Travelers Love

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Travelers Love Page 3

by Samantha Rose

  Lifting my phone up again, I looked at the time and then turned to peer at the inviting glow of the front office of the hotel. I would just give him another ten minutes and then go inside to get a room.

  Sitting on my pile of suitcases, the sound of honking horns in the city nearly put me in a daze. Random thoughts of my childhood flashed through my memory and I felt my eyes water as I remembered how it used to be with my parents. I missed how my parents never tried to force me into taking over the job like that, they had always tried to keep me away from all the dark stuff they did. Sure they weren’t the greatest sometimes when things got stressful, but as I got older, it was as if a switch had flipped and they wanted to start preparing me for it.

  “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” Jasper’s face was in front of mine and I hadn’t even noticed. Giving a startled yelp, I jumped up, only to trip and fall back onto my suitcases. “Whoa there, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I yelled from the truck, but you were off in your own little world.”

  My hand clenched my chest until I felt the calm, steady beat of my heart. Blowing the loose strands of my braid out of my face, I looked up and realized that his truck was sitting five feet away and I hadn’t even paid enough attention to see him pull up.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff.”

  He hummed in the back of his throat. His large hand shot out and took hold of mine to pull me up, but he didn’t let go right away once I was standing. When I tried to pull my hand out of his, Jasper tightened his grip for a split second and I could have sworn that I saw something flash in his gaze, something possessive, but then he let go and the moment we’d shared was over.

  “Why don’t you go get yourself comfortable while I grab your things.”

  “Umm, thanks.”

  After jumping into his truck, I flicked open my phone again. It was well past dinner time and I was starved. Going against my better judgement, I sent a text to my mom. I didn’t want her to know where I was going but I had to be clear that I wasn’t going to allow her to run my life.

  Mom, please don’t send someone for me. I will not be there, and I am a grown woman. Maybe one day you will see that, at least I hope so. I’m going to take some time for myself. When I’m ready, we will talk again.

  It wasn’t all of what I wanted to say, but it was close to the truth and was enough for her to know that I wasn’t playing around.

  My phone flashed indicating I had received an incoming message back from my mom. With shaky fingers, I opened it.

  Jasmine, I understand. Take the time you need but don’t make your father and I wait long. He is growing impatient with your reckless behavior.

  Love Mom.

  My blood almost boiled. Reckless. The last time I checked, I wasn’t doing anything of the sort. I’d cared for myself since I was a damn teen. That sounded responsible to me.

  The driver’s side door opened, and I shoved my phone down deep into the pocket of my tote.

  “So, where to?” Jasper asked as he buckled in. He tapped a button on the dash where the GPS lit up the interior of his truck under the veil of the moonlit sky.

  “Well… I was just thinking of getting out of Texas, maybe go see the big sights around the states. I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon!”

  “You’ve never seen it?” A shocked look came over his face before he masked it and typed in the destination. “It’ll take us roughly three days to get there.”

  “That is perfect! If you don’t mind stopping at an atm before we leave, I can help—”

  “I know that you’re an independent, strong and capable woman, Jasmine, but it’s fun to allow someone else to take care of you once in a blue moon. Keep your money, I will care for you.”

  My cheeks heated; I wasn’t sure how I felt about letting Jasper handle all the bills when I had enough cash on me to at least help with half.

  “You know, I can help.”

  “I know you can, baby.” He smirked and I felt my girl bits tighten.

  He’d just called me baby; I couldn’t believe it. I barely wanted to breathe, I was so afraid that I was dreaming this, and it wasn’t real. No one did stuff like this anymore, right?

  “Why?” It was a simple question that would answer so many of the questions I had floating around in my head.

  “Why? Are you seriously asking me that?”

  “Umm. Yes?”

  My stomach did the most inappropriate, unappealing growl of the century and I could feel the warmth of my blush of embarrassment spread all the way down to my shoulders.

