Page 5
"I see. Anyone in particular you want to avenge?”
Astonished by the question, I looked at him, my mouth agape.
“Are the two of you communicating?” Katya asked, interrupting us.
“Yes, I’m sorry,” I replied and took her hand. “We’ve been talking about Ithice. I told him how I’ve been there a few times and I feel it’s somewhat personal.”
“I see. Who did you have there?” she asked hesitantly.
“Really? Are the two of you in on the same joke? I have no one but the two of you. Who would I have in Ithice?”
Alpha nudged me with his nose and led the way. I shook my head and placed my arm around Katya.
“We need to rest for a few hours. Tomorrow will be a hard day.”
A warmth that I had not known before embraced my soul and woke me up. The scent of bread and roast meat filled my nostrils. It felt like a place where I’d want to belong. A home, filled with love and care. Katya. She was my home, no matter where we were.
“Katya?” I called out, searching the room for her.
“Down here,” she called back from downstairs. “Breakfast’s almost ready, come join me.”
I smirked, knowing very well how many times I’d had to cook for myself, and I hated it with a passion.
“She’s good,” Alpha said, startling me. “I’d keep her if I were you.”
I gave him an exasperated look as I got up and quickly washed the sleep from my eyes. I noticed he was looking at me as if he were waiting for me to respond to his advice.
I sighed and walked down the stairs. Katya looked up at me, and scowled.
“Really?! Morningwood, after I sucked it dry not even two hours ago!”
I stopped halfway and looked down at my lower half. My cock was pointing straight at Katya, as if it was a compass and she was North.
“I’m… sorry. I forgot I’m not alone anymore.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Katya asked as she walked toward me. Her hand shot out and wrapped around my cock without so much as a warning. She tugged at it and lead me to the kitchen.
“You sure have loosened up,” I whispered into her ear as I put my arms around her.
“Why not? I need to make the best of what I have. And if you’re in a good mood, that means I’ll be treated better. Plus, it’s not like I don’t care about you.”
I sighed and pressed myself to her, forcing Katya to release my member. She placed her arms around me and kissed my neck.
“Thank you for saving me. It was only a question of time when the madam would get annoyed by your payments. I could have made her double as much in the time I was… reserved.”
“Oh, trust me, never again will anyone touch you without your consent, not even me. If they do, it’s their life.”
Katya kissed my neck again and pushed away from me. She traced her fingers across my chest and lowered herself in a squat. Before I could even react, she’d taken my cock in her mouth and moved her head back and forth while she massaged my balls with her free left hand.
My shaft pulsated in her hand and mouth as she worked it expertly, but I wanted to mount her from behind. Why wouldn’t she let me?
Katya looked up as she pulled back and instead squeezed tight with her right hand and jerked me off, licking the tip with her tongue. Her eyes were full of love and passion, so I knew she was doing this to make me feel better. Who was I to deny her that? She had power over me, at least in this one regard, and I would let her have it.
Drop after drop of pearlescent white cum shot into her mouth, but there wasn’t much of it. She took it all in with ease and swallowed the thick fluid before licking me clean.
“Katya, I--”
“Shh,” she interrupted. “You’ll be away from home for a few days. I have a feeling you’ll stumble across some helpless maidens sooner or later. Remember what you have here. I don’t want anyone else sucking this cock or accepting it where it doesn't belong. When the two of you come back, I’ll give you the rest of me, I promise.”
I was taken aback by her words. I loved her, why would I ever think about taking another woman?
“I love you,” was all I could come up with as a reply. It might have been the wrong thing to say, but it was the only thing that left my mouth. “Once I’m back, we’ll travel the kingdom. See new, interesting things. Live life to the fullest, however we want to.”
The corners of her mouth rose slightly.
“Will I be safe here?” she asked, stunning me yet again as she sat beside me.
“I… don’t think so. How about you stay at the guild? The master is a friend, more or less.” I almost added ‘and don’t go fuck around with the guards’, but I kept it to myself, luckily.
“Right. What if I told her that?” Alpha snickered. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out to calm down, before I put my hand on Katya’s.
“We need to go. I’ll eat on the way or once we take a break,” I whispered. My lips pressed against her neck and cheek. “Go to the guild and say I sent you for safekeeping.”
Katya looked away. She wasn’t angry, or afraid, more like disappointed.
“Alright,” she replied quietly. “Don’t forget about your promise. Go, save the villagers if you can, but don’t get hurt; or die.”
Us saying goodbye at the guild and the subsequent departure turned out anticlimactic. We were soon on our way.
“We’d be halfway there already if you’d mounted me,” Alpha said. I could feel that he was annoyed, but the suggestion of ‘mounting’ him, as he’d called it, was just too much.
“I’ll never mount you, idiot!” I snapped back through labored breathing. I was getting tired from the running, and an hour in, we’d barely did a third of the mileage.
“And if we call it… riding?” Al snickered. I sighed.
“All right. Let me get on,” I said, caving. My feet were starting to hurt. Nothing major, but I didn’t want to get caught off guard when we arrived. We rode in silence for a while, with nothing but the plains and forests to keep us company. All the way until we saw a cloud of lingering smoke ahead. It told us all we needed to know. We were days late, but investigating it couldn’t make the situation any worse.
