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Tectonic (Double Blind Study Book 3)

Page 15

by Heidi Hutchinson

Her eyes widened at the full use of her name and she glanced around to see if anyone overheard them. She knew she'd started it, but Harrison wasn't usually the one to retaliate, that was Miranda's play. Their mother had given them strong English first names and their father was more creative with their Irish middle names. He waited until each child was five before settling on the name, so that it accurately represented them.

  Greta's was Enat, which means “little fire.” Harrison's was Declan, which means “full of goodness.” Greta currently disagreed with his name.

  “I want to kick you so bad right now.” Greta leaned across the table threateningly. “I cannot believe that you did that! Shane and I are just friends, and you know that Ma thinks I'm her only hope for grandchildren. You're totally misleading her.”

  “Think what you want, little G.” Harrison smirked, completely unaffected by her glare. “You're as into him as he is you. It's truly remarkable the self-restraint the two of you have. I keep thinking every time you call me, it's gonna be to tell me that you're in Vegas tying the knot.”

  Greta jerked her head at his words. “No, if I'm going to elope it'll be to St. Lucia, not Vegas—”

  Harrison's laughter cut her off and he slapped his hands down on his thighs. “All right! I'll be prepared to meet you in St. Lucia.”

  “That's not what I was saying! Harry!” Greta frowned at him, trying to get him to read the seriousness in her tone, but he wasn't having it.

  “Relax, baby sister. I'm not sending out invitations.” His dark eyes danced with amusement and she huffed in exasperation. Harrison watched her closely and then smiled warmly. “It looks good on you, Gret.”

  “What?” she asked, not without a good deal of attitude.

  “Being in love.”

  “You really need to stop before I kill you with my butter knife in front of all these people.”

  Harrison only grinned and reached for his glass. “I suppose this means I'm stuck with the bill?”

  “And then you're taking me out for ice cream,” Greta decided with finality.

  Harrison chuckled but didn't argue. He handed his credit card to their server and then went to the restroom before they left.

  Greta knew she shouldn't, but she did anyway. She reached into her purse and checked her phone to see if there were any missed messages.

  One text. From Shane.

  Shane: the Viper smells like coffee :)

  Chapter 9

  Daisy Cutter

  Greta opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Her alarm clock was softly playing Maroon 5's “Won't Go Home Without You.” She rolled onto her belly, listening to the words as the dream she'd been having faded slowly into the reality of the morning.

  She grabbed onto the last images and committed them to memory. This one would be done in acrylics. Lots of blues and greens. She shoved her arms under her pillow and buried her face in it.

  No work today, that meant she could go to the gym early and get to the store to get more food since they were probably running out of the essentials.

  A knock at her bedroom door jerked her head straight up.

  “Yeah?” she asked, her throat croaky from her heavy sleep.

  The door cracked open and Bo stuck his head in. “Hey, I already made coffee so we can get out of here whenever you're ready.”

  “What?” Greta frowned, totally confused.

  Bo's voice dropped lower and he leaned into the room meaningfully. “Today is the day. Did you forget?”

  Greta's mind raced as she struggled to remember what on earth she was supposed to do with Bo today. Then it clicked and she pushed up onto her knees, the covers falling away.

  “Today is the day?” she asked excitedly. Bo's mouth gave her a crooked smile. “I have to shower, I'll be down in fifteen.”

  She jumped off the bed and ran to her closet where she yanked out a tattered pair of jeans and a loose-fitting scoop-neck burgundy t-shirt. Then she scurried across the hall into the bathroom.

  Today was the day.

  When she got out of the shower she brushed her hair but left it loose to dry naturally. She tucked a hair-tie into her pocket for later if she needed it. Then she got dressed and applied a touch of make-up. The O'Neil siblings had been blessed with excellent complexions so all she really needed was thick, black mascara and some lip gloss.

  Running down the stairs, skipping the last four and jumping into the landing, she felt her mouth curl into a wide smile.

  “Slow down, jumpy. We don't have time to detour to the hospital if you bust an ankle.” Bo handed her a travel mug while opening the front door.

