When Art Falls

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When Art Falls Page 4

by Lorrain Allen

  “There are three outdoor and three indoor pools. The outdoor pools are usually closed after a heavy rain to prevent any injuries since the ground is wet. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced swim lessons are offered every two hours. The rest of the time, it’s free swim. Since Sebastian isn’t a beginner, I think he could be put with the intermediate-level swimmers. There’s also an arcade, a small library, and a break room with vending machines.

  “Mom, I want to play games in the arcade.”

  “We can after the swim lesson.”


  “The president’s office, human resources, and payroll are located on the second floor.”

  “Paid positions are available?”

  “Yes. Interested in applying?”

  “I could use a second income.”

  “Go for it. You can complete an application before we leave.”

  Sebastian darts from the car the moment Adrian pulls into a vacant spot. He jumps up and down as he waits for us.

  “Man, kids are quick.”

  “Except when they’re asked to clean up,” I joke.

  We follow a skipping Sebastian into the building. Life-sized Marvel characters are stationed throughout the lobby and painted on the walls too. A spacious sitting area is to the right of the reception desk, and a spiral staircase is to the left.

  “This place is so cool,” Sebastian says in awe.

  “Good morning, Madelyn.” Adrian greets a woman sitting behind the front desk.

  “Good morning.”

  “This is Cinnamon and her amazing son, Sebastian, who’s here to become a stronger swimmer.”

  “Excellent, it’s nice to meet you and your cutie pie.”

  “Boys can’t be called cutie pie!”

  “Oh my. I’m so sorry. What on earth was I thinking calling a big strapping boy like you ‘cutie pie’? Will you forgive me?”

  “Well okay, but just this once.”

  “Thank you so much.” Madelyn winks at me. “Tragedy averted.”

  “That was a close call.” I laugh.

  “I just need for you to complete some paperwork.” She hands me a thick packet and pen.


  Is my mind playing tricks on me? Please tell me that’s not who I think it is calling my name. I slowly turn my head to see Art descending the stairs with a little boy at his side. I wonder if that’s his son. Art is too damn sexy for his own good in a pair of dark tan slacks with a white short-sleeved shirt displaying his fire tattoo.

  “What a pleasant surprise, Art. It’s been a while since I bumped into you here.” Adrian shakes hands with my tormentor. “I see you two have already met.”

  “Yeah, we go way back,” Art says.

  “What a coincidence. Cin and I have been dating for about six weeks.”

  The vein in Art’s neck beats wildly, contradicting his calm demeanor.

  “Make sure you keep an eye on this one. She had all the boys running after her in high school.”

  I’m sweating bullets, scared to death of what he’ll tell Adrian about me.

  “I can handle it.” He turns to me. “Art started this nonprofit in honor of his brother.”

  Art smiles—if you could call the expression he’s making a smile.

  I can’t form words. My cognitive function is disappearing. There’s the universe fucking with me again.

  “Are you okay?” Adrian asks.

  I can only nod my head in response.

  “I’m bored,” Sebastian complains.

  “Mason, why don’t you take Sebastian to the arcade? Is that okay with you, Cinnamon? Just until you finish the paperwork. Children can get restless so quickly,” Madelyn suggests.

  “That’s fine.” I lick my dry lips.

  Both boys run off.

  “Where did you two meet?”

  “Senior year in high school,” Art answers.

  My body begins to shiver under his piercing glare.

  “Cin is interested in a position here.” Adrian is oblivious to the tension surrounding us.

  “I’ll interview you today.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’m sure you’re really busy.”

  “I am, but I can make time for an old friend.”

  “I can’t stay out late today. I have to get home and help my mom do something.” Fuck, I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “It’ll only take twenty minutes, tops.”

  “I’m not dressed appropriately, and I don’t have my resume.”

  “Cin, you shouldn’t pass up this opportunity,” Adrian chimes in.

  “Your outfit won’t be a problem and you can email your resume later,” Art says.

  “Okay,” I agree reluctantly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Since you’ve been such a good friend, I’m glad to rearrange my schedule just for you.”

  I’ll work for you when hell freezes over, asshole. I’ll come clean to Adrian about my past with Art before he fills his head with lies.

  I walk the perimeter of the pool under the guise of watching Mason swim, but my attention is really on Cin. She effortlessly propels herself across the surface of the water. As she swims, the tattoo on the back of her left shoulder mocks me. It signifies my exoneration from my own personal hell, but the freedom I achieved was only a camouflage, releasing me into a bigger birdcage. I want to cut it from her flesh. I nearly lost my damn mind after catching a glimpse of her bikini-clad body when she left the changing room. Everything about her is fucking perfect, from her small delicate feet to her slightly rounded hips, juicy tits, firm thighs, and soft ass. It took every ounce of my willpower not to throw her to the floor and fuck her like a savage caveman. I would’ve laid the world at her feet had she not betrayed me. My dick twitches as I imagine pushing into her tight heat. I never wanted to fuck a woman so badly in my life. I head to my office to wait for her. There’s no doubt in my mind I’ll be riding Cin hard tonight.

