The Russian Reborn

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The Russian Reborn Page 8

by Red Phoenix

  That kind of mettle is as beautiful as that wild hair and her brown eyes, which shine bright.

  I hold out my instrument to her and command, “Kiss my ’nines in gratitude.”

  She looks up at me as she kisses it tenderly with those full lips.

  Smiling at her, I start caressing her body with the leather tails of the cat o’ nines. Goosebumps rise on her skin as she reacts to its gentle touch.

  She knows it will soon demand more of her.

  I drag the leather over her large breasts, and watch in satisfaction as her nipples contract into hard buds. Taking my time, I acclimate her body to the gentle caress, noting how wet it makes her.

  Swiping my hand between her legs, I make her cry out as I tease her clit with my vigorous rubbing. I could make her come right now, but I want to prolong her climax so that the release is all that much more intense.

  Without giving her satisfaction, I command her to lift her arms and bind both wrists above her head, making sure to leave enough slack so her body won’t be overly taxed in this position.

  Moving back, I ask, “Are you ready, cee?”

  She shivers in anticipation, answering with certainty in her voice, “Yes, Rytsar.”

  I like the way my name rolls off her tongue, and I smile as I deliver my first stroke.

  Her cry of surprise is priceless.

  “Color, cee?”

  She pants out her answer. “Gr…een.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, smirking.

  Turning her head, she flashes a beautiful smile. “Absolutely.”

  I feed off her enthusiasm, testing her as I apply strokes of different intensity. I purposely do not break the skin, only leaving beautiful red welts over her body.

  I am not surprised to find that she has a strong pain tolerance. It allows me to take her farther than most subs new to my cat o’ nines.

  When I have her tearful and trembling, I lay my ’nines down and pick up my Magic Wand. Wrapping an arm around her, I growl low. “Come for me.”

  I turn on the Magic Wand and press it against her clit. Her body is so primed for release that she orgasms the moment the vibrating tool makes contact.

  Cee cries out in ecstasy for all in the dungeon to hear.

  I pull it away afterward and ask, “Would you like another?”

  “Yes…” she murmurs breathlessly, flying on endorphins and the last pulses of her climax.

  I press the vibrating wand against her swollen sex again and watch in satisfaction as her body is rocked by another powerful orgasm.

  While she stands there swaying in her bonds, I step back to deliver another round of strokes from my ’nines. I cover her back with its painful caress, praising her as the tails of the instrument dance across her mottled skin.

  This time, when I stop, I do not rely on a tool but my own touch to bring her to multiple orgasms. Her cries of passion resonate throughout the dungeon, making her the center of attention.

  I’m certain I now have the other Doms questioning why they passed on her before, and I suspect several will be approaching her once the two of us are finished here.

  But, they will have to be patient, because I am not finished with her yet.

  “Are you ready for your last round?”

  She is slow to answer, flying on the waves of the sub high I’ve carefully crafted for her.

  “Yes…Master of pain.”

  I smile to myself, liking that title.

  Grateful for her trust and submission, I reward cee with challenging strokes that send her higher without breaking her subspace.

  By the end of our session, she is completely drenched in sweat and tears, but that beautiful smile does not leave her face, even after I free her from the bindings.

  “My beautiful warrior sub,” I say proudly as I help her to a nearby bench to sit.

  She stares as me with half-lidded eyes and that charming smile. I can tell she wants to say something to me but is unable to form words just yet.

  I wait, looking at her with genuine admiration. I know we needed each other tonight. In me, she found acceptance and blessed relief, while I have reclaimed my purpose.

  In a world of constant pain, a sadist’s skill has immense worth. My scene with cee has reminded me of that tonight.

  I will not doubt myself again.

  In a hoarse whisper, her throat raw from her screams of pleasure and pain, cee tells me, “You set me free.” There are tears in her eyes.

  I kiss her on the lips. “Your strength inspired me.”

  She shakes her head, and that shyness I saw earlier suddenly returns.

  I lift her chin up. “Da.”

  A red blush colors her cheeks.

  I watch with pride as several Doms walk toward us, hoping to have an opportunity to speak with her.

  I kiss her one last time. “You hold the power. Choose wisely, my warrior sub.”

  I leave cee, certain that she has cemented her place in this community as firmly as I have.

  Seeking out Thane, I find him enjoying a spanking session with two enthusiastic subs. When he looks up momentarily, he notices me, and I give him a nod of thanks.

  Thane smiles, his eyes flashing with the thrill that Dominance brings as he turns his attention back on the two subs eagerly awaiting pleasure at his hand.

  I cross my arms in satisfaction, glancing around the dungeon, certain of my place in the world.

