Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1) Page 5

by Kait Rose

  “Shut up. You know that’s not true you bitch.” Stella hissed at her. I didn’t say anything else, but just stared off while flashbacks of Mr. Montgomery on top of me replayed in my head.

  “Let’s go.” Jude shook his head and guided Chanel up the stairs to the back of the class.

  I felt my throat tightening up from being overwhelmed from everything this past weekend to now. I grabbed my bag and rushed towards the door. As soon as I opened it, I crashed into the professor. We ended up falling on the floor with him on top of me. What a great first impression.

  “Look she’s at it again!” Chanel couldn’t keep her mouth closed for the life of her. The whole class started laughing besides Stella and Jude.

  The professor cleared his throat and by god was he the hottest professor I ever had. Add this to the list of shit things happening to me today. I mumbled, “ I’m sorry” and ran out the door. I pray he’ll chalk it up to first day jitters.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I knew Madison had English II because Stella was talking about it to Ezra. I didn’t need to take this course, but I knew you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. I needed to keep telling myself that I didn’t take it to see her. I hoped the more I repeat it, the more I will believe it.

  When I saw her in the hall way, she was staring directly at me and by the look on her face I could tell she needed to say something. I wasn’t in the mood to hear what she had to say, so I grabbed Chanel. That was a mistake I knew I would pay later. Chanel had it in her head that we were a couple, when it all reality we only hooked up a few times. I told her time and time again that it was just sex, but she thinks she will be the one to finally change my ways. I don’t do girlfriends because the one girl I gave my heart to shattered it. I rather stab myself in the heart than ever feel that again.

  I devoured Chanel like I was crazy for her, but hated every second of it. I figured she’s a jealous bitch, so maybe she can break Madison and my hands will be clean. When I felt Madison stop, I figured I’d see hurt or jealousy, not a fucking smirk. The little shit actually smirked at me and I swear I heard her mumble game on. As soon as she walked away, my dick got hard from her challenging me, but than I remembered Chanel was sucking my face off and it deflated.

  I followed Chanel in and I was surprised she stopped in front of Madison. I didn’t think Chanel saw or heard Madison before, but maybe she did. As soon as Chanel called her foster, I wanted to tear her down like I would in the past to anyone who dared to call Madison that. I decided to stay silent because this what I wanted Chanel to do. Right?

  I was shocked to hear Chanel accuse Madison of sleeping with her teacher and then Madison not even denying it. I schooled my face and told Chanel, “Let’s go.” I wanted to know the scoop on Madison and this teacher she apparently slept with. As soon as we sat down, I see Madison running away and into the professor. She turns red when she locks eyes on him and I turn red inside. If she even thinks of touching him, I’m going to show her what’s right in front of her.

  Fuck, I need to get her out of my head. I need to be hating her, not getting jealous of another man touching her. The small voice in my head though is telling me to claim what’s mine. I finally break that thought when I hear Chanel scream, “Look she’s at it again!” Madison gets up and runs out of the room and it’s taking everything in me to stay seated.

  I decided to say fuck it and let’s see where little bird is hiding. I walk out and down the hallway to see her sitting on the bench outside the building. She has her arms wrapped around her legs and a lone tear comes falling down. I walk up behind her and as soon as I do her phone rings.

  She picks up and says, “Fully I need you really bad right now, can I please come in? Ok thanks, see you soon.” I can’t believe she called another guy to go fuck. After seeing her with Myles, then Knox, and hearing she mostly like fucked her teacher, I couldn’t help hide the disgust in my voice.

  “Shouldn’t be surprised that you ended up turning into the town whore. Is that what you do, fuck a different guy every day? From what I’m hearing now is you like old men. I bet you were even low enough to fuck our foster daddy. Did you fuck him long and slow?” As soon as the last word came out of my mouth, I didn’t see Madison’s fist coming to my face. She got me right in the nose and I felt the blood trickling down. What I said was painfully disgusting and I deserved that hit. I expected her to scream at me, but she just started bawling.

