Eeli (The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book 3)

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Eeli (The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book 3) Page 7

by Bobbie Rayne

The girls started to giggle while he smirked at me, convinced he busted me and knew my secret. I knew Austin wasn’t gay, so I wasn’t going to tell him that it was him Eeli had a crush on. And if part of the reason I didn’t tell him was because I’d never actually confirmed whether Austin was bi or not, and I didn’t want to take the chance he may like Eeli back—after all, in my opinion he was more appealing than Austin—that was for me to know and no one else ever to find out. Well, maybe no one, I thought, as Kyla winked at me with a smirk of her own before distracting Austin and Jessa by pointing to one of the guys walking by with his board. My damn sister knew me too well.

  Thankfully, Kyla didn’t bring Eeli up again. Although, we hadn’t actually spent much time alone since the tournament. We’d all gone back to Austin and Jessa’s house after watching several events for pizza and to hang out for a while. Austin had a movie date later that night with a girl from school, so I’d left when he did, and Kyla stayed for a sleepover with Jessa. Kyla had promised me she’d been careful not to breathe a word of our situation to Jessa, but I suspected their mom knew things weren’t ideal for us at home because as soon as she found out I had to work a double on Sunday to make up for not working Saturday, she’d offered for Kyla to stay with them. It was a relief for me since the one day my uncle always slept in and got a slow start to the day was on Sunday. I hated the thought of Kyla trapped in our room for hours and hours by herself trying to avoid him.

  As we walked to school on Monday morning, she asked, “Are you going to ask him out?”

  Feigning ignorance, I replied, “Who?”

  She elbowed me much as Austin had done to her on Saturday. “Come on, Christian. I know you. People who don’t know you may fall for this mysterious goth boy vibe you’ve got going on since we moved here, but I’m your sister. Slash.” She did jazz fingers out in front of her body, making me chuckle. “See, come on. I know… I know you wanted to make sure we stayed safe and stuff. And honestly, I like the whole Slash nickname thing. I think Mom and Dad would’ve got a kick out of how you picked it, but… to me, you’ll always be Christian. The most awesome big brother in the world.”

  “Thanks,” I said softly.

  “Hanging out with Jessa and her family has been great. In some ways, it makes me miss what we had, but… it kind of gives me hope at the same time. Maybe someday we’ll have our own families, and do the things we did with Mom and Dad. You know?”

  I nodded my head. Thinking about our parents was something I only allowed myself to do in the middle of the night when Kyla was asleep. It wasn’t fair they weren’t here anymore, and rage consumed me not being able to do anything about it.

  “But now that I’ve been hanging out over there, I realize how much we’ve been missing out on. I feel guilty sometimes when I’m there having fun, knowing that you’re either at work or home by yourself studying. I want you to get out and have fun, too. You’re so serious all the time. Mom and Dad wouldn’t like that.”

  With the back entrance of her school in sight, I wrapped my arm around her neck and gave a quick squeeze before dropping my arm back to my side. While the high school was already in session, there were tons of middle schoolers lurking around outside or headed into the building. I didn’t want to embarrass my sister, but I needed the contact for a minute. “I’m fine, Kyla. I promise. I’m not doing anything I don’t want to. Plus, I’ve been talking to Austin some, so I’m not totally isolated or anything. And you know I’m friendly with my co-workers.”

  She stopped walking, making me pause beside her. When she turned to me, she shook her head before saying, “Your co-workers don’t count, Christian. Most of them are too old for you to seriously hang out with them or anything. And don’t tell me they’re not, I’ve been in there. And Austin’s cool. He’s great with Jessa; she’s as lucky as me in the big brother department.” She grinned at me before her face settled into the same stern expression our mom used to make. “But if you’ve found someone you actually like, and there’s even a remote possibility he may like you back, I think you should go for it. What do you have to lose? You’re alone now, if he says no, you’re not out anything.” Then she turned and started strolling toward school again.

