Hating the Boss

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Hating the Boss Page 14

by Kristen Granata

Don’t think about that kiss. Not now.

  It’s showtime.

  I watch as he talks to the hostess. She gestures toward the bar, and his eyes sweep over to me. He hesitates before taking the first step, wiping his hands on his slacks and squaring his shoulders. He’s nervous.

  Good. He should be.

  Jaxon takes the stool to my left and clears his throat. “Hi, Raegan.”

  I turn my head and do my best to look surprised. “Jaxon? What are you doing here?”

  He fiddles with his watch, eyes bouncing around the room. “I, uh … I’m here on a date.”

  I smile. “That’s nice. Where is she?”

  His dark eyes lock with mine. “Right here, actually.”

  My eyebrows pinch together. “What do you mean?”

  He opens his mouth but the bartender stops in front of him and asks, “What can I get you?”

  “Just a water, please.”

  We wait in silence while the bartender fills Jaxon’s glass. He slides it over, and Jaxon gulps it down.

  “Jaxon, what’s going on?” I ask.

  “I know you’re here on a date,” he says. “You’re expecting a man named Josh.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I … I’m Josh.”

  I sit back against the stool and cross my arms, making him wait for my reaction. “Explain.”

  He exhales through his lips. “I saw that you were on Match. I knew you’d never agree to go on a date with me, so I made an account under someone else’s name. I figured if you got to know me, you’d feel the connection between us and then maybe you would agree to give me a chance.”

  What? He wants to date me? I hold his gaze but say nothing. This isn’t what I expected. My mind goes blank and I can’t think of anything I’d planned on saying to him.

  “Raegan.” He reaches out and takes my hands in his. “I know everything is screwed up between us, and I know I’m to blame for that. I know you don’t trust me, but I want to prove myself to you. I want to show you who I truly am. I want you.”

  I look down at the way he’s holding my hands. At the sincere, pleading look in his eyes. Is this really why he created Josh’s profile? I was prepared for a prank. I was prepared for the usual conniving Jaxon. But this?

  The heat rises inside me, and I feel the words coming to the surface. I pull my hands back. “I knew it was you all along.”

  Jaxon’s hopeful expression falls. “What?”

  “I saw fake Josh’s profile on your screen when I used your computer last week. I knew you were trying to trick me, so I decided to go along with it. The messages, the phone calls. I knew it was you the whole time. So your big plan to trick me? It’s not going to work.”

  Jaxon puts his hands up. “Wait, Raegan. You’ve got it all wrong. This wasn’t a plan to mess with your head. I didn’t lie about anything we talked about. Everything I told you was the truth.”

  I choke out a laugh. “Everything except for your identity. Kind of a big omission, don’t you think?”

  “I know, but I only said I was someone else because I didn’t think you’d go out with me if I’d asked you.”

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t have. And this is why! You lie and scheme to try to get your way. It’s all you’ve done since I met you. So tell me: What was the real point of all this?” I look up at the ceiling. “Is there a bucket of pig’s blood waiting to drop onto my head? What were you trying to gain?”

  “Nothing! This isn’t some prank. I know it wasn’t the best idea, but I didn’t know how else to go about it. I just wanted another chance with you. A clean slate.” He scrubs his hand over his jaw. “I would never try to hurt you, Raegan. I care about you.”

  My head is spinning. I don’t know what to believe. I have to get out of here. I slide off the stool and sling my purse onto my shoulder. I step into Jaxon’s space, my index finger jutting into his chest. “I’m not a toy you can play with whenever you feel bored. I’m tired of the games, and I’m sick of the lies.”

  “Says the girl who pretended she didn’t know it was me. Why did you go along with it? Why not confront me as soon as you found out?”

  “Don’t turn this around on me! This is about you.”

  “I think you wanted it to be me. I think you liked knowing it was me on the other side of the phone.” Jaxon leans forward, that damn sexy smirk curving his lips. “Especially the other night.”

  I scoff. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was just fucking with you.”

  His lips are at my ear, and he whispers, “Didn’t sound that way.”

