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Velvet Desire: The Velvet Vault Series

Page 3

by Lawless, Linny

  Baxter’s eyes roamed down my body as he scratched his bearded jaw. He walked over to a dresser and returned holding out a black t-shirt with New Orleans Saints on the front. “You’re so small, but I guess this will have to do for tonight.”

  I opened his white shirt, removing it, not ashamed of my nakedness and handed it back to him.

  “Goddamned cocksucker!” Baxter roared as his brows furrowed when he saw the bruises. “Did you consent to this?”

  I lowered my head feeling ashamed and ugly. “No… Master Philip punished me. They’ll heal soon and I won’t look so repulsive.”

  He moved quick, stepping toward me, and lifted my chin, his brows relaxing. “No Chloe. When I saw you on Halloween night you looked just like Cinderella in that pretty ball gown. Then tonight, completely naked and bound to that cross you were so sexy. People watched and admired your body. You are not at all repulsive. You’re so beautiful to me.” He leaned in and brushed his lips across mine so softly.

  He leaned away and smiled, handing me the t-shirt, “I want you to sleep here in this room tonight. Will you do that for me, Chloe?”

  I nodded as I pulled the big t-shirt over my head, “Yes, Baxter. I will.”

  “Good. I’ll be just down the hall in my bedroom. We can talk in the morning.”

  He left the bedroom and switched the light off leaving the door ajar to let some of the light in from the hallway. I climbed into the bed and underneath the clean, white comforter. I smiled closing my eyes. It was so nice to sleep in a comfy bed instead of on Master Philip’s hard carpeted floor.

  I opened my eyes to sunlight coming through the cream-colored curtains. Sitting up in bed, stretching and yawning, I smiled. The scent of brewed coffee and food cooking wafted through the open door of the bedroom and made my mouth water. I climbed out of bed and walked down the hall into the bathroom to see a folded bath towel with a toothbrush with toothpaste sitting on the marbled counter by the sink. I brushed my teeth and combed fingers through my tangled mass of hair and descended down the stairs.

  The stainless steel appliances and shiny hardwood floors of Baxter’s kitchen caught my attention when I entered. Then, my eyes landed on him. His back was turned to me as he stood in front of the stove. I couldn’t help but drink in the sight of him. He was shirtless and his hair was wet but combed. My eyes roamed down his broad back to his waist then down the curve of his ass in black satin pants.

  He turned to me and nodded to the kitchen table, “Good morning, princess. Have a seat. I’m not much of a chef, but I make some killer french toast and sausage.” Then he turned back to continue cooking.

  “You’ve done too much for me already, Baxter. I should be going.” I replied. I should have been the one cooking for him after all he’d done for me the night before.

  He turned back around, as he arched a brow, and pointed a spatula at the kitchen table. “This is my house and I make the rules here. You’re my guest so sit down and eat.”

  I obeyed immediately and took a seat at his table and within a few minutes, he set a plate down in front of me with french toast and sausage along with a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a glass of orange juice.

  He took a seat across from me with the same serving and we ate together in silence. I gazed out the kitchen window at the sidewalk and street as orange and yellow leaves fell and fluttered to the ground.

  “Your house is beautiful on the inside and out.” I said.

  Baxter sipped on his coffee, “Thanks. No place else on Earth I’d rather be than in the Big Easy. This house is a bit small but it’s nice and cozy. The family that owned it before me grew a garden in the backyard. I haven’t tended to it because I don’t have a green thumb, as they say. It needs a lot of work but I can show you if you’d like?”

  My heart skipped a beat and I smiled, “I would love to see the garden. Flowers and plants are my passion!”

  Baxter stood, and held out his hand, “I want to see that passion light up those pretty green eyes of yours. Come on, I’ll show you now.”

  “But shouldn’t I clean up here first? You cooked and it’s the least I can do.”

  “It’ll be here when we come back. Let’s go.”

  I stood and took his warm hand as he led me to the back of the house and down a set of wooden steps to a concrete patio with iron-wrought furniture and a garden that had overgrown with weeds and plants.

