The Changeling

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The Changeling Page 6

by Whiskey Flowers

  Tam felt he was slowly losing ground and had to come up with a plan. Before he could think of one he was pushed from behind and found himself impaled through the stomach on Kion’s sword. Tam turned to get a look at the person who pushed him. He had big slash marks on his arm that were not healed and Tam figured he was one of the wolves he had attacked. The sword going through him felt painful but Tam held on to it and changed his hand to a paw.

  Kion was barely able to jump back from the swipe but now he was unarmed. Tam thought about going after the cougar. But turned quickly and advanced on the wolf who had pushed him. The wolf quickly backed away around the rest. Tam wanted to after him but there were too many to take them all on. Tam pulled the sword from his body and took off his clothes and turned into the fell beast. The pain of his wound was still there but was more manageable. He was finding it hard to walk so instead he just sat on his haunches. Kion looked at him shocked and ran over but stopped when Tam growled at him.

  “Who pushed him,” Kion asked? I was only trying to scare him and one of you fools have probably gotten him killed. Who did it?”

  “That idiot has four of us laid up – being worked on by mages night and day – including Mr. Slither,” a wolf said from the crowd.

  “Well then fight him alone, one on one,” Kion said. “This is what I am teaching, not attacking people when they are not aware.”

  “That is what all cats do,” A big man said as he stepped forward. “We are just giving him some of what he gave us. We are not scared of you small lion, there should be a wolf in charge of this place not a cat and definitely not a snake.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Kion said as he walked over to the man.

  “I am talking to you,” the large man said. “My master is also a noble and will be a Duke one day.”

  “Then it looks like I picked the wrong example” Kion said. “I am going to see to this boy then you name the fight. Unarmed, with weapons, or in beast form.”

  “I can beat you in all three,” the big man said.

  Tam stopped listening to them and rolled over to his side to relieve the pressure. The wound was worse than he thought. He could feel his body rapidly trying to heal itself. Kion had attempted to approach but was scared away by Tam’s roaring. Eventually Tam closed his eyes.

  A short while later, Katie came over and tried to get him to move. Tam ignored her as well. His magic was working feverishly to repair the damage. Tam bristled his spines to discourage anyone from trying to touch him. Eventually he fell asleep right where he was. When he woke up he could see a few men standing around him and it was dark. They were probably left to guard him. Tam stretched and could see his movement made the men jump back. Tam’s stomach felt a lot better and he got up to go in search for food. The place where they all ate was unlocked. Tam’s nose led him to where the meat was stored. He was happy to find it was not cooked. He tore into the sides of a cow and Tam was surprised when he finished it all. Tam was going to gorge himself on another slab when Katie walked in yelling at him.


  Tam stared at his prey. He had fought the snake many times since he had arrived three months ago and had lost every single bout. Tam had been choked unconscious five times, but the last time he made the snake struggle for it. Tam’s bones and muscles were now denser, and the snake took big damage from his claws. Tam had decided not to use his spines which had grown considerably during his fights with the snake and he also stopped biting. His bites were forbidden and he had been struck many times by mages who were happy to enforce the rule. Tam hadn’t killed any of the other changelings but only because they were full of magical energy and had many mages working around the clock to keep them alive.

  Tam welcomed the pain at first. Many of their spells didn’t bother him, but some were really painful. One pain spell made all his nerves and fire off at the same time. He could barely tolerate the first time he was hit with it and had soiled himself. As soon as it stopped Tam was hit with it again and again. The mages hated Katie and didn’t care about taking care not to kill her changeling. With Tam’s body under so much stress, she could not access his power to hurt them back. The spell was not effective at all now though unless five or more powerful mages cast it at the same time. Tam knew his body adapted to that spell far easier though than it had to the snake’s crushing.

  “Not again” Slither said as he stood up. “Scratches aren’t you tired of getting the pit beaten out of you? I am tired of putting you down and by now most of the mages are as well. Now change from your beast form and sit down and eat like everyone else.”

  “You were lucky,” Tam snarled. “You barely won the last fight. I know many mages had to be summoned to heal you, broken one. And I have not used my spines or my bite. I think now I can take you. I am bigger than when you made your first cowardly attack on me.”

  “Enough of this,” Leo said as he stood up. “I have ignored this stupidity for far too long. Like the wolves you have continuously challenged our authority. The wolves though, got the message when Kion beat their champion. You keep coming back and my master has given me permission to kill you unless you give up the location of the rest of the purebloods, which you have refused to do. The Baron has taken people to where you were caught, but they have found nothing. All of that ends right now.”

  Tam waited for Leo to change then bristled his spines. He was sure the lion was taken by surprise when he shot the spines out and they impaled the large cat. Leo roared at the surprise and so did Kion who thought Tam didn’t see him sneaking up. Both cats pounced on Tam who rolled up into a ball and let them impale themselves. Tam hid his face, his coat turned away all of the claw swipes and the cats only injured themselves. Tam wished his spines were not detachable because now he was sure the lion and cougar had most of them all over their bodies. The snake struck as Tam was balled up and to Tam’s joy the constriction was not as painful as it had been. Tam outright powered out of the snake’s grip and sprang away. The lion had many spines all over its face and paw and the mountain lion also looked horrible. Both of them had tried to act like his friend to learn more about the great forest and who lived in it. Their ruse became apparent when Katie also asked him the same question repeatedly. Tam hadn’t told them anything. They then sent Mary after him and hoped he would be interested in laying with her. Mary though, told him everything. Tam was her protector and didn't want him to abandon her to the mercies of the male changelings. Tam also looked out for the coyote girl. The mages were stupid to try and use either of them.

