The Downfall of Man

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The Downfall of Man Page 10

by J J Marshall

  I couldn't care less who you choose to empty yourself into, Orian thought, silently scowling. My only concern is leaving and finding Hanna. If Kasa saw her, then the keepers will know of her existence soon and when they do…let’s just hope I find her by then.


  The walk to the training center was brutally silent as both brothers refrained from looking at one another, let alone speaking. The sight of General McAlister off in the distance was a welcome one. He quickened his pace, hoping to get as far away from his nagging sibling as soon as possible.

  The general stood before the two of them with Nina at his side, both with arms crossed dressed in form fitted V-neck short sleeved shirts and tight black pants. Candles were lit and scattered about the darkened training room floors as their flames danced, casting a soft orange glow. The smell of lavender greeted him as he took his spot next to Karsten, in front of the general and Nina. A small brown knapsack sat at Henry’s feet as Orian approached, his eyes making out a small white tag labeled for him along the sack.

  Bending down, Nina grasped the sack, exposing her delicate neck, her hair cascading down like a silky brown waterfall, down one side of her as her shirt opened the view up for Orian to get a glimpse of her supple breasts.

  Perhaps I’ll pursue her, he thought in passing as he gracefully took the sack from her. Blood rushed from his cheeks to his cock as it hardened with excitement. Orian smiled as he turned away opening the bag up and peering inside. Neatly folded clothes laid in the bottom of the sack.

  How boring.

  “Put them on. Now,” Hendrix ordered. “You will do it here in front of us. From here on out anything you do will be in front of us. We eat, sleep, piss, and shit in the sight on one another. So, you might as well get used to it because from here on out you have no privacy. So, strip, pretty boy. Show us what the Originals have gifted the royal bloodline with!”

  You have got to be kidding me.

  Orian tugged at his shirt uncomfortably as his fingers fumbled with the hemline, lifting it up and over his head. The chilled morning air nipped at his exposed flesh, pebbling it as his nipples hardened. Orian looked up, flushed as he saw everyone examining him.

  Stop looking at me like I’m a damn experiment! Grunting, Orian watched Nina giggled, Karsten smirked but opted to stay quiet. The general stood there, looking Orian up and down until his eyes met his own with a lusty stare.

  “For God’s sake, do you have to look at me like that?” he growled. Henry smiled a toothy, amused smile.

  “I am enjoying the show, dear boy. Now, drop your pants.” A new wave of heat rushed through Orian’s cheeks as the embarrassment took over.

  Scratch that. I won't be sleeping with Zamoria during this mission, not with the way she’s looking at me right now.

  Looking down, Orian unhooked the button of his pants watching as his trousers slid from his hips, exposing his naked form to his team. This was low. This was bullshit. His hands blindly searched for the black trousers as his team mates began hooting and whistling at him, as he struggled to pull them up. They were tight but comfortable. Next, he pulled the shirt over his head and let out a sigh of relief. Thank God it was over. He wanted to puke he was so embarrassed, but why should he be? His body was impeccable! Perhaps it was being examined by his brother’s lover that had him on edge? Orian shrugged and shook his racing thoughts from his mind, tousling his hair in the process.

  “Great, now that we are all dressed for success, I can begin to open the veil between worlds. Karsten, I will need you to my right. Vanderwall fledgling, to my left. Zamoria, next to Vanderwall on the left. No one speaks but myself. Any words spoken in lieu of my own may crack the veil, allowing demons into the Midland and thus our demise. Does everyone understand?” Hendrix asked, as his voice echoed throughout the training center.

  “Yes, General,” the other three rang. Hendrix nodded, accepting their mutters as agreement, and continued.

  “Once the veil is down, we will have very little time to walk through before it goes back up. Mikasa will be on the other side to ensure our safety. From there, she will put the veil back and secure it. We will stay in her shop and do our research from there as our headquarters. If you must leave, then you need to do so in pairs. I want no man left behind. The resistance with the Renegades is strong and they would be ecstatic to capture a Consortium soldier for their cause. Stay alert everyone!”

  Mikasa will be there! My key to Hanna.

