The Downfall of Man

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The Downfall of Man Page 4

by J J Marshall




  Karsten nearly jumped from the joy that pulsed through his body. His light pricked at his fingertips like electricity wanting to explode. Things were looking bright for Karsten, his family would keep the throne, his younger brother had made the correct choice and that made him feel simply grand. He beamed as he trotted past fawning chambermaids in the corridors, paying them no mind.

  They’re not my type, he thought. His mind wandered to rippled abs, sharp cheekbones, and scruff as his eyes spotted a figure sheathed in darkness. A few feet away, just outside of what were the general’s quarters, was a man leaning against the wall. His body was clothed in dark shadows as the nearby sconces flickered with life, dancing with the night’s breeze. Now you, you are, Karsten thought mischievously. He continued towards the figure, taking in his bare, defined arms. Karsten’s mouth filled with saliva as he fought the urge to drool. He licked at his lips greedily taking in his prey.

  “Yes,” he cooed to himself as his tooth grazed his lower lip, nearly piercing the skin. “Yes, he will certainly do.” The man’s chest was covered by a partially-buttoned white linen shirt. Part of it fell away, exposing his luscious milky skin. Karsten clearly choked as he imagined his lips upon the man's chest. The soldier shifted as he pulled out a cigarette from his pants and brought it to his lips. Karsten pushed his legs faster until he was right in front of the general's quarters. He smiled briefly as he moved in next to the man.

  “Do you have a lighter?” the man’s gruff voice asked. Karsten guessed he was in his mid-twenties. A bit older than himself, but a true score if this man batted for his team. His heart hammered against his ribcage as he searched for the words the threatened to cease on his tongue.

  “I do not. Sorry, friend.”

  “Then what do you want?” the man replied, plunging his hand into his dark blue pants, fishing around for what Karsten could only assume was a lighter.

  “I can, however, light your smoke for you.” Extending his finger out, Karsten called to his light, as small sparks slowly extended from his finger. The sour smell of smoke permeated the small door space and lifted into the air. Karsten’s nostrils burned from the scent, a small price to pay for a larger reward. His eyes scanned the man’s chest devouring the way it clung to the man’s body. Shadows covered half of his face, but Karsten didn’t care.

  He could see enough to make out his long brown hair and the dark scruff that covered the man's chin. Beautiful. Karsten’s eyes snaked down the soldier’s figure as he mentally undressed him. His pants, though nothing special, hugged the man’s muscular thighs and showed off his backside. Clearly, he was fit, but how much?

  I’d like to find out.

  Blood rushed to Karsten’s manhood as the stranger caught his gaze, staring back at him with his own dark pupils. Karsten’s lips twitched slightly as he stopped, shooing anyone else away so that they could be alone.

  “My Prince,” the shadow figure said courteously, bowing his head towards the floor. Karsten’s eyes wandered once more as his member hardened.

  “Please, stand. You may call me Karsten. And you are?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Karsten needed to be good, cordial if he ever wanted to get into this man’s pants. If he even had a chance. If I’m even his type, he reminded himself.

  “The name’s Henry, sir.”

  “And, Henry, are you a soldier?”

  “You could say that,” Henry replied, shifting upwards so that he was relatively eye level with the prince. He was a foot shorter, but that mattered none to Karsten. “How may I be of service to you Prince Vanderwall?” he asked, his voice was an octave higher than what Karsten was used to, but lovely, gentle. Odd for a soldier, Karsten thought. But then again, the alternative was much worse…

  Karsten smirked as Henry’s eyes travelled down to Karsten’s erection and widened. Blood rushed into the young soldier’s face as he sucked in a deep breath and slowly Karsten’s mind wondered what else he would be good at sucking. A low chuckle bubbled in his throat at the thought.