  I shook my head in disgust and whispered, “I’m going to break you Madison, so save yourself and leave now.”

  She looked up at me with sad eyes and said, “You can’t break what is already broken.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  After what Chanel and Jude said, I felt empty. Every memory of what Mr. Montgomery did to me came racing back through my head. I tried my hardest to lock those memories inside and to never remember them, but one memory always comes back.

  3 years ago…

  It was the last day of junior year and it was the worst day of the year for me. Everyone’s last day is suppose to be full of excitement of what the summer is going to be, but mine was full of pain. Somehow the one teacher who understood me, Mr. Leonard, was accused of sleeping with me during our after school tutoring sessions. I knew exactly who started that rumor and it was the wicked bitch of the school, Chanel.

  Chanel always had it out for me since Benny, Union Dale’s very own perfect quarterback, asked me out. I turned him down because I just wanted to get through this school year without any trouble. Didn’t matter to Chanel though, she made me her enemy and there was nothing I can do to change her mind. Add to the fact, Mr. Leonard failed her, he was doomed too.

  Delilah and I told the school board that Chanel made it up, but there was no proving she did. They said the tip came in anonymous, but that they have to treat it like it was true until they proved Mr. Leonard was innocent. Even though we proved it was false by the camera footage in the library, the taunting the both of us received never stopped. Mr. Leonard couldn’t get through his first day back and ended up resigning.

  The poor man was sixty years old and didn’t deserve what Chanel did to him. He just had a few more years to go before retirement. She ruined my life and his the most by her stupid jealousy. I ran out of the school skipping last period, it was the last day and after today I could care less. As soon as I got down the steps to the road, I wished I would have just stayed in school and dealt with the rumors.

  A 1959 Corvette pulled up to the curb and the feeling of fear came flooding in. I haven’t seen Mr. Montgomery in a year and I wished I never had to again, but here he was. I needed to run, but I was frozen in place.

  “Get in.” He ordered me without even looking at me. I knew there was no escaping him, he’s a powerful man. As soon as I got in, I saw Chanel snapping a picture of me. It made the fear inside me double, knowing what she would do with that.

  We drove up to his cabin and all I wanted to do is go back in time and beg my father not to kill my mama. I thought it was hell living in that trailer, but being with Mr. Montgomery made living in that trailer look like paradise.

  He shut the car off and motioned me to come inside. I wanted to run, but I knew we were in the middle of nowhere. That conniving asshole knew what he was doing. The last time he touched me, I swore it would be the last.

  As soon as we got in, the disgusting bastard was on top of me. He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall. “Didn’t you remember me telling you, you’re all mine and nobody else’s. I don’t think you remember our little talk, maybe I need to remind you?”

  Before I can protest, his slimy tongue was inside my mouth. I wanted to throw up, but had to take it. I needed to get out of here because there is no way he is ever raping me again. I knew I needed to fight, so as soon as I felt his hand go up my skirt, I bit down hard on his tongue.

  “Somebody is finally fighting back, I like it.” His eyes contradicted
what he said. It looked like he was ready to smash my head into the wall.

  “Fuck you! I’m done with letting you get away with this, I’m telling the police.”

  He laughed straight in my face. “What do you not get yet? I am the mayor, which means the police listens to me not you. You know what, I like this feisty side of you. Maybe I should have waited until now to take your virginity, but your tight little pussy was too hard to resist.”

  Memories resurface and after the day I had today, all the anger came rushing in. I punched him straight in the face and I ran away as fast as I could. I made it down the wooden drive way until he tackled me into the rocks. I smacked my head of the rock and the pain was unbearable. He wrapped his hands around my throat and I saw the blood from my head flowing over his hands. Part of me was scared, but the other part was relieved I didn’t have to deal with him anymore. As soon as I was fading out, I heard a voice in the back screaming stop.


