Say Yes: A Valentine’s Day Secret Baby Romance

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Say Yes: A Valentine’s Day Secret Baby Romance Page 10

by Kaylee, Katy

  Scoffing at my grumble, I nodded to myself as my dinner with Tommy filled my inner eye and gave me a pretty damn good distraction. He was doing great at his job; he was happy, productive, and he had something to be proud of.

  But, inevitably, the conversation turned to Gwen, and Tom just tore into her. It was so bad that I had to apologize to the people next to us at the bar who’d overheard everything. He ripped into her character, her will-power, her business- and, then, he got to her pregnancy.

  I never knew a grown-ass man could be so infantile, ranting on and on about his dumbfuck, terribly bias opinion. No wonder Gwen doesn’t want to tell my parents.


  Rolling my lips between my teeth, I flexed my fingers in Ryan’s grip as my gaze glued to the gate across the terminal. He’d come back so much sooner than I’d expected, but that seemed to be a trend with him. Shivers lodged between my shoulder blades, and goosebumps washed my arms and chest.

  “Don’t start hyperventilating, Gwen.” The murmur was equal parts sympathy and humor, and I frowned as I jabbed Ryan’s side with my elbow. “Ow! Fuck- that hurt-“

  “Why didn’t you lead off with the fact that they were landing tonight?” Hissing as I glanced around at people that had much better things to do than listen to me, I huffed softly. “I thought you said they were coming this weekend-“

  “Gwen, it’s Thursday night. I wasn’t even going to pick them up, but my dad called me from the plane an hour ago and asked. They were supposed to get a cab to their hotel. Everything is going fuckall, today, apparently, but it’ll be fine. I promise.” Gnawing diligently on my bottom lip, I simmered at that, and Ryan reached to hold my head to his chest. “Trust me, okay? I say it because it’s true- I don’t give a fuck about what anyone says. I want to be with you, and not even my parents can say shit. If they try to complain- which they won’t- I’ll just threaten to stop paying for their retirement. It’ll shut them up, at least.”

  “You’d disown your parents for me?” Kissing my crown, Ryan exhaled into my hair, and I closed my eyes as I wrestled with his pure strength of determination. “You shouldn’t.”

  “Maybe not, but I will if I have to. I don’t think it’ll go sideways- I mean, it would if I were with a gold digger or something, but you’re not a gold digger.” Huffing a laugh at that, I pulled back to kiss his lips, and he stroked my hair tenderly. “Speaking of- do you still want me to come with you tomorrow? I don’t want to get in the way.”

  “No- I do. I need to make sure the staff is ready for opening on Tuesday. Um- maybe- maybe your parents could come? My parents will be there, and I invited some food critics and sent out some e-mails to my mailing list. I’m not sure how many people will be there, but that’s part of it. There’s only so far I can get the staff, and-“

  “Ryan!” My stomach dropped to my ankles at the shrill, excited call, and my eyes widened to search deeper into the terminal. The airport wasn’t massive, but it still took me a moment to recognize Ryan’s parents as they strode towards us. His mom was all smiles, and his dad actually looked exactly the same as the last time I’d seen him 12 years ago.

  “Hey! How was your flight? No bratty kids?” Releasing me to hug his mom, Ryan’s entire demeanor changed, and I rocked back on my heels to smile. Clasping my hands together, I pursed my lips when his mom shook her head with a laugh. “Good- hey, Dad. How’s the golf in Florida?”

  “Still better than up here, Ryan. How was your filming? You just got back, right?” That ugly, ‘I’m an outsider’ feeling in the pit of my stomach disappeared when Ryan’s mom caught sight of me, and I fixed a polite smile on my face as her brows disappeared above her bangs. “Gwendolyn? I didn’t know you were back? When did that happen?”

  “I moved back just before Christmas. Ryan’s been a huge help.” She shuffled over to me to pull me into a hug, and I stiffened at the unexpectedly tight embrace. Awkwardly patting her back, anxiety thrummed through my veins, and she leaned back to hold my shoulders at arm’s length.