  I’d like to make his blood rush to other things…

  “There are several ways I can imagine you servicing me.” Karsten stated mischievously. He flashed the man another award-winning smile and silently imagined the soldier naked and sucking his cock. “But, by all means, please explain what you mean by service.” He watched Henry swallow nervously, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. Karsten took a step closer, closing into Henry’s personal space. He could feel the man's nervous energy as his hot breath tingled Karsten’s cooled skin. He was going for it. He was going to make contact with the soldier one way or another. Reaching out, he gently placed a hand on the soldier’s muscular biceps, giving it a light squeeze with his finger’s. Henry gulped and shifted his gaze past the Prince. Karsten’s own wings fluttered with nervous response as well.

  “Perhaps there’s something I can get for you, sire? War Plans to address or—” he trailed off as Karsten moved closer, placing a finger on Henry’s lips to silence him.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of flesh,” Karsten whispered, pressing himself into Henry’s leg.

  “Flesh?” Henry repeated, gazing down as Karsten pushed himself against the soldier’s leg.

  “Yes. I was thinking you could service me in the ways of the flesh,” Karsten stated again simply, growing slightly frustrated at Henry’s dullness. He was a pretty sight, yes, but wits seemed to be lacking.


  “What do you mean no? You asked how you could service me. This is what I desire,” Karsten gritted out, clenching his jaw.

  “I’ve never been with a man before, let alone a prince…and I'm not gay. It’s forbidden to lie with another of the same gender. If the king found out he would have us both killed. Besides, I wouldn’t know how to please you. I’ve only been with a woman and—” Karsten raised his finger to Henry’s lips once more.

  “Are you willing to try?” Karsten asked. Fear rushed through him for a brief moment. He was a prince and very much used to getting his way, but if Henry refused? He would not force himself. No. Orian may think him to be a monster, but he was anything but. Slowly Henry smiled but hesitated before answering. His eyes flickered to the prince and quickly down to the floor as a light pink hue peppered his cheeks.

  “Yes, I suppose, although it is forbidden by law. I would do anything for you. For the Midland.” Good boy! Yes! Karsten beamed.

  “Come with me then, and I shall teach you everything you have been missing out on.”


  Flames flickered from the stone fireplace that sat ablaze in Karsten’s chambers. Its ambient glow was more than enough for him to see by. Sitting upright in his bed, Karsten glistened with sweat. He watched as beads dripped down his own perfectly chiseled abdomen. He smiled, remembering the years of hard work he had put in to achieve his desired abs and pecs. A moan slipped from Henry’s unconscious form, and Karsten grinned.

  Memories of the night before flashed before his eyes. The noises Henry made as he plowed into him and the way his own body quivered upon release. Henry was special…for now. But that did not matter. If he was found in Karsten’s chambers, he would surely be tortured…or worse. Karsten gulped.

  He did not wish death to Henry, but he was also a male and a commoner at best. A rumble erupted from deep within Karsten’s belly as he feverishly tried to muffle the noise with his hands. It was no use, however. Henry moaned again, moving slightly in Karsten’s bed, and he feared he had awoken the sleeping man from his slumbers. The blankets moved, exposing the soldier’s naked form as Karsten memorized every ripple in his body.

  What am I going to do? If anyone finds out that I have slept with another man, I will surely be cast away like a Renegade. He hated the self-loathing that consumed him after sex, but he also knew Henry would never be able to produce him an heir and in the eyes of the Elders, that would not do. If he wished to remain next in line for his father’s throne, th
en he would have to lie with a woman. A knot formed in Karsten’s stomach as he tried to imagine fucking a lady. His stomach lurched as he dry-heaved silently. He remembered the soldier’s reluctant lips on his own, how soft, and yet rough, they were. How right they felt.

  No matter how many times in the past he had been with a man, none felt as right as Henry, though he could never admit to the boy, or anyone else for that matter. An heir to the throne would have to be produced one day, yes, but for now, Karsten wanted nothing but to lay in bed and spoon his naked soldier.

  Henry rolled over once more, reaching towards Karsten as his eyes began to flutter open. He pushed himself up with one arm and rested his head on his hand, smiling. Karsten felt the blood rush to his cock once more as he watched sweat bead on Henry’s naked chest. He caught Henry’s eyes flickering down and take in his sights as a smile curled on his own lips.

