
Home > Fantasy > Confide > Page 31
Confide Page 31

by Debbie Civil

  Chapter 31


  “Today is the big day!” Dom exclaims as he waves a shot glass filled to the rim with Whiskey in the air. The liquid sloshes, and some of it lands on my face. I pull a handkerchief from my pocket and dab at my face. Out of all of the people to be stuck beside. Dom has been drinking nonstop since this morning. I guess that he’s been attempting to chase away his hangover.

  “Stop acting like a fool,” I hiss. Dom ignores me and downs his shot. When will he realize that he’s alone in his exuberance? Malcolm, the best man, sits across from me, his face in a nasty scowl. After Eli’s stunt last night, he’s having second thoughts about her marrying his cousin. Go figure.

  “Cheer up, everybody! This is a party!” I rub my face, thinking about where I’d rather be, at Murphy’s steak house, feeding Carmen a broccoli bite. The limo feels too stuffy, and since Dom is the only one talking, it’s awkward.

  “Are you sure about this?” Malcolm asks his cousin. Nate scowls at him.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Nathan snaps.

  “Man, think about it, she’s a drunk. Why would you want to marry someone like her?”

  “She made a mistake, Malcolm. Danny made one too,” Nathan tosses back.

  “And I broke up with her. There is no way any girl of mine is going to be topless in front of a bunch of other boys.” Malcolm’s conviction makes me think of Alex. Would guys be saying that about her? I shake my head, not wanting to think of her. Since the incident with Sharp Michaels, I haven’t been back to Rhino’s. What’s the point? She’s been seen on national television. Everyone’s seen so there’s no point in trying to stop her now. I can’t help but feel bitter toward Alex. If it hadn’t been for her, I would be with Carmen right now. After I have that thought, something occurs to me. I’m being such a pansy right now. Since when is my fate ever dictated by a bunch of paper pushers in suits? Is this misery really worth it? So far, I’ve done exactly what my uncle told me to do, and nothing good has come of it. Sure, he’s gotten a few more allies. But in the end, if he can’t win the state of Connecticut’s trust, then, he has no chance of winning. I don’t think that who I date will have a factor in this political race. But I’m not sure if Carmen will have me. I have to try and win her back after the wedding. The whole thing with Jill isn’t working.

  “I for one don’t think that Dom has a choice,” Matt butts in. “Everything’s already set up. What’s he going to do, leave my baby sister waiting at the altar? Because, I’d be hard press to break a neck or two if he does.” Just like that, all is silent, except for the slurping down of another shot of Whiskey thanks to Dom. How is this idiot going to walk down the aisle?

  “I’m not going to leave Eli hanging. She’s a nice girl,” Nathan grumbles, clearly aggravated by the mood.

  “Oh wow! The only thing that you have to say about your future wife is that she’s a nice girl. That’s pathetic,” Dom chuckles. “Best to believe when I get married, I’ll be saying that my future wife is hot, exciting, and has many talents. But I won’t be calling her a nice girl.” He says “nice girl” as if it’s an insult. Dom may be drunk, but he does have a point. I don’t expect Nathan to be mushy like Peter. But he was fun to have around. He kept on counting down the hours until he could be married to the love of his life. He bragged about how lucky he was that Chelsea was going to be his. It was so annoying that Malcolm and I did shots just to endure the kid. Today, we are all tense and uncomfortable, minus Dom, who is having the time of his life. I’m sort of jealous of the guy. His biggest problem is walking straight.

  “It’s a good thing that I’m not you,” Nathan snaps. Dom doesn’t even respond to Nathan. I’m apparently his target.

  “So, enough about the drama. Jake, what is up with you and Carmen?” Everyone stares at me with identical looks of confusion. It takes me a moment to realize that everyone was acting like a gaggle of pansies for the last two weeks and hadn’t noticed what has been going on with Carmen and me. Since I’m not a mushy lady, I don’t feel like discussing anything.

  “Nothing,” I snap.

  “Is my cousin stalking you?” Matt asks, and I’m this close to punching his face in. Instead, I make a decision. I pull out my iPhone and begin texting Jill.

  Me: I’m escorting Carmen down the aisle.

  Jill: Are you sure?

  Me: Yes.

  Jill: It was about time. I saw the way that you’ve been looking at her. Do you want me to tell her?

  Me: No.

  Jill: Who am I walking with?

  Me: Matt.

  Jill: Why not Dom?

  Me: Because he’s a drunk idiot.

  Jill: Who’s supposed to walk with Matt?

  Me: Stephanie.

  Jill: She isn’t very nice.

  Me: Exactly.

  Jill: Go get um tiger! I hope everything works out for you.

  Jake: Thanks.

  I slip my phone back into my jacket pocket and smirk at Matt. He frowns at me.

  “You’re escorting Jill,” I tell him. He gives me a relieved smile.

  “Why the change?” Malcolm asks.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t have to spend all night with Stephanie,” Matt says, before fist pumping with Dean.

  “I want to escort Carmen and I don’t want Jill to walk with Dom,” I explain. Malcolm nods as Dom frowns.

  “Why? I want to walk with Carmen. She’s hot.” Dom’s statement pauses all of our attempts at conversations. I don’t blame everyone for being pissed. Nathan has made a real effort to keep Carmen away from the guy only to find out that he thinks that Carmen’s hot. “I was thinking about asking her out tonight. She’s…”

  “Stay away from her,” I growl, which makes Dom pale.

  “Jake, I know that Carmen’s like a sister to you. I’ll be careful with her. I promise, I’ll be a perfect gentlemen. I’ll…”

  “If you even so much as talk to her, I will tear you apart,” I hiss. Dom is clearly flustered, but I don’t care. He has no right to be pursuing Carmen, not after what he’s done.

  “Why did you propose to Danny if you wanted Carmen?” Malcolm coolly asks.

  “Because my mother instructed me to. She thought that Danny would make a good bride. I couldn’t go after Carmen because mother doesn’t like her. After Danny dumped me, I decided to go for it. Mother can’t complain about it since she was so wrong about Danny,” Dom explains.

  “What do you mean about her being wrong about Danny?” Malcolm asks this question with a slight edge.

  “You know, about her being the marrying kind. You saw those pictures, Malcolm. You have to agree that we both dodged a bullet, there.” I want to deck Dom for what he says and clearly so does Malcolm. But if I deck him, he will be unable to perform his duty, and I’m not ruining my sister’s wedding. She’s already had a trying day. I instead look at Christian Hope, one of the groomsmen who was probably forced into this affair. He’s Sharp Micheal’s cousin. The poor guy looks like he wants to toss himself out of a window. I’m extremely jealous of my brother Max, he’s listening to an audio book and is not engaged in this conversation. Travis Oliver, Dom’s younger brother, seems embarrassed by his brother’s drinking. I can’t blame him. I can’t believe that I’m yearning to get to the church. But I am. Seeing Carmen is all I want to do, and believe me that when I see her, the first thing that I’m going to do is kiss her.


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