Broken Lands

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Broken Lands Page 24

by Boaz Klachkin

  “I have also been invited to that special reception,” Adman inserted. “It is going to be a very special day, celebrating the NAU’s official inclusion as a member of the United Nations.”

  “I am sure that it will be an exciting day. Let us hope for the best. But gentlemen, for now, I believe it is time for the culinary part of the reception,” she said in an inviting, gracious manner. They all followed her as she walked into the main hall. After the delightful ceremonial lunch, Nairah politely wished all her guests farewell. Some of the delegates used the invitations they had received to visit the various spa facilities at some of the other hotels on the Gaza shore. They were all looking forward to the next day, but a bit of rest and relaxation was quite in order, especially for Nairah and Jezabilah.

  The most powerful and meaningful moments of Jezabilah and Nairah’s lives were just around the corner. And in a matter of hours, all eyes in the world would be on Nairah as she took center stage. When Nairah and Jezabilah finally arrived at the main square in Gaza City with their entourage, flanked by her color guard, they both became very emotional. Israeli and Palestinian flags were uniformly displayed. It was a great story of rebirth in the chronicles of man, and all those who had contributed to the Inkasar movement were joyously celebrating their accomplishments. People everywhere were glued to their TV screens and wireless devices in expectation of Nairah’s speech. The inauguration received worldwide attention. It was covered by all the top international media sources. People had gathered in front of giant screens at the centers of every major city in the world just to hear and watch Nairah speak. The streets of Jerusalem were crowded, dense with Israelis and Palestinians standing elbow to elbow, watching the media coverage coming in from Gaza City. Jerusalem was truly the city of peace, hope and brotherly love; a city that some have described as the center of the universe. The cheering of the celebrating crowd echoed off the multitude of historical venues that stood in every direction.

  As I shifted through the crowd of photographers to reach one of the seats saved for our Israeli delegation, I could feel the love, pride and accomplishment radiating from Jezabilah’s invisible halo that only I could notice. Nairah’s eyes gleamed with an admiring warmth that could be felt by everyone watching the news coverage. I was very emotionally charged and elated. The crowd had been cheering for hours on end in deep expectation. Everywhere, one could feel the buzz of the enervated conversations that were going on all over the Gaza City Square. It was that very public square where, for decades, people had witnessed the executions of hundreds of men and women who had allegedly cooperated to overthrow the ruling Radical Islamic subgroups that dominated the region. Jezabilah’s own grandfather Yusuf was executed there for being a proud member of the then-budding counterrevolutionary Inkasar movement. Especially for that reason, it had been decided that Nairah’s inauguration speech would take place at the Gaza venue, as opposed to East Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine.

  It was a vibrant scene; the stage was set high above the crowd. The new members of the government were seated in their designated spots. When Nairah rose to approach the podium, military fanfare played on six trumpets accompanied by the very loud applause in the background.

  Standing at center stage, Nairah was eager to begin her ceremonial inauguration speech, but she let the crowd savor the moment as she waved and threw kisses at her constituents in all directions. She absorbed the energy of the moment, watching the ocean of Palestinian flags being waved excitedly. Nairah crossed both hands over her heart as a sign of gratitude. She then raised both her arms, looked up to the heavens and called out in a firm excited voice: “Palestine is eternally one! From today on, love and peace shall forever conquer hate and war.” The crowd rejoiced in a rambunctious roar, cheering delightedly.

  “We have finally . . .” she paused so that the crowd could gather themselves. “We have finally reached the highlands of our own Utopia; where men, women, and children can all live in peace and be free, without the pains and disadvantages of the diseases called racism and bigotry. Now we can all live without the handicaps that had been brought about by the corrupt, self-serving leaders of the past. We must be able to express our wishes and desires in a civilized way; not through aggressive action and infliction of pain.” When the crowd quieted down and was attentive, she commenced.

