When Art Falls

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When Art Falls Page 14

by Lorrain Allen

  Mason’s attention turns from playing his video game to me when I enter his bedroom.

  “Are you winning?” I ask, sitting on the bed beside him.

  I came straight to his room after arriving home with the intention of telling him about tomorrow’s plan, but now I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m afraid of failing him. My childhood was filled with disappointment, and I promised myself his wouldn’t be. Growing up my mother never came to football games, offered words of encouragement, or consoled me if I got hurt. She treated me like a Christmas ornament, only acknowledging when absolutely necessary. After she was done showing me off, I would be packed away until needed again. Can a tiger really change its stripes? I look at the picture of our mother on his nightstand, positioned next to one of Cole. Not too long ago he asked for a picture of her. It took a while, but I found one. I have to do this for him, even though it fills me with dread.

  “No, I always lose.” He pouts.

  “It takes practice. You’ll get it soon enough.” I rub the top of his curly head. “I need to talk to you about something really important.”

  Being very perceptive for his age, Mason picks up on the serious note in my voice. He lays the joystick on the bed and faces me.

  “I saw Mom today.”

  His eyes light up as he leaps to his feet on the bed and jumps up and down. “My mommy is back! My mommy is back! I knew she would come back for me!” he yells in happiness.

  I grab his arm and pat the space next to me. “Sit down, Mason.”

  He drops to his bottom. I feel his tiny body vibrating with excitement.

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s coming tomorrow, but—”

  “I’m going to be a good boy so she’ll never leave me again.”

  “Her leaving had nothing to do with you. Don’t ever think you caused her to go. Some people aren’t meant to stay in one place.”

  His large eyes fill with unshed tears. This news is taking an emotional toll on him. “Why didn’t she take me with her?” he asks, lips quivering.

  “She had to be alone.”

  “But why?”

  “I don’t have an answer for you.”

  “Can you make her stay?” He eyes me expectantly, looking for confirmation I’ll ensure his request is met.

  “I’m sorry, buddy. I can’t make that promise.”

  “What if she goes away again?”

  “You’ll still have me.”

  “What about Cin and Sebastian?”

  “They’re not going anywhere.”

  If Cin tries to leave, I’ll drag her back—kicking and screaming if I have to.

  “Mom is supposed to stop by for a few hours tomorrow.” Now here comes the hard part. “Mason,” I say, gently. “Can you be a big boy for me?”

  “Yes,” he says resolutely.

  “I need to say this, to prepare you. Okay?”

  He nods in understanding. The vulnerability in his eyes is killing me, and I hate I’m the cause of it.

  “Sometimes things don’t go the way you expect them to. I’m telling you this because there’s a chance Mom may not show up tomorrow.”

  Tears spill down his chubby cheeks. I pull him onto my lap, offering comfort. It had to be said to set the expectation.

  Mason insisted we wait outside for our mother to arrive. He watches the gate eagerly while I sit on the top step, leaning back against a pillar, reveling in his excitement. Unfortunately, the jubilance is short lived as more time passes and there’s no sign of her. Uneasiness overcomes me, so I send her a text message.

  Me: Where the hell are you?

  By seven-fifteen, I know she’s not coming. Damn Cin for talking me into giving that bitch a chance. I should’ve listened to my gut instinct. A tiger cannot change its stripes.

  “How about we go inside and play a game?”

  He shakes his head. “I want to wait out here.”

  “Sometimes things don’t go the way you expect them to, remember?”

  “Can you call Mommy?” he asks, refusing to accept the inevitable.

  “She’s not coming.” There’s no point in sugarcoating the truth.

  “Maybe she’s lost.” He turns wide, sad eyes on me. “Call her.”

  “Okay,” I concede, even though it won’t make a difference. The call goes straight to voicemail.

  “She didn’t answer.” It hurts to deliver the devastating news to him. “Let’s go back inside.” I stand, reaching for his hand.

