UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  “You got shit to go through with that, I do not envy you, brother.”

  Silver shakes his head a couple of times. “Wouldn’t trade it for the world, but that boy will make me a grandfather before I’m ready. Already lookin’ at tits and ass like he can’t wait to unwrap every woman that fucking walks by him. He’s trouble, worse than I ever was.”

  “Doubt that,” I say.

  His lips curve up into a grin. “Yeah, with Presley on his ass constantly, he’ll never be as bad as I was.”

  “Plus, you know what you’re doin’ with him, no way is he going to get away with half the shit you did.”

  “Probably not.” He laughs. “Thanks,” he offers.


  “Bein’ my brother on this trip. Showing me that you’re the same Jag you always were. You changed, brother. It was slow, but it was there and I think you’re back to you.”

  I hate to admit that he’s right. Nobody wants to hear that they changed and I know that when any one of my brothers makes the announcement that I changed, it wasn’t because they think it was for the better.

  “I was lost for a long time,” I admit. “And angry.”

  “Yeah, easy to be in our world, in any world really.”

  Before I can reply, the door behind me opens and we turn to see Mamba standing there, naked as the fucking day that he was born, scratching his stomach.

  “Wanna put your dick away before you traumatize anyone?” Silver asks.

  Mamba’s lips turn up into a lazy smile. “You mean before women flock and beg to take a ride?”

  I open my mouth to respond, but nothing except laughter escapes. Silver joins and so does Mamba. A few moments later, the men start filing out of their rooms. It’s time to get ready. It’s a few hours before sunlight, but we need to load up and set up before we strike.

  “What’re you gonna do with the girl?” Dragon asks, jerking his chin toward the bedroom where Gator and the waitress are still inside.

  Mamba grins. “We’re thinking of keeping her,” he announces. “At least for some fun every now and again.”

  My eyes widen, and I shake my head, looking down at my feet. Those two need to stick with each other. I know it, as does everyone else around here, but as many times as we’ve tried to tell them, they won’t just accept it.

  I don’t know if it’s Gator or Mamba. Maybe it’s the both of them that aren’t ready to admit the fact that they just love one another. They don’t need a third person. They have one another and not a single one of us would give a fuck if they kept it that way.

  “Mamba,” Dragon warns.

  He grins, shrugging a shoulder. “She wants out of this small town. Told her she could hang with us as long as she wanted to. She’s ready to fly, brother, and you know me. I never keep a woman grounded if she doesn’t want to be.”

  Nobody responds. There’s nothing to respond to. Instead, I clear my throat and turn to Dragon. He’s watching Mamba and I can tell he has something on the tip of his tongue that he wants to say, probably something close to what I was thinking, but he doesn’t say it.

  “We ready to ride?” Silver asks. Then he turns to Mamba and jerks his chin. “The girl stays here.”

  “No shit,” Mamba grunts.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re loaded into the truck, onto bikes, and headed to the Donkey Punchers. We only know what Google Earth has shown us, if anything has changed, we won’t see any of that until we arrive.

  Hopefully it’s all stayed the same and hopefully they’re there because I am ready to end this and Riot all at the same time. Today.


  Maci watches from the chair across from me. She tilts her head to the side as she takes me in. What she doesn’t do is speak to me. I brought her a bottled water and grabbed some crackers and cheese from the kitchen. She ate, but wordlessly.

  I chew on my bottom lip, unsure of what to say to her. I’m not like the other Old Ladies. I have no idea how to start conversations or really even to engage in them. I only know how to answer questions when I’m asked myself.

  “Do you need something?” I finally ask.

  She jerks her torso slightly and shakes her head once. “No,” she breathes.

  She tilts her head to the side again and I have a feeling she’s either trying to read me or has a question for me that she’s not sure she should ask. I watch her too, wondering what they did to her at the other club, then I grimace at the thought of what my father and his men did to her.

  “You can ask me anything,” I say.

