Broken Lands

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Broken Lands Page 19

by Boaz Klachkin

  “Yes, Yair. I have been keeping track of the events in Israel and around the world. You have become somewhat of a people’s advocate,” said Jezabilah. “I feel confident about your influence with your legislators. We are very fortunate to have so much support from your Organization on a daily basis.”

  “Considering that I have put my life on the line for my country to protect its ideologies, I can freely demand that the government give the same respectful treatment to our citizenry. We must guard the rights of our people and provide them with proper health care, security and freedom of choice.”

  “Yes, Yair. We have to put emphasis on all the good things we have brought to light. I am quite aware that the road to success is paved with many hazards, but I have gotten used to those types of battles by now.” She was weighing each word. “I see a brighter future for all of us on the planet, as long as we stay united and set our goals in the proper direction.”

  “Jez, look over the latest detailed operations and coordinate your teams.”

  “I will, Yair. Thank you. I love you, my darling man.”

  “Love you too, Jez. You are always on my mind. Bye for now.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The designated spot we set up for the meeting with Jezabilah and Khaled was on the outskirts of Um El Fachem, an area terraced by basalt rock along the hills and roads. The surrounding, pastoral hills were encompassed by many olive tree groves and laced with fields of wildflowers in full bloom. Khaled – who was now second in command to Jezabilah – had proven to be quite worthy of his newly-gained status. He had been busy for months, recruiting and training thousands of new members into the movement, and doing the job very soundly. New strategies and operations had been assigned to the leading members of Inkasar all over the territories, but no one had implemented the work with such determination and drive as Khaled. He has been aiding the cause at Jezabilah’s side, ever since the day when he alerted me to her abduction.

  “Khaled, we will be meeting with Yair along with one of his operation managers. This meeting is extremely vital, dealing with security problems and some likely threats on our lives. I want you to double our guards and make sure that the new communication codes are initialized,” said Jezabilah.

  “I assure you that it will be carried out perfectly. You can count on our young intelligence operatives. They have been well trained by the Organization instructors that Erez had sent,” Khaled stated with confidence.

  As always, no one could recognize Jezabilah; she had changed her attire immediately before leaving her headquarters, and covered herself with layers of fabric, her head and face covered well. The conservative, religious attire that she was wearing did a good job of keeping her identity safely concealed. With all the killings that Inkasar and the Organizations were involved with, it was imperative that her identity be protected at all times, regardless of the area she was visiting. They arrived at the meeting point just in time, but I was not there. A tragic event had occurred and I had been called in for a briefing. She was surprised and agitated, since I was always there first, and had never missed a meeting between us. I called Jezabilah’s cellphone and by the special sequence of repetitions in her ring tones, she knew that the call was from me.

  “Yair, where are you?” she asked, sounding quite worried. “I am here at the designated meeting point and I began to worry when you weren’t here to meet me.”

  I was walking quickly towards the conference room when she answered my call. After a short pause, catching my breath, I responded, “Jez, two of our agents, Shlomo and Ishmael were killed today.” Jezabilah grimaced, her lips tightened inwardly. She was extremely distraught upon hearing the disturbing news.

  “They were killed by Al Qaeda operatives while on their way to meet with some Arab businessmen at the Al Salam Bakery near Nazareth. The businessmen were willing to give them important information about a radical group which had plans to carry out a series of terrorist attacks in the region. We had no previous knowledge about this specific group that was operating in the area. Shlomo and Ishmael’s identities had been compromised as a result of the recent breaches.” By the quivering in my voice, Jezabilah could hear that I was extremely upset. My stomach was knotted up and I felt convulsive pangs throughout my body. My voice shuddered with emotion, my eyes burning, saturated with tears. The details of the brutal killings had been recorded and sent by the terror group to the major news networks around the world; the clip was tagged with a warning to Inkasar and the Israeli government that it was only the beginning of many cycles of attacks of retribution that they would implement.

  “I am so sorry, Yair. I wish I could be there with you. We have both lost some very close friends and that is the heavy price of the work we are doing,” she remarked in a marked grief-laden voice.

  “Yes, we were very close. We had been friends ever since they joined the Organization. I appreciate your caring and sympathy, but I cannot talk in great length about it right now. We have to limit the duration of our connections as long as the codes are in the process of being altered. Things are extremely heated right now and you should make sure to maintain a high level of security.”

  Jezabilah immediately called in the alert, requesting an additional team of bodyguards with additional personnel for her transportation staff. Even though Jezabilah and members of Inkasar had taken safeguards, neither of the territories was a secure place for anyone active in countering terrorist networks. Every day, Jezabilah’s contacts had to establish new sets of rules and strategies. It was a difficult task for Inkasar to convey information on its complex communication base. But, regardless of the cost, it was crucial to constantly upgrade the protocols. Getting informants to work for Inkasar was now rather simple. Those who joined Inkasar’s counterintelligence were not as fearful of Hamas and Fattah because now they had Inkasar operatives watching their daily movements, keeping them covered at all times. Many of them were ex-Hamas and Fattah supporters who were enlightened and inspired by the new reality set forth by Inkasar. These expatriates of the old rule in Palestine were a symbol of strength for the Inkasar movement. They were all quite pleased with the change in command and their own contribution in making Palestine a better place to live.

