Unfinished Sympathy

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Unfinished Sympathy Page 22

by Amélie S. Duncan

  Her eyes narrowed. “If that’s how you feel, it should relieve you to not continue working so hard. Go on your dates with someone you don’t find exhausting. I’m planning to do the same. Gunnar has asked me out, and I intend on telling him yes.”

  I snorted. Now who was playing games? She wanted me to show her I was jealous, and like an idiot I took the bait.

  “That’ll never happen, so you can forget about it,” I said sharpening my tone. “When you’re ready to stop testing me and talk to me for real about us I’m here.”

  I opened the door and walked back towards my desk. She had already escaped before I sat down.


  The next week had been one of the longest and the loneliest I had experienced in a while. Paul had been working outside Crane Productions and hadn’t been available to play with me. Although he had scheduled for me to continue practicing on my own, I missed him.

  I’d reached the latter half of my week that I spent at Emono without seeing him. On my way there, I received a message.

  8:26 a.m. This is Yasmine in Human Resources. I need you to come to a short meeting in my office today at noon.

  The Crane Production and Emono project hadn’t ended. What could it be then? Am I fired?

  Turning on my computer when I reached my office, I opened the audio folder for the game as usual. I wanted to lose myself in my routine. I checked on the most current level of the game to get into the story before working on my assigned task for the day. When I loaded the game, the audio was out of sync—or was it?

  I checked the name of the file and loaded it again, finding it was not only out of sync, it had old audio files that our team had changed months ago on the new scene. How could that be?

  I rushed over to Quinn’s office where I spotted him scoffing down a late lunch. He stopped mid-bite, put down his bagel and followed me to my office, where I told him what had happened.

  “I can’t find the files I saved. If they have over-written the old files, that ruins the game. Logan and Ryan will have to redo all the audio, and they’ll fire me.”

  “Let me check it out,” Quinn said, taking over my desk while I paced behind him. He knew the game front to back and noticed right away it was wrong. “Where is the audio for the new soldier we added to this scene?”

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” I replied and groaned in frustration. “I’ve been working more at Crane Production than here. Are the files in a folder they didn’t tell me about? Or is someone trying to sabotage my work?”

  “We have no proof, but this kind of stuff destroys the game,” Quinn said and glared at the screen.

  My stomach churned. “I’d have to go through every piece of the game and all the files I’ve worked on to make sure it’s all correct. I have to tell Logan and Ryan. I’m finished.”

  I would not only lose my job, but I’d also not be able to use Emono Games as a reference. That’s over a year of work I’d have to leave off my résumé. My mom’s home and the health insurance she needed would go up in smoke, and I couldn’t afford the one they gave as an option when it ended. The audio games industry was small; no one would tolerate this level of incompetence anywhere. This could be career ending. Not to mention Paul would hear about what I’d done. Even though we were still at odds, it would crush me if he heard I’d ruined the game.

  Logan left me to work independently and only contacted me if there was an issue. Ryan micromanaged. He had been eerily quiet since I’d insisted on finishing my work at Crane Productions. He was an ass, but Emono Games was his livelihood. Neither would risk the game and their huge bonuses over me. That only left Daniel, but I didn’t have proof.

  “Let’s check through everything again,” Quinn suggested.

  I began to check, then remembered I had filed back-ups in a personal Dropbox online. I hesitantly told Quinn.

  “Did you get Ryan and Logan’s approval to keep them there?” he asked quietly, though he knew the answer.

  I shook my head. “I did it to have something to show if I had to prove my skill for another job. Having a personal back-up copy of my files violated my contractual agreement with Emono. I had planned to delete them after the release of the game, but I hadn’t yet.

  “Go check the files on my computer,” he whispered, and rubbed the hair on his jaw. “But don’t bring them in here. Let me think of a solution.”

  Sweat broke across my skin as I went quickly over to Quinn’s office to check. The private online backup files were still there. I could just replace the files, but what if someone had already checked through them? There was only one thing to do.

  I took a deep breath to gather myself and logged out. I couldn’t risk getting fired for having them, even to save my job. Somberly, I returned to my office and sat down in the chair poised for defeat.

  “What did you do?” Quinn asked.

  “I logged in, but I couldn’t bring myself to copy them over. I can’t use them,” I mumbled.

  He blew out his breath. “Okay.”

  “I have a lunch meeting with Yasmine,” I said hoarsely, slumping in my seat. “What if they already know?”

  “Then we check now,” he said. “One file at a time.”

  I shook my head. “You can’t get involved.”

  He pursed his lips. “I can do anything. I’m a lead programmer. I’m the one everyone comes to when IT can’t fix the game engine. I need this game to be a success for my employment portfolio. Whoever did it is fucking with all of us. I’m not going down like that. Now, find everything you’ve worked on, and we’ll find the correct files.”

  I was grateful to Quinn and tried to assist him in his search on the computer, but it was taking me twice as long to perform simple checks. I couldn’t focus.

  “I’m sorry, Quinn.” I buried my face in my hands.

  “You’re wounded, but not defeated,” he said. “Leave everything open, and your passwords. I’ll check all your assignments and the files. Kyle will help me. Trust me, Aubrey. It’ll be fine.”