  My frayed nerves are stretched taut as I stand in front of Art’s office door.

  You can do this. Go in there and tell him to fuck off.

  I count to twenty, steeling myself before knocking.

  “Come in.”

  I enter hell to find the devil sitting behind a large wooden desk.

  “I was wondering how long you planned to stand out there.”

  Art’s roaming eyes make me feel exposed though I have on my standard baggy shorts and T-shirt.

  “I was hoping you’d keep on your bikini for the interview.” He motions his hand towards a chair. “Please have a seat.”

  “Cut the shit. You know damn well I would never work for you.” I close the door but stay where I am.

  “Sit the fuck down.”

  “No. Tell me what your angle is,” I demand.

  “Does your boyfriend know you’re a backstabbing slut?”

  “I own cheating on Trevor with you, but I never exposed your secret to anyone!” I’m tired of sounding like a broken record.

  “I should rip your lying tongue from your fucking mouth,” he says angrily.

  “Try it and I’ll bite your fingers off.”

  He opens a drawer and tosses a manila folder on the desk. “This is your life.”

  “You had a background check done on me?”

  “I did.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “Leverage to get what I want.”

  “Which is?”


  “But you hate me.”

  “My mind knows that, but my dick just wants to fuck.”

  “That’ll never happen.”

  “You wanna bet?”

  “I have better things to do than have a pointless conversation with you.” I turn to leave.

  “I’ll pay you half a million dollars for unlimited access to your pussy for six months.”

  I face him again. “What type of bullshit are you trying to feed me?”

  “I have your attention now, I see.” He smirks.

bsp; “Take your money, and stick it right up your ass.”

  “You’re struggling to make ends meet every single month. Soon you’ll have to start making payments on your student loans, not to mention you no longer have transportation.”

  “My car will be repaired.”

  “Your engine is shot. Do you have the funds to replace it?”

  “How do you know? The mechanic hasn’t called with a diagnostic yet.”

  “I made it my business to know every minuscule detail of your life. Trevor is Sebastian’s father but wants nothing to do with him and hasn’t provided a dime towards his upbringing. You rarely hear from your father since he remarried. Your mother doesn’t work due to the injury she sustained from the boot. How does it feel to be the cause of your mother’s blindness and the reason she suffers from debilitating migraines?”

  Tears roll down my cheeks.

  “Crying won’t undo the damage you’ve caused.”

  “You don’t understand how much that night has tormented me.”

  “Do right by Sebastian and your mother and take the offer. It’s more than you deserve.”

  I could wipe my debt clean and have thousands left to spare.

  “I want the money up front.”

  “You will receive the money after the six months is over, not a day before.”

  “I can’t trust you.”

  “I’ll keep my end of the agreement. You have my word.”

  “That’s not good enough.”

  “It’s all you’re getting.”

  “Give me a contract and we have a deal.”

  “It’s a verbal agreement or nothing at all.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair. But I’ll sweeten the pot by paying for your mother’s medical expenses starting now.”

  Do I really want to make a deal with the devil?

  He glances at the watch donning his wrist. “Sixty seconds.”

  “Sixty seconds until what?”

  “Until the offer expires.”

  The damn bastard has me exactly where he wants me.

  “I agree.”


  “Excuse me?” I ask, confused.

  He shakes his head. “Wrong fucking response. When I tell you to do something, you fucking do it, no questions. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes,” I bite out.

  “Get on your hands and knees.”

  My mind rebels against obeying his command. He watches me with a hawk-like gaze, waiting to see if I’ll follow his order. I slowly descend to the floor.

  “Crawl to me.”

  He’s treating me like a fucking dog.

  “I want zero fucking hesitation when I give an order. Get the fuck over here!” he bellows.

  I crawl across the floor, coming to a stop in front of him.

  He unzips his pants, freeing his length. “Apologize.”


  “Apologize to my dick for kneeing him yesterday.”

  “No way.”

  He slaps his hardness against my forehead. “The sooner you learn to obey, the easier it’ll be for you.”

  “Do that again and I’ll bite it off.”

  “I dare you, little birdie. But understand the moment I feel your teeth I’m going to tie you to this fucking chair and use pliers to pull each one out.” Art points to his dick. “He’s waiting.”

  “I’m sorry,” I grit out.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk, say it like you mean it.”

  Ugh! Fucking asshole!

  “I’m sorry,” I say, sweetly.

  “For what?”

  “Kneeing you.”


  “It’ll never happen again.”

  “Good, now I want my dick touching your tonsils.”

  Art twists his hands in my hair and rams his dick down my throat, viciously fucking my mouth. Saliva drips down my chin as I gag. I brace my hands on his thighs, attempting to break away.

  “It’s more fun when you struggle.”

  He holds my head in place, grinding his hips against my face harder. I’m on the verge of emptying the contents of my stomach when his salty cum fills my mouth.

  “Fuck,” he groans, pulling his semi-hard dick from my mouth.