  In recent months, some Al Qaeda operatives had been setting road-side bombs in an attempt to break the confidence of the Inkasar operatives, and to nullify their accomplishments. The Inkasar intelligence network, thanks to the thousands of scouts that were working as volunteers everywhere, received pertinent information each day and was able to avoid these potentially devastating attacks. In response, the public reaction was to arrange even larger demonstrations than before to show support for Inkasar. The demonstrations also showed the public’s continued disdain for the Jihadist movements operating all over the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.

  Newly enlightened Palestinians could now say that they, too, had taken steps to bring about the necessary standards upon which peaceful coexistence could be accomplished and sustained. They were slowly redeeming decades of escalated hate by opening their hearts to the new leaders and the political trends they presented, learning to grasp and gently hold their neighbors’ outreached hand of peace. There were merchants selling olives and other produce to Israeli buyers at one of the free, protected commerce markets that had been set up by a special UN resolution. The current organization in the market was a far better preference for these hard-working farmers; as opposed to having their yearly crop controlled by the Islamic extremist gangs that misappropriated the taxes that were being collected.

  Inkasar’s operatives gained complete control of Jericho and many other surrounding towns in the West Bank. Hundreds of Jihadist militants funded by Iran and Qatar were being arrested. On that particular day, Inkasar had set explosions in the Jericho Police Station; the venue where Jezabilah had been tortured. While the demolition crews were clearing away the rubble, the remains of murdered, missing Palestinians were dis
covered in the surrounding fields. This was a bleak reminder of the ethnic cleansing that had transpired in many nations. The Islamic Caliphate State was focused on barbaric acts and luckily, they were being put down. However, many of the ISIS fighters who escaped were likely still lurking around in their old neighborhoods in Europe, waiting for the right moment to cause chaos. Consequently, all eyes, including our IsraEyes Satellite networks, were still on a constant lookout for them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Everywhere in Palestine, one could see well-guarded Inkasar operatives busily meeting with supporters at different venues. Their efforts proved successful well beyond anyone’s expectations, and all the while, more and more people joined the Inkasar movement each day. Inkasar was approved to have connections with Interpol, thus receiving the same security ratings as the Israeli Organization. The CIA and the FBI were also linked with the Inkasar databases. Together with Israel, they were all directly involved in the process of taking out the heads of the major international terrorist organizations. This became an incredibly monumental victory for Inkasar.

  Jezabilah set up a televised interview with Tom Jacobs who had become a central figure in the media since his successful coverage of NAU’s development. Tom was now one of the top news commentators at his station. He continued with follow-up reports on the positive side of Inkasar and the ongoing cooperation they had with the Israelis. The ratings for his network had never been higher. He was doing a great job, and everyone complimented him for his achievements in presenting to the public so many in-depth news stories.

  She was well prepared and reflected on some of the current events and the continuation of her expansive changes for the people of Palestine.

  “Thanks for giving us this opportunity to get to know the details behind the scenes in Palestine. Jezabilah, please tell us what you and the people of Palestine are going through,” said Tom with an air of professionalism.

  “We are still in a very serious situation with intensive cleansing of all that is bad in our region. The criminals who have kept us on hold as a nation are being incarcerated on a daily basis. We are reaching the final stage and are coming closer to completely wiping out their command base,” explained Jezabilah. She was radiating with the joy of a dream fulfilled.

  “There has been too much hunger and suffering, because the people have been too busy filling our hearts with the hate that was being embedded into our souls. The fabrications behind the hard-liner politics worked well to keep our attention away from realizing the truth about all of the behind-the-scenes corrupt dealings. Now, with a renewed peace with our neighbors, we will be able to concentrate on the production of jobs, the protection of basic human rights and the basic needs of the people. The Israelis have done their part by supporting the foundation for a free Palestine; first, by receding from most of the disputed territories, and secondly, working hand-in-hand with us to improve the overall lifestyle of our people. The abuse of power was evident at every level of the previous government, and the violence against the Israelis continued as if there had never been an agreement for peace. Rather than orchestrating peaceful coexistence, they perpetuated a campaign, using anti-Semitic propaganda, incited riots everywhere they could, and calling for the destruction of Israel and the creation of a greater Palestine.”

  “What is at the top of your list currently, besides eliminating the hold of terrorists in the area?” inquired Tom.

  “Now that military and power issues have been resolved by the successful undertaking of our forces, our main goal is to supply and feed all those who have been in dire need of assistance. We are helping those who have been caught in the middle of the seemingly endless, political and criminal tugs of war. The missions that we implemented against Dachlawi’s regime; draining and extracting the balances of their illegal bank accounts, have provided Inkasar with fresh resources for redistribution. We have approved the immediate implementation of hundreds of projects that should have been on the drawing board a long time ago. Most importantly, we are making sure that the equal rights of everyone are protected by the laws we have set forth.”

