Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1) Page 12

by Kait Rose

  “You flirting with my girl?” You can tell Knox was kidding, but I ended up spiting my soda all over the place. I forgot he had no idea about Jude and I. I prayed to God Declan didn’t mention anything.

  “Nope Miss Madison here is smitten with someone else. We decided we are strictly best friends.” Knox smiled at me like he was talking about him and started to scarf down his food.

  Rem came over to talk to Knox about the Halloween party they were planning next month, which gave me the opportunity to talk to Declan quick without Knox hearing. “Please don’t mention Jude, he has no idea and it will kill him.”

  Declan leaned over and whispered back, “Your story just keeps getting more complicated, but I wont say a word.”

  I whispered back, “You bet and I promise I’ll explain later.”

  Today was one of the most exhausting days I mentally had. From meeting Declan to seeing Jude with Chanel, it was a rollercoaster of emotions. The only good thing was it took my mind off of what happened Saturday night. I headed inside ready to have another movie marathon with Stella, but she was a little preoccupied. She was fast asleep on the couch, but not alone. She was wrapped up in Ezra arms, both of them fast asleep. I hope one day they realize they’re feelings because I think Ezra is Stella’s person as she is to him.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  The next few weeks were surprisingly uneventful. It was honestly nice for a change. The rumors were completely forgotten and even Chanel backed off of me. Halloween was this weekend which meant the guy’s huge party is this Saturday. I was actually excited and looking forward to it because for once it seemed things were going in my favor.

  Lately lunch time has been my favorite part of the day. Declan hit it off with the rest of my friends, so lately our table has been packed with everyone. Well everyone besides Jude.

  “Guys are you ready for Saturday night?” Knox yelled in excitement. He scooted between Stella and Ezra, knocking Stella right off the bench onto her ass.

  “Rude much.” Knox ignored Stella and went on about the party. The guys ended up being able to rent this creepy warehouse out in the country. The bottom was going to be a haunted house that he got some freshmen to work and the upstairs would be for dancing and drinking.

  “What are you going as?” I asked Declan. He was the only one whose costume I didn’t know. Stella was going as a princess and Brad as her prince. She had no idea that Ezra also planned to be her prince, so the night should be interesting. Knox and Rem were going as the guys from the movie, Night at the Roxbury.

  “Honestly, no idea. How about you?”

  “I’m in the same boat. Want to do something together?” Declan nodded and we went through ideas about what we wanted to do before we came up with the perfect idea.

  “What are you two plotting?” Knox threw a fry at me and surprisingly I caught it with my mouth.

  “Our awesome costume idea for the party.” Knox’s smile fell off his face and you can tell it bothered him that I wanted to dress up with Declan. I really needed to have another conversation about him needing to move on. Declan and me are strictly friends and even with Jude ignoring me, my feelings never went away.

  “Oh you guys are going together?” Declan was usually easy going, but you can tell he was starting to get annoyed with Knox being jealous over anything we did together.

  “Yep as friends like we said.” Declan said to which Knox smiled. I felt eyes on me and looked over at the table closest to the exit. Jude was sitting there sketching and acting like he didn’t just look at me.

  “Be right back.” I don’t know what possessed me to do this, but I went over to Jude. I felt bad he kept himself away when these guys were his friends too. I decided maybe we needed a clean slate.

  “Hey stranger.” He kept sketching not even bothering to look at me. I wasn’t going to let him push me away again. If he honestly didn’t have feelings for me, it was ok. Not that it wouldn’t hurt like hell, but I rather him be my friend than nothing at all.

  “I don’t know what to say to make things better between us, but I’m sorry for what I did in the past. I never meant it.” He snapped his pencil in half by how hard he was gripping it. I feared what would come out of his mouth next.

  Jude took a deep breath and said, “Ok all is forgiven, we’re good.” What? I had a feeling this had to be a joke. No way would he just forgive me and move on without some type of fight.

  “Uh, I’m probably stupid for saying this but are you sure?” I wanted to physically slap myself in the forehead. I should just take the peace offering and go back to my table, but like I said I’m a sucker for punishment.

  “Yep, I’m sure.” He didn’t sound so sure, but I didn’t get a chance to question it further because he was already gone.

  I walked back to my table which everyone went back into their conversations trying to pretend they weren’t just staring at me and Jude. Leave it to Knox though to ask, “What’s going on with you and Jude?”

  This was my opportunity to casually tell Knox we knew each other. “We actually know each other when we were kids and that past is a bit messy, but we cleared the air.” Stella stared at me and I gave her a look I would tell her everything later in private. Everyone, but Knox nodded and continued on what they were talking about.

  “What do you mean you knew each other? Why didn’t you say anything when I introduced you two?” Damnit, I had a feeling Knox wasn’t going to let this go.

  “It was a long time ago when we were friends and we didn’t recognize each other until sometime after. His last name is different now which threw me off.” I prayed he would take my explanation as what it was.

  “Oh yeah, he told me how is name is now James instead of Tyler.” Rem to the rescue thank god, but now I was curious.

  “How did you know he changed his name?”

