New Bridge to Lyndesfarne

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New Bridge to Lyndesfarne Page 11

by Trevor Hopkins


  Hello again Kithyn.

  Kevin surprised me this evening. He asked me out for dinner! In a pub! I have not been in a pub for years or for that matter out for dinner with a man. The whole idea was quite a shock. I was not sure at first whether to accept, but I thought that Kevin would be company of a sort, I suppose, in a quiet sort of a way. And it would certainly be better than spending an evening alone in a hostel room.

  Tonight I told Kevin the Legend of the Ferryman. Is that the correct translation, do you think? It seemed so strange to tell this familiar tale in English. It is so much a part of the history of the Guild, and yet speaking it aloud with my limited translation skills made me hear the story as if for the first time.

  Then Kevin asked me a question I could not answer; what happened to the Ferryman after the construction of the bridge? I have never heard any explanation! Not have I found any mention of what happened in my history books. What do you think?

  I spent all evening in that pub, with Kevin, having dinner and drinking just a little bit too much wine. (He drank beer – so like a man!) I enjoyed the food, too, although it was nothing like home cooking.

  Kevin was really rather charming, and I found his anecdotes highly amusing. He told me about some of the places he had been in his world, too. It really is such a strange and wonderful place.

  Kevin was so witty and entertaining, and much better company than I would have thought. But I still sense there is some deep sadness in him – I would like to find out more about him, I think.

  So good to hear that the boys are doing well, and growing so quickly too. This is the nature of teenagers, I think.

  It is late at night now, so I will close here.

  With very best wishes from your old friend Tanji.


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