  I woke up to a cold white room with a beeping sound. My head felt like someone hit it with a hammer and it hurt just to keep my eyes open. As soon as I was able to open my eyes all the way, Delilah was standing over me with tears in her eyes.

  “My sweet girl, I am so sorry. I knew something must have happened to you, but I figured you would tell me on your own time. I just never knew it was that bad.” She put her head down on my lap and I was embarrassed she found out like this.

  Everything that happened since the beginning came rushing back to me. It first started with him whipping me if I embarrassed him in front of people. He started to progress later on to stroking himself while whipping me on my bare ass. I knew it was wrong, but he threatened to hurt Jude if I told anyone. Every year it only got worst. I started noticing he would stare directly at my boobs and he wouldn’t even try to hide it unless Jude was around. That was the only time I was free from it was when Jude was around. He didn’t even care if his wife was there.

  When I turned thirteen, Jude ran away. I never told him about Mr. Montgomery because I feared what Mr. Montgomery would do to him if he found out I told. I would have lost him, but now I wish I did say something to him because I lost him anyways. When he left that day it got worse, it was the day Mr. Montgomery took my virginity. It was painful, embarrassing, and I just felt dead inside. With everything that has happened to me, why did this have to happen to? He would rape me every week and the only time I would get a break is if he was out on business. His wife was too consumed with her prescriptions and material things to even take notice. It finally took me burning all Mrs. Montgomery’s clothes and running her car into the house to get me kicked out. It was too public to turn an eye from. He warned me that he knew what I was up too and it wouldn’t be the last time I saw him. Today was the first time since he said it.

  “How did I get here?” I couldn’t look at Delilah because I didn’t want to see her reaction.

  Her voiced cracked and her grip on my hand tightened. When I finally did look up, tears were coming down her cheeks. “Madison, nothing I say will make any of this go away, but know I’ll never let anything bad like that happen to you again. I’ll protect you until the day I die. I won’t fail you again, I promise.”

  I wish I could believe her, but everyone leaves me eventually. I decided to ask her again what happened and she finally said, “A new cop in town was on a run on the trails when he heard you scream. When he ran up on you guys, Mr. Montgomery was choking you. He heard him mumbling about how he was going to. Oh god, I can’t even say it.” Most likely the bastard either said he was going to rape or kill me. At least the second choice would have taken me out of my misery.

  “He’s going to come back for me Delilah. Now that people know, it’s going to be worse. I have to get out of here, he’s probably already waiting for me.” I went to unplug my wires, ready to get out of here before he comes and finds me.

  “Stop dear, that devil of a man is going to spend a long time in jail.”

  Men with that much money and power would get away with murder let alone rape. One day he will get out and I’ll be ready this time.



  Today was an absolute shit show thanks to Chanel and Jude. I tried standing my ground, but once the memories of Mr. Montgomery popped in my head, all bets were off. I tried to do the right thing and talk to Doc, but drowning that demon out of my head sounded better.

  I got in my car and drove to the nearest liquor store and grabbed a bottle of Jameson. I hated drinking, it reminded me of the piece of shit sperm donor that I once called dad. I usually like to smoke weed, but I didn’t want to bring it in Stella’s house. She was cool with it, but the last thing I needed was her parents coming over and our place stinking. I didn’t want them to think I was anything like my parents.

  I knew Stella was going to be waiting for me at home and wanting to talk about what happened before, but I am in no mood to talk about anything. That’s one thing that Knox understood was not wanting to talk about things that upset us, so he gave me a key to escape when Stella got pushy for answers. I figured now is a good time to use the key. I just pray everyone was still in class.

  When I pulled up to Knox’s house, there was a 2018 Bentley in the drive way. For how brand new it was, my guess would be it belonged to Rem Cortez. When I walked in he was sitting at the table with his hands pulling at his hair. He may have not grown up rich, but rick looked good on him. He was in a tailored suit that fit him just right, tall, sharp jawline, and short wavy brown hair. If a certain someone wasn’t occupying my head and heart, I’d be all over that.