  “I had to help him fill out forms for school and he had to list his previous names. Apparently, he changed it to the lady who adopted him in high school.” Huh, I never knew he was adopted. I honestly just figured he ran away and crashed with some people he may have known from baseball camp.

  “Ok that make sense. What time are you guys heading to the party?” I changed the subject quick before Knox can ask me anymore questions about Jude.

  “We are going to be there in the morning to set up the decorations. Party starts at eight, so we will probably be there at six to make sure everything is set up.” Ezra said looking at Stella and only Stella. Boy got it bad if you asked me.

  We all said good bye and headed off to our classes, but Stella caught up to me and asked, “What happened back there with Jude?”

  “He’s been avoiding me which isn’t surprising, but I hate that he won’t even sit with the guys because I’m here. I figured I would just apologize for whatever I did in the past that made him so angry.”

  “Did he accept your apology?”

  “Yeah, no, I don’t know. I’m so confused about it. For all the shit he’s been doing to me over whatever he thinks I did in the past, I figured he would put it all out on the table. Instead he just said ok, but I don’t feel like its ok. You know?” Jude was a confusing man, but for some reason it intrigued me more. I wish I could just hate him for sleeping with me and ignoring me after, but I just can’t.

  “The heart wants what the heart wants, but sometimes it takes meeting someone new to get over someone old.” She is right, but what about when you find your person. That person who you can’t live without. It’s crazy thinking Jude could be that person because of all the shit he is putting me through, but not one day since I last saw him did I ever stop thinking about him.

  “Is Brad your someone new?”

  “Don’t make this about me when we’re talking about you. What about Declan? You two seemed to hit it off, maybe you should see if it could be romantic.” I wish it could be that easy.

  “We’re just friends. Besides, he found his someone.”

r />   “Yeah a girl back home. His situation is a little bit more complicated, but I hope it works out for him.” I really do. A few weeks of knowing Declan he was more than what meets the eye. Some may look at him and think he is a total jock, but he was much more than just the hockey player most saw. If you got to know him you would know he had so much love for his Nana, loved all types of literature which inspired him to want to become an English teacher, and he tutored other students to help pay his brother’s tuition. It was sweet of Declan to do that since he was on a full scholarship for hockey and their family was financially drained from his father’s chemo. He had so much heart and I hope one day Abby sees it.

  “Lucky girl. Speaking of him what are you two planning for your costumes?”

  “A surprise, but I got to head out to go shopping. I’ll see you later tonight?”

  “Yeah I’ll be home later. I’m going out for pizza with Brad, I’ll bring you home leftovers.”

  “You’re the best!” I kissed her on the cheek and jogged down to my car. I may not have a mother, but with Delilah and Stella always taking care of me, I think my mama would be happy that they are in my life.

  I headed downtown to a little retro thrift store I’ve seen while out and about. I loved Declan’s idea for our costumes for the party. He was going as Jason and I’m going as a dead camp counselor. I loved the idea since, “Friday the 13th”, is one of my all time favorite Halloween movies and I guess Declan’s too. Maybe because I was thinking of horror movies, but I noticed a black car driving slowly behind me. By the time I got to the thrift store, it sped away and I chalked it up to me just being paranoid.

  I was able to find retro booty shorts and tube socks. Luckily, I had a Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt back home. I was at the checkout ready to buy my things when suddenly I felt someone staring at me. I looked back and I briefly saw a woman turn abruptly from the window outside. It honestly looked like Mrs. Montgomery, but she wouldn’t be ten feet within a thrift store if it was the last clothing store in the world. I really needed to stop watching horror movies.

  “Hello?” My phone rang showing Doc’s name on the screen.

  “Hello Madison. How are you today?”

  “I’m doing good. How’s the boring office life?” I loved to bust his balls and I think he looked forward to it too.

  “How can it be boring when you’re my patient. How’s school?”

  “School is school, but I’m passing all my classes.”

  “That’s good to hear. How’s Declan?” For the love of God.

  “What is with you and everyone asking about Declan and me? Is it somewhere written down that a man and a woman can’t just be friends? We will only be friends and that is it.”

  “No it is not written down and I am strong believer that you can be friends with the opposite sex. I was asking how Declan is because last session you told me you made a new friend who is dealing with losing their father.” Shit, my bad.

  “Oh… I’m sorry. Everyone’s just been trying to push us together. Well everyone besides Knox and Jude. Declan is doing ok. Sometimes he likes to talk about his dad and other days he acts like nothing has happened.”

  “The best thing you can do is be an ear when he needs you to listen and a shoulder to cry on if needed too. I have to ask though, why not give Declan a chance? It seems like you two hit it off and have a lot of things in common.”

  “He’s attractive, but you know deep down to your bones when you find your person that’s it. I knew that when I was ten years old and Jude knocked the spaghetti sauce all over this bitch named Bethany. He tried telling me they did it to all of the new students as a welcoming hazing, but I knew it was a lie. I always pretended I didn’t have a clue when he would stick up for me against the bullies.”

  “Wow you two have a long history together. Do you really think though you can love like that at such a young age?”

  “Love doesn’t have an age. Was it bad timing because we were so young? Yes, but you can’t control when you meet your soulmate. All you can do is realize it might not be the best timing, but if it’s meant to be, the right time will come.” I never thought I would be one of those girls who believe in romance like Stella.