  “You’re so beautiful. Your mother called me last year to let me know your divorce went through- I’m so happy you left that guy- Kyle, or whatever. I used to tell your father all the damn time that if it was Cynthia, Devon would kick his ass and break them up.” Ryan’s father grunted in agreement, and my eyes widened when she cupped my face in both her soft, gnarly hands. “Come to dinner with us- it’ll be great! There’s so much I want to know- I heard your bakery won an award!”

  “Mom, she’s already agreed to come with us- I asked her before we left, otherwise she wouldn’t have come with me to pick you up.” Blushing furiously as Maria beamed brightly, I rolled my lips between my teeth when Ryan flung his arm casually over my shoulders. “I parked pretty close, so it won’t be a hike.”

  “So, how long have you two been dating?” My face flamed at such a direct question, and Devon chuckled from behind us when I ducked my head. “Please- Ryan’s had a crush on you since he was 5. It’s pretty obvious- you don’t bring a girl to the airport just because she’s a friend.”


  “What? We’re going to be stuck in a car together for an hour, Ryan- I wanted to get the awkwardness out of the way.” His parents are so different than mine. It was weird, thinking that Ryan’s parents clearly cared about his choices, but didn’t try to interfere. My mom would tell me over and over again whatever she thought, and, when she was right, she made sure I knew it. She kept on the mum about Craig, but I realize now that she was uncomfortable with her daughter having a love life.

  Which was fine, but it also came with the understanding that I made that mistake because she didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Ah- I don’t know if we’re counting the filming, but it’d be about 3 months, then. I didn’t ask her until I got back.” Maria laughed at the sheepish drawl that brought me back to reality, and I glanced over my shoulder to watch her shake her head. Her fine, whitening curls bounced, her gray eyes twinkling with merriment as they met mine.

  “You should count the filming. You called her out on national tv, Ryan. I mean, I didn’t realize it was you, Gwendolyn, but, still…” Flashing a smile, she reached to pat my shoulder, and some of the nerves dissolved from between the blades. “I should’ve known, though, when he said you were an amazing cook.”

  “I was actually wondering- hoping- that you’d come with us tomorrow to my new restaurant? It opens on Tuesday, but this weekend, I’m training all the staff so everything is as smooth as possible. I would love it if you’d try some of my food.” The utter delight in Maria’s face was blinding, and she nodded furiously as we left the airport. Walking down the way towards the parking garage, I heaved a big sigh of relief, and her hand fell from my shoulder before she spoke up again.

  “We’d be honored! I remember when you were a teenager and you’d make us dinner all the time- I swear, we saved so much money because of you. And it was always delicious. I can’t even imagine how good it is now that you’ve gone to culinary school.” The hairs on my back rose under my clothes when she scanned me, and my heart stuttered when she spoke up again. “You look amazing, by the way- have you lost some shape in your face? I don’t remember you ever looking so… good… not in a physical way, either, but the way you hold yourself…”

  “I am 31, now… moving back here has been really good for me, I think. Honestly, I really, really hated living in San Francisco. It was expensive and hot and all the hills-“ Shivering just remembering it, I scrunched up my face as Ryan laughed, and he slid his arm from around me to fish out his keys. “I’m grateful I was there, but when I had the chance, I took it. That city is definitely not for me.”

  “Good- good. You know, that’s something to be proud of- being able to get out. I mean, I remember thinking that it was good that you were so career driven when Craig hit you the first time, and-“ Freezing as Maria cut herself off, ice lodged in my chest when Ryan’s head snapped up. His eyes narrowed into slits, boring holes into my cheek, and goo
sebumps pocked my entire body. Not daring to look up from a crack in the pavement, I didn’t even blink lest those memories rise up behind my lids.

  “Craig hit you, Gwen?” The low, threatening tone rolled down my spine, and Ryan growled when I didn’t make even the slightest motion to answer. “Tell me-“

  “No.” Grinding the denial out from clenched teeth, I flopped my head back and heaved as big a breath as my lungs would allow. “Let’s just go.”


  “Don’t you ever ask me that again, Ryan!” Kicking off my shoes roughly, I glared hotly as my snap dribbled off my tongue venomously. “Ever- do you understand me? Never- never- ask ever again.”

  “Gwen, why didn’t you tell me? I-“ Holding up my hand to cut him off, my fingers trembled, and he pursed his lips thinly under tightly knit brows. Running my hands up my cheeks and into my hair, I blew out a scalding breath as I tried to calm myself. I dreaded the moment we dropped his parents off because of this exact scenario, and he shut the front door of my home gently.