  Greta's smile didn't diminish as she took a sip from the mug before opening the door of the Wrangler.

  She loved tattoo day.


  Shane yanked out his cell phone the second he slid the Mercedes into park in the lot of Soaring Bird. He scrolled until he saw Greta's name, hit the call button and put the phone to his ear.

  “Hey,” she called cheerily. He tried to ignore the way the sound of her voice and obvious happiness at his call made his chest tighten.

  “Please tell me that I did not just see you walking into Tank's with Bo.”

  “Uh, okay. You did not just see me walking into Tank's with Bo.”

  “Greta,” Shane warned.

  She laughed lightly, the sound almost musical, and he couldn't fight off his smile. “What? Are you stalking me now?”

  “No, I was on my way to work. What are you doing at Tank's?”

  “Don't worry about it,” she hedged and Shane heard Bo chuckle in the background.

  “All right. I'll just call Harrison and ask if he knows,” Shane baited in return.


  Shane grinned when he heard her mutter something to Bo that wasn't very ladylike.

  “Balls. Fine, I'm getting my tattoo finished.”

  “What is it?”

  “It's just a flower thing. Don't tell anyone. Not even Clarke knows.”

  “But Bo knows?”

  “I hear the judgment, Brookings, and I don't appreciate it. This is exactly why Bo is the only one who knows. He can keep a secret, he thinks it's cool, and he doesn't give me shit about it.”

  “I can keep a secret too,” Shane teased. “You're in a bikini all the time, someone is gonna see it eventually.”

  “Not necessarily,” she mumbled.

  “Greta,” Shane asked seriously, deepening his voice. “Where is this tattoo, exactly?”

  “It's kinda on the back lower part of my right hip.”

  Shane tried to picture that placement.

  “It's on your butt?!” he burst out.

  “See?! Judgment!” Greta yelled back.

  Shane heard Bo's rich laughter from the other end.

  “I have to go. You tell anyone and I'll never speak to you again.”


  Shane stared at the phone for a second before he, too, burst out laughing.


  Tank covered Greta's fresh ink with gauze and taped down the edges carefully. She sat up slowly, tugging her jeans back into place.

  “Remember, darlin' girl, no swimming until it heals. That includes surfing.”

  Tank's gruff exterior belied his tender disposition. Greta had discovered his soft spot on their first encounter, though he didn't let it show until they were in the back room with the door closed.

  A veteran of the Gulf War and known associate of at least one notorious motorcycle club, he looked tough and acted tougher. Greta wasn't afraid of much, but she understood this guy had the reputation he did for a reason. It wasn't fear, it was respect. But he was known as being the best, and that's what she wanted. Which is why she talked Bo into going with her in the first place two months ago. Bo had been going to the guy for years, so it wasn't a big deal for him.

  When they first me, Greta was struck silent by Tank's powerful presence. Because of the chosen placement of her tattoo, he took her to a private room in the back, le
tting Bo come along. It was in that back room that Greta got to see another side of Tank. He was sweet, gentle and called her “darlin' girl.”

  For the most part, she had planned on keeping the existence of her tattoo limited to those three people. But now Shane knew about it, and he had been texting her throughout the entire process.

  This is how it went:

  Shane: I want to see it

  Greta: No! Are you crazy?

  Shane: Send me a picture ;)

  Greta: Never! That's how things end up on the internet.

  Shane: Fine. Then come to the office when you're done. I'll inspect in person.

  Greta: Uh. No.

  Shane: Why? What are you afraid of?

  Greta: Nothing.

  Shane: Maybe you don't want to show me because you're bluffing. You would never let Tank put a tattoo on your ass. You're not that fearless.

  Greta: I know what you're trying to do and it won't work.

  Shane: You know you want to show it to me. And then I'll let you take me out for lunch.

  She had shared these exchanges out loud with Bo and Tank. Bo laughed, Tank grunted.

  Shane: This has been fun but Harmony just showed up. If I never see you again, please tell Steve he can have the Mercedes. I bequeath the Viper to you. Clarke gets the business.