  The problem with the humans and the broken ones, was that they only tried to injure him. They didn't seem to realize that every fight he survived made him that much stronger. Additionally, his ability to heal injury was growing stronger.

  Tam looked at the three teachers and roared. He had surprised them. In beast form he was sure he was the toughest thing in training. Everyone had to know it. Tam changed back to human and walked over to Mary and Tawny. They both were embarrassed by his nudity, but he ignored that and went to eating. Slither went back into his human form and regarded Tam with shock. He then began to help pluck out the spines from Leo and Kion. Tam ate heartily, repeatedly filling his plate. He even went back for fifths. His appetite was legendary in the school. Both his beast and his human body had grown considerably. He wasn’t as big as Leo in human form yet, but he wasn’t that much smaller either. He was bigger than both Slither and Kion. Tam finished his food then headed outside.

  Tam hated this training more than anything else they had given him.

  He was expected to fight with a sword and not use his claws or anything else. The wolves were good at using the blade and he always ended up marked up. Tam sometimes got a couple of them as well. He had a fast first strike which many found hard to block. But he was a lot better unarmed. Tam's sword strikes had decent power from many angles. When he began using his legs to kick as well, he found fighting that way almost pleasant. But he never had any real partners once he showed thi
s aptitude. The wolves were happy beating on him when he was less skilled prey. But now that he could fight back effectively, they shied away from him. Tam was stuck fighting with Tawny, Foxy or Mary. If he didn’t fight with them some of the others enjoyed beating them up since none of the women bothered to give the male changelings any special attention. That was also the reason when the women were not fighting him they went after the other coyote Fuzzy or the two jackals Torry and Scavenge.

  “You gave everyone a bit of a surprise,” Slither said as he walked up with his sword. “I don’t think Leo has ever been bested and Kion has rarely tasted defeat. But it just happened to both of them. Their problem was that they didn’t pay attention to you and was intent on charging headlong into battle. They were surprised and beat themselves. I knew after our last battle that you were getting too strong for me. I thought I had one more victory in me but it looks like I was mistaken.”

  “You are not angry?” Tam said confused.

  “Of course not,” Slither said. “I belong to a wealthy noble but he is not landed. He makes his money off of shipping and trading, not collecting taxes. The things that matter to Leo and Kion do not matter to me at all. I don’t care whether or not anymore purebloods are found. The only thing that could do is make my life different than what it is. I hope the pureblood serpent is never found that had a hand in making me.”

  “I don’t think he or she will be,” Tam said. “I have hardly ever came across a big snake in the forest. None of the snakes there were changelings. Maybe there is one in the deep forest where I never go. The fell beast is there. She is twice as big as Leo and she is the king.”

  “You will get twice as big as Leo?” Slither asked.

  “No,” Tam said. “Our females grow larger than males. But we have our own strengths.”

  “Well get ready to spar,” Slither said. “Don’t worry about Leo or Kion, they can only attack you if you are causing a disturbance. So I wouldn’t recommend fighting unless attacked.”

  Tam was surprised at Slither and started sword-sparring with him. He was of course defeated more times than he won but at least the swords were wooden. This fighting relied on plain skill. There were ways to overcome a rushing opponent and to use his own power and momentum against him if he tried to overpower you. If the swords were real, attacking in a wild rage would only get him impaled. Once sword drills were over, the students proceeded to hand to hand combat. Then finally they practiced reading and writing. Tam was only one of four people who were in this class, the rest knew how to write out human words and to read things others had written.

  Tam didn't shirk the homework assignments from his reading class. He wanted this knowledge. Fang and his people had taught him a lot, but he found there was so much more to learn. Tam was a good student. He thought he picked it up quickly, although it wounded his pride to have to ask Katie for help on some of his homework. After Tam finished studying he walked back to the dining hall. Both Leo and Kion were there but their faces and hands looked puffy. They were lucky the spines were not poisonous or they would be down and receiving attention from the healers.

  “You think you have done something special, that maybe you could take any of us anytime?” Kion asked.

  “No,” Tam admitted. “In this form I would not be much trouble to either of you. In my beast form I don’t think I have anything left to prove.”

  “You will answer us after this where the others are being kept” Kion said. “I like you kid, but the mages need more of us, especially since war is coming.”

  “I don’t care about you broken ones or those slavers and their wars. All of them could die and I wouldn’t care. But I already told you I don’t know any purebloods except for one. And you have to travel for seven days, at least, through the deepest and darkest parts of the forest to get to where his pack dens. We aren’t dumb enough to believe humans are not hunting us. It makes sense to hide in places humans don’t go.”

  “Then how were you found?” Kion snapped.