  “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to know, and I don’t want your pity, and I sure as hell don’t want you psychoanalyzing me or something, Ryan. Okay? You want to know? Yeah- Craig did hit me. He hit me a lot after we moved and got married. And I never told anyone- I went to school, and I dealt with it all because I was going to get my perfect life eventually. You know exactly how many people asked me if I was in a bad situation, Ryan? Zero- none- not a single person. Not my instructor- not the person whose station was right next to mine- not even my mom.” Bitterness thickened my rasp, and I jerked back when Ryan tried to hug me. “Don’t- don’t touch me. Since we’re on the subject, I didn’t get so good at blowjobs voluntarily. I didn’t have the luxury of consideration despite the fact that I went to school and worked and held together the laundry and the dishes and paid for the cars- I did it all by myself- me- and I got through it all by myself.”

  “And- before you say ‘well, if I knew, I would’ve helped you’- no, you wouldn’t have, Ryan. What would you do? Craig and I were married. If you stepped in and did anything on my behalf, he would’ve fabricated evidence that I was cheating, and I would have had to split my business with him. What- what? You were going to try to convince me to come home, is that it? You were going to confront Craig- was that what you’re thinking right now? Don’t be so damn naïve. There’s nothing you could’ve done.” Panting hoarsely by the end of my tirade, I crossed my arms tightly over my chest in an effort to keep my heart from breaking through. Ryan’s devasted expression sent pain to every part of my body, but this was real life; this wasn’t one of his soap operas. Heaving a shuddering breath, I threw my shoulders back and viciously beat down those memories as they nibbled at the edge of my mind. “I don’t need this right now. I have things I need to do tomorrow, and I don’t need this distraction.”

  “… Just- just… answer this one question.” Clenching my jaw hard against the tears that built behind my eyes, I held my breath despite my flaming lungs. Ryan held my gaze steadily, but he didn’t try to reach for me; I wasn’t sure that I could keep myself from dissolving into a puddle if he had. “Did you ever feel like I forced you? That you had an obligation?”

  “No.” My answer was simple enough, but Ryan swayed like it stabbed him in the head. Truth rang in the thick atmosphere, and he reached to rub his jaw and neck harshly without taking his eyes from me.

  “Okay… okay. I’m sorry for pushing.” Nodding in acceptance, I didn’t back up when Ryan reached for me again, and he took my hand before closing the distance between us. Gathering me up and extinguishing my roiling emotions with his gentle tenderness, he pressed his cheek against my crown, and I finally closed my eyes. “I won’t ask again.”

  “I’m not mad at you for asking- for getting mad- but… Ryan… you don’t tell people that kind of thing. Ever. You tell a therapist, who doesn’t really care about you, but will help you think it through. I told my mom, and look- she told everyone she knew. That made me feel so betrayed, and I decided to never tell her anything about Craig and my relationship because of it. If you tell anyone, I’ll never forgive you- I don’t care if it was an accident. Just forget that you ever heard it.”

  “You know… I don’t think that I’ve ever been told by the person being abused… anything I heard was always from someone else, who was concerned of confused or whatever.” The thoughtful mumble eased the tension gripping my heart, and I wrapped my arms around him to nuzzle his chest. “You’re right- I was being naïve. I apologize, Gwen.”

  “I accept.” Savoring this moment of peace, with Ryan’s heart beating against my cheek, I soaked up his warmth. Stroking my back with deep sweeps of his palm, he locked his arms with both hands on my shoulders and kissed my crown. “You’re young, your life has been relatively easy, Ryan. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you need to understand that… most times, there’s a certain amount that someone needs to suffer to get what they want. Whether or not I could get to this point without Craig is irrelevant.”

  Ryan only hummed in acknowledgement, and I reluctantly stepped out of his embrace to take his hand. Wordlessly leading him towards the stairs, I wondered how we’d gotten to this point. Dinner with his parents had been super awkward, and I knew by the look on his face that he couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d revealed.

  But, what had that done? What did knowing achieve for him? Things would change because he knew, and that was a shame that I felt keenly.