“I’ll find us a spot near water, so we can get clean and rest,” Alpha said, startling me out of my reverie. My thoughts turned to Katya.
“If only we’d taken her with us. I’d prefer her company over yours any day, my friend.”
“Oh, that much is clear. You’d ride her all day long if she’d let you anywhere close to her ass.”
I slammed my fist into the back of his head. Alpha stopped running and bared his massive teeth at me.
“Don’t, if you know what’s good for--”
I slammed my fist into his snout, again and again. He growled and snapped his mouth closed around my hand. I could feel his teeth cut at the flesh, but I didn’t care.
“You… need to learn your place, wolf!” I yelled angrily as I slammed my left fist into his jaw. He let go and shrugged me off. I caught myself and lunged at Alpha, but he was already gone.
“Fuck you. Go walk the rest of the way by yourself. I’m off to rest.”
“Well fuck you too! You can’t be saying indecent stuff about Katya, or I’ll be pissed at you and beat your ass to within an inch of your life.”
“Indecent? All I’ve seen you two do is indecent! Whatever. I need a partner as well. Find me something that will care about me like that!”
“Are you sure that you’re just my other half? Not someone else? You freak me out, man,” I whispered.
Alpha appeared in front of me again, a hurt look on his face.
“How about we stop right there. We have something to do. Once we’re done, we can try to split up and see how long you hold out without me.”
“Whatever,” I sighed. Why was I getting so worked up about Katya anyway? It wasn’t like she’d been a virgin or a saint. She’d been… used many times before I took her in. But
that only made me feel more protective of her, not less.
“Hop on. I need water,” Alpha said. We rode west again until he found an amazing resting spot: a small clearing near a low waterfall. Never had I seen more tranquil surroundings than this. Lush greenery, clear water, chirping birds and small game running around in great numbers.
“This is… unreal,” I whispered as I got off Alpha’s back.
“Well, it sure is real, or we’re dead.”
“Yeah whatever,” I replied absently. I could barely think amidst such splendor. A waterfall insured a never ending supply of water for the rocks beneath, showering the area with droplets and a fine mist. Miniature rainbows formed in every direction I looked.
"I will fly into the sky, carry you in my arms. I will keep you safe, for all eternity," a voice rang out, singing. It broke the moment of inner peace I had been experiencing. I looked around, but couldn’t find anyone.
“Behind the waterfall. Look close.”
I squinted my eyes, and sure enough, there was a shape taking a shower behind the waterfall. Judging by the voice, it was a young woman. I turned bright red and looked away from her general direction, drawing an audible chuckle from up above. Alpha hung by his tail off a thick branch and dangled only feet above me.
"What the hell? Why are you hanging upside down from that tree?"
The wolf snorted and turned his head away from me. A cold chill ran down my back, forcing me to turn look again at where the girl had been. She was gone.
“She wasn’t there to begin with, right?" I asked, pretty unsure of myself.
"You think? Didn’t we see the same thing, though?"
"Maybe a joint hallucination? Whatever, I’m hungry. Go catch us some fish,” I ordered and took off my backpack.
"Very well. Gather some firewood, then," he replied and strode toward the water’s edge. With a cat’s grace, he disappeared into the water.
“Damn show-off,” I murmured and summoned my blades.
Before Alpha was out again, I’d gathered firewood and started a fire. He held three truly large fish in his mouth, and another two were skewered on is claws, even bigger than the ones in his mouth. Each one of them must have weighed in at a few pounds at least.
“Take care of the fish and fire, alright? I want to take a quick swim as well.”I figured I should wash up from the road, at least.
Alpha dropped the fish next to the fire and shook the water out of his long fur. I undressed and put my clothes out on a branch near my bag and strode toward the spot Alpha had jumped in. The cold breeze and the droplets caressed my skin, like a cold lover. Blood pumped through my arousal. My face turned red, as if someone could see me. Maybe the girl was still around, naked, spying on me like I had spied on her.
Imitating Alpha, I jumped into the water with an otherworldly grace, barely causing ripples around the entry point. A wave of pleasure struck me as the water embraced all of me. The power with which it pressed into my body was just enough to exert a dull ache, making me shiver from the pleasant sensation.
The clear water allowed me a glimpse of the life that dwelled within it. I sighed mentally at the beauty so close at hand and swam up toward the surface. It wouldn’t do if I caught a cold, so this was more than enough to remove some of the sweat and grime.
Alpha waited for me as I resurfaced, and extended his tail toward me. I was more than surprised with the fact that he was both corporeal and incorporeal. It didn’t make sense, but that would be a topic for another time.
“How was the water?” he asked as I climbed up his back.
“Good,” I replied as he walked me toward the fire. His long fur was warm and soft against my skin. I had a hard time getting off at the firepit.
“Get off,” Alpha growled as I pressed myself to him.
“You’re soft… and stuff. Please, let me hug you for a couple minutes.”
Alpha shrugged me off him with a jerk of his body, depositing me a foot away from the fire.
“Shit!” I cursed and rolled away from the fire. “Really?”