  “Because I was a dumb cub that was interested in humans and went to spy on a settlement. I got caught sleeping,” Tam said, shaking his head at the recollection of his stupidity.

  “I don’t believe you. You will take us to the forest,” Kion said.

  “What about me makes you believe I am some sort of a master brain, broken one?” Tam asked.

  “We will have this out,” Kion said. “Tomorrow we will practice the hunt and how to fight with our mages.”

  Tam left after eating and was immediately assaulted by Katie in their room. She had heard about the fight between him and the others and was excited to talk about it. Tam knew she didn’t have many friends and although most humans had stopped talking down on her, they still were not friendly. He still called her Mittens, even now that she mostly called him Tam. And so she would remain until she stopped treating him like an animal. She had gotten over yelling at him about it, which made Tam a little angry. Hardly anything he said or refused to do seemed to bother her at all now. Perhaps she had given up trying to fit in with the higher nobility, Tam thought.

  “Tam we are supposed to be together tomorrow,” Katie said. “You have to be in beast form and on a leash.”

  “I already know that. Treat me like an animal and I will chew that chain up like I did the other one.”

  “Tam, I am a horrible mage and no one here really likes me because the princess has turned the various high noble girls against me. I haven’t been able to use your magic since you are supposed to stay in human form. Everyone has outdone me despite most of my training. They just have more magic to use than I do.”

  “And this will be your first time to show off what you can do with my magic.”

  “They know you have a decent amount of magic. But they do not know how much. I think with you I may be stronger than almost anyone undergoing training right now. The Archmage is going to be here to supervise tomorrow. His beast is also going to be there, he is a pureblood.”

  “Another pureblood is here?”

  “He is a hyena. He refuses to bite just anyone and I have heard that he hates cats.”

  “Hyenas are troublesome. Not many are in the forest though. I hear they mostly live on the other side of the forest where I have never been. Old Fang has fought them before. They are pack animals. I couldn’t imagine one trying to take on that lion though. He is big. Pureblood or not, we can be beaten by a stronger animal. I have never actually seen one, but I hear they are doglike without being a dog.”

  “He is as big as the biggest wolf changeling. And he doesn’t bite many, only people who will be given to the Archmage’s family. They know you are here. Maybe it wasn’t a good thing that you beat Leo.”

  “I am not worried about some hyena. I am a fell beast. We were made to fight. And thanks to your torture and what the other humans have done to me, I have gotten a lot stronger.”

  “I told you to stop irritating them. I can’t protect you here. There are many higher ranking nobles here and they like beating on you. They like it when you feel pain and they like it when you barely cling to life.”

  “Good for them. It won’t always be this way. I will find out a way out of this bond and return back to my home where I will never have to deal with humans again.”

  “Are you still on this?” Katie sighed. “I get it, you don’t want to be mine.”

  “I don’t want to be anyone's. The humans like to play around like they are pets or something, not me. I am wild and will always be wild. Why do you think you humans keep dogs instead of going out and grabbing actual wolves, big snakes or lions who are not changelings? You may have some caged, but you are definitely not walking around with them like you do with the broken ones.”

  “Well it would be stupid to have an actual wolf. They attack and will kill off livestock and probably humans if the mood strikes them.”

  “And I am wild. This is not my home.”

  “Well you can’t get out of the bond. So there!”

“So you say. I think I have already figured it out though. Once I am taken to the great forest it is likely the last time you will see me.”

  “Whatever Tam. You should get ready for tomorrow.”


  Tam was in shock at what was happening. The hyena had attacked him on sight and had a bite strong enough to crush through the bones on his paws. Tam was happy the limb wasn’t torn off. But the hyena had other problems. Tam had swiped it good across the nose. Even on three feet he had torn the thing to shreds. And when the hyena went after his body it found out about his spines. The hyena couldn’t even run in and dart away, because Tam was targeting it with his spines and was pretty good at aiming them. He currently had backed the hyena into a corner and Tam could tell it was scared to death. The Archmage, a tall thin human with a long grey beard, was tossing every deadly spell he could at Tam. Tam shrugged most of them off as he advanced on the injured hyena. Tam only stopped when Katie yanked hard on his chain. Tam knew he needed to fight the hyena again to get stronger, so killing him would be stupid. Tam wanted to gain some immunity to the strong bite the animal had. He had never felt such pressure before from something trying to pierce his body.

  “Your hyena got what it deserved now leave my changeling alone,” Katie said, as she stood in front of Tam.

  “Get out of my way or I will get you out of my way,” the Archmage said, just as he was blown across the room by a spell from Katie.

  The man was shocked and got up angrily. Katie blasted him again with another spell then put up a strong shield to soak up the incoming lightning bolt the man threw at her. She smiled at him and her own lightning bolt sped across to the man. It crashed against his shield and Tam could feel his energy wane. That is what Katie was good at, using his energy to power her spells. The Archmage couldn’t use his changelings magic because the animal was injured and using its own magic to try to protect and heal itself. Tam turned to join the fight. The Archmage tried attacking him, but soon found himself overwhelmed trying to keep both Tam and Katie off of him. He held his hands up in surrender as Tam pinned him down.


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