  Low guttural chanting came from Hendrix as his body began to tremble and the air around the team began to snap. Orian shook his head as pain welled up in his temples. Tears formed in his eyes as he feverishly wiped them away. Air raced from his lungs as he fought to breathe. He reached out, grasping his elder brother as his vision clouded. The flames from the nearby candles danced heavily as low growls sounded around them like a whirlwind.

  “Holy fuckin’ shit,” he whispered under his breath as the pain in his head intensified. He grasped at his head and closed his eyes, as his stomach threatened to empty itself. Hot sticky liquid oozed down Orian’s neck onto his fresh shirt. Opening one of his eyes, Orian turned and inspected his shirt as the pain became unbearable.

  Blood… Fuck…

  Looking about the room, Orian noticed the rest of his team was being affected as well. The chanting continued from the general, as his body convulsed. The air around them continued to crack as a shimmery veil revealed itself. Hendrix stepped forward placing his hand onto the veil as it began to open the Earth plane up to him, exposing Mikasa on the other side. Both standing before the veil, drenched in sweat, panting and chanting. As quickly as the veil appeared, the chanting ceased.

  “Go!” Henry commanded, struggling to catch his breath and he placed his hands on his knees, stopping him from doubling over completely. He failed miserably, vomiting the contents of his stomach onto the floor.

  Karsten went first, disappearing, then Nina. It was his turn.

  No turning back, he told himself. He was ready, even if his body was not. He was ready to die for Hanna and betray the Midland. She was all that mattered now. The first step was to get to Earth and he was about to get that down. The harder part would be finding her but perhaps his Mark would lead him to her, what was left of it that was…

  Orian approached the shimmering veil and stepped through.

  Everything burned.


  Orian felt as if his body was being shredded alive. Like his cellular makeup was disassembling and reassembling at the same time. Tears welled up in his eyes as a large WHOOSH sound assaulted his eardrums and then suddenly it was all gone, the pain, the noise all of it met with silence.

  “Aww shit, he passed out,” someone said as Orian’s vision went black.


  High-pitched ringing hung in the air as Orian gripped at his throbbing head, leaning on his brother’s hardened body for support. His vision was coming back as light and colors flooded through the darkened tunnel. Orian groaned, his legs weak like a newborn calf as he stumbled to walk. The torturous pain in his muscles ceased to exist.

  How peculiar, he thought in a passing moment.

  “What the bloody hell happened?” Orian croaked, his dry throat ripping at his esophagus like sandpaper. “It felt like I was being torn apart and then everything went dark.”

  “It happens to everyone their first time through the veil. Your body gets used to it, though. The cotton mouth and sore throat, but the next time will be easier. You did just fine, pretty boy,” Hendrix laughed. “You and Zamoria are actually waking up faster than scheduled,” Hendrix said as he checked the time on his wristwatch. Orian looked around as candles flickered from every corner of the room. The sweet smell of food wafted through the air, greeting Orian as his stomach gurgled.

  “I have dinner ready for you all and separate rooms prepared when you’re all finished,” Mikasa’s voice chirped as she rounded the corner, trays in hand. “It’s not much, they call it grilled che
ese here, but it’s good and filling. Eat up, your first voyage through the veil does a number on your body. You need to eat and rest,” she said as she handed a tray to Orian. He smiled, casting his gaze away from her. He was embarrassed, but why?

  “Errm…thanks,” he grunted as he took the tray from her and inspected the odd food pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. His stomach grumbled again sending another ravenous wave to rack his body. Mikasa giggled and approached him once more, taking the odd food out of his hands.

  “You have to hold it like this,” she said, showing him how the humans ate. Orian nodded, taking the food back. Kasa turned and smiled over her shoulder, batting her lashes at him as she gave him a thorough glance and exited into the next room. He watched as Mikasa disappeared and reappeared, each time with a tray in hand, until every one of his team mates had a tray of food to call their own.

  The food was good, strange, but oddly satisfying as Orian sat on the floor sipping a cup of brown liquid. Mikasa had called it sweet tea. Whatever it was, he enjoyed it as his body relaxed and exhaustion moved in. His team had made camp right in the room they had traveled through, each of them laughing and sharing stories until each fell silent.