  She licks her lips, then flicks her gaze to the table before she slowly lifts her eyes to meet my own. I watch as she lifts her chin slightly, then she clears her throat.

  “What are they going to do to me here?” she asks, her voice wavering and shaky.

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I sit forward slightly. “I don’t know, but I do know what they won’t do,” I offer.

  She follows my direction and leans forward, her eyes wide and bright. “What?” she breathes.

  “They won’t hurt you. They won’t rape you. They won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “They demanded me, took me as a punishment for my father’s betrayal. I think you don’t know them as well as you think you do,” she snaps.

  “Did those other men hurt you?” I ask, lifting my hand and sticking my thumb behind my shoulder toward the Skulls who are bellied up to the bar.

  She shakes her head, her eyes following my thumb and I watch as her eyes glaze over. Her cheeks turn pink, then she lowers her gaze to the table again before she lifts her eyes to meet my own. It’s her tell. She has something on her mind, something that I don’t even realize she knows is right there in front and she’s about to explode with it.

  “No, they didn’t,” she whispers.

  “Did you fall for one of them?” I ask.

  She nods her head. “I did, but he doesn’t want me back. He’s happily married with a child.”

  “The leader?” I ask, my eyes wide and no doubt showing the amount of shock that I feel.

  “The leader,” she says, nodding her head. “It’s stupid. It’s why he’s giving me back, though. I don’t want to be a whore for them. I don’t want to be one of their caged women. I just want him.”

  I don’t know what to say. I am at a loss. She’s fallen for a married man, one who is into kinks that I don’t even get, kinks that she doesn’t seem to like. Then I think about the whore thing and I realize that she may be expected to be that here, too. I’m not because I have Dylan, but she doesn’t have a man.

  “What if they ask you to be one of their girls here, too?” I ask.

  She shrugs a shoulder, her gaze flicking to the bar again, then back to me. “I don’t know.”

  “They wouldn’t make you, but I have a feeling that nobody stays here for free.”

  “And there’s no way they’re just going to let me go.”

  “Yeah,” I say, but I don’t know what else to say.

  I can’t make her feel better and I can’t reassure her of anything. Not a damn fucking thing. All I know is that they won’t force her and they won’t abuse her. Nothing else is sure in any of this.

  “I don’t have anyone. My dad was all I had. He was a selfish dick and honestly, I thought that when Riot took me, that it would be an adventure.”

  I snort, imagining my father being the idea of an adventure to anyone. It’s laughable, mainly because he’s only a nightmare, nothing else.

  “It was awful,” she whispers. “But, I think falling for someone you can’t have is an even worse feeling.”

  It seems as though I have my answer then. My father didn’t rape her, neither did all of his men. If they had, she wouldn’t be thinking that unrequited love was the worst thing to have ever happened to her. She would have completely different traumas than a man not liking her as much as she likes him.

  “Things could always be worse, Maci,” I whisper. “Always. He’s n
ot the one you’re meant to have, then. Maybe there’s a real adventure waiting for you.”

  Her eyes find mine and she doesn’t respond, but I can see understanding in her gaze. I could explain to her all of the ways that things could be worse, but I decide against it. It doesn’t matter. I can tell by what she said and the way that she said it that it would only serve to traumatize her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It’s exactly the way Google Earth showed it. It’s fucking perfect. Looking around, there are a few pickups pulled up to the back of the small house and I recognize them from the Donkey Punchers clubhouse.

  “It’s them,” I whisper to Silver.

  I watch as he pulls his phone out and sends a text. I assume he’s texting Dragon to find out the next play. He grunts then looks over to me. “Shall we?” he asks.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I grunt.

  “Stay with me. Dragon will lose his fucking shit if you get separated.”

  I know what he means. He’s not looking out for my safety or anything. He wants to make sure that I don’t betray any of them again. I don’t blame him either. Not in the fucking slightest. This is another test, another way to prove to them that I know what I did was wrong and another way to earn their trust again.

