That still blew Deandre’s mind. Amir was right. Things were moving so damn fast, but Deandre had to admit he was enjoying the ride.

  Amir was so strong, a no-nonsense sort of guy who took pride in his family and his career. He was a therapist, which told Deandre he liked helping people. The man had a golden heart, and Deandre was determined to protect Amir at any cost.

  He turned when someone tapped on the back door. It was Donny, and he had Cadeym with him. “Thought I’d bring backup in case that bright-light shit happened again. His power to produce lightning just might come in handy.”

  “I don’t mind being used.” Cadeym smirked. “I�
��m used to it.”

  Deandre wasn’t sure how to take that statement. He’d known Cadeym a long time, and normally he didn’t talk like that. “I appreciate anything you can do tonight. I’ll owe you one.”

  “Nah.” Cadeym shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything.” He shrugged and looked to his left. “I don’t mind a quiet night. It’ll give me a break from fucking anything that ain’t nailed down so I can find my mate.”

  The lonely existence of a demon warrior without a mate. Deandre knew exactly how Cadeym felt. Or he had until he’d found Amir.

  “I’m gonna go get lost in the woods, keep my eyes peeled. Enjoy your night.”

  When Cadeym walked away, Deandre looked at Donny. “What the hell is going on with him?”

  “Was really digging on someone and got dumped.” Donny looked toward where Cadeym walked and rubbed his jaw. “We’ll keep an eye on things. I think he needs a buddy right now. Peace.”

  Donny used his teleportation powers to catch up to Cadeym, and then Deandre stared as the pair walked slowly toward the woods.

  His heart went out to Donny and Cadeym. The last of the warriors to be single. Most of the time it hadn’t bothered any of them, but there were moments when the head-fuck kicked in and the depression took root.

  Deandre had had too many nights where he’d lived inside his head, watching the mated warriors and envying them.

  “Is everything okay?” Amir came into the kitchen. “I thought I heard voices.”

  “Donny arrived. He brought our friend Cadeym with him. They’re in the woods watching over things.” Deandre shut the door, feeling an ache in his chest for them.

  “Oh. Make sure you tell them I said thanks for helping out.” Amir waved a hand toward the kitchen entrance. “The kids are bathed and waiting for us in the living room.”

  Deandre had no idea what Amir was talking about. “Waiting for what?”

  “A movie.” Amir smiled. “Figured we can watch something before they had to go to bed. Something to give them sweet dreams.”

  Thirty minutes later Deandre was relaxed on the couch, Amir right next to him, Dahj squeezed in between them, her head on Deandre’s lap, her little legs sprawled over Amir’s. Flynn was on the other side of the couch, already fast asleep.


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