  “I have your rooms all ready.” Mikasa yawned as she pushed herself up from the floor. Orian took in her small frame and the cute way she rubbed her eyes as she yawned. She was attractive, he admitted to himself in his tired daze. “One of my customers almost found your rooms the other day. Perhaps I shouldn’t label them with such crazy titles,” she giggled as she continued to speak. Orian watched her mouth, finding himself drawn to her lips, wishing he could. The sound of his name on her pretty mouth drew his wayward thoughts in. “Orian, I have you set up in the zombie room, down the hall and to the right. Karsten, your room is next to his in the vampire room. Nina dear, you will bunk with me as I only had three extra rooms to spare for the boys, and General I have you in the werewolf room. Make yourselves at home. I will see you all in the morning. Good night!”

  Exiting the room, Orian watched dreamily after Kasa as his own body yearned for sleep. Using his hands and legs, he pushed himself up. Down the hall and to the right, he told himself over and over as he made his leave.

  His room was small, with only a bed and nightstand, but Orian didn’t mind as he walked into the darkened room and pounced onto the bed belly first. His arms searched for the pillow as he shoved it under his tired head and closed his eyes.

  He smiled as he remembered Mikasa’s cute yawn and allowed his own sleep to overcome.




  He stood there unblinking before me, just watching. His bright blue eyes twinkling as his perfect lips cried out in pain. Blood soaked his shaggy blond hair as it ran down his face, though his eyes never left mine. My heart jumped. Why though since I hardly knew him?

  “The Forsaken will never die,” he choked as they beat him again.

  Hanna jolted awake as her heart hammered against her ribcage trying to escape. Sweat tear-dropped her chilled skin as she sat up. She hated these nightly visions, more so than the ones she had during the day, at least those ones she could prepare herself for.

  “The boy,” she whispered as her arm started to burn. Hanna winced in pain as she held it close to her chest, cradling it. “It’s always him. He’s always in my dreams. He’s always—” Hanna stopped talking to herself and scrambled to turn on a lamp on her bedside table, nearly knocking it over; it’s bright rays blinding her. Looking down, she noticed the odd marks etched in the skin of her forearm, thin and black in color, growing larger and darker as they spiraled and intertwined with one another, weaving themselves in and out. They were beautiful, like nothing she had ever seen on another human. The air hitched in her lungs as a series of coughs racked her body, choking her.

  “What. The. Fuck,” she coughed. She traced the markings with her fingers, feeling the raised surface of her tender skin. “What does this mean? Hanna whispered again as another vision hit and everything went black.

  The room was dark, lit only but what appeared to be tea light candles, and there sitting on a twin-sized bed in the corner of the room sat the shaggy-haired blond boy. Perched, he sat staring at his arm, as Hanna moved closer. His forearm was etched with the same type of markings as hers. She watched as he traced them with his fingers absentmindedly.

  Hanna reached for her own arm, tracing the marks as they swirled and knotted beneath her fingertips. She winced as pain welled from beneath her touch. The shaggy-haired blond boy looked up, as if he could see her and reached out.

  “Hanna,” he whispered. Hanna froze, blood in her veins running ice cold, as his fingertips reached out and grazed her wrist. He stopped if only for a moment and cast his gaze back to his arm. “I will find you, I promise,” he said as his lips perked up, revealing a sad smile. Hanna’s breath hitched as she opened her mouth to say something.

  “Don’t. Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she whispered. “And stop spying on me,” she whispered back. Her brows furrowed as she took another step towards Orian. “I saw you that night, fall from my window. I saw your wings. Who are you? What are you?”

  The boy lifted his head as if he could hear her and smiled.

  “I fully intend on keeping my word. I will explain everything to you soon,” he paused for a moment, pondering what to say next. “You have the other half of my Mark. Which means I am with you, literally. And that you can see and speak to me. I will see you soon, Hanna, you’ll see,” he said reassuringly as Hanna stepped backwards, nearly tripping over her own feet.

  Hanna’s eyes whipped open as her heart continued to race. She had seen him, she had felt him! She smiled as she looked down tracing her wrists, feeling the warmth of his touch still on her skin.