  I thought about what she said after she saw Jessa and ran off. I couldn’t get her words off my mind as I sat in language arts, and I listened to Eeli’s smooth baritone as he read a passage aloud at the teacher’s request. Granted, I didn’t give Kyla any information about Eeli, so I wasn’t actually contemplating asking him out, but I needed to figure out if I was going to talk to the counselor to get him help or if I was going to ignore it since it wasn’t really any of my business. But then I wondered if by noticing, did it make it my business, which meant I should tell someone. Obviously, me discussing it with him wasn’t an option since all he did was hurt my feelings. As I walked down the deserted hall after school to go wait for my sister, still lost in thought and no closer to an answer, I rubbed at that spot on my chest that ached each time I remembered how easily Eeli dismissed me.



  “What’s wrong with you, little pipsqueak?” Malachite said as he joined me on the edge of the landing zone.

  I shrugged and followed Bo’s movements with my eyes. She was in her warrior form, flying around and goofing off while I watched with my feet hanging over the edge of the cliff.

  “Why aren’t you out there with her?” Kite asked.

  Shrugging again, I picked up a stick that I’d found on the ground and started peeling the bark off it, tossing the pieces off the ledge. When Kite’s dragon jumped over the edge to join Bo in the air, I watched the two play and asked, “How do you keep Kesia from escaping her tattoo every time you come across a snow globe?” At least his dragon collected something cool and not pieces of trash.

  Not trash; pretties!

  “I usually have to negotiate with her or promise to buy her one later.”

  “And that works?”

  He smiled at me. “Most of the time. She’s a bit stubborn.”

  “Can I tell you something? But you have to promise not to tell Az.”

  Kite glanced at me, taking me in. “As long as it’s not something life threatening or anything, then sure, I won’t tell him.”

  I blew out a long breath. “Bo keeps jumping out of her tattoo to run after candy, and… and somehow, this kid at school keeps seeing me wiggle around like a major dork when I’m trying to keep her in, and… god, Kite, it’s just so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing that I can’t control her, and it’s embarrassing that people at school think I’m like… losing my mind or something. I hate it.” Picturing the faces Slash kept making at me made my chest tighten, and hurt surround my heart. I didn’t know why I cared so much about what he thought, but that constricting pain was getting worse every time I saw him.

  He sighed and reached over to break off a piece of my stick so he could start peeling it, too. “I’m going to say something, but I know you’re going to get mad.”

  I clenched my jaw because I knew what he was going to say. “Well, now you already made me mad, so you may as well get it over with.”

  I saw him grin at me, but I didn’t look at him, I kept my gaze focused on Bo. Malachite put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “You don’t have to be perfect all the time; it’s okay to not have everything figured out yet. You’re only eighteen.”

  “I’m pretty sure Az would disagree with you,” I muttered before standing up and saying to Bo, Can you catch me? I wanna get out of here.

  Yes! Want to fly over the sea?

  Sure. I looked at my big brother for a moment, then backed up a few steps, and when I knew Bo was close enough, I ran and jumped, launching myself off the cliff and into the air.

  Malachite yelled, “Come on, Eeli!”

  But I ignored him as I grabbed onto Bo’s spike, positioned myself on her back, and held on tight as she took off.



  What’s wrong? Hearing the conc
ern in her voice softened me a little, so I laid my chest over her, hugging her neck as I stroked her purple scales.

  Nothing, Bo. I love you.

  I love you, too, ma'cordhe.

  I couldn’t help the smile that pulled up on my lips, and before I knew it, the freedom in the air had me feeling a million times better and forgetting about Slash. Okay, so not forgetting about him, but at least I was able to feel the wind on my face while I pictured his hazel eyes.

  I dreaded music class. With a passion. Which sucked, because I actually loved music, and while most people in that class didn’t have great voices, a certain someone did. I used to love listening to his voice while I sat in class and pretended I wasn’t completely enthralled by him. But now it seemed that Bodhi either really loved his voice or really hated it. I couldn’t tell which since she flipped out the entire class, but especially when Slash sang his parts. Every day she made me work at keeping her inside her tattoo.