  “No!” he yells, racing down the stone driveway.

  I run after him, easily catching up and lifting him into my arms.

  “I’m so sorry, buddy.”

  “What’s wrong with me?” He peers at me with sorrowful eyes. “If you tell her how helpful I am, she’ll come.”

  His skinny arms encircle my neck as he cries his heart out. I carry him inside, shedding tears with him.

  I finish my shower, grateful Art had a rainfall shower head installed in every bathroom in the house. My cell phone starts ringing as I step into my bedroom. It’s probably Anneli. I’ll give her a call once I’m done getting dressed. The ringing ends, then starts again in the next second. This better be important. I walk to the dresser and glance at the screen and see Art’s name flash across it. He shouldn’t be here for at least another hour and a half. I get up early enough to cook Mom and Sebastian breakfast before we walk him to school.

  I press the speaker icon. “Hey.”

  “Mason is gone,” Art says in a panic-stricken voice.

  “What?” Those words cause immediate distress.

  “I searched everywhere. He isn’t here.”

  “Could he be hiding somewhere?”

  There are many places Mason could conceal himself inside the mansion.

  “He isn’t here, goddamn it!” he bellows. “He took our bitch of a mother not showing pretty hard. I should’ve never let you convince me to give her a chance,” he says accusingly.

  “Art, I’m so—”

  “Keep your fucking apology!” he shouts.

  “I’ll help you find him.”

  “I’m leaving for the police station now.”

  “Text me the address. I’ll meet you there.”

  “No. Stay home.”

  “I’m not letting you do this alone, so please text me the damn address, Arthur!”

  Art has me fucked up if he actually believes I’ll be docile and follow his demand.

  “That’s the first time you’ve called me by my given name.”

  “I love that little boy as much as you do. I cannot sit and do nothing while he’s missing. I will go to every police precinct in Orlando to find you. You don’t think I feel like dog shit right now?” I cry. “He would be safe if you hadn’t listened to me.”

  “Fuck, I shouldn’t lash out at you.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s not your fault. I’m just so fucking scared.”

  “I’ll be on the way in ten minutes.”


  I quickly dress, then race to my mom’s room, but she’s not there. I head downstairs.

  “Mom!” I yell, barreling into the kitchen.

  She yelps, turning from the coffee maker. “Cin, you nearly scared me to death.”

  “I need you to walk Sebastian to school alone.”

  “Did something happen?”

  “There’s no time to explain.” I run towards the front door, grabbing my car keys along the way.

  Art is out of his mind with worry. I’ve never heard him sound so afraid before. Whenever I try to do the right thing, I fuck it up. Maybe it’s best if I keep my opinions to myself. Cursing my stupidity, I get in my car and speed off.

  Damn, this light is taking forever to change!

  I bite my fingernails, unable to control my nerves waiting for the traffic light to turn green. The drive seems to be taking forever. According to my GPS I should be at the police station in twenty-five minutes. I glance left, doing a double-take when I spot Mason sitting at the bus
stop, crying, next to an elderly woman attempting to console him. I break down in tears, ecstatic he’s safe. I make a U-turn and put the car in park before jumping out.


  He tears away from the woman and launches himself into my arms. “Cin!”

  I’m squeezing him too tightly, but I can’t help it. I plant kisses all over his face. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

  “Are you his mother?” the elderly woman asks. “He’s so distraught, I couldn’t get a word out of him.”

  “No, I know his brother. He’s at the police station filing a missing person report.”

  “I saw the little guy sitting here upset and alone. I couldn’t just walk by.”

  “Thank you so much for watching over him.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Can I take you anywhere?”

  “The offer is much appreciated, but I enjoy my daily walks.”

  “Okay. I’m going to take him home so he can get some rest.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  I put Mason in the back seat and buckle him in.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “Of course not, silly.”

  “Is Art?”

  “No, he’s just really worried.”

  “But I left home by myself.”

