Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1) Page 2

by Kait Rose

  “For one my parents did so you weren’t walking into an empty house with no one to help you move in. Two, I had to make sure the lunch meat was good. I tried it for you and your health, you're welcome.” Knox grabbed me into a bear hug, but someone caught my eye.

  “What the fuck!” I screamed, jumping into Knox’s arms.

  “God, Maddy you are insatiable. If you want to fuck you got to wait until I finish my sandwich.”

  I hit Knox right on the chest and shimmied my way out of his arms. “No you big idiot, who is that sitting in the chair?”

  “Oh shit Maddy I am sorry I forgot, this is my new roommate, Jude James. I wanted him to meet you and Stella, who’s coming early by the way.” Knox went back to his food, while me and Jude just stared at each other. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. He looked like the older version of the Jude I knew, but his last name was Tyler not James. It’s possible he changed it, but if he was my Jude, wouldn’t he be excited to see me. I still looked about the same, besides not being stick thin from starvation.

  I decided to break the staring contest once I noticed him checking me out. I couldn’t help myself either. He was deviously handsome from his dark brown hair that was messy on the top and short on the sides, lip piercing, and he looked slim, but had that cut muscle look. He was dressed in all black and we both had matching black and white converse. What made me realize it had to be him was the bright blue eyes.

  “Jude.” I whispered in complete shock, it felt like seeing a ghost for the first time.

  “Yeah, that’s what he just said. Yo man, I am sorry I got to get going, I’ll have to meet your sister another time.” He didn’t look interested in continuing our conversation. It was like I was a stranger to him. I couldn’t stop staring at him, I was so confused. Did he not remember me?

  “Alright, I am going to help Maddy christen her room before my little sister gets here.” Knox chuckled and I saw Jude’s knuckles turn white he was squeezing so hard. I guess him knowing his roommate is going to fuck me struck a nerve.

  “Have fun.” Jude turned around to go out the door, but stopped when he reached it. Under his breath, I heard him say, “I’ll see you around, little bird.” My heart stopped in my chest, it’s been so long since I heard him call me little bird.

  Chapter Four


  I can’t believe it was her. When Knox told me he was going over to welcome his sister’s friend and new roommate named Madison, I had a feeling it might be her. St. John’s University was the closest school to the small town she was from. Part of me wondered if she got stuck at the Montgomery’s or if she moved to another foster home close by.

  By the way she looked, you can tell she ended up somewhere good. She wasn’t railed thin like she used to be, but had curves that no man could ignore. Her hair was still that chestnut brown, but fell in short soft waves. Her look too was the complete opposite of what she used to wear. She always had the most girly outfits, but now she was edgy. Which got me thinking, what changed her?

  I was twelve years old when I met Madison. I was an orphan and in and out of foster homes since I was a baby. I’ve been at the Montgomery’s house for about a year and so far it’s been going good. Much better than the other foster home I came from. I was so far the only kid they fostered, but Mr. Montgomery mentioned they wanted to foster a little girl. In about a week after, they got a call that they would be fostering a ten year old girl. She was the smallest and fragile looking girl I ever seen. I could tell by the way she flinched and stared out, lost in thought, something was haunting her.

  For three years, we were best friends who did everything with each other. I felt like I had finally found someone who cared and trusted me, especially when she would talk to me about her parents and what happened. I couldn’t relate since I never met mine, but I always listened to everything she said.

  Madison was very shy and clumsy. Three years later from when she first moved in, we had to attend a black tie event, which was a way for the Montgomery’s to show off for doing the charitable thing by providing us a home. She accidentally tripped, knocked the champagne tray out of the waiters hands, and it ended up all over Mrs. Montgomery’s friends. Mr. Montgomery grabbed Madison by the hand and dragged her into his study. This wasn’t the first time this happened when she had an accident, but I couldn’t stand by again to listen to her screams when he hits her. I stormed in after them and right when I walked in, Madison was bent over his desk and he was removing his belt. I knew right than he was going to hit her again, so I rushed over and moved her behind me. The Montgomery’s changed a lot since Madison moved in, which made me not want to live here, but I couldn’t leave her. When the next year came, she did something I would never expect.