  I couldn’t imagine what the other kids thought of me; the guy that used to sit up straight and listen to everything the teacher said, and now, I was squirming in my seat, probably looking like I needed to pee or like maybe I forgot to take my medication. Although no one shot me looks the way Slash did. I tried to ignore him, I really did, but I could feel his eyes on me every minute or two, and… and I just couldn’t help myself. I had to look at him.

  Right before class ended, I found myself sneaking a peek in his direction, only to find him already staring at me. I wanted to turn away, but I couldn’t. He captured me in his gaze, and there was no escaping it.

  That tightness in my chest returned and a deep ache took hold of me. I wanted to run away from him, but I also wanted to move closer. It made no sense. How could I want both things at once? …And why oh why with him?

  Why was it always Slash that did this to me? Out of everyone, why was it him I was most curious about?

  I’d been going to school with these human kids most of my life, and I’d never had trouble staying away and keeping my distance. So why now? With only a couple of months before graduation? Why him?

  The bell rang, making me jump, and when other students stood up, that connection with Slash was broken. I was both relieved and devastated, which made no sense at all. My chest hurt, almost like I was being stabbed, but at the same time, I could breathe again. And I didn’t know how to make it stop.

  By the time I’d gathered my wits about me, the classroom was empty minus Mrs. Karasel, who smiled at me and asked, “Did you need something, Eeli?”

  “Oh.” I had no excuse for still being in here, none at all, so I grabbed my bag, stood, and headed for the door. “Um, nope, but thanks.” Nice, she probably thinks I’ve completely lost it. For all I know, I have.

  “Alright, have a nice night, Eeli,” she called after me.

  “You, too!” I said louder than necessary before turning the corner, resting against the lockers, and closing my eyes for a moment. I heard a noise from the hall off to the right, so I slowly walked over to see what it was since the halls were already empty of students.

  My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Slash standing there, leaning against the lockers with a book in his hand. Why the heck is he here right now?

  As I started backing up so he wouldn’t see me, he glanced up, and like a dweeb, I turned away quickly, as if pretending he hadn’t just caught me staring. Fantastic. He clearly needed more evidence of my epic dorkdom.


  Shit. “Um, hi, uh… uh…”

  I couldn’t see his eyes, but he was clearly uncomfortable as he said, “I was just… leaving.”

  I had no idea what to say to that when he was standing there with a book in his hand, but I didn’t want to bother him, so I stammered out, “See ya tomorrow.” Then I bolted away, shaking my head at myself and how idiotic I sounded as I headed for the doors that led to the parking lot.

  Bodhi started getting agitated on my skin, but I ignored her because I really needed to get away from here. School used to be fun for me, and now it was only a constant series of terrible experiences. One after the other because I couldn’t get myself together. I should be able to control my dragon. We should be in sync, not in this constant state of duress where I was always worried about what she’d do next. I didn’t want to be anywhere except up in the sky where Bo and I actually agreed on just about everything.

  As I reached the door, Bodhi sent such a huge surge of unpleasure through me, I stopped in my tracks and asked her, What’s wrong? I might not want her to act like this, but I knew better than to ignore her feelings. If she sensed something was off, I had to heed her warning.

  Go back.

  I looked around the empty hallway and shrugged when I didn’t see or hear anything. Go back where? No one else is here.

  Go back!

  Do you sense something wrong?

  No, but… she trailed off, and I could tell she was uncomfortable, but if nothing was wrong, we needed to get to my car so she could stretch a bit on the drive home.

  I muttered, “We need to go home.”

  Before I could say anything else, Bodhi released herself from my skin and scampered down my arm, then took off like a shot down the hallway. There was no way I could’ve caught her.

  “Bodhi!” What the heck was she doing? We were in a public building for crying out loud! “Bodhi, stop!”

  She ran around a corner, and I heard a scream. Crap. She wasn’t even hiding herself from humans. Now I was going to have to erase some poor human’s memory of her. Bodhi, stay where you are.