  “See? I haven’t done any tending to it. It’s just weeds and dead plants. The flowers are probably dead now too.” Baxter said shrugging a shoulder.

  I remembered how much I loved working at Pretty Petals. “Your garden just needs some attention and TLC. I can picture in my mind how beautiful it could be.”

  “More reason to stay here and tend to the garden for me.” he responded as his eyes gleamed.

  My stomach did a somersault at how masculine and handsome he looked, standing there, towering over me. He was shirtless and I wanted to reach out and touch his muscular arms and broad chest. I was suddenly wet between my thighs and squeezed them together.

  Then Master Philip flooded my mind and I felt guilty for betraying him. I looked down at my bare feet. “But I can’t stay. I need to go back home to Master Philip.”

  “I want you to stay Chloe, just for a week or two. To give you some time to think things through. Philip hurt you, and I don’t mean the kind of pain that’s enjoyable. The kind of pain that is abuse. I’m not your Master, but I will be your protector. I won’t allow him or anyone else to abuse you like that again.”

  “What about my things? I live at his home as his slave. Would you come with me so I can pack some things?”

  Baxter pulled my hand and I collided into his hard chest as he wrapped his arms around me, “No. He doesn’t deserve you. He’s done enough damage. You stay here where I know you’re safe and I’ll go and get your things.” He leaned and kissed me softly like he did the night before, sending more heat straight to my pussy.

  “God, how I’d love to bend you over my knee and spank that soft curvy ass of yours. Make it blush hot pink for me,” he groaned against my lips and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. It felt so natural to me, like breathing, and I molded my body against his. The black satin pants he wore could not hide his bold erection as he pressed it into my stomach.

  I moaned when he drove his tongue through my parted lips devouring me. My knees felt weak and I suddenly understood why women like Scarlett O’Hara in corsets and gowns would swoon in the olden days.

  He pulled away first with a masterful control that I had none of. “But I’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  I would have dropped to my knees right there in his backyard and sucked his cock like a hungry beggar.

  It took all the self-control I had to pull away from Chloe. She was so soft and warm, making me painfully hard and ready to nearly explode. Instead, I ended up dripping pre-cum in my satin pants. I took her hand and she followed me back to the kitchen. Since Chloe felt she needed to clean up the kitchen for me I let her. I sensed that she was a natural submissive and would be eager to please whether it be sexual or doing day to day things.

  Chloe gave me Philip’s number and I sent him a text to meet me in the lot at the Velvet Vault. I dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and within the hour I was parked in the lot of the Velvet Vault, leaning against the door of my car, my arms folded over my chest. Philip pulled up alongside me and rolled his passenger window down with a stupid looking scowl on his face, “If you touch me, I’ll call the police and have you arrested for assault!”

  Fucking coward. I rolled my eyes, “Don’t worry asshole. Just give me Chloe’s things then get the fuck off my property.”

  He climbed out of his car and tossed a duffel bag to me. “That bitch is worthless anyway! You can have her!”

  I couldn’t hold back the anger that brewed at his words and remembering the bruises on Chloe’s body.

  I moved quickly gripping the front of his shirt and shoved him back on the ho
od of his car. “That’s the problem with lowlives like you Philip. You parade around saying you’re a Dominant when you don’t have a fucking clue what that means. You overcompensate for the minuscule size of your dick and direct all your self-hate onto Chloe. You beat her, degrade her, verbally abuse her. Well not anymore. It ended the moment she walked into the club last night. Chloe doesn’t belong to you anymore.”

  My temples pounded as I shoved Philip and he scurried away. He quickly climbed in his car and spun tires, as he drove away.

  I came home to find Chloe in my kitchen, her wet hair combed and wrapped in a towel, sipping on a cup of coffee. Her eyes lit up as I placed the bag on the kitchen table.

  “I don’t know how I can even thank you for all you’ve done, Baxter.”

  I lifted her chin, “Oh I can think of plenty of ways you can thank me, princess.”