  Greta received the final text while she was paying. She read it twice before tapping out a quick reply on her way to the Jeep.

  Greta: I'm on my way.

  “We have to go save Shane,” Greta said as she hurriedly pulled the Jeep out of the small parking lot. Her jeans tugged on the gauze and she winced at the tender reminder. She shifted her bum slightly to ease pressure off the fresh ink.

  “Okay. What for?” Bo slid his sunglasses on and leaned an arm out the open window.

  “Harmony is making her move.”

  Bo snorted. “I'm surprised she's waited this long. She usually falls on him like a starving coyote with mange the second he lands back in town.”

  “Nice visualization,” Greta complimented, reaching over to offer a fist-bump. “Well, her scavenging ends today.”

  “Right on.”

  Harmony Jeffords had been a nuisance that Greta could not seem to shake since she had arrived in California. For some reason, Greta had ended up on her radar and it wasn't the most fun place to be. Despite all the drama Harmony caused wherever she went, Greta persevered and managed to chase the girl away from Shane's group of friends.

  Apparently, it didn't stick.

  The word “tenacious” came to mind. As did the term “restraining order.”

  Because of Greta's great big charming personality, she made friends wherever she went. She'd made some when she worked at the clinic, she made more while working at the coffee house.

  Friends talked.

  People knew Harmony, knew her family, and knew their business. The Jeffords happened to be the type of people who weren't exactly looked at fondly. They weren't nice people. When someone feels they've been slighted or say, ripped off, they tend to blab that all over the place.

  Harmony used to come into the clinic where Greta worked because she was having an affair with one of the doctors. They weren't subtle about it either. That was a moment she wished could be burned from her memory.

  The final straw was when Greta saw Harmony in action at a BBQ at Adam's place one night. She'd never witnessed a demonstration of complete emotional cruelty until that moment. It still gave her a sour taste in her mouth.

  Poor Adam.

  Greta had escorted Harmony off the premises and warned her to stay away from Adam and all of his friends. Which included Shane.


  Shane had sent his final text to Greta and shoved his phone in his desk, locking the drawer. Was he being paranoid with Harmony in the building? Possibly.

  He saw her Audi pull up out front and felt his good mood diminish. Harmony was the perfect example of why casual sex was the worst possible idea.

  For whatever reason, Harmony had assumed since she had been in his bed once, the invitation was still open. He thought he'd scraped her off ages ago, but she kept trying to claw her way back in.

  He still felt badly about how she'd treated Lucy when they'd spent the week together in Encinitas.

  Lia knocked on his door before she stepped into his office.

  “Shane? There's a... young woman here to see you.” Her tight expression still showed her slight irritation with whatever Harmony had said to her. Shane could only imagine.

  Before Shane could answer, Harmony pushed past Lia's slight frame and breezed into the room.

  “I told you, we're old friends.” Harmony flashed her smile, blue eyes scanning Shane up and down.

  She looked good. In true Harmony fashion. Skin-tight, stone-washed jeans with strategic rips, a dark purple tank with plunging neckline, sky-high strappy sandals the same color as her tank top. Her yellow hair had been highlighted again recently and was closer to platinum, pulled into a high ponytail, bangs flopped over one eye. Designer handbag in the crook of her elbow, fingernails perfectly manicured.

  But there was always something missing from Harmony. Shane's eyes ran over her, trying to pinpoint what it was.

  Maybe her soul?

  “Hi, Shane.” She smiled sweetly. She was always sweet to Shane. She was horrid to everyone else.

  “Hey, Harmony.” Shane tried to not let it come out like a discontented sigh. “What can I do for you?”

  “I haven't seen you in a while. Thought we could catch up over lunch. My treat!”

  Even if it were as simple as two people getting lunch and catching up, Shane would still say no. But nothing with Harmony was simple. It would start with lunch, which he would pay for, then she'd ask him to come back to her place to help move some piece of furniture that didn't need to be moved, then she'd offer him a drink, then she'd start taking her clothes off. He'd fallen for it before. But he had been a different person.

