Eeli (The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book 3)

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Eeli (The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book 3) Page 23

by Bobbie Rayne

  Eeli held me tight as a torrent of grief rocked my body, and for the first time, held snug to my mate’s body, I let myself mourn the parents I’d loved so much. We ended up spending several hours sitting there, and Eeli’s family stayed through it all, peppering Kyla and me with even more questions about our childhood. Doc asked if there were any special traditions we’d like to preserve, and then Davis started sharing some of the rituals we could anticipate being a part of his extended family. I hadn’t had the chance to meet Davis’s parents and clan, yet, but it was on our to-do list as soon as possible. Davis’s mom had been giving him grief that she had two new kids to love and he hadn’t brought us to meet her.

  “Hey,” Kyla said suddenly. “I know Zale is only a couple of years older than Eeli, but Azaran and Doc just found each other not too long ago, right?”

  “Yep,” Doc said while leaning into his mate.

  “How do you know when you’ll find your mate, then? Shouldn’t Kite have found his after Azaran, and then Zale, and then Eeli. Plus, Eeli’s so young. How does it make sense that he got a mate before Kite?”

  Malachite chuckled, pulling on my sister’s ponytail. “It doesn’t really work like that, Super K. Eeli’s just about to graduate and Az has raised him, heck, all of us, for the last ten years. Taking care of us and providing for us were his whole focus. Fate brought him Doc at the perfect time in his life. We really can never know when we’re going to find our mates, or where.” He tipped his chin toward Zale and Davis where they were pressed close together, reclining on the grass. “But in Eeli’s case, I think… well, I think fate knew you and your brother needed our family, needed a place to belong and people to love you. And honestly, with the seeds you carried unbeknownst to yourselves, we needed you, too. Between your gift to tend to the calma plant, and the seeds you guys carried, there’s a hope for the dragons of the clans that we didn’t have before.” He smiled down at her. “Fate knows best and we have to trust the timing, is all.”

  I thought maybe Malachite was right as I looked at this group of men, and their dragons, who had so willingly embraced us, giving us the family we’d so desperately been needing. I was proud to be a part of this family.

  And we’re proud to have you, ma’cordhe, Bodhi said to me.

  I love you, Bo, I thought back.

  She climbed into my lap, nuzzling up under my chin, and my heart felt full as I sat in the presence of my parents with my new chosen family, surrounded by love.



  It was the last class before graduation, and I couldn’t wait to be done. As important as it was to graduate, it didn’t feel even half as important as having found my soulmate, my monaha senka, my heart song. All I’d cared about my whole life was making good grades, being the best fighter, learning everything about being a dragon rider, and being perfect at everything. But now all I cared about was keeping Christian safe—keeping Christian and Kyla safe, and of course, Bo.

  Okay, and maybe I also cared about spending as much time with Christian as possible, preferably naked.

  A loud crash across the room made me jump, but then I grinned when I saw Christian straightening the music stand he’d knocked over.

  Eeli! Please pay attention.

  Why? Am I distracting you?


  Uh huh. Thinking about being naked together doesn’t bother you one bit. I can’t wait until we get home and I can slowly undress you, then—

  He knocked the music stand over again, and I cut myself off with a chuckle. Since we’d mated, it’d been so much fun to rile him up. He gave as good as he got, too.

  “Would you quit it?” he hissed at me from across the room.

  I lifted a shoulder. “I’m not doing anything.” I grinned when he looked around and realized everyone thought he was the one acting crazy for once since I hadn’t spoken or moved since class started.

  Christian frowned and said to the girl beside him, “He keeps staring at me.”

  “You’re nice to look at.” I had to be honest, right?


  “You alright, Slash?” Mrs. Karasel asked.

  His eyes went wide. “Uh, yep. Yes, I’m fine. My boyfriend’s just being an ass—butt. Eeli’s being a butt.” You made me cuss at a teacher!

  I’m not doing anything!

  A few of the other students were looking back and forth between us, but I only had eyes for Christian.

  Mrs. Karasel looked at me with a frown. “Eeli, please stop doing… whatever it is you’re doing.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I replied with a grin without looking away from my mate.

  Christian was flushed from embarrassment and irritation, but he did an admiral job of ignoring me while he set his music back on the stand. I knew he knew I was staring, but he didn’t look over until the music played and he began singing. His voice washed over me and filled me with happiness and pride and love, and all I could do was grin at him.

  Suddenly Bo was on my arm—she’d been on Christian earlier—and she squirmed on my skin like she used to. It made me wiggle in my seat and I chastised, Bo! Knock it off! What is your problem?

  I heard my mate chuckle so I narrowed my eyes at him, but he smiled sweetly and I heard him think, Thank you, Bo.

  I can’t believe you told her to do that.

  I didn’t; it was her idea.

  Bo! You traitor!

  I could hear the dragon equivalent of a laugh in my head, along with my mate’s laugh. And even though it was at my expense, I didn’t care because it was the best sound in the world.

  He focused on singing again, and I simply stared at him and soaked up his beautiful voice.