  “Those are some wise words. I hate to bring it up, but what happens if Jude doesn’t share those feelings back? I know I am your therapist, so excuse the informality, but it really grinds my gears what he has been doing to you.” Me too Doc. Me too.

  “He honestly probably doesn’t feel the same and I’m ok with it. I know one day I need to move on, but I can’t give my heart away when he hasn’t given it back yet. Trust me I would love to love someone like Declan, but the last thing I am going to do is jump in and not have both feet in the water. Look what happened with Knox.”

  “Madison I am so proud of you. You seem like you are coming a long way since you moved down there. I’m happy you’re staying real about the situation and I hope for you it works out. Just do me a favor and if you do meet someone that has the potential to be your person, don’t rule them out quick.” Dr. Fully was probably one of the realist therapists I’ve had.

  “Doc, I already have. I have to get ready for the party tonight, talk to you on Monday?”

  “Very well, talk to you soon.” Doc said with a hint of amusement.

  I have no idea if Jude feels any certain way about me like I do about him. Some may even say I am crazy for even having feelings for someone who has been so awful to me. There are times where I wish I can just shut my feelings off for him and there are times I tried, but it’s like telling your heart to stop beating.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  I was never one who would get overly excited about parties, but when it came to Halloween, I was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. I love that it was the one day I could pretend to be someone else for the night. It was always a well needed break even when I was a kid.

  “Do you have any pink lipstick? I ended up losing mine and…woah!” Stella was always the one who loved dressing in princess or glam outfits for Halloween, but I on the other hand like the horror side. I was dressed in my Camp Crystal Lake counselor t-shirt with retro shorts, and tube socks. I may have went a little over board with the fake blood and rips in my shirt, but I was going more of the trying to survive a serial killer versus slutty camp counselor.

  “Like it? Top drawer in my night stand there should be one.” I finished with the last spot of blood and went to my closet to put my converse on.

  “I love the retro outfit, but the blood not so much.” Stella was never one for any horror movies that featured blood, so most movies she has never seen.

  “Holy shit, what happened to being a princess?” I turned around to see Stella in the classic Playboy bunny outfit with thigh highs and black heels.

  “Well Ezra overheard what I was planning and I found out he bought a prince costume. Brad will literally flip out because he is going as Trojan with the rest of his frat. I can’t show up matching with Ezra, so I picked something he would never think I would wear.” She did a little spin around and she honestly looked great.

  “You look hot. Knox and Ezra are in for a surprise.” I started to laugh and so did Stella. She knew too that both of them were going to go ballistic when they see her.

  “Honestly I’m more dressed than any of Knox’s flings combined. Ezra on the other hand has no right to say anything about the way I dress.” True, but it still will hurt him seeing all the guys and Brad stare at her. I hope one day she realizes that Ezra is in love with her.

  “Very true.”

  We decided we were going to go with Declan, so we both did about three shots while we waited for him. Stella was already starting to get buzzed and I was feeling about the same.

  The door bell rang and I decided to have a little fun before we left. I answered the door and whispered to Declan, “Stella is almost drunk and I want to play a little prank. Will you chase me into the kitchen where she is at?” He nodded his
head eagerly and we both gave each other a fist bump.

  I started to run towards the kitchen while screaming, “Help Me! Help Me!” Stella jumped off the stool, but when she saw Declan, she darted right out the kitchen door. So much for helping me. Declan and I fell into a fit of laughter to the point where we were both on the ground.

  “Real funny guys. I almost peed myself you scared me so bad.” Stella was easy to frighten and it wasn’t the first or last time I have done something like this on Halloween to her.

  “At least I know if there is ever a serial killer trying to kill me, you’ll be the first out the door.”

  “Learn to run faster.” What a smart ass she is.

  “Are you guys ready?” Declan shook his keys in his hand and we all headed towards his car. The rest of the guys were already there making sure everything was going to plan.

  “Are we picking up Brad or is he meeting you there?” I asked Stella since I had no idea what the plan was for tonight.

  “He’s going to show up with his frat and then come find me.”

  “Brad Reynolds?” Declan asked Stella.

  “Yeah that’s him. Are you guys friends or something?”

  “Knew him when we played football as kids.” Declan really didn’t elaborate much more than that, but his tone sounded like there was more. I had to try to remember when the next time I am alone with Declan to ask him more about Brad.

  The rest of the ride was all of us trying to sing to the radio. The warehouse was in the country side, so the radio signal was fading in and out to where we had to try and remember the lyrics. We laughed while Stella kept messing up and I felt like it was a good start of the night.

  “We are here ladies.” I stopped singing and looked out the window to see the creepy warehouse were the party was happening. All around the warehouse was Halloween decorations and college kids in costumes with red solo cups. You can see the strobe lights and fog through the building’s windows.

  “The guys really went all out on this.” Declan said and both me and Stella agreed. The inside of the warehouse looked like Halloween threw up. Spider webs covered every surface, orange and purple lights looked over the dance floor, and there were mannequins dressed like Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Jason Vorhees, and others.


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