  Her cheeks suddenly flushed pink. It was so goddamned sexy making me want to snatch that towel off, lay her across the tabletop and fuck her.

  Instead, I stepped back so she could check the bag for her things. She gasped as she pulled out a blouse that was torn to shreds and dropped it. She rummaged through the bag, pulling out her clothes, all of which were ripped and torn. The screen on her cell phone had been smashed and her driver’s license and credit cards were cut into pieces. She began to cry burying her face into her hands. “Master Philip hates me now. I can never go back to him.”

  I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face into my chest clinging to me. “He doesn’t deserve you Chloe and he’s done enough damage. Starting today, you are free of him and free to be who you want to be.” I leaned away to look into her eyes, “I’m hoping you’ll want to stay here. I want you to stay as long as you like, but you’re free to leave whenever you want to. I would never hold you here against your will. We’ll take it one day at a time ok? The first thing we’ll do is take you shopping for some new clothes and things this afternoon. Would you like that?”

  Her eyes were wet with tears, but they lit up and she smiled, “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

  I called Kassandra and asked a favor I knew she would do for me and an hour later, she arrived with Aiden. I introduced them to Chloe. Kassandra brought some women’s clothes that fit Chloe much better than my shirts that were five sizes way too big for her along with a pair of flip flops. I gave Chloe one of my credit cards and she went along with Kassandra to Canal Place Mall. I thought it was better for her to shop with another female rather than me. Before they left, she wrapped her arms around me and tip-toed planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

  I swatted her ass, “Go and swipe the credit card as many times as you’d like Princess.”

  Aiden stayed behind, but I was getting used to him being around. We rode a streetcar down St. Charles Ave. to Canal Street and planted ourselves on old wooden barstools at Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar. It was the oldest structure in the country, built in the early 1700’s, that was used as a bar, located right on Bourbon Street. There was no such thing as good lighting inside the old building which was surrounded by brick walls and sported an old brick fireplace. We drank a few beers and watched the Saints play the Jaguars on a small TV behind the bar like most guys that are actual friends do. I began to think to myself about the many times I’d flogged Aiden’s naked back, ass, and legs in Kassandra’s basement play dungeon to the point he had a raging hard-on. All for Kassandra, his Mistress, his Queen.

  During the third quarter of the football game, his Queen sent him a text that she and Chloe were back at my house. Aiden was more shit-faced than I was as we left Lafitte’s and rode the streetcar back to my house in the Garden District. When we walked in, Kassandra shook her head giving me the side-eye as Aiden staggered behind her as they left.

  Leaving me with a good buzz, and Chloe, alone again. There were shopping bags everywhere - on the couch and on the floor of the living room. Chloe was dressed in one of the outfits she bought, a blouse made of white sheer lace that stretched across her tits so I could see her pink nipples and a black tight-fitting pencil skirt that hugged her curves perfectly.

  She twirled around, “Do you like this outfit? It’s simple but pretty I think.”

  She looked so delectable, enough to eat, as I bit my bottom lip and my eyes roamed down that sexy body of hers. “Come here. I want to see you from a different angle.” I directed her. Her smile faded, as she walked toward me. “Get down on your knees, Princess, and look up at me.”

  She bowed her head, lowering herself to her knees and tilted her head back. She looked so innocent but her eyes were also gleaming, showing her arousal too.

  I reached down and brushed my thumb across her bottom lip, “Would you look up at me like this as I fucked that sexy mouth?”

  I slipped my thumb between her parted lips as she mumbled “mm-hmm,” then sucked on it.

  With the several beers I drank that day and my pent-up lust for Chloe I couldn’t hold back any longer. I undid my jeans as she licked her lips and pulled out my hard, aching dick. “Show me.”

  Chloe’s lips wrapped around the head and she moaned. Her green eyes looked so beautiful as she took me into her warm soft mouth and sucked. I twisted my fist into her blond hair, easing myself all the way into her mouth, making her gag.

  “That’s it, princess. Take all of it.” I groaned, holding her there as she sucked and licked.