  “The responsibilities and commitments that we have as a nation, both to each other and to our neighboring friends, shall be maintained with the utmost concern and care. It has taken thousands of years for us to come to this crescendo of cultural unification. Nothing shall diminish resolve. I implore you to recognize and remember those, who through sacrifice and hard work, enabled us to reach the heights of glory and to keep the light of peace burning.

  “Humanity has expanded its range of tolerance to a record peak that shall give rise to new clauses in the constitutions of every great nation on this planet. Corruption will never have a place in our midst. All those who have been involved in unjust causes are sitting in our jails today and can quite readily bear witness to the credibility of our resolve. Poverty will not exist in our nation. The special funds we have put aside for social services are available due to the cooperation of the Israeli and world communities’ help in locating the billions that had been stolen by our previous leaders. Today, there is economic growth in the region, all of which was initiated by Jezabilah and her government. Those who used the false pretense of spreading the poison of worldwide Jihad as an excuse for building up their own wealth are no longer seeing the light of day, and will likely die in the looming darkness that they had forced on others for decades. Remember these people and what they did, and should anyone that resembles them and their agenda appear before you, do not yield to them or fear them. Make them feel your wrath. I shall always stand with you. All of you, together, represent the strength behind setting forth the ideals of a democratic society. One which allows people to live their lives in whichever way they see fit, as long as they respect the laws of our land and the rights of their neighbors, regardless of their race, creed or color. We are all in the same boat, sailing on majestic waters, on a journey to enjoying the wonders of life. But we must always help one another even if there will be stormy seas along the way.

  “This is an age of global unity; one that has never before been so successful in bringing people together. This new era will bring forth the path to a balanced global economy that will efficiently provide the funds for the social services that are so direly needed everywhere.

  “Many of the major corporations in different nations have done some deep soul searching and have changed their ways. In the past, they focused primarily on profits as opposed to profit sharing. Now, many companies are giving back to those who have been instrumental in the corporation’s success. Wage levels are being standardized on a world-wide scale, forever alienating slave labor. Any nation that will not abide by the new movement of fair working conditions and equal pay will be scrutinized and penalized by various methods for their actions.

  “I want to thank our teachers and counselors in the name of all the people of Palestine for the praiseworthy job that they have done with our youth over the last decade in reforming their social values and increasing their awareness about the qualities of what makes a truly civilized citizen of earth. Without their dedicated tutelage and guidance, the aspirations of hope for peace and brotherhood would have never come about. Correcting the mistakes of the past has been just as difficult as rebuilding the future, and now we can look ahead with pride, and watch our children live happy lives, enriched with knowledge and new experiences. Living in harmony with a sense of unity is more sacred than abiding by evil initiatives. Thankfully, we can now enjoy our lives and satisfy our souls, using and applying the new vision towards productivity and accomplishment. Thank God, we have succeeded to crush the blind desire and compulsion to mutilate and destroy. The collaboration with our neighbors in Israel and our other friends around the world has b
rought about great achievements and progress. It shall be my duty to preserve this purity of action and clarity of mind during every day of my life. You are just as much my children as I am your child. Mother Earth shall provide for all of us, and we will teach our children to protect her and the environment. Thank you all for your support. I love you all.”

  The applause was ear shattering, and the expression of joy could be seen on all the faces in the crowd. Nairah turned to look at Jezabilah, feeling the depth of her love, while she herself was beaming of pride stemming from Jezabilah’s success. Suddenly, just as the trumpets blared their anthem, a bullet from a pistol burst through the podium stand. It was fired at close range, just eight meters from inside the crowd, hitting Nairah in the abdomen. Nairah, unable to hold herself up, collapsed on stage. In the panic-ridden shakeup of the moment, the crowd’s cheering was reduced to a shock-induced silence. The perpetrator was immediately disarmed by one of the guards, another guard grabbed the shooter’s left arm, twisting it firmly to a near breaking point.