  Would it be fine? I could see the permanent position and the promotion slipping through my fingers. I thought of Paul and all his encouragement and belief in me. What would Paul think? If they found out about my back-up files, would they tell him I’d stolen the game?

  “You can’t be late,” Quinn said, picking up my handbag and putting it on my shoulder. “Go.”

  I thanked him and left for Human Resources. There were no checks by Yasmine’s assistant or escort to her office today. She told me to go right in. There, I found Ryan and Yasmine already engaged in a discussion that stopped when they saw me.

  “Please take a seat,” Yasmine said politely. “Is your family okay?”

  “Yes,” I said and wiped my hands down my jeans. “Is there something wrong?”

  “I’ll get right to the point. Ryan has brought to my attention you have developed a personal relationship with Paul Crane.”

  The blood drained from my face.

  “Yes.” Ryan smiled as he chimed in. “Daniel had reported you and Paul spending late nights alone. You’ve been out on a date to a performance—”

  “What date?” I asked.

  “Aubrey, did you go to a night concert with Paul Crane?” Yasmine asked cautiously.

  “It was in Brooklyn,” Ryan said, enjoying the confusion on my face.

  He went as far as bringing up his evidence like he was some criminal investigator. A collection of photos from the Cleo’s Ensemble show, with one of me and Paul as we smiled and played our instruments. They had been published on the website soon after the performance had taken place.

  My brows furrowed. That was why I was there, and they didn’t know about all the other stuff? What a relief. “After we rehearsed on a track for Absolution, Mr. Crane proposed Cleo’s Ensemble classical-rock fusion music for research. I attended with him.”

  “Yes, you went out with him. You didn’t check with me or Logan if it was okay and secretly went out at night with him,” Ryan sa
id, as if the concert were a sordid affair.

  “My contract was to work on the soundtrack, and that’s what I did,” I replied.

  “You also went to a basketball game?” Yasmine asked, checking her notes in front of her.

  “Cara and Recon were there sitting with us, you know, the recording artists?” I took out my phone and did a quick search, bringing up an image of them laughing together courtside. “Is that a problem? I mean Daniel was there too.”

  “That’s right,” Yasmine said and nodded. “We’re not sure it is a problem, but we would like to hear more about what happened from you. Mr. Crane has a pending harassment lawsuit. If you’re involved in a relationship, we will have to end your contract today.”

  Making my expression blank, I suppressed the pandemonium breaking loose in my head. They wanted full disclosure, and if they got it, they would fire me.

  Paul been right all along. Emono Games didn’t give a damn about me. They’d use me to their advantage and would cut me loose in a heartbeat for something they never enforced with other workers, like Logan. Since Paul and I hadn’t ever been together officially, I had no problem telling them as much, though with some caveats for Ryan.

  “I never had a relationship with Mr. Crane,” I said. “We worked on the soundtrack. I account every hour, and our recorded session is available for your review. I can have Crane Productions send over a copy. As for Cleo’s Ensemble, I have a write up on the show. I’d worked on it for Paul for research on the fusion music included on the soundtrack. I’ll send it over to you to review and add to my HR file.”

  “It’s unnecessary. You’ve given us this meeting on the subject. We have your statement for our records on your professional relationship with Mr. Crane,” Yasmine said, and stared over at Ryan for his response, but I plowed on. Ryan didn’t get the final say in this.

  “My input is important, since it involves me,” I insisted. “You will receive everything I shared, along with a statement for my file. Is there any other proof you have of this relationship, besides a website image that shows we were collaborating on music? We’re playing instruments in the photo. I’d say that supports my explanation that it related to work. Do I need to ask a television station for a video of the game? If there was any impropriety there, I’m sure your source would have shared it, and I’m sure Mr. Crane would need to defend himself.”

  “We’re having a private conversation about an Emono Games issue involving you, not Crane Productions,” Yasmine said quickly. “It’s the role of Human Resources to handle issues related to our company. My decision on how to proceed would come after speaking with you.”

  “What have you decided?” I asked and tightened my grip on the handrails of the seat.

  “Ryan, do you have anything else you want to discuss, or more information? It would help if you present it now,” Yasmine asked him in an abrupt tone.

  “No, but other staff have noticed Aubrey and Paul spending every day she’s over there together behind closed doors,” he said as his face flushed.

  She scowled at him. “I’ve had no reports and you have one photo. I’ll need you to ask them to contact me with more information than a closed door.” She shifted her gaze over to me. “It’s part of Emono’s policy to discuss issues that violate it. We have done so now, and if something else arises we’ll meet with you again. However, this meeting is confidential. You’re not to discuss this with Paul Crane or your colleagues.”

  “Thanks. I’ll go back to work now,” I said and left the room.

  Ryan was just being Ryan, and still trying his best to bring me down to lift Daniel up to a position he didn’t deserve. I’d thought him annoying before, but the stunt he pulled in there was desperate. I doubted Yasmine would listen to anything Ryan had to say again. He’d fucked himself.