  “I’m not crazy,” she muttered aloud. Hearing her own words eased her restless mind. “He said my name. He knows me, he—” Hanna paused as realization set in. He had been in her room. He had watched her sleep. What. The. FUCK! Anger flared in Hanna’s chest as she crashed back down into her bed, tossing a pillow over top her head. She closed her eyes once more and screamed.

  When all her frustration was out, the exhaustion set in, Hanna’s eyes drooped, casting her once more into a black oblivion for her mind to wander.




  Kyrina sat alone in her study watching the embers of her fireplace flicker and glow as she tapped her fingers against the smooth, cool leather of her chair. Growing weary of waiting for her guest, she dug her six-inch heels into the creamy shagged carpet beneath her.

  He was late.

  He was always late.

  Clenching her jaw, she ground her teeth, seething. Kyrina casted her head from side to side as a short pop clicked in her ears; Unsavory thoughts flashed through her mind the longer she waited. Nostrils flared, she shut her eyes in desperate attempt to wipe her mind clean.

  Jake will be here soon, she assured herself. Today’s a special day after all.

  Bookshelves lined the walls from the floor to the vaulted ceilings of her study, filled with books, those she was able to bring from the Midland and those she collected as gifts from the humans. They adored her after all, making her a spokesperson for human rights. People begged to work for her, humans and Renegades alike. Never turning them down, Kyrina had silently created an army, one that would be used as she saw fit. She smirked as she rose from her chair, smoothing the wrinkles out of her black pencil skirt as she paced back and forth, flitting her gaze from one title to another. A short knock pulled her away from her thoughts as she sighed and made her way towards her visitor.

  A curly redhead with striking blue eyes stood before Kyrina with a parcel in hand, no more than the age of twenty was adopted at a young age and raised by Kyrina.

  “Chancellor,” she said as she greeted Kyrina, bowing her head. Kyrina’s lips curled as smile formed. “Your visitor is here. He said that the veil was thi
n. But he is here and he is ready for you,” she announced excitedly.

  “Thank you, Kristi,” Kyrina crooned. “Please send him in.” Kristi turned and left Kyrina for a few moments. The clacking of Kristi’s heels could be heard against the wooden floors of the mansion as she rounded the bend, guest in tow. A tall, muscular man with a clean-shaven head stood before her dressed in a suit and tie. He stepped out from behind the young brunette.

  “My queen,” he said, accepting the parcel from Kristi, wordlessly as he approached Kyrina and took a knee, bowing his head as he held the parcel out. Laughter crept up Kyrina’s throat as she struggled to keep her appearance translucent; her fingers grazed the parcel in hand as she grasped and unwrapped it from its covering.

  Kyrina’s eyes widened as her breath hitched in her lungs. The Book of Protectors. She hadn’t touched it since leaving the Midland, and now here it was in her very hands. Precious. Old. Michael’s.

  “Jacob, my dear friend, please rise.” Kyrina laughed, and her demeanor softened.

  Jake smiled and stood up. He thanked the young human girl and followed Kyrina into the study, watching as she secured the door. Kyrina turned, her back to the door.

  “Where did you get this?” she gaped. Her eyes drifted downward to admire the cover of the ancient tome.

  “The humans have treated you well, I see,” Jake stated as he cast his eyes about the elaborate study, ignoring the question.

  “The Renegades have been very good to me, welcomed me with open arms as I have welcomed you. Where did you get this?”

  Jake stiffened, and then sighed. “I stole it from Irisi. He has no use for it anymore.”

  “You stole from my husband?” Kyrina asked, stunned, “Do you have a death wish?”

  “No more than you do for leaving him,” Jake countered.

  “It was you after all who helped me flee my life in the Midland,” Kyrina stated as she took his hand in her own and walked over towards a large mahogany desk. “It is you who I owe my very life to. Now, please sit,” she commanded. Jake did as he was told and lowered his massive form into one of the dark leather chairs across from the desk, watching as Kyrina sat gracefully on the other side, her nimble fingers tracing the cracked leather spine of the book.


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