  “Traitorous bitch, you had my brothers killed, may Allah send you to hell. You are the devil’s whore. . .” the shooter’s shouting was quickly gagged, just in time to cutoff any further profanities and slander from spewing out of his blood-filled mouth.

  “Shut your dirty mouth,” the guard yelled. “You’ll have plenty of time to talk in one of our special interrogation cells. But for now, shut your trap,” shouted the guard who had been the first to pounce on him, now forcefully pressing the assailant’s head into the pavement.

  Minutes later, two police officers carried the gunman away from the area and locked him up in the rear of a special security van, accompanied by two additional security agents. As the van faded into the backdrop, it wobbled from side to side. I assure you that the motion had nothing to do with the of the cobblestone texture of the street that it was traveling on.

  Nairah’s mind was floating somewhere between reality and the sedated state she was feeling from the painkiller that had just been injected into her upper left arm. The medic had stopped the bleeding and luckily assessed the wound as an external one.

  Inkasar’s Intelligence Agency had been warned by its Israeli partners that there was the likelihood of an attempt on Nairah’s life by some residual Jihadist extremists still on the loose in Palestine. Nairah had no intention of canceling; her staff vehemently suggested that she wear protective gear. She luckily agreed, and as usual, the information that was at hand was correct.

  “How are you feeling, my dear President?” asked the medic. Nairah looked into his deep, dark eyes, feeling her senses slowly returning. “Thank God, your bullet-proof vest did its job quite efficiently,” he expressed with relief.

  Nairah showed signs of revival as the color slowly came back into her face. Jezabilah, Khaled, Jameel and some other aids were already at her side. Their faces gradually relaxed as the tension and worry seeped away. I unfortunately had to stay put; there was no way that I would be able to explain my presence at her side after undoubtedly having to push through numerous guards, just to be near her.

  “Mom, Khaled, I am okay,” she said calmly. “I must get up and show everyone my strength and will. Please help me up; I must do this right away.”

  Flanked by Khaled and Jamal, who assisted her in regaining her posture, she slowly stood up behind the podium and used it for support. Thought the crowd was not expecting it, Nairah stood on her feet once again and waived to the crowd as if nothing had happened. The sound of the relieved crowd rejoicing with calls of praise and cheer rang through the plaza once more. When Nairah fully regained her balance and composure, she took a short sip of some water that was handed to her and in a stately manner, she began waving to the crowd.

  “I want to convey,” she continued in a seemingly unshaken voice, “a wish of thanks to you, the people of Palestine. You all have shown the courage to undo what was wrong with our political direction and spirit. I also want to thank, most warmly, the Israeli government for all they have done throughout the years, in supporting Inkasar, and helping to bring us to this monumental time.” Nairah turned and looked at her entourage on stage, making sure to make eye contact with each one of her cabinet members as well as with the Israeli and International representatives that were there as honored guests.

  “There is a long list of individuals, in a multitude of various positions in the international and domestic communities, that have been instrumental in helping us to maintain the peace we all share. Finally, the time has come where we can all be proud to share the warmth and brilliance of the same glorious light. No longer will we allow anyone to cast a shadow on us or hamper our compassionate desire to implement justice, human rights and just as importantly, the freedom of speech.

  “All of us have had different cultural roots which have been embedded with polarity, but now, the realization of our stable unification has successfully emerged after eons of warring, opposition and general discord. We will keep the light glowing and savor the strength of truth and love for all the good people on earth.” The roar of the crowd was intense, as the thunderous ovation she received boomed like the sound of fighter jets flying over the area.

  I was most likely the proudest person in the crowd. As Jezabilah’s tearing eyes targeted mine, I was shaken emotionally. With all the accomplishments that we initiated especially with bringing our darling daughter into the world, it all seemed like it was our destiny. I felt gladness and pictured an image in my mind of a world glorifying eternal love, peace and tranquility. If our secret relationship would ever be chronicled, it would place us in the ranks with King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, or Anthony and Cleopatra. Our love for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, transcended all material manifestations. Ours is a love to share eternally; a dream that came true; a tangible reality that most of us can only hope for on the real-world stage.

