UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8) Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  I need to tell him, but not yet, not until we have this moment together.

  I want him, desperately.



  Who the fuck needs food?

  Closing the bedroom door behind me, I don’t even bother locking it. Instead, I take my woman to the bed and I lower her down onto her feet. Pammy keeps her arms wrapped around my neck as she tilts her head back and looks up at me.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to hers, sliding my tongue inside of her. Before I can shift her around, maneuver her to the bed, she sinks down to her knees, her hands sliding down my entire body, her gaze focused on mine.

  “Sunny,” I rasp.

  She shakes her head as she settles on her knees, reaching for my belt buckle. I grunt as she takes my pants down to my thighs. She takes my cock in her hand, stroking me a couple of times, but she doesn’t fucking need to. I’m hard as shit right now, ready to fucking blow.

  Pamela’s lips touch the tip of my dick before they part and she takes me inside of her mouth. I shiver, reaching forward and wrapping my fingers in the back of her hair. She has no fucking clue what she’s doing, she’s timid and shy, but it’s fucking spectacular.

  Gripping her hair tightly, I try not to face fuck her, but it’s taking all of the control that I have inside of me not to do just that. Instead, I gently guide her along my length. I don’t force her to swallow too much, even if I want to just bury myself all the way down her throat, no fucks given.

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  I’m so close, my lower back tingles and my balls draw up, but I don’t come in her mouth. I want all that inside of her, I want to create life with her. I want to keep her. For-fucking-ever. Reaching down, I slip my hands beneath her arms and pick her up.

  Removing my clothes, I can’t take my eyes off of her as she eagerly does the same. “Need you hard, Sunny. You think you can take me?” I ask, my voice hoarse and on edge.

  She nods her head, her eyes wide as she climbs on the bed. Once I’m on the bed, on my knees, I reach for her and drag her up my thighs, positioning her so that she’s straddling me. Wrapping my fingers around her waist, I hold her steady in my grip as I guide myself inside of her.

  Lifting up on my knees, she wraps her arms around my neck and digs her nails in my shoulders. Thrusting forward, I watch as her eyes widen at the same time her breath hitches.

  “Dylan,” she rasps.


  I thrust up, hard and fast, taking her with everything that I have, with all of my strength. She watches me, her breath panting with each stroke, her body sliding along my length, taking me, welcoming me, squeezing me.

  “Touch yourself, I want to feel you come, Sunny,” I order.

  One of her hands leaves my shoulders and she slips her fingers between us. I wish that I could see her touching her sweet clit, but I’ll have to be okay with my eyes flicking between her gorgeous gaze, her full lips, and her bouncing tits.

  “Oh god,” she moans.

  “Fuck,” I grind out as I feel her cunt flutter around me.

  She comes with a cry and it doesn’t take me long to follow after her, considering I was holding on by a thread with sheer will and determination. When I come, my dick twitches as it fills her with my release.

  If this doesn’t create a fucking kid, I don’t know what will. I’m filling her with over a week’s worth of jizz. That trip didn’t give me a minute alone with my hand.

  Holding her against me, feeling her tits press against my chest, I breathe. I bury my face in her neck, my cock still half hard inside of her sweet cunt and I just fucking breathe.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispers in the silence of the room.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I don’t know what I expect, or maybe it’s that I expect far too much. But when Dylan pulls me off of him and practically tosses me to the side, I can’t help but stare at him in disbelief. A stab of pain slices throughout my entire body as I watch him pull on his clothes and leave the room.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, completely naked, I stare at the closed bedroom door in complete shock.

  This did not just happen, did it?

  My entire body starts to tremble with fear and worry. He said he wanted this, he said he wanted me. Now I’m pregnant and he doesn’t want me or this baby. Now I’m pregnant and I’m completely alone, with nothing, not even a birth certificate, no ID, no education, nothing.