  My skin prickles. I can’t think straight when he’s this close to me. I place my hand on his chest and push him out of my space.

  Jaxon catches my hand and holds it there against his chest. His heart races beneath my touch. “No more games, Raegan. No more lies. No more pranks.” His eyes bounce between mine. “I’m laying it all out on the table.”

  How easy it would be to melt into those muscular arms right now. His scent is intoxicating, his gaze hypnotizing. Every nerve ending in my body is tingling, screaming for me to give in and kiss him.

  But intoxication dulls your sense, and hypnosis controls you. That’s not what I want for myself. I can’t give in. I need to stand my ground. Be strong.

  Protect myself.

  “I don’t want you. Stay away from me, Jaxon.” I yank my hand back and turn towards the exit.

  I storm out of the restaurant and through the parking lot. I don’t stop moving until I’m in my car. My hand is on the shifter, car in reverse. I stare into the rear-view mirror, waiting to see if Jaxon will come after me. One second ticks by, two, three …

  Half a minute later, my shoulders drop and I pull out of my parking spot.

  Days Left Until Summer Break: 113


  “The bounce house goes right there on the grass. The animals can go around back.”

  The fundraiser starts in thirty minutes, and everything is going according to plan. No hiccups. No issues. It’s smooth sailing.

  Raegan did an incredible job. Tonight’s event will raise a ton of money for our school, and it’s all because of her.

  We haven’t spoken a word to each other since the night of our date that wasn’t. I’d hoped she would come around once she took some time to think about everything I’d said. I’d hoped she cared about me the way I’d grown to care about her. But she didn’t. And she doesn’t.

  “I don’t want you.”

  The pain is all too familiar. Me wanting a woman who doesn’t want me back. So I ignore the twinge in my chest and push her out of my brain. I’ve got a school to run, and that’s what I focus on.

  Once the fundraiser starts, students and their families surround the building. Music blasts through the speakers. The scent of popcorn and cotton candy fill the air. It’s a brisk night, but nobody seems to mind. Everyone’s too busy having fun.

  I walk the perimeter of the school, thanking parents and high-fiving kids.

  I spot Raegan by the animal pen, and decide to congratulate her on her success.

  A goat nuzzles her hand as she strokes his head. He’s smaller than the other goats, and he keeps climbing onto the rungs of the fence to get closer to Raegan.

  “Looks like you made a friend,” I say, sidling alongside her.

  Raegan doesn’t take her eyes off the goat. “His name is Jeffrey.”

  I reach my fingers into the pen and scratch behind Jeffrey’s ears. “Nice to meet you, Jeffrey.”

  Jeffrey backs away and rams his head into the gate.

  Raegan giggles. “He keeps doing that. The owner, Carol, said he’s the craziest goat she’s ever had. He doesn’t like to be with the other goats, and he’s always trying to escape.”

  Jeffrey runs into the gate again.

  I chuckle as I kneel down. He sticks his nose through the fence and licks my hand. “Poor guy doesn’t like to be locked up. Can’t say I blame him.”

  Raegan’s quiet. I look up a
t her and say, “You did a great job with this fundraiser.”

  She shrugs, looking out across the field. “Hopefully it raises a lot of money.”

  “It will.” I stand and wipe my hands, brushing off the grass from my pants. “Thank you for doing all this. The school’s lucky to have you.”


  Raegan’s words are cut off as Jeffrey leaps over the fence and takes off running across the grass.

  “Shit,” I mutter. The owner is busy giving pony rides, so I bolt after the goat. Really wishing I’d worn something other than my suit and dress shoes.

  Jeffrey zigzags in front of me. Every time I reach out to grab him, he darts in the opposite direction.

  “Jeffrey!” Raegan calls from a few feet behind me. “Come back!”

  He bleats and keeps running. This little fucker is fast.

  “You go left, and I’ll go right.” Raegan forks off and attempts to catch him, diving onto the grass. She slides through the mud and almost grips his hind leg, but Jeffrey runs right past her.