  “My Prince.” Henry breathed quietly as he bit at his bottom lip. Karsten’s cock twitched again. My soldier, he thought. What a magnificent specimen. Magnificent indeed.

  “I hope your ass if ready for round two,” Karsten murmured as he pulled Henry closer into his own chest. His lips grazed the boy’s chilled flesh as Karsten watched the hairs on his boy rise slowly. His own erection twitched again as he flourished the response once more. Henry moaned as he leaned in closer, bringing his face up towards Karsten’s chin. Karsten leaned down and grasped Henry’s lips between his teeth, sucking lightly as he fought his sexual urges. Upon release, he smiled and shut his eyes, relishing in his body’s own response, trying not to release.

  “Let me have you,” Henry whispered. “Let me claim you as you have done me.”

  Karsten felt his lips pull down slightly as he tried to recall if he had ever allowed another man to take him. No. he thought. Nor do I want to be claimed. Flexing his jaw, Karsten could feel his teeth grind against one another. His breathing shallowed as he bit back words that would hurt the soldier down to his core. Be cordial, he reminded himself. You are prince. No one shall claim you unless you please.

  “It would be best that you remember who you are speaking to.” he warned, his tone was sharp and short, sharper than he had intended it to be, but enough for his point to drive home. Henry flinched, but then smiled once more. “My ass will not be taken by any man, and you would do best to remember that next time you speak, or shall I cut your talented tongue from your mouth?” Karsten watched as Henry averted his eyes. He felt him pulling away from his body as he began to tremble, out of fear or rage, Karsten did not know.

  “You’re right, sir. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re quick with your tongue. Perhaps we ought to put that mouth to use elsewhere,” Karsten smiled, releasing his erection. Henry’s eyes widened as they once more took in the sight of the prince’s member. Karsten felt it pulse again. He very much wished to fuck Henry, but as long as he got his release, he couldn’t care less. Ass or mouth, it matters not to me. “You may suck me off,” he said with a nonchalant wave of his hand. Henry nodded and moved forward, enveloping Karsten’s nether regions. “Yesss.” Henry moaned pulling away from Karsten. Electricity shot through Karsten’s body as Henry sucked and twirled his tongue around Karsten’s hardened member. He was in pure bliss.

  Gritting his teeth together he fought against release, wanting so badly to find it deep within the soldier. He moaned aloud, letting the boy work his magic. Henry slowed as Karsten released his sticky white load down the back of the boy’s throat. Henry gagged but swallowed and licked at his lips, feeling pleased to have satisfied his prince. Karsten grinned a toothy smile as his body rocked with white electricity, sparks curled around his fingertips as his body relaxed, if only for a moment. Suddenly, three large thumps sounded outside the prince’s chamber, causing both men to startle. Reeling forward, Karsten heaved Henry off the bed as his body crashed into the cold floors below. Everything that happened only moments ago, was now gone. Karsten sat frozen, cross-legged and naked on the bed as his bewildered mind wondered who would call upon him at such an hour. The blood in his veins ran cold as one person came to mind.


  “Oomph!” Henry sounded as his body hit the floor, but Karsten ignored him, sitting frozen in place. If the person on the other side of that door was the king, then they were both as good as dead. “Aren’t you going to get the door?” Henry asked, righting himself into a sitting position.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Karsten hissed, his tone taking on a whisper. He snapped his head back in the direction of the door once more as another knock sounded. Wordlessly, he moved, sliding a linen shirt over his head as he grabbed for his discarded pants.

  Fuck. Quickly, he grabbed at the soldier’s clothing and threw them at the boy in a hurry. “One moment please!” he shouted at the person behind the door, turning his attention back towards Henry. “Dress and disappear from my chamber. I will find you again, don’t you worry.”

  “But—” Henry protested. Raising his hand, Karsten silenced him once more. His face was stone cold, and his anger was threatening to break through. He would punish Henry for arguing with him later, but for now he needed to make sure they both lived.

  “I said go, unless you want to get us both killed!” Karsten hissed through gritted teeth. Henry’s face masked his feelings as he remained stone cold.