  He hardly remembered that person.

  While Shane ran through a litany of excuses he could give her for why he couldn't have lunch with her today, or ever for that matter, he noticed Lia's back go ramrod straight and her head swung towards the door.

  Shane opened his mouth to answer Harmony when she cut him off, her voice soft and pleading.

  “Please, Shane. I haven't seen you in a really long time. I really just want to buy you lunch.”

  It sounded sincere. More than a little. Shane closed his mouth, speechless.

  “Hey! Oh, am I interrupting?” Greta stood in the door, looking far too innocent for her own good. She flashed a sincere smile to Lia, her eyes skimming over Harmony briefly before settling on Shane. He felt like someone had kicked him in the gut.

  He hadn't seen her in only a day and already he'd forgotten what a knockout she was. Loose fitting jeans, draping burgundy tee, relaxed hair, minimal makeup. But her blue eyes were alert and active, her cheeks flushed a light pink, her lips curved into a smile that he could swear she reserved for him.

  Greta didn't stop in the doorway, she moved past the other women and came right up to the desk, eyes locked on his, waiting for his answer. He wanted to say, “Yes, thank you. Interrupt my life all day, every day.” But he just returned her smile, hoping she could read his thoughts.

  “Shane and I were just discussing going to lunch,” Harmony spoke up, and Shane noticed her face had hardened. Wow, that was fast. And he had almost fallen for it, too.

  Greta spun to face Harmony, gave a little hop up onto Shane's desk and crossed one leg over the other, her arms coming back to brace on either side of her. Bo shifted into the room, casually throwing a heavy arm around Lia's tiny shoulders, causing the girl to stiffen considerably. If Shane was reading this right, then Greta and Bo were making it known that Harmony was the unwelcome party in this not so subtle face-off.

  “That's not gonna happen,” Greta said, surprising him.

  Harmony's eyes narrowed. “You can't claim them all, you

  Okay, what?

  “Sure, I can.” Greta responded flatly. “What's wrong, Harm? Sugar daddy get bored?”

  “No!” Harmony snapped. “We're taking a break.”

  “Does this break coincide with his wife being back in town?”

  Harmony's face reddened and she swallowed.

  Greta nodded.

  “Get out of here.”

  Harmony looked from Greta to Shane, to Bo and then Lia. Finding no allies, she went back to Shane again. “You have my number.”

  Greta jumped off the desk swiftly, causing Harmony to take a slight step back.

  “Are you seriously hitting on my man right in front of me?”

  Shane made sure to keep his face expressionless as Harmony darted her eyes back and forth between them.

  “You've got balls, Harm, I'll give you that,” Greta said with heavy disappointment. “Now, get out of here while I'm still feeling agreeable.”

  Harmony took a breath and Shane wondered if she was gonna call Greta's bluff. Then she twisted on her spiked heel towards the door.

  “Harmony,” Greta called before she was out of the office.

  Harmony stopped, but only turned her head slightly in Greta's direction.

  “Stay away from all of them. I won't warn you again,” Greta said, a promise in her low voice.

  Harmony's back straightened and she left quickly. Bo grinned at Greta and he let go of Lia, who scurried from the room. But Shane wasn't really paying attention to any of this, he was stuck on what Greta had said.

  “Your man?” Shane asked Greta's back.

  Bo's grin widened as he looked from Shane to Greta and back again. He grabbed the knob on the door and started to walk backwards. “I'll just give you guys a minute.” He chuckled quietly as he closed the door.

  Greta spun towards him, one eyebrow cocked, smirk firmly in place. “I don't like Harmony.”

  “Your man?” Shane repeated.

  “She's the reason I left my good job at the sports clinic.”

  That was news to Shane. Greta didn't normally share personal information without a fair bit of coaxing.

  “What happened?”

  “She was having an affair with a doctor who worked there. I caught them, more than once. Then she started trying to get with one of the other doctors. I couldn't take it. So I left.”


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