  I hear cheering, it’s loud and does nothing to ease the anxiety that is filling me. Bringing my knees to my chest, I rest my cheek against them and I try not to cry, but I fail. Tears fall down my cheeks, down to my knees, and beneath my chin.

  My life is over. I might as well end it right now. God. I hate how instantly I become so freaking dramatic, even in my own head. Pinching my eyes closed, I remind myself that I didn’t get out of the Donkey Punchers and away from my dad just to regret living. I did it so that I could live.

  “Sunny,” Dylan calls out, right before I feel the bed dip behind me. I feel his arms wrap around me and his lips touch my cheeks. “You’re crying.”

  I want to scream at him, no fucking shit I’m crying, asshole, but I don’t. He squeezes me again, his lips skimming my cheek a second time.

  “Sunny,” he calls out so softly that I almost don’t hear it. “You’re not happy?”

  Opening my eyes, I can’t help but feel intense rage fill me at his question. Jerking away from him, I stand and turn around to face him. He’s sitting on the bed, on his knees, his eyes wide as he watches me morph into a straight-up pissed-off girl.

  “I’m not happy? What the hell makes you think that?” I snap. His eyes widen and his head jerks back as if I’ve physically slapped him across the face.

  “Sunny,” he begins, but I hold my hand up and shake my head.

  “You wanted this,” I remind him. “You wanted me, to have a baby with me. I’m not ready, I know that I’m not, but that doesn’t matter. You wanted it anyway, so you took it. Took me. And now you don’t want it anymore? What the actual fuck,” I say, shouting the word fuck.

  He slowly blinks, and if I were paying attention, I would see the absolute shock in his expression, but I’m not paying attention and I’m freaking the hell out, because all I can think about is the fact that I will never be able to provide for this baby. I won’t be able to provide, not even a little bit.

  Even if I wanted some kind of government aid, I have zero way of proving who the fuck I am, because my birth certificate probably burned up in the clubhouse when they blew it the fuck up. So fucking excuse the shit out of me if I’m a little upset right about now.

  “Sunny,” he grunts.

  “No… none of that Sunny bullshit. You don’t get to do this to me and then just leave.”

  I watch as he slowly shifts off of the bed, then stands in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at me. He looks down his nose at me, his eyes narrowing slightly and his lips pursed together.

  “You done?” he asks, sounding patient, but just barely.

  “Yes,” I snap.

  His lips curve up into a grin, then he closes the distance between us. I try to move away, but end up just backing into the wall with a thud. I’m suddenly aware that I’m still completely naked, something that I had forgotten in my adrenaline rush haze of intense anger.

  I feel his fingers against my cheek before they settle at the side of my neck, his warm palm pressing against the side of my throat, his eyes staring intensely into my own. He dips his chin so that he’s closer to me, so close that his nose almost touches mine. So close that if I moved just a little, his lips would be on mine.

  I’ve suddenly forgotten the reason I’m upset, because I’m lost in him. He dips his chin and his lips brush mine. I sigh against his mouth, my eyes fluttering closed as I just feel his mouth touching my own.

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere, Sunny,” he rasps against my mouth. My eyelids open, and I ga
sp at the intensity of his gaze as he stares back at me. “You thought I would leave you?” he asks, his voice and eyes both full of unadulterated hurt.

  “You just walked away without a word. You were inside of me,” I say, unable to mask my hurt, it’s there and I can’t hide it.

  Dylan’s fingers flex against my throat and his lips twitch into a smirk. “I shouldn’t have run out,” he says, his voice rumbling. “I ran out to tell everyone the news.”

  “The cheering,” I exhale.

  He hums. “The cheering,” he agrees with a dip of his chin.

  Without another word, he tilts his head to the side and his lips touch mine. He consumes me in a second. Lifting my arms, I wrap them around the back of his neck, pressing my breasts against his body and moaning as the hair on his chest scrapes against my nipples.

  “Fuck,” he breathes as he reaches down and wraps his hands around the backs of my thighs.