  “Fine,” he grunted as he heaved his shirt over top his luscious locks and drew up his pants. He turned to look at Karsten one last time and disappeared through a door at the other end of the room. Moving as fast as his legs would take him, Karsten reached the second door in only seconds, locked it, and returned to the front door of his chamber. Freeing the lock, he whipped the door open.

  Orian. His eyes widened as they took in the form of his younger, clearly confused brother. Orian, still dressed in his ceremonial garb, reeked of alcohol as he stumbled into Karsten’s chambers.

  That was a close one.

  Karsten moved, catching his brother as he kicked his chamber door shut. Orian grinned slightly. “I see you weren’t alone, or rather smell it.” he stated, placing his fingers over his nose and pinching it shut. Karsten moved him into a chair and poured them both dark amber liquid to sip on in front of the fire. He nestled into a red plush chair beside his brother and stared into the flames, silently.

  “I know you’re gay,” Orian muttered. “No use in hiding it. Half the bloody kingdom suspects it. You know, with the way you ignore the ladies of court and all.” Karsten remained silent. Stunned as he took a sip of the amber. It burned at his lips and mouth, but it was better than anything he could have dreamed in that moment.

  “I hate it.” Orian continued quietly. “Not you being gay,” he stated quickly, shaking his head and hands. He turned to face Karsten. Remaining still, Karsten continued to stare off into the flames.

  “Care to elaborate?” he asked quietly, taking another sip of his honey-colored drink. Orian nodded and leaned back in the chair, straightening himself to stare into the fire as well.

  “I hate what we are. I hate what we have become.” Karsten furrowed his brow and sat down next to his brother, watching as the flames licked the black logs. Red, yellow, orange, and blue, swirling together as they charred the wood.

  “You are doing what you must to live,” Karsten said simply. Silence permeated the room once more as both men sipped on their drinks. Karsten watched the liquid as he swirled his stemless glass, watched as it crept up the sides and slid back into place.

  “I have condemned her to death,” Orian continued.

  “Forget her, Orian. You must focus on other things. Go back to your chamber, fuck a maid or seven, drink some wine, and pass out. Enjoy your time here while you still have it. Four days from now, you will be at the Academy, and then off playing soldier for Father. There will be none of these thoughts. Am I clear?”

  His answer was once again silence. Groaning, Karsten pushed from the chair and moved towards his brother. He knelt before the seventeen-year-old, a boy who looked very mu
ch like a young version of their father and met his gaze.

  “Orian,” he began, placing a calm hand on his brother’s knee, “Believe me, I understand that you care about the humans. I was once that way myself, but this is what we have to do to survive. The Midland is dying and it is our duty by blood to save these people.” Anger flashed across Orian face as he pushed himself up in a drunken stupor.

  “Fuck you,” he hissed, slapping Karsten’s hand away. “We have a duty as Guardian’s to protect our humans, and I could have done just that, but Hanna will die now because of me. Because of my fucking stupid choice. So, fuck you for trying to make me think differently.” Straightening, Karsten stood upright, becoming cold like a statue. Like the puppet his father had crafted him to be.

  “Well, you must. You made a choice and declared it in front of the Council. So, grow the fuck up and live with your decision.” Rage pricked beneath the surface as Karsten’s wings began to protrude from his back. He winced in agony as he fought the sensation, gripping at the chair, he squeezed.

  “Fuck you,” Orian called as he left the chamber. “I’ll keep your fuckboy a secret, but for a price,” he said, slamming the door behind him. And for once this evening, Karsten was alone.





  For a price. The last words Orian had shouted at his brother just moments before now thrummed around in his brain. Oh, there would be a price alright, but what? He did not know. He would save Hanna. That much was for damn sure. Orian blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darkened corridors, lit only by sconces on the walls.

  Aggravated and not in the mood to deal with anyone, he pushed his wings from his back. Pain seared as feathers protruded and his dark wings sprung forth, soaked in his own blood. The night’s air was brisk as it bit at Orian’s exposed skin. The hair on his arms raised as goose pimples began to form, but he did not care. He needed to clear his head, he needed to think straight as his mind whirled in a thousand different directions.


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