  I could never forgive her and part of me hoped when I did see her, I would feel nothing and move on. I played the I’m not interested in you, which is partly true. Part of me is interested in making her feel the pain she caused me because of her lies. I just wished I wasn’t wanting to see what was under her clothes. When Knox suggested they were going to fuck all over the place, I couldn’t stop the anger creeping in. I wondered if she knew he was with a different woman most nights. He was a dumbass because if I was sleeping with Madison and had no idea how much of deceitful bitch she could be, I would rather go home to her every night than a different woman. Just looking at her, she was every guy’s dream but my worst nightmare.

  Chapter Five


  9 years ago…

  Miss Delilah escorted me to her car after we watched my mama get lowered into the ground. As soon as the door closed, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

  “Oh Madison dear, come here.” Miss Delilah held me while I cried on her blouse. She rubbed my back and kept whispering me comforting things like I didn’t need to bottle up my feelings and how it’s ok to cry. I felt better after five minutes, but I was still anxious about going to the Montgomery’s house. Miss Delilah told me they were fostering a boy about two years older than me, I just hope he would like me.

  It took us about twenty minutes after we left to arrive at the Montgomery’s house. It was in the complete opposite direction of Bellingham and was located in a rich country side in Burlington. When we pulled up to their house, we had to get into a gate first than drive down a huge forest drive way. I couldn’t help, but let my mouth fall open. I came from a rusty and disgusting trailer park, while their house looked like something out of one of those home magazines mama would read.

  We got out of the car and headed up the massive staircase to the front door. I hid behind Miss Delilah, part of me was scared they would take one look at me and send me back. I was made fun of in school for being so scrawny and deathly looking. I was in a black dress that was two sizes too big, tights that had runs in them, and add to the fact I was whiter than their house with dark purple circles around my eyes, I looked like a zombie. Oh god, what happens if the boy starts to bully me like the other kids. Before I could dwell any longer, two of the most perfect looking adults answered the door.

  They looked like the parents from that show, Leave it to Beaver. Mrs. Montgomery’s hair was in a nice bun, with pearls around her neck, and a beautiful dress that fit her perfect and was probably worth a fortune unlike mine. Mr. Montgomery was in a sharp suit and looking at me like he was excited to see me. I don’t know why, but I got uneasy feeling from him. I brushed it off though, thinking it was because of my dad.

  “Madison this is Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, your new foster parents. I’m going to come inside with you, so you can get situated than I am going to go.” Miss Delilah ushered me inside, while Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery gushed over me. It felt a little over the top, I wasn’t much to look at. They showed me around the house and then we went upstairs to see my new bedroom. It was fit for a princess. The walls were light pink with pretty white lace curtains and a canopy for the bed. I was shocked, it was so much better than the mattress I had on the stained up rug in our trailer. The rug
s in this room where the complete opposite too, they were so white and fluffy.

  “Madison we are also fostering a boy, about two years older, named Jude. Do you want to go and meet him now?” Mrs. Montgomery asked. Mr. Montgomery hasn’t said much since Miss Delilah left after they showed me my room. He was glued to his phone, but I figured it was probably work stuff. Miss Delilah said he was the mayor of Burlington.

  We walked down the hallway to the last door which was Jude’s room. The Montgomery’s room was in the opposite hallway of our rooms. I grew anxious when she knocked on his door and I heard him walking over to open it. My heart started pounding when my eyes met his. He had the bluest eyes I ever seen. They stood out so much from his pale skin with dark brown hair. He was dressed in a crisp light blue dress shirt and khaki pants that fit him like they were made for him. Jude was tall too, he towered over me and looked much older than twelve.

  “Ok, I am going to let you guys get to know each other. Madison dinner is at five o’clock sharp and I expect you to change out of those rags and put something nice on that I left for you.” Mrs. Montgomery didn’t spare me a second glance and headed off towards her room. It left me feeling uneasy.