  “That was a really dangerous thing to do. Something bad could’ve happened to you.”

  “I wanted to find Mommy.”

  “I know it makes you sad she isn’t around, but it’ll get better, I promise. You’re a strong boy, and I’ll be here to help.”

  “You’ll never leave me, right? That’s what Art said.”

  “You’re so awesome. My life wouldn’t be complete without you.”

  He laughs gleefully when I tickle him.

  “There’s the smile I love seeing.” I close the door, then get into the driver’s seat.

  I send Art a text before pulling away, letting him know Mason is safe and sound.

  I take off at a dead run from the precinct after reading the text from Cin. It doesn’t take me long to get home. I’m surprised I made it without being pulled over by the cops. I rush inside and up the stairs. I hear Cin’s beautiful voice the closer I get to Mason’s bedroom. I peer through the slightly open door. They lie on the bed together while she reads him a book. It’s the same one I read at Cole’s gravesite. The memory of that day flashes through my mind. I had fought going, but she pushed and wouldn’t relent until I agreed to go. Since then, I’ve visited several times, bringing Mason along. I told him everything about Cole. I still haven’t fully forgiven myself for his death, and most likely never will, but I’ve learned to live with it for Mason’s sake. Cin brought me back from the brink. I would probably be six feet under if not for her. Those initial months together were the happiest of my life, which is why her betrayal cut so fucking deep. Eight years later and it still hasn’t healed. That’s a hell of a long time to hold a grudge. A normal person would’ve forgiven her and moved on, but I’ve never claimed to be normal. My name and that word don’t belong in the same sentence. Abnormal? Now that word fits perfectly.

  “Do you want me to read another book?” Cin asks Mason.

  “No.” He yawns.

  “I bought this book for Cole’s birthday, long ago.”

  “You knew my brother?”

  “Yes, after he went to heaven.”

  “I wish he was still here.”

  “He is. You just can’t see him.”

  I listen intently to their exchange. I want to believe there’s a divine presence above, but so much fucked-up shit happens in the world, it’s hard to.

  “Are you hungry? I can whip you up some breakfast.”

  “I’m tired.”

  “Okay. I’ll have something delicious ready for you by the time you wake up.”

  “I want pizza!”

  “Pizza it is.”

  “Will you be my new mommy?” he asks hesitantly.

  I hold my breath, waiting for her response.

  “Absolutely, it’ll be an honor. Thank you for choosing me.”

  “And Sebastian will be my real brother?”



  “All right.” She gets out of the bed and pulls the comforter up to his chin. “Get some sleep.”

  “I love you, Cin.”

  “I love you too.”

  I move to the left to avoid being seen as she turns to leave the bedroom. She steps out into the hall, pulling the door shut behind her.

  Her eyes widen, zeroing in on me. She backs up in alarm as I quickly stride towards her. “Art, please—”

  I fist my hand in her hair and use the other to cover her mouth. “Shhh.” I lick her ear. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”

  I maneuver her backwards, pressing her into the wall. Sniffing her neck, I breathe in her sweet scent.

  “I could just eat you up,” I murmur.

  Cin pushes her petite hands under my shirt, sliding them over my hard abs before unbuttoning my pants and tugging the zipper down. She pulls my dick free, stroking the thick length. Only her touch can bring the raging beast in my soul to heel. I take hold of her shirt and rip it down the middle, then lift her bra over her succulent breasts.

  “Beautiful.” I push the plentiful mounds together, sucking one nipple, then the other.

  “I want your dick stretching my pussy,” she moans.

  “I’ll do more than that. I’m going to crack you the fuck open and ruin you for other men.”

  “You’ve already ruined me for other men. Isn’t it obvious? You’re the only man I’ll ever want.”

  I hoist her up, attacking her lips and invading her mouth with my tongue. She fervently returns the kiss. I carry her to my room and deposit her beside the bed. She’s so fucking tiny compared to me. I tower over her, the top of her head barely reaching my shoulders.