  “That’s why, beautiful. I’m a man, and a man’s job is to care for the woman in his care. You just happen to be in my care.”

  “I won’t turn down food at this point.”

  He nodded in agreement. “What kind of food are you into? We have about a dozen fast food joints we can stop at on our way.”

  “Honestly, I was thinking about stopping at DQ. Their ice cream is the best!”

  “I don’t think I’ve been to DQ in a few years.”


  “I’m not even kidding, I don’t usually eat out much.”

  The truck rumbled as it pulled into the parking lot and the blur of lights crept in blinding me.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to get the chicken strips with ranch and an animal cracker blizzard.”

  “You had me at ice cream,” he said with a chuckle as he rolled down his window to order our food at the drive through. “Is that all you want?”

  “Yeah, it’s bad enough that I’m about to devour everything you put in front on me, I don’t think I should get anything else.”

  Jasper shrugged. “I just wanted to double check since we will be driving at least until midnight before we stop to rest. I want to get us out of Killeen before we stop.”

  I could understand that, I wanted to get away too.

  The smell of the food was mouth-watering and by the time it landed in my lap and we were back on the road, I’d already devoured half my meal. I didn’t feel so bad when Jasper was doing the same as he drove us down the highway.

  It was nice having someone sitting beside me enjoying this trip. I didn’t think I’d needed someone to tag along but it turned out that I had, and I was glad that out of everyone, Jasper was the person with me.

  “You’re staring at me,” he muttered. His tongue licked around his spoon in a way that should have been illegal. Shit.

  “Sorry.” I snapped my head forward and started to eat my own blizzard while I watched the night sky. But I was doomed. Flashbacks of his mouth toying with his ice cream spoon had me squirming.

  My next bit missed my mouth and ended up melting on my lap. I jumped in my seat as the cold liquid ran down my thighs and soaked through my yoga pants. “Crap, crap, crap.”

  Jasper looked over and cursed. His hand snatched up some napkins and frantically handed them over to me, but it was too late, my lap was sticky wet. “I’m so sorry, Jasper.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it! Did you want me to stop so you can grab something to change into?”

  “I don’t want to be a bother.”

  “It’s no trouble at all.”

  When the truck stopped on the side of a dark wooded highway, I jumped out and pulled out a pair of shorts from one of my bags in the back. Looking around, watching to see if there were any passing cars, I noted that the highway was mostly dark. “Are we on a side road or something? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the highway this deserted.”

  “It’s a short cut, a smaller highway that will connect to the larger one later. You should be okay. I don’t see anyone near unless you want me to pull up onto the dirt road up ahead to give you some more privacy?”

  “Is there one?” Squinting my eyes, I tried to see through the darkness but couldn’t really see that well. “I can’t see it but if you point me in the right direction, I might be able to walk behind the first set of trees.”

  “I’ll drive you; I don’t want y
ou to get lost or scared,” he chuckled.

  I rolled my eyes. “I won’t get lost.”

  “So, then you might get scared?” He winked as I climbed back inside where the ac’s cool air blasted over my heated skin. Jumping out of the truck was like stepping into a sauna. The outside air stuck to my skin like glue and made me feel tired and heavy.

  “Oh, whatever.” I laughed, playing off his teasing.

  The dirt road didn’t go into the forest very far. It led into the trees just enough to surround us and then stopped at a large wall of bushes and vines.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back.” Jumping down with my shorts in hand I walked to the backend of the truck near the right back wheel somewhat away from view and away from the vehicle’s lights.

  Sitting my shorts on the side of the bed, I shimmied out of my yoga pants only to have them snag on my shoes. I growled under my breath as I tried my best to pull the stretchy material over my shoe, but they just kept forming around the rubber heels like a second skin.

  “Great,” I muttered. Toeing off my shoes didn’t sound like the best idea but what choice did I have at this point?