  “Get used to that. She’ll come around when she needs you to make an appearance, but after that she’ll go drown herself in Xanax and wine.” Jude than nodded towards my room and shut the door. Awesome, I sarcastically said to myself.

  The weeks past by and I barely saw anybody besides the house keeper, Mrs. Quinn. She was on the heavier side, gray hair, but a smile that made you feel welcome. I loved spending time with her in the kitchen and hearing all the stories about her grandchildren. I was happy to hear there were kids out there that had normal lives.



  That asshole knew who I exactly was and it made me so angry that he pretended that he didn’t. I think I would have rather him forget me than pretend not to know me. If it wasn’t for the little bird comment, I would have second guessed if he was the Jude I grew up with.

  “Earth to Maddy, where you go beautiful?” Knox grabbed a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear. He started to look worry and I couldn’t blame him. I was staring at the door with my mouth still open like I’ve seen a ghost.

  “Sorry, I got lost in thought.” I shrugged him off and went to go grab his plate to take to the sink. I didn’t want to talk about Jude and I wasn’t sure I should even bring up that I know him to Knox. It wouldn’t be a lie not telling him anyways because the Jude I knew wouldn’t treat me like that.

  “It looks like you knew him?” He asked casually, but you can tell from his body he was tense. Knowing him, he probably thought I slept with him.

  “He just looked familiar, but I don’t think so.” I just played it off like I had no clue and you can tell that answer made Knox happy. I didn’t want to lie, but I really didn’t want to talk about it.

  Knox comes around the table and hoists me up on the counter. “Hey so I know we said no commitments, but since I have to live with the guy, no fucking him. Ok?” I don’t like when someone orders me around, but I didn’t feel like arguing. He’s been there for me for the past year and was a good friend.

  “Oh Knox you don’t see me making rules about you not sleeping with my roommate.” I said with a huge grin, waiting to see his response. Right on cue, his eyes bulged out.

  “That’s because she’s my sister!” He shouts. I couldn’t keep the laughter inside me if I tried.

  “Ok big guy, I won’t sleep with your roommate.” I really hope I didn’t just lie to him again.

  “Ok thank you, now come here beautiful we got a hour before she gets here.” He grabs me by the hair and starts kissing down my neck. Usually I would be all for a quickie with him, but after seeing Jude, I wasn’t in the mood.

  “As much as I would love to continue this, I had a rough night and didn’t sleep a wink. I need to go lay down and sleep before Stella gets here.” I yawned and started making my way to my bedroom.

  “What does that mean? Like you were with someone all night or couldn’t sleep?”

  “Jealous much. Not that its your business, since we aren’t in a relationship, I was alone and just couldn’t sleep. I was really anxious and just kept tossing and turning.” I got in my bedroom and plopped right down on the bed.

  “Alright Maddy, everything will be ok. You get some sleep and we’ll meet up later. Stella wants to come out to the bar and me and Jude are working tonight.” He yells to me and walks right out the door before I even say I’ll go. He knows that when Stella says were going somewhere, we are going.

  Chapter Six


  “What do you mean he just ignored you?’’ Stella was already making herself at home, but in my room of course. She was throwing all my clothes on my bed, trying to find me the perfect outfit for tonight.

  “Just like I said, he acted like he didn’t know me, but I know those eyes from anywhere. Plus, he said my nickname. I just don’t get why he would ignore me, especially after what he did to me.” I started to fold the clothes she was tossing all over, trying to get my mind off that day when he left me without even saying good bye.

  “Do you only own black and red? He’s an asshole if he’s just going to pretend, but hey this outfit is sure going to get his attention. I bet then he’ll remember.” Stella picked out my mini black leather skirt, a laced bralette, and my red leather jacket.

  “Stella that’s a bra! I am not wearing this out to a bar. I’m going to be the only one dressed up, while everyone else is in jeans and t-shirts.” I shook my head and grabbed the outfit, ready to throw it back in my closet. Stella was quick though and snatched it out of my hands.