  “Get naked.”

  She watches me, seductively removing each article of clothing, teasing me, tormenting me. Cin’s always been good at that. She lies back on the edge of the bed and spreads her legs. My eyes stray to the plump nub protruding from her swollen pussy lips. Lord have motherfucking mercy. I move between her thighs, grabbing my throbbing dick, and run the engorged head through her sopping slit. Fuck, it’s so damn hot. She sucks on her index finger, twirling her tongue around the digit before gradually pulling it free and circling her clit. Alluring russet-colored eyes intently peer at me, waiting to witness the exact moment I snap.

  “I want you to lose control,” she whispers.

  “Trust me, you don’t want that.”

  “I do. Please, fuck me hard.”

  “On your knees,” I demand.

  She rolls over, then arches her back perfectly, displaying her nice round ass.

  “Remember you asked for this.” I ram forward, tearing through tight muscles.

  “Ugh!” she cries out.

  In pleasure or in pain, I’m not sure, but I don’t give a fuck. I guess that truly does make me a monster. Cin pleaded for this, so she must face the consequences. My fingers dig into her hips, pulling her back to meet my violent thrusts. I ruthlessly plunge in and out of her exquisitely wet cunt, reveling in the sounds of her screams and the jiggle of her ass. She bleeds from where my nails press into her perfect silky skin. She reaches back, pressing her hand against my lower stomach, attempting to minimize the impact to her body.

  “You begged the monster to come out and play, so fucking play,” I growl, moving her hand.

  My dick is completely covered in her white cream. Juicy deliciousness, fuck. I’m about to come. I can’t tap out. She has to find release first. Slowing down, I pace myself, shaking with the effort not to pour my seed inside her. Damn, it’s not working, I’m still about to explode. Fuck! Goddamn, her pussy is making me a weak little bitch.

  “Come for me.” I lightly pinch and pluck her fat clit, hoping she comes in the next few seconds because it’s about to be a wrap for me.<
br />
  I can’t take it anymore. Each stroke moves me closer to fulfillment. I roar, unloading my semen in her paradise, and sweet merciful Jesus, her pussy squeezes my dick at the same time, signaling her climax.

  “Oh God!” she shouts.

  “Don’t cry out for him. You cry out for me. I’m your God.” I collapse on top of her, depleted.

  I drag my ass up on the bed, tugging Cin to my side. She snuggles into me, laying her head on my chest and throwing her leg over mine.

  “You want a shower?” I ask.

  “I can barely move, so standing isn’t an option,” she replies. “I’m in need of a nap, but a quick one. I promised Mason pizza would be waiting for him when he wakes up.”

  “I’ll order from Giuseppe’s. They have the best pizza in Orlando.”

  “Okay. How did he get out of the house?”

  “I never bothered activating the mansion’s alarm system, but that’ll change immediately. I’ll have a serious talk with him later.”

  The gate has a motion sensor from the inside, so when he walked up it opened, or he squeezed through the bars. After I checked the kitchen and still hadn’t found Mason, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I was transported back to the day I found Cole’s lifeless body in the pool and I feared the worst. Mason is a good swimmer, but he’s far from advanced. It was a huge relief when he wasn’t there either. Then I thought maybe my mother had something to do with his disappearance, but Logan confirmed she boarded a plane to Paris yesterday morning, so I ruled her out. Today the code will be changed and the alarm system activated every evening.

  “You’re right to blame me. This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for me.” Tears spill from her eyes. “I swear if he’d gotten hurt…”

  “You didn’t force me to agree. I made the decision—”

  “Your decision would’ve been different if I hadn’t thrown in my two cents.”

  “You made a good point about giving her the chance to make amends. I did my part by doing right by my brother. My conscience is clear. Like you said, it’s a hard lesson for Mason to learn, but it was necessary.”

  “I’m relieved he’s safe.”

  “I heard you accept the responsibility of being Mason’s mother. Did you mean it?”


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