  I knew I was smiling like a fool, but his voice was amazing, he was amazing, and I was so incredibly lucky to be in love with such a wonderful person. And I was even luckier to be loved by him.

  I love you, too, Eeli.

  He smirked at me, then concentrated on his music sheet.

  Keeping my distance from him while here at school was starting to kill me. Thank goodness I wouldn’t have to after today. I could hardly wait to wrap my arms around him and stay there forever.

  He shot me a smile and a wink.

  Our graduation ceremony was held at the local college in the auditorium, and my whole family was there. Christian was sitting with the other graduates with Bo on his arm keeping him company, and I was up on the stage with the class president and administrators since I’d made valedictorian. I was a little nervous about giving a speech in front of all these people, but I was proud of myself for keeping my grades up even through everything that had happened the past few months. And my family was proud of me, too.

  I’m really proud of you, Aye.

  Thanks. I shot Christian a smile, and when he smiled back at me from the middle of hundreds of people, my grin grew. His hazel eyes shined bright with affection, so I held his gaze through all the speeches, including my own. I’d practiced my speech so many times at home, I had it memorized, and I was sure my family did, too, since I’d practiced on each of them several times.

  Christian clapped loudly after I finished, and I heard my brothers—blood and otherwise—and my new sister hooting and hollering, which made me laugh as I walked back to my seat.

  I received my diploma, with more cheers from my crazy family, and when Christian received his, I cheered louder than anyone. He laughed embarrassedly and shot me a look before walking off the stage. When the ceremony was finally over, I rushed through the crowd to my mate and launched myself at him.

  He caught me with another laugh before slamming his mouth on mine in a hard but quick kiss. I mumbled against his lips, “Congratulations.”

  “Congratulations, Aye.”

  Congratulations, my ma’cordhes, Bo said to us both, and I could feel her love for us shining through her words.

  Thank you, Bo, we replied at the same time.

  I smiled at him and a second later, our family attacked us with hugs and congratulations

  Azaran was grinning so wide as he took me in. “I’m proud of you, Eeli. You’ve worked so hard your whole life and you’ve become an amazing, smart, and badass young man.” I grinned at him, then pulled him into a hug. He kissed the top of my head. “Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.”

  Tears sprung to my eyes, but I pushed them down. This was a happy day, a day to celebrate, not a day to weep over my or Christian’s parents being absent. Releasing Az, I leaned into Christian, and he put his arm over my shoulders.

  We were abruptly pushed forward, and I almost reacted by elbowing our assailant, but luckily, I realized it was only Austin throwing his arms over both our shoulders. Christian laughed as Austin yelled, “We did it! Congrats, guys.”

  “You too,” my mate said as I said, “Congrats.”

  Austin grinned widely. “So I heard through the grapevine that you two are living together now. And that Kyla is living with you, too.”

  “Who told you that?” Christian asked. “Was it Jessa?”

  Austin chuckled and released our shoulders. “Yeah, when Kyla was over the other day, she was going on about how she’s living with the Ormarr brothers now. She seems really excited.”

  I glanced over at Kyla who was giggling away with her BFF, Jessa. She did seem really happy—thank god.

  I don’t know what to say to that, Christian said to me through our mate link.

  I told Austin, “Yes, they’re both living with us.”

  He grinned. “That’s awesome! Are you guys coming to my party tomorrow night? I think most of our class is.”

  I looked at Christian. Do you want to go?

  Sure. To Austin, he said, “Yeah, we’ll be there.”

  “Yes!” Austin fist-bumped us both before rushing over to another classmate and practically pouncing on them in his excitement, making Christian and I laugh.

  My kind-of friend, Rachel, came over and surprised me by pulling me into a hug. “Your speech was so good, Eeli! Congratulations. You deserved to get valedictorian.”

  “Thanks, Rachel, congrats to you, too,” I replied with a grin. She’d been hoping for valedictorian, so it was kinda cool of her to be so sweet.

  She smiled at Christian and muttered, “Congratulations, Slash,” before rushing away to her group of friends.

  “I think she’s scared of me,” he said with amusement in his tone.

  “Uh, I know she is.”

  He laughed and nudged my shoulder, then grabbed my hand and began dragging me across the room. I want to say goodbye to Mrs. Karasel and Mrs. Eldrid.

  Okay. I squeezed his hand and easily followed his lead. I knew how much those two had meant to Christian these past three years.

  Both of them were standing close, chatting, but as soon as they saw my mate, they perked up and rushed over. The counselor, Mrs. Eldrid, reached him first and pulled him into a tight hug. I released his hand and backed away a few steps to give them some privacy. I could hear her speaking, but it was loud enough in the large auditorium that it sounded muffled.

  Our music teacher came over and gave me a side-hug, saying, “Congratulations, Eeli. You deserve it, and your speech was lovely.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Karasel.”

  The counselor finally released Christian, and when he made eye contact with me, he shot me a watery smile as he blinked his eyelids a million times to keep from crying.

  You okay, baby?