  I rolled my eyes. Did she seriously take off like that for a candy wrapper? It’s trash, Bo, why are you so obsessed with trash?

  Not trash; pretties!

  Turning the corner, I took in the scene before me. Bodhi was in front of me looking ready to pounce and doing that little butt wiggle thing she did every time she saw a candy wrapper. And a guy had his back against the lockers with his hands in the air like he was being arrested or something. My eyes widened when I realized who it was. Slash. Because of course it was. He was the only other person here as far as I knew. Fantastic.

  “Of course it’d be you,” I muttered with an eye roll.

  “Wh-what is that thing?” he asked without taking his eyes off the small dragon.

  “That’s Bodhi, she’s my—” I was cut off when Bodhi suddenly launched herself at him, and he screamed and covered his face with his arms. Unfortunately for him, she grabbed onto his forearm with her clawed feet, then flipped herself upside down, hanging off his arm and hugging Slash’s waist with her wings. Her overly playful nature wasn’t coming in handy right now. “—she’s my dragon,” I finished with a sigh.

  Slash was screaming and waving his arms, trying to push her off with no luck.

  “Slash, just give her your candy.”

  He paused his crazy flailing. “Wh-what?”

  “Your candy. She wants it. If you hand it over, she’ll leave you alone and you can forget all about this.” When I erase your memory, I added to myself. Maybe I could erase his memory of every crap thing he’d seen me do the past few weeks, too.

  Without looking at me, he was trying to peel her off his waist. “I don’t have any candy.”

  “Do you have a wrapper?”

  “What? No!”

  “Are you sure?”

  He yelled, “I don’t have any candy!”

  “Okay, okay, sheesh.” My brow furrowed. “Bodhi?”

  She twisted her neck to look at me, then flipped around to wrap her wings around Slash as she said, Mine.

  What’s yours? He doesn’t have any candy.

  She looked at me again, then nudged a terrified Slash’s cheek and said, Ours.

  It took me a second, but my eyes widened as her meaning finally hit me, and I looked at Slash as he begged, “Please get it off me.”

  “Slash?” I whispered to Bodhi. “No. Nope. No. No way. No.”


li! Please help me! Call the police or animal control or something!”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out as Slash finally looked at me. As soon as our eyes connected, I felt it. That strange pull that I’d felt every time I’d been around him lately and chalked it off as some kind of weird fascination with a mix of lust. But that wasn’t all it was. I should’ve known it was more than that, but… but it was Slash.

  Swallowing thickly, I exchanged a look with Bo, then whispered to Slash, “She’s not going to hurt you.”

  He looked like he was so terrified he might cry. “How do you know that?”

  “She’s my bonded dragon. She’s… just happy to see you.”

  “Dr-dragon?” He glanced down at her as she snuggled into his neck, then he whispered, “Dragons aren’t real.”

  “Clearly,” I said sarcastically as I finally peeled Bodhi off him.

  Slash stayed against the lockers, but moved away a few steps without taking his eyes off her. It was a struggle to keep Bo from going after him again.

  “Um… so… I’m going to need you to come with us.”

  Slash finally stared at me again, and I instantly felt the pull even though he looked angry and ready to murder me with his eyes alone. “Are you kidding me? No way in hell am I going anywhere with you or that thing in your arms.”

  Bodhi sank into me, and I knew he’d hurt her feelings, so I hugged her to my chest. “Don’t say stuff like that about her. Say whatever you want about me, Slash, but don’t you dare bully Bodhi.”

  His eyebrows went up, but all he muttered was, “Whatever. I’m just going to go.” He went to scoop up his backpack from the ground where it’d fallen, but I quickly stepped on the strap so he couldn’t take it.

  “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Oh yeah, Eeli? What’re you gonna do about it?”

  Bodhi jumped from my arms and began pecking at his feet, making him move closer to me as he jumped around and tried to get away. When she had him up against the lockers in front of me again, I pulled out my cell to call Zale.


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