  Nothing can shake me now.

  The Submissive Training Center

  Thane asks Anderson and me to meet him at the library, hinting that he has something extremely important to share.

  When we arrived, Thane rushes over with a wide smile on his face “I was able to get an invitation for us to observe an auction at the Submissive Training Center.”

  “You’re pulling my leg,” Anderson grins, not taking him seriously. “That place is impossible to get into because of their extensive vetting process for Doms.”

  “You’re right,” Thane agrees. “However, we’re going there purely as observers and have been granted special permission.”

  I scratch my chin, rough with stubble from having forgotten to shave in the morning. “I’m impressed, moy droog. The school has quite the reputation, even in Russia. I’ve always been curious what the Center’s elite submissives were like.”

  “I’m curious, as well,” Thane agrees, his eyes flashing with rare excitement. “I’ve been interested in the inner workings of the school ever since I first heard about it from several of the Doms at the dungeon.”

  I understand Thane’s attraction to the Training Center because he has a natural talent for teaching. Me, on the other hand? I’m simply interested in the submissives themselves.

  “How exactly were you able to secure an invite for all three of us?” Anderson asks, clearly still doubting his claim.

  The guy’s excitement is contagious when he answers, “You know what they say about being in the right place at the right time?”

  “Sure,” Anderson says, encouraging him to continue.

  “I happened to be waiting at the bus stop when an unusual couple sat down beside me. I couldn’t help noticing she seemed overly intent on her partner. When I spied the thin collar around her neck, I suspected that it must be a D/s pairing. But it wasn’t until he whispered, ‘Straighten your back and keep your hand on me at all times,’ that I realized I was witnessing a submissive in training.

  “I’ll admit I was intrigued and stared at them until the man called me on it by asking, ‘Is there something I can help you with?’”

  Thane chuckled. “I was caught off guard by the question and was more than a little embarrassed, but that feeling only intensified when I met the man’s gaze.” He shook his head, looking amused. “There is something definitely intense about Marquis Gray.”

  I feel as if I’ve heard that name before and ask, “Who is he?”

  Thane grins, his eyes glinting when he tells me, “Turns out I was speaking to a trainer at the Submissive Tr
aining Center, who was out on a practicum with one of his students.”

  “No way!” Anderson exclaims.

  “Can you believe it?” Thane responds, more excited than I have ever seen him. “The two of us hit it off, so I shared my respect for what the school is doing for submissives, as well as my own curiosity about the program itself.”

  “Marquis Gray was interested in hearing my thoughts after observing one of their auctions, and invited me to observe one.” Thane looks at us both and grins. “But what fun would that be if you two weren’t there with me? So, I asked if he’d be willing to also invite the two men who’ve helped in my journey to become a Dominant.”

  “Well, that was ballsy of you,” Anderson replies with admiration, sweeping his hair back.

  Thane shrugs modestly. “Get this. He was actually interested to hear that we were working together and mentioned the Training Center had started a new training program for Dominants just last year.

  “You don’t say…” Anderson responds, appearing more interested than ever.

  Thane turns to me. “You’re unusually quiet, Durov.”

  “I haven’t seen you like this before, comrade. I’m finding it…amusing.”

  He smirks. “Glad I can entertain you.”

  “When is the auction?” I ask.

  “Next Saturday. Needless to say, I’m hoping we get a tour of the Training Center afterward.”

  “Wouldn’t that be cool?” Anderson agrees.

  Even though I have no interest in training a sub or the learning process behind it, I’m grateful to have an opportunity to peek inside the world-renowned school. I know that several of my fellow sadists back in Russia will be jealous when they hear that I’ve been.

  We arrive at the school an hour before the auction begins, as per Marquis Gray’s request. The school itself is a large brick building, but nothing of note to hint at what’s happening inside.

  Anderson seems to be in a particularly slaphappy mood and keeps elbowing me as we walk up to the entrance of the school. I give him a hearty shove and laugh when he loses his balance and almost hits the pavement. Thane gives us both an unamused look.

  Despite our shenanigans, as soon as we walk through the doors, we drop our foolishness. Thane walks up to the information desk to speak with the receptionist. “Hello. We were invited to observe the auction today.”

  “Oh, yes. Marquis Gray informed me that you were coming. I’ll let him know you’re here.” As she picks up the phone, a man behind us states, “No need, Ms. Dunningham.”

  The three of us turn around at the same time. In front of us stands a thin man with dark eyes and unusually pale skin. The thought crosses my mind that he might be a real live vampire, and I smile to myself.

  “Does something amuse you?” he asks me.

  For some odd reason, this man renders me mute, and I just shake my head.