My wolf didn’t reply, however, and instead focused on something I couldn’t see. I pressed the back of my head against the grass and looked up behind me. It was much more than what I’d wanted to see at that moment. A young, naked woman stepped up to me. All she had on was a sword.
The cleft between her legs was heavenly. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen a naked woman, but this one had Katya beat by a fair margin. Long, raven hair flowed down her body, and partially covered her breasts. Feral green eyes looked back at me as she bared her pearly white teeth. My eyes dropped down between her legs again. I couldn’t help myself, and it showed in how engorged my cock was.
“You filthy pig! Why are you speaking to yourself? You drunk or something?”
I looked her in the eye and then looked over to Alpha who stood not even three feet beside me. He was there, so why wasn’t she flipping out at his mere presence?
“I’m… not speaking to myself. You can’t see the big wolf here? Right beside me?” I replied and got up hurriedly, daring one last glance at her flesh and the long legs that led to a thin waist. I was naked, but I didn’t care. “And what’s with that sword? You’ll only end up hurting yourself, my lady,” I said calmly. In all honesty, she might really hurt herself.
“Why were you spying on me, earlier at the waterfall? Are you one of them?”
I frowned, annoyed by her line of questioning.
“For a start, unless you’re so good with the sword that you can beat my soul forge, don’t even bother getting riled up. Now, who are these people you mentioned?”
She bit down on her lower lip, obviously mulling it over.
With a battlecry, she swung her sword straight at my face. Alpha stepped in and took the hit on his bare paw, slapping the weapon aside. It flew off into the river as she lost balance and fell on the grass beneath my feet. She pushed herself off the ground and stepped back, eyes darting all over the place.
“What was that?” she whispered, her face a mask of horror.
“That was my friend, Alpha,” I replied dryly and put my hand on his head. To her it must have looked like I was petting the air, but she quickly learned I wasn’t as helpless as I might have looked. Alpha appeared in all his glory to my left, making her appear even more shocked than before.
“Shit,” she whispered and closed her eyes. “So this is how it ends.” She trembled both against the cold and from fear, her small hands clenched into fists.
“Just look at her. There’s no way she attacked me of her own free will. Do you sense anyone else here?” I asked.
“Hmph. I sensed them before I even dove into the water. I just find it strange how you haven’t noticed their murderous intent.”Alpha’s response was filled with disdain.
“How many are there?” I spoke so she could hear me. I had misjudged her. As soon as I spoke, she replied, instead of Alpha.
“Seven. Spread out in the trees. If I give you more information, will you spare me?”
“Hmm,” I replied vaguely. It hadn’t dawned on me to kill her anyway, not a young woman that looked as amazing as she did. It would be a crime against the gods to harm such beauty.
“You can have my body, if you wish. I won’t fight back,” she added. I could feel the fear seeping from her soul. She didn’t want to die, not yet.
“Are they armed?” I asked and stepped toward her. “Don’t run,” I whispered so only she could hear it. The young woman flinched, but stood her ground shakily.
“I think they have crossbows or something. Swords and other things. I’m not sure. They usually prey from the trees.”
“I see. What I want you to do is to go sit next to the fire and try to keep warm. Me and my friend here will take care of them.”
She nodded slowly. The next part would hurt us both, but it had to look convincing.
“Play along, and don’t run,” I whispered and slapped her across the face. She swirled around a
nd fell on her chest against the grass. The slap was audible, as was her cry. I knew Katya was going to tear me a new one once she found out, but I had to do it.
“Why?!” she screamed. “I said I’d surrender!”
“Get up, you wench! Before I fuck you senseless!” I yelled back and raised my hand as if to strike her again.
“They’re fanning out as they approach. What do you want me to do?”
“Do nothing until they show themselves. Then we kill all but one of them.”
Alpha sighed. I could feel his urge to rend and tear flesh. His feelings weren’t even that different from mine in the end.
“They’re in a 100-foot radius. You should feel them by now,” Alpha offered with a low growl. I grinned and nodded.
“Protect her” I ordered and walked toward the center of their formation. The shifting of leaves and cracking of branches told me exactly where and how many there were. She was right, there seven of them.
“I want to eat them once they’re dead, and in return, I’ll keep her safe.”
I wanted to rebuke the wolf, but there was no telling how this was going to turn out. I wasn’t the only person alive with strange powers, and what’s more, they were becoming more and more common.
“Whatever,” I replied and looked up to where one of the would be assassins landed after an impressive jump.
"Release her or die! She’s the property of Mistress Carmilla." A strong, male voice called out from my right. His voice radiated power, that much I was sure of. By my guess, however, it came nowhere near being as impressive as my own.
"Do as he says!" another man called out from my left. More rustling leaves and the crackle of branches beneath their weight were accompanied by further demands. They had fully encircled me, and the funny thing was, that they couldn’t make out Alpha’s form. He appeared as an invisible blob for everyone else.
"I don’t think you want to do this. I know how many of you there are and in which trees you’re hiding. I know what weapon of choice each one of you is carrying, and how nervous you are by the beating of your heart.” I stopped and let that sink in, though I was bluffing like crazy.