  “Tomorrow is a big day. Are you excited?” Shuffling into the bathroom, I released Ryan’s hand as I posed my question, and my fingers tingled wildly. My heart ached when I breathed, and I turned on the shower before glancing over my shoulder. Raking his hand through his hair, he cracked a half-hearted smile, and my skin jumped when he reached for my waist.

  “I’m excited for you, baby.” Plastering himself against my back, Ryan kissed my neck with chapped lips, and his warm sigh flowed down the front of my shirt. “I don’t want to think about tomorrow… it’s too far away.”

  Rolling my floral, baggy shirt over my head, he ground against my ass, and I closed my eyes to bite back a groan. Deft, practiced hands unhooked my bra, and my own gripped his sides as he fondled my breasts. Landing kisses on my shoulder, he pinched my nipples to draw a gasp from my throat, and he smirked faintly against my skin.

  “Can I fuck your ass?” Fire licked up my neck and cheeks at the mumble, and Ryan reached down to unfasten my jeans. “I get nervous when I fuck your pussy. There’s precious cargo up in there.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Kicking off my sneakers, I groaned when Ryan pushed down my jeans and panties, and his huff rolled between my breasts. Reaching to yank off my socks, I clenched my ass as his palms roamed and squeezed, and he spread my cheeks to groan loudly. Turning to stick my hand under the shower spray, I adjusted the temperature as he stripped, and a muted kind of desire flooded my veins.

  Behind the curtain, Ryan wrapped me in his arms, and his cock throbbed as he thrust between my folds. Rocking in sync, our bodies molded together, and I moaned softly when his fingers crested my mound. His forearm against my sternum held us together, but I didn’t want a single part of me not touching him.

  “I changed my mind… I don’t want to fuck you, Gwen.” Even as his murmur caressed my brain, his callused fingertips circled my nub, and I sputtered a gasp. “I’m gunna make love to you. Hike up your leg.”

  His arm around me slid down to hook under my knee, and Ryan’s harsh pants clashed with mine. The water streaming down us barely registered as he carefully pressed me against the wall, but the tiles were warm enough to scorch my cheek and breasts. Slathering his cock in my juices, he gripped himself to leave me needing, and I reached down to play with myself.

  Poising himself at my back entrance, Ryan shivered against my back, and he sucked in a sharp breath before thrusting ever so gently. Grinding my teeth against the pleasure as the ridge of his head slipped inside me, I blew a hot bre
ath, and goosebumps washed my entire body.

  Not once did Ryan break the silence, and blood droned in my ears as he thrust deeper into my ass. The experience clogged my throat, and I bit down on my bottom lip as his hips ground into my ass. Reaching around me to swat my hand away, he released a guttural groan that reverberated through my very bones, and I gasped harshly when he pulled back.

  “Fucking tight-“ Whimpering as Ryan eased into my ass, I braced my arms against the wall, and he pinched my clit to roll between his fingers. “God da-a-amn… Gwen- It’s gunna be sh- short-“

  “Hard- hard- p-please! Ryan- love me hard!” Squealing when Ryan snapped his hips and slipped his fingers inside me, I came to the wonderful music of us. Clamping down on him, I ground my forehead against the tiles as he set a hard, fast pace. Pleasure slammed into me with a potency that I couldn’t resist, and I didn’t try to. Pink fog descended on my mind as he penetrated my ass, jabbing my button until he threatened to break it.

  “Fu-u-uck- fuck-“ The cry that burst from my throat rocked me, and I grappled uselessly at the wet tiles as Ryan thrust jerkily. “Tell me how much you love me fucking that tight ass-“

  “I l- love it- I love it- harder- hard-er-r-r… fuck my ass harder- oh-h-h my God!” Grunting with his effort, Ryan’s hips slapped against my ass cheeks loudly, and his fingers left my channel to circle my clit. Trembling wildly, I let the euphoria drown me, and he groaned as he thrust as deep as he could.

  My groan bounced off the tiles when Ryan left my ass, and my knees wobbled dangerously. Panting harshly, my ragged mind finally registered the water drenching my hair, streaming down my body, and he pinned my upper half to kiss my cheek.

  “I’ll wash you. You have a big day, so I won’t apologize for the quickie.”


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