  Jeffrey heads toward the school. The doors are propped open so families can use the bathrooms. It might cause a bit of a scene but if he runs into the building, I’ll be able to corner him.

  Raegan and I successfully herd him inside. The goat loses traction on the tile, slipping all over the hallway. This slows him down. I catch up to him in seconds, and dive toward him when I get close enough.

  “Gotcha!” I grip his hind legs and pull him into my arms.

  Raegan skids to a stop behind us. “Oh, thank God.” She hunches over, hands on her knees, gasping for air.

  Jeffrey bleats as I sit up and cradle him. “Sorry, bud.”

  A smile tugs at Raegan’s lips. Then a giggle escapes her, and next she’s full-on belly laughing.

  I grin. “What’s so funny?”

  “We just … chased a goat … around the school.” She can barely get the words out, tears springing from her eyes.

  Jeffrey bleats again and I laugh along with Raegan. “Pretty sure he just told you to go fuck yourself.”

  She smacks her leg as she doubles over, laughing even harder.

  Carol, the owner of the runaway goat, appears in the doorway. “Jeffrey!” She slaps her palm against her forehead. “I am so sorry about this, Mr. Waters. The goat is nuts!”

  I hoist myself up as she takes Jeffrey from me. “It’s okay. He just wants to run free.”

  Carol shakes her head. “I’ve gotta get a taller fence.” She scurries back into the hallway, scolding Jeffrey along the way.

  I lift my jacket to my nose and grimace. “Great. I smell like a farm animal now.”

  Raegan giggles, wiping her eyes. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.”

  “You should do it more often. It looks good on you.”

  “Never a dull moment with you.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “You would.”

  I want to continue our usual banter, but Raegan’s words replay in my head: Stay away from me, Jaxon.

  My smile falls. “Well, enjoy the rest of your night. I won’t take up any more of your time.”

  She looks like she wants to say something, but I don’t give her the chance. I head for my office, leaving her alone in the darkened classroom.

  It’s just after eight-thirty and the fundraiser is over.

  The teachers and I clean up the schoolyard while the families clear out of the parking lot. I wish the staff Happy Holidays and tell them to enjoy their week-long break. Then I head back into the building.

  I’m at my desk when Raegan shows up in the doorway of my office. She’s covered in mud and grass stains from the Jeffrey fiasco, her cheeks splotched with red from the cold December air. “Are you staying here all winter break?”

  “Just wanted to finalize a few things so I don’t have to think about them next week.”

  “Doing anything fun?”

  I shake my head. “Just spending time with family and friends, relaxing.”

  “Same here.”

  “You deserve a break from all your hard work. Have a nice week off.” I turn back to my computer and continue typing.

  She steps into my office and sits in the chair opposing my desk. “Could we … can we talk?”

  I arch an eyebrow, keeping my gaze fixed on the screen. “I thought you wanted me to stay away from you.”

  She huffs out a sigh. “I think we should talk.”

  “Do you, now? Because I’ve wanted to talk for a while, yet you refused to give me the time of day.” I can’t stop the hostility in my tone.

  “You can’t blame me for being mad about everything you’ve done, Jaxon.”

  “And what about everything you’ve done? You’re not innocent in this, Raegan. You’ve been a willing participant this whole time.”

  Her eyebrows skyrocket. “A willing participant? As if I had a choice when you forced me to be the mascot, or play in the dodgeball game? You caused this shitstorm between us, Jaxon. But your arrogant head is so far up your ass that you can’t see it.”

  “Deflect all you want. You stooped just as low as I did, and you know it.”

  The red in her cheeks deepens. She rips her jacket off and tosses it onto the chair as she stands. “You called a truce. Then you went and fucked it up all over again by having my house searched for that godforsaken ring!”

  Good, I’ve struck a nerve. I rise from my chair and stalk around the desk. “If you would’ve let me explain, you’d know that I had nothing to do with that search warrant. But that’s your problem, Rae. You get mad and run away, instead of facing the problem and talking it out.”