  “You almost suffocated me!” I yell.

  “I’ll give you a two on a scale from one to ten. At least Brunette was a four.”

  “You’re sadistic.”

  “I know, and it’s fucking fantastic.” He points at the semen soaking into the carpet. “You spilled some.”


  “Lick it up.”


  “You can’t leave the table until you’ve eaten all your food.” He leans close to my face. “Finish your meal.”


  He leaves the chair in a flash, gripping the back of my neck and pushing my face into the carpet.

  “Lick it the fuck up,” he growls in my ear.

  I whimper as he applies more pressure, but still I refuse.

  “You won’t win this battle, little birdie.”

  He twists my arm up my back as he maneuvers behind me, forcing me to my knees. He jerks my shorts and bikini bottoms down.

  “It’s going to bring me so much joy breaking you.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask, whimpering.

  He positions his erection at the entrance of my ass. “I’m sure being fucked in the ass with no lube hurts like a motherfucker.”

  He thrusts forward. The searing pain is unbearable.

  “Art, no! It hurts so bad!”

  “And that’s only the tip. Imagine how painful it’ll be if I penetrated you fully. Do you want me to make you bleed?”


  “Then. Lick. The. Carpet.” He emphasizes each word.

  My tongue darts out, licking up his essence.

  “This is going to be a long six months if you continue to fight me.” He releases me and moves back to his chair.

  “You could’ve broken my arm.” I glare at him while rubbing my sore limb.

  “Fix your clothes and have a seat. I need to go over the rules with you.”

  I drop down into the chair with more force than necessary.

  “Rule one: No sharing you this time. Break it off with Adrian the moment you leave this office.”

  “He brought me here. How will I get home?”

  “I’ll call a taxi.”

  “I can do it later, not here.”

  “Do it now!” he shouts.


  “Rule two: You’re not allowed to talk, smile, or even look at another man.”

  “That’s ridiculous! I have male colleagues.”

  “You better figure something out because if you break any of my rules, heads are going to roll. Understand?”

  “Yes,” I grit out.

  “Rule three: Obey me without question.”

  “Is that it, or do you want my soul too?”

  “I already own it.”

  “Fucking asshole,” I grumble under my breath.

  “What’s that?”


  “Be at my place by eight tonight. Tardiness is not acceptable, so make sure you’re on time.”

  I salute him. “Sir, yes, sir!”

  “Now you’re getting it.” He blows me a kiss. “I’ll text you the address.”

  “Of course you know my cell phone number,” I say sarcastically.

  He laughs. “You can go now.”

  I storm out of his office, dreading what I have to do next.

  “Did something happen between you and Adrian?” Mom asks, turning her attention from the television.

  We’ve been parked on the sofa for the last hour watching our favorite sitcom while Sebastian plays on the floor with his toys.

  “No, everything is good.”

  I feel like the scum of the earth for not being honest with her, but I’m not ready to have this conversation.

seem out of sorts since getting home.”

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “All right,” she says, leaning back against the cushions.

  My imagination is working overtime, conjuring up all sorts of things Art has planned for me tonight. He probably has a secret dungeon to torture me in. But I’m resolved to face whatever he throws at me head-on. Loud banging sounds at the front door, startling me.

  “There’s no way you can avoid me now that we live in the same state!” Anneli yells.

  Oh, fuck.

  “What’s going on?” Mom asks.

  “Nothing, you know how theatrical Anneli can be.”

  She raises an eyebrow, giving me a skeptical look. I hurriedly move towards the door when the loud banging starts again. A noise complaint is the last thing I need after living here for less than two months. It’s bad enough my neighbor caught me in a compromising position last night. Hopefully he didn’t recognize me.

  “Hold your horses! I’m coming!” I swing the door open.

  “You’ve been ignoring me!” Anneli yells.


  “Don’t you ‘shhh’ me. And move out of the way so I can come inside.” She brushes past me.

  “I was going to call you in the morning.”

  “Oh no, you’ve got some explaining to do and I want answers now!”

  Adrian was livid I abruptly ended our courtship earlier. Soon after, Anneli started texting and calling.

  “Hey, Missy.” She waves.

  “Hi, sweetheart. Are you and Cin having a fight?”

  “We most certainly are.”

  “We’re not,” I counter.

  “Auntie Anneli!” Sebastian runs over to wrap his skinny arms around her torso. “Did you bring a special treat for me?”

  “Not this time, kiddo, but next time I’ll bring five pounds of candy so you can drive your mom crazy.”

  I scrunch my face at her. “He’ll be staying with you until all the sugar is out of his system.”

  “Beat it, squirt. I have a bone to pick with your mom.” She grabs my arm and pulls me into the bedroom before closing the door for privacy.

  Anneli will probably try to persuade me to change my mind, but I won’t budge. My mom and Sebastian deserve the finer things in life, and I’ll be providing it to them by any means necessary.

  “What the hell is going on, Cin? Adrian is pissed, and I don’t blame him.”

  I sit on the bed. “I ran into Art again today.”


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