  “Looks like someone can use this just as much as me.” I said going past him to the cupboard to take out two shot glasses.

  “And you are?” He looked at me, but he seemed so tired.

  “Madison Bloom. I had a terrible day and Knox gave me this key so I decided to come here and not face his sister’s hundred questions.”

  “Oh so you’re the Madison that has both of my best friends’ undies in a bunch. I can see why. I’m usually not a day drinker, but after the day I had why not.” I wonder why he said that. Knox takes me as a hookup if he’s too lazy to go find someone and Jude pretends I don’t exist, right?

  I poured us both a shot and he lit a joint for us, halleluiah. I held up my shot glass and said, “Here’s to forgetting what fucked up day we had and to getting fucked up instead!”

  Chapter Sixteen


  The one thing that’s been helping me since getting kicked out of the Montgomery’s has been running. I love the rush it gives because my mind is focused on going further and harder than my body is letting me go. I’ve been running for about eight miles when my phone rang.

  “What’s up?”

  “Jude I need a huge favor. I finally got both of the twins from Saturday night to agree to a threesome, but my sister won’t stop calling me about Madison. I guess Maddie had a melt down that has Stella worried. She can’t find her and I accidentally agreed that I would go out and look for her. Can you please do it for me? Just text me when you see her and I’ll let Stella know she’s alright?” Knox had some balls. It pissed me off that he wasn’t putting Madison first. Growing up with her, I put everything aside to protect her and make sure she’s alright.

  “Not trying to be a dick, but you should be more concerned about finding her than how many holes you can put your dick in. I’ll go look for her, but seriously think about what you’re doing.” I hung up before he can make up some lame excuse.

  After what Madison went through today, I figured she would be doing something to try and forget. I ran back to my house to change and grab my car keys. As soon as I walked in, I heard music blasting from the living room. Rem and Madison were laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, and passing a joint to each other.

  “I am declaring you my new best friend Madison. Most don’t get me, but babe you do.” Rem says slurring towards the end. He is one of those sappy drunks where everyone is his best

  “Dude yes!” She said while fist bumping him. She continued to say, “Just don’t end up being a jerk who lies like somebody I used to know.”

  “That’s funny I can say the same thing.”I couldn’t help sneer. I should have just walked away and texted Knox she was safe, but it struck a cord that she is acting like she’s the victim.

  She jumped up from her spot looking shocked as hell, while Rem hit the joint again giving me a head nod. “Fucking damnit to all hell. Can I just have the rest of the day where I don’t have to see or hear you.” Madison went from being drunk and stoned to raging mad. Good, she needs to feel what I’ve been feeling for the last three years.

  “Oh Madison, I don’t think you fully understand that I don’t want you here in this house or this town. By the way this is where I live and right there is the front door, you should go use it.”

  “Fuck dude calm down, you’re killing the vibe. Madison, let’s go back to my place.” Rem couldn’t even get up with the help of Madison. The two idiots fell back down, laughing their asses off. Great this is going to be a long fucking night.

  “Awesome. You two are completely fucked and you're not driving anywhere. My car is in the shop, so it looks like you both are sleeping here.” I headed over to the coffee table and grabbed both their keys heading back to my room to shower. I’m not their babysitter, they can figure out where they’re sleeping.

  After I took a shower, I call Knox to let him know I found her and she’s safe. “Yo man, I walked in and she’s here with Rem getting fucked up. From the looks of the empty bottle of Jameson and the house smelling like Willie Nelson just had a party, they’re in for a fun morning tomorrow.”

  “Fuck. Ok make sure you keep an eye on her. She usually never drinks, but can sure throw them back when she does.

  A few hours have passed and I was surprised to hear them both still laughing. I put some music on to drown their voices out and decided to go to sleep early tonight. It felt like today was the longest day of my life and I was ready for it to be over. When I did finally fall asleep, I felt someone shaking me soon after. I opened one eye surprised to find Madison hovering over me.


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