  She steps toward me and jabs my chest with her finger. “It’s impossible to talk to you. I feel like a yo-yo being jerked around. One second you’re nice Jaxon, and the next you’re coming at me with another scheme!”

  I catch her hand and grip it in mine, pulling her closer. “There was no scheme. But you won’t listen to anything other than the cowardly voice in your head.”

  “Cowardly? This coming from the man who hid behind a fake Match profile.”

  “I did that because you wouldn’t talk to me. You wouldn’t give me a chance to explain myself.”

  She rolls her eyes. “And lying about who you are is a great way to get me to open up.”

  I drop her hand and tug on the ends of my hair, looking up at the ceiling. “God, you’re so infuriating.”

  “The feeling is very mutual.”

  “We could go ‘round and ‘round this circle, arguing about everything that has transpired up until this point. But if we want to move forward, we have to be honest.”

  “I have been honest,” Raegan spits. “You’re the liar.”

  “Fine. Then admit you enjoyed talking to me on the phone for the past two weeks.”

  “You mean while I was talking to the fake person you created?”

  I step into her space, edging her backward until her ass hits my desk. “You knew it was me. You knew you were talking to me, and you liked it.”

  She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. “I was just trying to get back at you.”

  “No, you wanted me to see you in your bra and panties that night. You touched yourself thinking about me. Not fake Josh. Me.” I push my fingers through her hair and cradle the back of her head, running my nose along her neck. She shivers as I make my way up to her ear. “So if we’re being honest right now, I’m gonna need to hear you say it.”

  “I was faking it,” she whispers.

  I take her earlobe between my teeth, biting gently on her soft skin. She stifles a moan, still trying to deny the truth.

  “Didn’t sound like you were faking it.” My hands slide down her body, cupping her ass and pulling her against me. “I know you want me. I know you want me to touch you, lick you, make you feel good.”

  Her eyes squeeze shut as she grips my shirt in her hands. But she doesn’t push me away.

  “I need to
hear you say it, Rae.” My lips graze over hers as I whisper, “Tell me you want me.”

  She opens her eyes and spears me with them. Seconds tick by before she speaks, a silent debate passing between us.

  “I want you, Jaxon.”

  Those four words are the shot at the starting line, and I crush my mouth against hers. Our tongues waste no time finding each other, plunging in, winding around, all with the force of a speeding roller coaster. The kiss is deep. Furious. Passionate. My hands leave Raegan’s ass and come up to tangle in her hair, holding her mouth in place so she knows I have no plans on stopping.

  Her fingers work the buttons on my shirt, but they’re small and she’s impatient. She rips the damn thing open, buttons scattering around my office, and it’s my undoing. Any semblance of control is lost. I tear her sweater over her head and yank her jeans down, tossing each annoying garment aside before rushing right back to reclaim her mouth. I kick out of my slacks and we’re finally skin to skin.

  I lift Raegan onto my desk, sweeping everything that’s in my way off the surface. Papers and pens fly around us like confetti. Her legs are spread, locked around my waist, and she’s panting against my mouth. I pop open the clasp on her bra and take her beautiful full breasts into my hands.

  “God, I’ve wanted this for so long.” My voice sounds strangled, gruff with the desperation of a madman. I kiss down her neck, grinning at the sound vibrating from her throat. When I suck her nipple into my mouth, Raegan digs her fingernails into my shoulders and arches her back.

  I don’t stay there as long as I’d like to. Perfect tits like hers deserve to be worshiped. But I’m not taking things slow. There’ll be time for that later. Right now, I’m on a mission. I begin my descent, kissing a trail down her stomach. I push her lace thong to the side and cover her wet, throbbing lips with my tongue. This. This is what I’ve been waiting for.

  I sink down to my knees and pull Raegan toward me until her ass is hanging off the desk. Her legs over my shoulders, her grip on the back of my head, holding on while her hips rock against my mouth. I dip two fingers inside her, working them in sync with my tongue as I lap up her sweetness.

  Within seconds, Raegan breaks apart. She screams my name and her body shudders as I feel her clenching around my fingers. Watching her come is the best damn thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve never been more turned on in my life.


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