  I’m going to do it all, too. I am going to show them that I have no desire to betray them. I am going to earn their trust again, and I am going to prove to them that I know I was wrong and I’ve changed.

  As quietly as possible, we all gather around the back of the house. There aren’t any lights on. Worm clears his throat. “We’re good,” he murmurs. “No evidence of surveillance equipment.”

  “Good,” Dragon rasps.

  “We smokin’ them out or going in?” I ask.

  Unfortunately, I haven’t been privy to any meetings, so I’m going into this completely blind. Dragon looks over to me, his eyes smiling before his mouth does. He loves this shit. As much as he claims he hates war, the man loves to dish out to fuckers what they deserve.

  “Smoke, then fire,” he says as his explanation.

  It’s my turn to smile, except my eyes don’t just turn up into a smile, my entire fucking face lights up. I am ready to bring these fucks down and watch them burn. I’ll do it with a smile, a huge ass fucking smile.

  Dragon turns his head, then jerks his chin and I watch as Silver, Mountain, and Wolfe grab some bags out of the back of the truck. When they unzip them, my eyes widen at the sight of what’s inside.

  Fucking Molotov cocktails. Turning to Silver, I stare at him with wide eyes. “Brother, those are unstable as fuck and we just drove all the way across the goddamn country with them sitting in the bed of the truck?”

  Silver’s lips turn up into a grin and he snorts. “Yeah, let’s have some fun.”

  He hands me one of the cocktails and watches me for a moment. Shoving my free hand into my pocket, I pull out my lighter and light the cocktail right before I throw it straight for one of the windows of the cabin.

  The other men follow suit and do the same. There are three guys standing at the front door and we’re at the back. A dozen cocktails get thrown into the cabin and against the outer wall. Within minutes, the Donkey Punchers emerge.

  I see Riot instantly. He’s only wearing his boxers, but he’s not hard to miss, the fuck. I growl, unable to stop myself, but it’s Dragon’s arm extending that causes me to pause. Clearing my throat, I don’t move, even if my boy is begging me to beat the absolute fuck out of him.

  “Soon,” Dragon grinds out.

  Riot’s eyes scan us, then his gaze connects with mine and I see the flicker of recognition when he realizes just who I am and that I didn’t die where he left me all those weeks ago when the Beasts came to his compound.

  “You fuck,” he shouts right before he takes off in a dead run toward me.

  Bracing myself, I wait for his body to impact with mine. I’m going to let him come to me, then I’m going to enjoy beating the absolute fuck out of him. I want to be close enough to see the life drain from his face. It’s going to be beautiful, and right before he takes his last breath, I’m going to tell him that Pamela is mine.

  His arms wrap around my waist and he tries to take me down, but it doesn’t work. Before I can even get one good punch in, Silver and Wolfe drag him off of me, wrapping his arms behind his back and force his knees to the dirt.

  “You fucking traitor,” he growls.

  I smirk. “Yeah, but never against the Punchers.” His face blanches. “Man, you are a dumbfuck and if your men were more worried about vetting and security instead of fucking their own daughters and innocent stolen girls, then you would have known that I’ve been a Savage Beast for twenty fucking years,” I growl.

  Riot doesn’t say anything. His jaw goes hard and I know that he’s not going to talk. That’s fine, we don’t need anything from him. Not a single fucking thing. We stopped them, they tried to beg us, they killed two of our own, and now their club ends right here and now.

  The men bring over the rest of the club members and force them to their knees. I shake my head, knowing that nobody, no man could bring me to my fucking knees. They’d have to kill me before any part of my body, aside from my feet, touched the fucking ground.

  “How’s my daughter?” Riot asks through his teeth. “And my woman?”

  I smirk, my eyes flicking over to Dragon who now looks bored, but I know him well enough to know that he is listening intently and he is on full alert.

  “Both of them are the best fuck I ever had, Riot. Why?” I ask.