  Reaching between us, I unbuckle and unzip his jeans. He’s hard again, I moan as my hand curls around his length and I gently stroke him, leading him exactly to where I want him. He tilts his hips toward the head, just slipping inside of me, but goes no farther.

  Shifting my hands, I wrap them around his shoulders and I hold on as he slams deep inside of me. He growls, but doesn’t stop. He pulls out of me and slams back inside again. And again. And again.

  Everything hurts and it feels absolutely amazing. He takes from me but it’s nothing that I wouldn’t give to him—gladly.


  Hooking my arm around Pamela’s neck, I tug her close to my side as I walk out of the clubhouse with her. She’s mine. Completely and totally fucking mine now. There are people standing around, drinking and eating, relaxing with the women and children, but they all stop when we appear.

  Pamela sucks in a breath, but she doesn’t need to be nervous at all. Everyone smiles and a round of cheers come from my family again. Family. They are that right now, again. I thought that I had lost them for good. I thought a lot of things, but I was so goddamn wrong.

  Turning to Pamela, I look down at her, my lips unable to move from their current wide as fuck smile. Her own lips curve up and the anxiousness that had filled her face is gone. There is nothing but happiness.

  “Happy, Sunny?” I ask.

  She licks her lips, her gaze searching my own. “I am,” she breathes. “Happier than I ever thought possible.” Dipping my chin, I touch my lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

  “Hungry?” I ask. Her eyes light up and I almost laugh. She’s hungry. “Go on and find a place to sit. I’ll bring you a plate.”

  “I can get it,” she says hurriedly.

  Shaking my head, I look into her eyes, not able to look elsewhere. She looks almost panicked, but I don’t allow her to say a single fucking thing. I know whatever it is that’s on the tip of her tongue, it’s going to be bullshit.

  “Go. I’ll bring you a plate,” I repeat, firmly.

  She nods her head, her eyes holding mine for just a moment before she lets out a breath and turns from me. I’m not backing down. I will get her a plate of fucking food, my pregnant woman.

  “You gonna brand her?” a voice asks.

  Turning, I notice that it’s Eagle. Arching a brow, I almost ask him if that’s what he did, but I don’t. I know what he did. He married Della while I was on a run. I don’t even have any ill will or hate toward him. My initial response is pure smart-ass and nothing else.

  “When I’m able. Marry her first,” I say.

  “When you’re able?” he asks.

  I smirk as I reach for a roll and pop it on the plate. “Yeah, prospects can’t brand women.”

  He chuckles. “Think Dragon would make an exception, no?”

  Shaking my head, I clear my throat as I turn to look over at him. “I think I’ve asked for enough special treatment that I don’t necessarily deserve. I won’t ask for any more. Giving us a place to live, giving me a small monthly salary, letting us live here. It’s more than I could ever ask for. So if I’m ever allowed to be a member again, then I’ll brand my wife.”

  Eagle clears his throat, then he lifts his hand and wraps his fingers around my shoulder, squeezing me before he releases it.

  “You’ll earn it, brother. Already almost there. Proving yourself every fuckin’ day.”

  He doesn’t allow me to respond to his words and I’m glad, because I have no clue what the fuck to say to him. Instead, he turns and walks away. I shift my attention back to the table and continue to load up a plate with a bunch of food. I have no goddamn idea what Pammy even likes to eat.

  When the plate is so full it’s about to collapse in my hand, I turn and make my way over to her. Scanning the picnic area, I find her sitting at the picnic table, Presley on one side of her, Esther on the other.

  Making my way over to them, I set the plate down in front of Pammy and don’t miss the eyes that are focused on me and the way that the conversation came to a halt at my appearance.

  “You want some water?” I ask, my gaze focused on Pammy’s.

  She nods her head once. “That would be nice,” she says.