  He nodded. I’m good. He moved on to Mrs. Karasel, who also gave him a huge hug and a few whispered words. He looked even closer to crying after she let go of him.

  He and I stood there and chatted with them for a few minutes until Christian was ready to head back toward our family. He put his arm over my shoulder again and we talked to a few classmates along the way before heading home. We had a big party back at the house—Doc, Kyla, and Zale had decorated the whole living room and dining room after Christian and I had left this morning.

  We played music and danced with our dragons running around our feet and ate and Christian sang so many songs that he lost his voice by the end of the night. I was in heaven listening to him all night.

  Kyla fell asleep on the couch, and Zale had his eyes closed as he leaned on Davis’s shoulder where they sat on the floor, so I pulled Christian to me and said, “Let’s call it a night.”

  “Okay. Let me put Kyla in bed.”

  Kite stood and walked toward Kyla, saying, “I’ll get her. You two go on.”

  “You sure?” Christian asked.

  Kite grinned at him. “Go on.”


  I smiled at my brother, then pulled Christian by the hand to our room. As soon as I locked the door, Christian came up behind me, pressing me into it, grabbing my hips, and breathing in my ear, “Finally have you alone, dragon rider.” His voice was a little rougher than usual because of all the singing; it made me shiver.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “I don’t know yet, but you definitely have on too many clothes.”

  I chuckled and turned in his arms, grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head before he did the same to mine. I grabbed his waistband and started walking him backward toward the bed as my fingers worked on his button. When the back of his knees hit the bed, I kept pushing until he was sitting, and I climbed on his lap. His arms automatically came around me, and he tilted his chin up to kiss my lips slowly. He grabbed my ass, then slid his hands around to unbutton my pants. I quickly climbed off him and pulled my pants off, leaving my boxers, then went to work on his, so he leaned back to lift his hips but froze partway down.


  “Um…” He stood and pulled the blanket back, then sighed.

  Coming up beside him, I started laughing. “Welcome to the life of sharing a room with a dragon.”

  “Did she really have to bury her treasure in our bed?”

  I laughed and kissed his shoulder as I stared at the pile of gems in the middle of our bed. Bo! You know the bed’s off limits!

  Those pretties are for my ma’cordhes. A gift for your success.

  Christian deflated beside me and said to her, Thank you, Bodhi. We’ll find a special place for them.

  Thank you, Bo, I love you, I added.

  And I love you both. She hummed through our connection, a happy little sound that made Christian and me both smile as we picked up the gems and placed them on a bookshelf in our room.

  I looked at my mate and brushed the bangs off his forehead. “I love you, Christian Maddox. I’m beyond grateful to have you in my life.”

  “I love you, too, Eeli Ormarr. You have no idea how much it means to me to be a part of your life.” He put his arm behind me and yanked me closer to him, then leaned down and nudged my nose with his. As he claimed my mouth with his delicious lips, he grabbed the back of my thigh and pulled me onto the bed, flipping me on my back so he was over the top of me. “Now where were we?”

  I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him, muttering against his lips, “I believe you were about to show me how much you like me.”

  “Not like, Aye, love.” He smashed his mouth against mine, and for the rest of the night there was only Christian and his talented fingers and mouth… and his love for me and my love for him.

  The story concludes in

  Malachite: The Brotherhood of Ormarr Book Four

  About the Authors

  Bobbie Rayne grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and still lives there today. She’s married to her very patient husband, and they have two amazing sons together, as well as two crazy dogs. She spends her time writing, driving her kids all over town, and helping run the PTA.

  Her children are one of the reasons she loves YA so much, and one reason why she thinks it’s important to bring LGBTQ+ main characters into fiction. Writing YA has always been a dream of hers, and she truly believes that writing it is good for her soul. Her family means the world to her, but coffee might be high up on that list, too, so if you bring her some, you just
might end up with a new best friend.

  You can find Bobbie Rayne here:


  Facebook Author Page

  Newsletter Sign-up

  Email: [email protected]

  Steph Marie is a proud mom of two teenage daughters and her pup. She’s always had a love for words and what they can do, their ability to create and transform life. She’s shared her words and stories with people in her immediate life, but never considered writing and publishing Young Adult until her oldest daughter said she wished all teens had the ability to sit around her kitchen table and talk. That night a series was born, and characters haven’t stopped popping up in her head wanting their story told yet. Her favorite things in life outside of her family are a huge cup of coffee, a blanket to snuggle under, and a delicious piece of cake—if you’re nice, she’ll even share.

  You can find Steph Marie here:


  Facebook Author Page


  Newsletter Sign-up

  Email: [email protected]

  The Brotherhood of Ormarr Series

  Azaran by Jacki James

  Zale by Michelle Frost

  Eeli by Bobbie Rayne and Steph Marie

  Malachite by Sammi Cee and Michele Notaro

  Also by Steph Marie

  Spectral Attachments: (Paranormal Young Adult)

  No. 1: That's Not My Reflection

  Mrs. Shaw's Club:

  Book One: We Have A Voice

  Book Two: We Have A Decision

  With Bobbie Rayne


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