  Toeing off one of my shoes, I yanked my pants down the rest of the way. That wasn’t so bad! Putting my foot down to place it back in my discarded footwear didn’t happen the way it should have. The moment my foot connected with the side of it but slipped off, only for the pad of my foot to stomp down onto something prickly, I nearly died. My soul left my body and a hoarse yell ripped from my throat.

  Fuck my life.



  Her scream had me jumping out of my truck faster than I’d ever done before. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever moved that fast in my life. When I rounded the back, Jasmine was jumping up and down clenching her right leg. Had she been bitten by a snake? Scanning the ground, I didn’t see shit. I scooped her up into my arms as fast as I could and placed her on the passenger seat. The fact that she was missing a shoe and her pants were wrapped around one leg, had me searching for her missing footwear. When I saw it near the back tire, I ran over and grabbed it.

  “Fuck, those thorny bastards.”

  “Huh?” What the hell was she talking about? “Are you all right? Did you get bitten?”

  “What? Oh, no. I stepped on a burr. The damn thing hurt.”

  The blood rushing in my ears calmed a bit when she stated that nothing seriously life threatening was going to take place.

  “Ugh, I think I have a splinter in my foot.”

  I watched as she twisted her leg at an odd angle to try and look at the bottom. “Here, let me see.”

  One of her delicate eyebrows arched over her shimmering gaze. Shimmering? The stars in the sky and the inside of the truck’s light gave her an unnatural glow that I really liked.

  “Okaay…” Her foot shot out and she held my gaze, waiting to see what I’d do.

  A small first aid kit sat under her seat and I yanked it out. Taking out the small flashlight, the dim light shined over a red spot. Looking closely, I saw that she did indeed have a tiny splinter stuck into her skin, but it was easily removed with a flick of my thumb nail.

  “There, it’s out. Now just hold still.” Antibiotic cream in hand, I put the smallest dot onto her skin and rubbed it in. I knew I didn’t have to do it, but I wanted too. Something about having her near me really made me want to care for her to the best of my abilities.

  At first, she wiggled under my touch. I had a feeling that she would have ticklish feet but since this was at the top of her foot near her toes, I didn’t think it would affect her badly. Clearly, I’d been wrong. Her snorting laugher blew out, then her body shook. I couldn’t help but continue to tease her foot as she rumbled under me.

  Jasmine’s eyes closed and she held onto her gut. Her other foot weakly attempted to kick me away, but I held fast.

  “I never would have guessed that you had ticklish feet, baby.” I’d given her this pet name earlier, something had triggered me to say it, and it just stuck. I liked how it rolled off my tongue when I spoke to her and how she played with her hair shyly, in an innocent, flirting way.

  She squealed when I brought her foot to my mouth and blew a breath of air over the bottom.

  She bucked up as one last attempt to push me away and failed. I caught her leg and wrapped it around my waist. Her laugher stopped and her eyes flew open as she gasped.

  I was unable to move when I saw the white lace of her thong pressed up against my pelvis. Not only was the lace clear as day, but her clit was visible through the fabric. My mouth went dry instantly.

  “Holy fuck,” I whispered.

  “Jasper… I… please make me forget.” She bit down on her lip as if she were deep in thought. “I need to be with you.” She spoke so low I could hardly hear the words. Part of me wondered if I was just imagining what she’d said but then her ass rose off the seat and she leaned back on the center console.

  Her hips gave a little rock making her pussy rub over me—small and subtle friction grew me to half-mast.

  “Jasmine,” I growled harshly. “Don’t begin something you can’t finish.” I’d wanted her too much and if she didn’t stop now, I wouldn’t be able to hold back the need to take her.

  “Mmm? I can’t.”

  She looked like a goddess under me as she ground herself on me. Her shyness left her, and I saw a side of her that I never thought I would. My grip became slick with perspirant. Loosening my hold on her, I fisted my hands into the seat near her head and leaned down. She clung to me, completely open to me, and I saw a flare of untold longing in her heavy-lidded gaze as she stared up at me in wonder. Without a second thought, my mouth descended on hers instinctively capturing her lips with mine.