  Walking away from the women, I make my way over to the coolers and grab bottles of water for all three of the women. Delivering them, I decide not to stay. They all look like they’re enjoying themselves and they don’t need me around.

  “You need anything else, just holler,” I call out.

  Pamela’s eyes find mine and she holds them. She doesn’t look worried or scared, in fact, she looks the exact opposite, she looks completely relaxed. She nods her head once, and that’s when I turn and make my way over to the food to make myself a plate.

  When my plate is full, I head over to Silver, who is talking to Wolfe and Mountain. “They took her straight to their room. They branded Maria, she didn’t leave that long ago,” Silver announces.

  “Mamba and Gator?” I ask. “Straight-up took that chick from the restaurant.”

  Wolfe snorts. “Who expected anything different? She’s rebound.”

  “She’s a fucking stranger,” Mountain growls.

  “Maria left, they’re adults,” I say with a shrug.

  “Yeah,” Mountain snorts.

  I don’t ask him what he means by that comment, the way he said it, his eyes flicking up and down my body, I know that it had another meaning, but it doesn’t matter. I have to let shit slide right the fuck off of my back, it cannot control me any longer.

  “They’ll realize it’s not a woman that they want between them eventually,” I point out.

  Nobody says anything and I lift my head from my plate, looking between the three men who are staring at me.

  “You know they’re completely in love with one another, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Silver says slowly. “Didn’t know you did.”

  “Does anyone not?”

  They all three look at their shoes before they lift their gazes up to meet mine. “Doesn’t bother me. Maybe they want to play with a woman here and there. That’s all good, too. But they need to brand one another and just accept the fact that they’re in love.”

  “Been sayin’ that shit for months,” Wolfe growls. “Thank you for bringing it up. Nobody here gives a fuck at all.”

  “Sure as shit don’t,” Mountain grumbles.

  The conversation shifts, but I can’t get Mamba and Gator off of my mind. They do love one another, deeply. It’s obvious to everyone. I’ve been there, afraid to let myself love, still am really, but they shouldn’t be.

  They’ve been with one another for so long that they need to just accept it all. Every good, bad, and ugly part of who they are as a couple. Something that I couldn’t do with Della and me. Something that I wish I had done long before I fucked everything up. But then I wouldn’t have Pammy—my Sunny.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I’m surprised that Jaguar doesn’t get drunk. He has a couple beers, but we stay at the party well into the early morning. There is a h
uge bonfire and the children are shuffled back home as the real party starts.

  It reminds me of the Donkey Punchers, except these are all consenting people just enjoying themselves, nobody looks like they’re zombies and lost.

  After we’ve eaten and socialized, as soon as the children are sent away, Dylan finds me and keeps me close the rest of the evening. I don’t mind. I like being near him and he’s been gone for a week, a week that felt like a month.

  “You ready for bed?” he asks, his lips pressed against my temple.

  Looking up at him, I smile. “You don’t want to stay?” I ask.

  Something shifts in his gaze and his eyes darken. “The only things happening around here for the rest of the night is a lot of sex and sharing.”

  “Sharing?” I breathe in horror.

  He snorts. “Sharing,” he confirms.

  “You don’t want to… do you?”

  Fire ignites in his eyes and he shakes his head slowly. “Absolutely not, Sunny.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. He chuckles, looking up at the sky before he drops his gaze back down to meet mine. “Let’s go, Pammy.”

  “Okay,” I offer.

  “Want to celebrate some more.”

  My thighs tremble with his words. We’ve already had sex twice tonight. I’m not sure if I could go again, but with each step toward the clubhouse, I realize that my desire grows as well. I could go again, and again, and again—as long as he’s the man that I’m with.

  We slip back into our room to do just that—celebrate.

  Stretching, I can’t believe I’ve slept in. I know it’s late too, I can feel the warm sun on my body through the window. I haven’t even opened my eyes yet. My body was so exhausted from the party cleanup yesterday that I came to bed last night and just passed out.


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