  Her mouth was driving me to the edge over and over again. “I’m going to shoot a thick load of cum into that sweet mouth of yours. Are you ready?”

  She moaned her response as I looked down into her eyes, exploding as she gagged and swallowed all of my hot juice.

  I wiped away Baxter’s warm cum from my chin and smiled up at him. Baxter had appeared to me in my dreams the very first time I saw him in the black mask and there was no way I could ever deny him anything.

  “You’re such a naughty girl.” He said adoringly, zipping up his jeans. He pulled me up to my feet and scooped me up into his arms, then carried me up the stairs to his bedroom. He laid me down on his bed and pulled his t-shirt off.

  He knelt down and hiked my skirt up to my waist. “Spread your legs. Wide.” I obeyed as his eyes devoured my wet pink opening. “Mmm. You’re waxed. I can see all of you. So exposed.” He groaned as his tongue slid up my center latching onto my swollen clit and sucked gently.

  My back arched as I cried out with pleasure but Baxter pinned my wrists down to my sides. “You can move and twist all you want but you’re not going anywhere.” He said, trapping me there. He continued to torment and tease my pussy while I wiggled and gyrated my hips against his mouth.

  I moaned as his lips and tongue sucked, licked, and nipped, “Baxter, Please! Do what you want. Taste me, use me, fuck me, please!”

  I cried out, digging my nails into the blankets as I went over the edge exploding with a frenzied orgasm. I was dizzy and breathless and unable to move, limp with exhaustion. Baxter released his hold on my wrists, undressed us both and climbed into bed with me. He spooned me, pressing me back against his hard, warm chest as his muscular arms wrapped around me.

  I laid my cheek on his hard bicep. “That felt so good. Different than other orgasms I’ve felt before,” I whispered.

  “How was it different?” He asked, rubbing his beard along my cheek.

  “Well, I can have orgasms when I touch myself but I could never have them when I had sex with men. Not even with Master Philip. You made me come so hard just using your mouth!”

  He chuckled low, “Get used to it, Chloe, because I’ve only just begun. I want to know all about you; your likes and dislikes, what gives you pleasure, your threshold for pain, and also your darkest fantasies. We’re going to explore each other’s desires together.”

  “That sounds like heaven, Baxter.”

  “Do you like Kassandra?” he asked, planting soft kisses down my neck.

  “Yes, she’s very kind, and she’s so sophisticated and confident. We had fun shopping together and trying on clot
hes. She wants to get together again soon to have lunch or dinner.

  “That’s good. Kassandra has been a dear friend of mine for a long time. We were also play partners. However, things have changed between us now that she’s Aiden’s Mistress. I didn’t care much for Aiden in the beginning because I thought he was latching onto her because she’s a very rich woman. Now I guess he’s grown on me. I still give him a good hard flogging every so often when Kassandra wants me to do it for her. It gets all of us worked up and aroused. I enjoy it as much as they do.”

  “I didn’t enjoy it when Master Philip flogged me.”

  Baxter shifted leaning over me, “He should never have even touched you with that flogger because he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. It takes practice and skill. It took me years to master it. Kassandra has her own play dungeon in her house. I’ll bring you with me next time Kassandra and Aiden want to play. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, I would love to watch you.”

  “Then it’s a date, princess.”

  We laid in his bed all afternoon and just talked. Another new experience since Master Philip never really seemed interested in knowing anything about me or even validating my feelings. There were even moments when Baxter made me laugh hysterically like I did when I was a young girl.

  * * *

  I slept in Baxter’s bed every evening since that day. For the next few weeks, we fondled and explored each other’s bodies just with our hands and mouths without actually having intercourse. We fell asleep together, after multiple orgasms, covered in a sheen of sweat, blissfully satisfied.

  The bruises Master Philip left on me had healed. Still, I thought about him. and considered calling him on the new cell phone Baxter bought me. I was conflicted with my feelings over Master Philip. I remembered the times he was loving and charismatic. Then, I remembered those times he hit me, used my body, and called me horrible names.


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