  “That sounds very productive indeed. I must tell you that we have been very impressed by your superior abilities to expand the spectrum of your cause. How have you dealt with all the violence that has surrounded you for so long?” asked Tom.

  “Seeing bloodshed is nothing new in my life; I have known it too well. We shall continue to fight those who have been behind so many murders and the perpetual pain that has been inflicted upon our people.”

  All the recruits looked excitedly attentive as she spoke. She could sense their excitement by observing their body and eye movements. The spirited appeal she made everywhere she visited, enlightened many young minds and she succeeded in touching the hearts of everyone she spoke to. Her energetic sincerity was felt by everyone. They were very pleased and proud, showing an eagerness to contribute to such an appealing, constructive process in improving the living conditions in Palestine.

  “Tom, please excuse me. I will have to continue this interview at some other time. I have some critical assignments to advance, so I will contact you soon. Thank you for showing so much interest in our cause,” Jezabilah waived at the screen camera as she stood up from her chair. “and for giving the world a taste of what we are all about.”

  “That is just fine,” Tom added. “I appreciate the time you have taken out of your very busy schedule to speak with us. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. All of us here at our news station and many people all over the nation wish you and your party continued success,” responded Tom.

  “Thank you so much Tom. We’ll be in touch,” said Jezabilah smiling.

  Jezabilah reset her focus on the recruits in the room. “Before I leave, I want to introduce Jamal Salaam, your commanding officer. He holds one of our highest military positions. I want him to add a few words, so for now, I bid you all farewell.” Jezabilah hurried out of the meeting hall flanked by her guards, as Jamal took center stage. He looked directly into the camera that was transmitting the meeting and spoke to Tom.

  The new members looked at Jamal as he stood in front of them. From Jezabilah’s standpoint, there was no one within the Inkasar leadership who could manage the military units that Jamal was commanding in a better way; subsequently she had promoted him to his present high rank. He trained and commanded his units quite efficiently and was glorified justifiably for his achievements. His methodology, credibility and loyalty were the foundations of good military strategies and precise psychological training. Jamal stood tall with a very distinguished look about him, cleared his throat momentarily, and began speaking to the recruits.

  “Good day to you all. Each and every one of you will have an important function in the future of Palestine. I am the commander-in-charge of backup support and any IsraEyes communication monitoring which was incorporated into our surveillance divisions. Our department keeps an eye on everyone in the arena, friend and foe alike. For Inkasar to stay in control it is essential to have good, loyal individuals like yourselves, in our movement.

  “We have stayed up many nights, and have carefully detected many terrorist activities. Many of these terrorists who have come from within our population are the poison of our society. They have created social and cultural decay; therefore, we must - and will always continue to - overcome them.”

  Everyone noticed that his face was beaming with pride as he spoke.

  “Our movement is about getting people to work together as free human beings; nihilists are those who attempt to maintain anarchy and separatism within society. Inkasar’s goals are geared at dismantling the criminal, political factions who camouflage themselves with a façade of religious purity. It is time to take back our freedom and continue to grow a new nation. Don’t you agree with me?”

  Everybody at the meeting nodded agreeably.

  “Our system can now scan an area that is used as an
underground passage by means of the infrared and saturation filters that have been installed in the upgraded IsraEyes surveillance satellite. It can differentiate between the gradients of surface temperatures in a specific area. Now every motion, whether indoor or outdoor, can be traced and recorded. have scans that show actual body motion underground, as terrorists are moving within tunnels. No longer can a cave or bunker serve as a hiding place. The new tools in the hands of the Israeli-Palestinian alliance are doing exactly what they were meant to do. Many of you will learn how to work with this system, and convey coordinates to the appropriate operation units.

  “In closing, I just want to thank you all for taking part in our historic venture and to cite a special note of appreciation to Jezabilah who has been the leader and torch bearer for our movement. God willing, we will fulfill all our goals, and the sooner, the better.”

  The next day, Khaled oversaw the planned assault that had been ordered. Jamal, Khaled and Jezabilah, along with the team officers, had laid out the plan of attack during the many late-night meetings in the operation room at the Inkasar Headquarters. The men and women in the commando units were well-trained and highly motivated for the assault. Their desire to succeed was elevated by the memories of lost relatives, both young and old. Here was their chance to avenge those deaths and get rid of those responsible for their years of misery and chaos.

  “Units 7, 11, 13 and 17!!!” called out Khaled forcefully. “This will be a very decisive, glorious mission. Its success will be a deciding factor in bringing the termination of the anarchists in our midst. Good luck to you all, now get on your way and be ready to set out. Start loading the equipment on the helicopters and trucks. You will have full back-up support by the IsraEyes command units. May God guide you and keep you,” Khaled saluted the operatives and they reciprocated the action.


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