  Yet, the warning about Paul wasn’t something I could ignore. Emono picked if and when, they enforced their policies. They kept this from Paul, which meant they were not forthcoming with him either. What would he do if he’d known about them questioning me about our relationship? I could only see us being together making things worse for both of us. It was good that we’d ended it, even though it hurt so much.

  I suppressed the pain at the thought of how Paul and I had left things and headed back to my office, remembering how I still had the real problem with the audio files. Whatever Quinn found, I’d inform Ryan and Logan. If it was a major problem, I’d beg to work for free to make up for any time that was needed. The dread churning my stomach said that wasn’t enough.

  I didn’t take my handbag from my shoulder when I reached my desk. I expected to find a list of corrupt overwritten files, but there was only a handwritten note:

  You highlight everything and it’s hard to read. Everything you write doesn’t need to dazzle.

  I puzzled. Nothing to correct. How could this be?

  Quinn came into my office and closed the door. “I logged in and took the files. It’s done.”

  My eyes widened as I realized what he’d done for me. He had replaced the files with the correct ones I had in my personal Dropbox. He’d implicated himself in my mess.

  “You can’t do that, Quinn.”

  “I did,” he said. “It’s our game. If anyone asks, they’d have to admit they fucked around with the audio files. They hid the back-ups, but I found them on your computer. It was only the Outbreak level. The coward didn’t go further. I have an alert booby trap put on the folder now. If he tries again, he’ll have to deal with me.”

  I surprised us both by hugging him.

  “I can’t take all the credit,” he said. “I did this selfishly, too. They have offered me a job at Prima Games.”

  My heart twanged. “You’re leaving?”

  Oh, no. Quinn and Kyle had made Emono bearable.

  He smiled. “Not yet, but probably before the release.”

  I lifted my brows. “What about your bonus?”

  He frowned. “Will we get it? I mean, Gary has had a lot of suits over lately, which means he’s looking to sell early.”

  “Paul mentioned something about his father maybe buying Emono,” I told him.

  He cocked his eyebrow. “Now that’s the information I needed to know. Once I’m at Prima Games you can come over there—”

  I shook my head. “They… they already turned me down.”

  “They won’t after Absolution comes out,” he said. “It’s getting closer to release, and your files will keep us on track. I believe I did the right thing, and I’ll stand by it. Did you have lunch?”

  “Nope. I will work through,” I said. “I need to see the corrections for myself.”

  “I’m leaving early. I’m going away with my new man,” he said, smiling.

  I grinned. “Oh, do tell.”

  “A sports guy,” he answered with a sly smile. “He’s about twice my size, beefy, and hairy. He’s into nerds. I go on geek overload and he becomes a sex god.”

  “Aren’t you the dark horse?” I teased him.

  “I am,” he said. “What about you? And don’t tell me you have no one. You were happy, and now you look miserable. Pretty boy Paul struck again?”

  I mutely nodded, and he put his arm around my shoulder. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “We’re already over,” I mumbled.

  “Nope,” he said. “Paul would have removed you from his life like I heard he did Siena. I hear all he does is tell everyone how wonderful you are. I overheard Daniel complaining to Ryan. Keep your chin up and make him work for it. You haven’t slept with him yet?”

  “Not my choice,” I half-joked.

  He laughed. “He’ll give it up, I’m sure. God, it’s too weird talking sex with you.”

  “It is,” I agreed. “Let’s go back to complaining about everything.”

  We laughed, and he hugged me. I didn’t hesitate to hug him back, and this one was tighter. “Look at you, all touchy-feely. Pretty boy is rubbing off on you.”

  That was how things had
started between me and Paul. He’d held me upright on the train, and from that moment on he’d never stopped pushing forward into my life. It was hard to hold back anything from him. If I kept giving in, he’d learn all my secrets. Ones that would ruin how he felt about me if I ever brought them to light. That was why it was best for both our sakes that we remained apart.


  “This never gets old…”

  Gunnar interrupted my session in the studio to show me a video he’d saved to his phone of Siena turning herself in for questioning in our extortion case. His warped idea of making me feel better only made me feel worse, and I immediately returned his phone to him.

  I didn’t enjoy seeing her suffer. At one time, we’d been close. True, what she’d done had backfired, but she’d won anyway. No one cared that she’d extorted me or that she lost her hostile work environment case.

  It wasn’t over. Every day we received messages from a new lawyer she’d hired to settle her sexual harassment lawsuit. She’d gone on social media to express how much of a financial and emotional burden her case was on her. No matter what I did now, all people cared about was her pain and my lack of compassion. To the public I was clearly a monster.

  I felt like the monster. My public philanthropy work was being put off, which reminded me to ask about one that was weighing on my mind: “What’s the status of the Sharing Circle?”

  “They only asked that this year you don’t make the Crane Productions sponsorship prominent in advertisement, and that’s fine,” he said. “Most of our sponsorships are silent, but not all. Business is still strong. Eagles Credit Card wants to use another track from Infinity for their commercials, and The XE Network wants to use Sky and your Love is Eternal as their new theme for Sanctum, the vampire sitcom. If a few charities are nervous, we’ll respect their decision. They’ll return.”


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