by Ruth Snowden
Freudian slips, see parapraxes
Freudian symbols, 65–7
friendships, 12–13
Fromm, Erich, 178–9
The Future of an Illusion, 148
Gardiner, Muriel, 167
gender bias, 4
genital stage, 121–2
Graf, Herbert (Little Hans), 165–6
Helmholtz principle, 28
histology, 6, 18
homosexuality, 90, 92–3
Horney, Karen, 177–8
humanistic therapy, 181
hypnosis, 6, 21–2, 23, 30–1
hysteria, 6, 20–2, 23–4, 31–4
id, 72, 125–7
identification, 136
identity, 179
Imago, 147
incest, 102
infantile amnesia, 108–11
infantile sexual fantasies, 62–3
infantile sexuality, 89–90, 96–9, 106–8
innocent jokes, 85
instincts, 141–2
Institute of Psychoanalysis, 170
intellectualization, 138–9
International Congress of Freudian Psychology, 170
International Psychoanalytical Association, 8
The Interpretation of Dreams, 8, 36, 44, 46, 47, 52
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 9
introjection, 136, 141
inversion, 92
Irma’s Injection dream, 7, 46, 53
isolation, 138–9
jokes, 84–6
Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious, 74, 84–5
Jones, Ernest, 170, 171
Jung, Carl, 8, 62, 74, 76, 164, 170, 172–4
Juvenal, xxiii
the Kabbala, 13–14
Klein, Melanie, 176
Lanzer, Ernst (Rat Man), 166–7
latency period, 97, 120
latent content, 46, 58–60, 67
Leonardo da Vinci, 158–9
Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood, 158–9
libido, 73, 76
life instinct, 73, 143
life of Freud
early, 1–3
career, 5–10
private, 10–15
literature, 157–61
Little Hans (Herbert Graf), 165–6
male hysteria, 24
manifest content, 46, 58–60
masochism, 57, 95–6
masturbation, 66, 100, 106, 112, 115, 120
mechanistic view, 18, 25, 26–7
medical research, 19–20
medical training, 17–18
melancholia, 140–1
Meynert, Theodor, 18
the mind
divisions of, 70–2
new model of, 124–5
theory of the unconscious, 52, 72–5
unconscious mind, xxiii–xxiv
moral anxiety, 131
moral thinking nineteenth century, 25–9
Moses and Monotheism, 148, 152–3
mourning, 140–1
Mourning and Melancholia, 140–1
narcissism, 139–40
neuropathology, 5–6, 18
neurosis definition, xxii
neurotic anxiety, 131
New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 9
nightmares, 58
nirvana principle, 37–8
Object Relations School, 177
Oedipus complex, 45, 116–20
On Aphasia, 6
On the Origin of the Species, 27
oral aggressive character, 144
oral cancer, 11, 14
oral fixation, 112
oral passive character, 144
oral sex, 93–4
oral stage, 111–12
Pankejeff, Sergius, see Wolf Man
Pappenheim, Bertha (Anna O), 29–31
parapraxes, 78–84
patriarchy, 25, 29
penis envy, 99, 115, 178
personality (of SF), 11
phallic stage, 115–16, 144–5
philosophy, 2
physics, 28
Physiological Institute, 17
play therapy, 177
pleasure principle, 75–8
positivism, 26, 52
post-traumatic stress disorder, 32
preconscious mind, 71–2, 74
pressure technique, 34, 40–1
primary process, 75–6, 126–7
private life (of SF)
early, 1–3
family, 10
character, 11
friendships, 12–13
Project for a Scientific Psychology, 20, 37
projection, 135–6
prudish attitudes, 25, 28, 38
definition, xxii
emergence of, 26
current thinking, 180–4
definition, xxii–xxiii
emergence of, 36–7
process of, 163–5
psychoanalytic movement, 169–80
psychodynamic psychotherapy, 181
psychology definition, xxii
Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 47, 74
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 8, 80
psychosexual development
anal stage, 112–14
genital stage, 121–2
infantile amnesia, 108–11
latency stage, 120
Oedipus complex, 116–20
oral stage, 111–12
overview, 106–8
phallic stage, 115–16
psychosis, xxii
psychosomatic diseases, 6
puberty, 99–104
Rank, Otto, 8, 169, 171, 172
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 68
Rat Man (Ernst Lanzer), 166–7
rationalization, 137
reaction formation, 138
realistic anxiety, 131
reality principle, 75–8
regression, 108, 137
Reich, Wilhelm, 174
relatedness, 179
religion, 149–55
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, 68
repetition, 85
repetition compulsion, 78, 142–3, 156
representation, 62
repression, 23–4, 32, 37–8, 103, 109, 133
research, 19–20
resistance, 23–4, 62
rootedness, 179
Sachs, Hanns, 171
sadism, 95–6
sadistic-anal stage, 112–14
schooldays (of SF), 2–3
scientific research, 19–20
scientific thinking nineteenth century, 25–9
secondary process, 76, 128
secondary revision, 62
seduction theory, 36, 38–9, 90
self-analysis, 44–7, 177
self-help, 177
sense of identity, 179
with animals, 94–5
with children, 94–5
prudish attitudes to, 28, 38
sex education, 99
sexual abuse, 38
sexual aims, 92, 100
sexual development, 39
sexual deviations, 91–6, 103–4
sexual fantasies, 62–3
sexual instincts, 142
sexual objects, 92, 100
sexual symbols, 66–7
sexual theory, 32–3, 37–8, 88–91
concept, 89–91
infantile, 89–90, 96–9, 106–8
puberty, 99–104
sexual deviations, 91–6, 103–4
sexual fantasies, 62–3
social attitudes, 28, 38
art, 157–61
civilization, 147–9
literature, 157–61
religion, 149–55
war, 155–7
Stekel, William, 8, 169
Stockholm syndrome, 136
‘stream of consciousness’, 161
Studies on Hysteria, 6,
12, 23, 31
subconscious mind, 72
sublimation, 72, 73, 76, 103, 139
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 179–80
super-ego, 72, 125, 128–31
surrealism, 160
symbolic method, 63
symbolization, 62
symbols, 65–7
taboos, 151
tactile stimulation, 95
taroc card game, 13–14
tendentious jokes, 85–6
Thanatos, 73, 78, 143, 156
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 80
theory of evolution, 27
theory of the unconscious, 52, 72–5
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 36, 88–9, 99, 107
Totem and Taboo, 148, 150–2
totems, 150–1
Tourette’s syndrome, 22
transference, 42–4, 163
traumas, 144
unconscious theory of, 52, 72–5
unconscious mind, xxiii–xxiv, 70, 71
undoing, 138
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 169
Viennese Association of Psychoanalysis, 8
Viennese society, 4–5
visual stimulation, 95
‘vital periodicity’, 12
vitalism, 18
voyeurism, 95
war, 155–7
Wednesday Psychological Society, 8, 169
wish-fulfilment dreams, 53, 55–8, 59–60
Wolf Man (Sergius Pankejeff), xxiv, 15, 167–9
The Wolf Man, 167
womb envy, 178
work (of SF) main phases, 9–10
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