  Thank fuck Dragon told me that Pinkie was really Pamela’s mom before this, otherwise the fuck might have caught me off guard.

  Although, I doubt that Riot knew Pinkie was even at our clubhouse all these years until his group infiltrated a few months ago. He thought she was dead, otherwise he would have searched high and low for her until he found her and forced her back. Riot isn’t a man who just allows what he thinks is his to walk away from him—ever.

  He jerks forward, but Wolfe is still holding him back. I expect Riot to respond, but he doesn’t. Instead, his eyes narrow and he spits at my feet. I snort, then take a step backward. I don’t bother saying anything else. This needs to be done and we don’t need to compare dicks.

  Mine’s bigger and Riot is going to be dead soon.

  “Kill them,” Dragon says and lifts his hand, flicking two fingers in the air.

  He doesn’t say anything else, he doesn’t have to. I watch as our men beat the fuck out of the Donkey Punchers with pipes. No guns, no tracing. Metal pipes to kill them, then throw the fucks in the fire, wipe down the pipes and toss those in as well.

  Easy as shit.

  Walk away without anyone being the wiser. Plus, if there’s an issue, I have no doubt that Dragon has some kind of contact nearby.

  Wolfe continues to hold on to Riot. I watch as the man visibly shudders with each crunch of his brothers’ cracking skulls. At least he seems to have given a fuck about his men, even if he didn’t give a shit about his own daughter, or theirs.

  “Let Jaguar do it,” Dragon announces.

  The president is always the last to die. He has to watch all of his men fall before he can go down. It’s an unsaid rule, something that just became a thing. Not that we eradicate clubs often. In fact, I think this is only the second time this has happened in the twenty years since I’ve been a Beast.

  “Happy to,” I say, taking a step toward him.

  Someone hands me a pipe, but I can’t look away from Riot’s angry gaze. Bending down slightly, I look him straight in the eyes. I refuse to let him die without telling him about Pammy.

  “I saved her. But she saved me,” I begin. “She’s mine, will always be mine. I own her and soon she’ll have my brand seared into her flesh. She’ll have my last name and she’ll carry my babies. She will be a Savage Beast until the day she dies.”

  He opens his mouth to say something in response, but I don’t let him. I don’t
need to hear his words. I don’t need to hear a fucking thing out of his worthless goddamn mouth. Lifting the pipe, I slam it down in the center of his skull, watching it split his fucking head in two.

  It’s perfect.


  Maci continues to just stay in the corner for days. She seems to be a bit more comfortable, but she still doesn’t engage with anyone, not even Pinkie. I’m cleaning glasses and disinfecting the bar area when Pinkie slides up to my side.

  “She okay?” she asks.

  I hum, unsure if I can really answer that. I feel like I can’t. I don’t know her at all. The snips, bits, and pieces that she’s told me, I think she’s okay. I also think she’s not used to not getting what she wants and she really wants Bones. Now that he and his group have been around a while, I see the appeal. He’s nice, they’re all nice, but beyond that, they have charisma.

  Charisma can be a bitch. It can make a girl want things she doesn’t understand. It can make a girl think that she wants something, when really it wouldn’t be good for her in the long run. I’ve seen too many girls fall for the men in my dad’s club because of that pesky little thing called charisma.

  “I think so. She just wants Bones.”

  It’s Pinkie’s turn to hum. “Can’t blame her. He’s fine as hell and a sweetheart, even if he’s into the kink he’s into.”

  “They really keep women in cages?” I ask.

  Pinkie’s lips curve up into a grin. “Collars around their necks too. It’s hot, but I’m not into that for an everyday thing. They live that life, they don’t just play at it.”

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  I’m not even sure how to process that. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Not that that’s saying much, because I honestly haven’t seen much in my life other than the Donkey Punchers clubhouse and this one.

  Pinkie laughs softly but doesn’t say anything else. I decide it’s a good moment to talk about her and me.

  “You’re my mom, then?” I ask.


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