  Nairah started crying with emotion, yet she continued to wave to the cheering crowd, throwing kisses in all directions. Gathering herself she continued, “We are grateful to you all for making our story a success and for being an indispensable part of it. Our great government is presently involved in many new plans, generating new ideas and concepts that shall build and constantly reinforce the durable bonds of honor and integrity with the nations of the free world. We wish to welcome you into our hearts and homes. Let us rejoice in these wonderful moments.” Waiving intensely to the crowd, she was radiating joy and a deep feeling of love for her people.

  “Thank you, thank you, all. I promise to keep this spirit alive, for all of you and for all generations to come. Long live Palestine and Israel. We are a great people, and we bless the rest of the free world for being our partners in pursuing goodness. Thank you, all. I shall now bid you farewell and wish you all peace, joy, love, health, happiness and prosperity.”

  The applause was loud and continuous, as Jezabilah and Nairah embraced. They waved at the crowd as they were escorted off the stage. I stood tall, watching Jezabilah and Nairah leave the scene, amazed and proud like any husband and father would be under the circumstances.

  “I love you, Mom,” said Nairah, as they entered the presidential car and were driven out of the plaza by way of the guarded passage which was packed on both sides by an exhilarated crowd of thousands of supporters, waving jubilantly, leaning over the police barricades.

  “I love you dearly, Nairah,” said Jezabilah, as they hugged joyfully. The dark windows of the Land Rover gave them a special moment of privacy, together as a family unit. Jezabilah wiped the tears that trickled down her cheeks, thinking and reflecting on her life:

  ‘I am where I have dreamed to be as far back as I can remember, and the things that have happened lately raised my faith to a new peak, as my soul is quenched by my heightened spirit. Our people truly believe in us and the ideas we have nurtured for the future of Palestine. Our plans are being implemented and expanded day by day. Now we are a free democratic s
tate; a new bridge in the Middle East.’

  I, more than anyone, know how long and painful the journey has been for Jezabilah. I am sure that Nairah would definitely be resourceful in keeping the flame of freedom glowing brightly. Quite understandably, the memories of Jezabilah’s hardships were still fresh in her mind, but now she is confident and sure that never again will any of her people fall victim to tormenting treatment and suffering that her family and friends had to experience at the hands of radical, extremist gangs and the corrupt politicians who sponsored them.

  The celebrations continued all through the night. People were singing and dancing in the street. It was an amazing time for the local population; people from all over the world congregating in cafés, restaurants and nightclubs all over Palestine and Israel. The voices of exaltation and glee could be heard everywhere. I was very fulfilled by the whole cycle of these inspiring events. At times, it all seemed like a dream, but I savored every moment of this new reality. Jezabilah and I had worked so hard and lost many friends because of our relentless dedication to our missions, however, it was all worth the struggle. I am very satisfied to be at this plateau of my life, having done so much for so many people.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The following week, the media had an abundance of positive material to report. The keywords were health, education and social reform. One special coverage reported the advances made in developing new types of agricultural operations incorporating recycling and composting. The report included information about a sprout company named “Sprout Out Hunger” which had been operating in the Jordan Valley ever since Zaid had gotten the international funding needed to implement it as a joint project between Israel and Palestine. The company produced special sprouting kits that are now included in every major humanitarian airdrop. Other reports touched on educational programs and activities. Hebrew and Arabic are now mandatory languages in the curriculum of both our nations. Now children in both countries are participating in a variety of activities that included dance, music, sports, art and technology. Our nation’s main goals are centered on teaching tolerance and being respectful to one another, with a special emphasis on exposing the students to the various cultures all around the world. The foundation of the learning environment focused on learning interpersonal communication; the result of which has raised motivation levels of students in Israel and Palestine. The programs had a huge budget; allowing for weekly concerts and performances of the arts, with lectures and exhibits by famous artists from around the world.


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