  Licking the inside of her mouth aggressively, I dove in to stroke along her tongue next as she moaned against my lips. Her arms fisted my shirt, desperately holding on to me as I did with her.

  Pushing my hands under her, I balanced her weight on one leg as I maneuvered my way into the seat and pushed and reclined it as far as I could get it to go.

  Her hips rotated over my straining cock as our kiss flourished. I couldn’t get enough.

  “I have wanted to do this for the longest time,” I groaned. “You’ve been on my mind since you moved in.”

  “That is the sweetest, weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me.” She pulled back, breaking the kiss with a small peck to my lips. “I find that really, really hot,” she purred. Flinging her hair back over her shoulders, she untied the end of her braid letting her long hair flow freely.

  Taking the risk, I fisted her hair with one hand and angled her head in a way I could place kisses along her neck. I traced my tongue in the areas my mouth met all the way down to her breast where her shirt blocked my advance.

  With a frustrated growl, I let go of her, took hold of the ends of her silky top, and pulled it over her head watching as her perky rose-tipped breast bounced inside the lacey white matching bra she wore.

  She shivered under my observation, and I couldn’t look away. Hugging her to me, I ravished her jutting nipples like a dying man. Her moans only grew more desperate the more I nipped and tugged at her peaks with my teeth.

  Jasmine’s hands glided over the back of my head, holding me in place as I feasted on her.

  I felt around her back blindly for the clip to her bra. With a flick of my fingers, I unfastened it and pulled it off her tossing it onto the floor near my feet.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “Say that to me again when you’re naked.”

  “That sounds like a deal. Lift your fine ass for me, baby.” I wasn’t about to waste any time. Part of me was scared that she would change her mind which caused me to hook my hands into the bands of my pants.

  Doing as she instructed, I kicked my pants down around my ankles and pulled off my shirt. I reached for the door and shut it, blocking us off from the world as the dim lighting inside the cabin turned off leaving us in total
darkness. My only concern was making sure that no one saw her naked form. Tonight, she was mine alone and maybe even tomorrow if she would permit it.

  “Do you still want me to make you forget?”

  “Yes.” Her small hand touched the head of my cock that was now reaching for the sky and I nearly exploded into her hand. Her skin was like velvet, warm and smooth. Bucking my hips, I shamelessly and wordlessly asked for her to pay more attention to my length. It had been too damn long since I’d been with anyone, years in fact. The simple act just didn’t hold the appeal to me anymore unless I really liked the person, and my attention had been devoted to Jasmine since she moved in. Hell… eight years I’ve gone without sex. That was amazing. I could hardly believe it myself.

  “I’ve waited to be with you for eight years,” I admitted to her. I wasn’t concerned if what I said made me seem like a damn fool, or an oddball, it was the truth and I wanted her to know.

  “If we’re being honest, I did the same. I’m… heck… I haven’t had sex since I was nineteen. I haven’t even had a relationship since then.” She looked away with shame. “It’s hard for me to trust people around me because I always assume that they’re working for my family and I just can’t seem to get over that. Well. That was until I met you and you showed me true friendship.”

  “I’m glad that I was able to be that person, Jasmine.” I adore your strength, you’re beautiful and I’m glad you waited too. Be mine… I would ask her one day and hopefully she would say yes.



  His muscles flexed as I watched, his tight body showing that he cared for himself well, and I loved that. His arms were heavily corded, as thick as my thigh, and his abs were rock solid.

  His cock came into view and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t know what had compelled me to act out my thoughts but seeing how much he cared that I was hurt had pulled on my heart strings and that was when I finally grasped that I was constantly living life on the run from… well… everything. I didn’t want to run anymore, I wanted to experience my life to the fullest, and I sure as heck didn’t want to let the rest of my life pass me by when I could be spending it with the one man I’d fantasized about for years.


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