  “Obviously I know it’s a bra, but it goes great with this outfit. This isn’t some dive bar, but one of the most popular night clubs around here. Every girl is going to be dressed up, including myself.” She shoved the clothes in my hand and pushed me towards the bathroom.

  “Fine, I’ll wear what you pick this one time, but one time only Stella. Plus I get to pick my shoes.” I shut the door quick, but I heard her saying through the door no way in hell. I would have picked my Steve Marten boots, but I knew she wouldn’t let me leave the house in them.

  When I finally get out of the bathroom. Stella is dressed like a Barbie doll and she can definitely pull the look off. She decided on a pink mini dress, white leather jacket, and white pumps. In her hands she was holding her black Loubaton heels that are pretty high. I might not be that much into fashion, but I knew they were worth more than I own. “Stella, there is no way I can wear those. What happens if I ruin them? Do you know how long it would take me to pay you back.”

  “Honestly, don’t worry about it. These are last season’s and you know my mom and her fashion, I get a new pair every year. I literally got four more in my closet, I want you to have these.” Stella pushed the shoes in my hands, but I couldn’t stop my head from shaking no. Between Delilah getting me the new car and Stella giving me something so expensive, I felt guilty accepting them all.

  “Stella, this is too much. I feel guilty even living here for free.” I pushed the shoes back in her hands. Stella is one person that can never take the word no. She bends down and takes my foot, slipping them in the heels

  “Listen here, don’t feel guilty. You are like my sister and my parents want us to both focus on school. Now, you are going to take these shoes and rock this outfit. You are going to show Jude you are not this shy clumsy girl, but a hot bad ass. He is going to regret pretending like he doesn’t know who you are.” She slaps me in the ass and nods her head to the door. “Oh wait, here.” She puts red lipstick on my lips. I checked it in the mirror barely recognizing myself, but I’m really liking my new look.

  “Ok let’s do this.” Even though I was showing Stella I was confident, I was anything but. I was a nervous wreck thinking about Jude ignoring me again and dealing with Knox. Knox was getting a little bit more bolder showing his affection to me
in front of other people. I knew I had to talk to Stella soon about it, but tonight wasn’t the night. She was so excited about me coming out with her tonight, I didn’t want to ruin her time. I just prayed when she did find out, she would forgive me for keeping it a secret from her.


  When our ride dropped us off at the bar, Glow, there was a line wrapped around the building. “Stella, it’s ten now, by the time we get through this line it’s going to be midnight. Let’s just head now to a local dive, they will have cheaper drinks there anyways.”

  “You’re not wasting that outfit at a dive bar with old biker men. Anyways, you remember Knox’s geeky friend from high school, Ezra Banks. Well supposedly he’s the bouncer here and can get us in. Which is weird, I don’t why they would let him be a bouncer he was always so scrawny.”

  I remembered who she was talking about and no way he was going to let us in underage. Knowing Knox, he probably just said that to get Stella off his back. “There is no way he’s going to let us in and no way I am getting my fake ID confiscated. You know it took me forever to find someone to make one look this real.” I turned to head back to where we got dropped off hoping our ride could come back, but Stella grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me back to the club.

  “Ezra isn’t going to take our ID’s off us. Plus I saw the text between him and Knox. We’re all good, so stop worrying and lets go show you off.” I mumbled an ok and headed off with her, like I said there is no arguing with Stella. Right when we started to walk over and got a view of the front door, Stella stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth was hanging open and by the direction she was staring, my guess was that she hasn’t seen scrawny Ezra in a while. Seriously were all Knox’s friends Adonis looking Gods. Ezra was tan with an old school gentleman haircut, black framed glasses that made him look like Clark Kent, and tattoos covering his bulging biceps.

  “Damn Stella, I guess you haven’t seen Ezra in awhile. No way is he geeky and scrawny like you described.” I had to force her mouth shut and snap my fingers in front of her face to get her attention. Finally, she shook her head and returned to earth.


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