  He then turns his attention to Thane. “Welcome to the Submissive Training Center, Sir Davis. I take it these are the two gentlemen you spoke so highly of?”

  Thane nods, seemingly as mute as I am. He quickly recovers, however, and introduces Anderson first. “This is my friend, Master Brad Anderson.”

  Marquis Gray holds his hand out to him. “A pleasure to meet a friend of Sir Davis.”

  Anderson shakes his hand vigorously. “The pleasure is mine, sir.”

  “You may call me Marquis Gray.”

  “Will do.” Anderson glances at Thane for a moment, then suddenly clears his throat, becoming more serious. “I want to thank you for including me today.”

  The trainer smiles slightly. “You can thank your friend for that.”

  Anderson glances in my direction, giving me a nervous wink.

  I’m dumbfounded. What it is about this man that has all of us off balance?

  Thane turns to me next. “This is my other good friend Rytsar Durov.”

  I inadvertently hold my breath as I shake Marquis Gray’s hand and meet his gaze.

  He says nothing for several minutes, staring intently into my eyes, before asking, “Why are you here?”

  I’m unsure why he’s asking me that and say, “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to observe an auction at the Center.”

  The man does not seem satisfied with my answer and asks again, “Why are you here?”

  I shake my head, getting the uncomfortable feeling that he is asking something more profound than I’m prepared to answer.

  Thane wasn’t kidding about the man being intense!

  I let out my breath slowly when he finally turns his attention back on Thane. “Let me show you the way.”

  Marquis Gray thanks the receptionist before leading us to the elevator. As he presses the button to the lower level, he explains, “You are only here to observe. We have an area set aside for you. Understand, you are not to interact with the vetted Doms nor with any of the submissives you might come in contact with.”

  I click my tongue in disappointment on hearing that the submissives are off limits, but then immediately regret it when his eyes return to me. “Do you have an issue with that, Rytsar Durov?”


  The man nods, accepting my answer before ushering us into the open elevator.

  I look up at the ceiling to avoid further eye contact with him. I’m used to making others feel intimidated in my presence, not the other way around.

  I brave a glance at Thane, who appears to have a slight smile on his lips. Is he finding my discomfort amusing?

  I chuckle under my breath, surprised to find myself in this odd situation.

  Marquis’s attention is back on me. “You seem to be either highly entertained or uneasy. Which is it?”

  Suspecting the man won’t let me be until I answer him, I tell him the truth. “It’s the latter.”

  “Ah…” he states, saying nothing more.

  I feel only relief when the doors open. I step out into a large commons area lined with college classrooms. At one end of the commons sits a temporary stage with a partition. I have to assume that that’s where the auction will take place.

  Marquis Gray leads the three of us to the left side of the stage. “You will stand behind the line taped on the floor once the auction begins. We want you up close so that you can observe everything that takes place, but I must remind you again, you are not to speak to or interact with any of our guests. This is a courtesy to you. Do not abuse it.”

  Once we all agree, Marquis takes us back behind the partition and walks us over to a smaller man with a wiry frame.

  “Mr. Gallant, these are the three I was telling you about.”

  The man is busy setting things up, but stops his work, breaking into a smile when he sees us.

  The warmth of his smile instantly puts me at ease. Holding out his hand, he shakes each of ours, explaining, “I’m a teacher here—not to be confused with one of the trainers.”

  “What’s the difference?” Anderson asks.

  “Great question, Mr. Anderson,” he replies, his smile widening. “I teach in a classroom.” He points to a room where I can see a row of desks and a large whiteboard on the wall. “I cover the basics with the submissives, whereas a trainer like Marquis Gray actually works with the submissive during their practicums, where they can experience what we’ve talked about in class.”

  Thane speaks up. “Does that mean you don’t physically train the submissives yourself?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “How many trainers are there per course?” Thane asks, clearly intrigued.

  “We have four trainers on the panel.”

  “Why so many?” I ask, thinking it seems excessive to me.

  Mr. Gallant’s eyes flash with pride. “We believe having the unique perspective of four trainers gives our submissives the highest chance of success outside these walls.”

  “That makes a lot of sense,” Thane says, nodding his approval.

  “But you don’t think it’s overkill?” I ask, pressing the man for the fun of

  “Not at all. We want our students to experience as much as possible during the six-week course, and having a panel of four allows us to do that effectively.”

  I like that Mr. Gallant answers each question with thoughtful consideration. I can see why he has been given such an important position in the school.

  Thane is obviously fascinated by what he’s shared. “You mentioned practicums. Does that mean the trainers scene with each submissive?”

  “The course is customized for the individual student, and the most qualified trainer or trainers are chosen for each particular lesson based on their skill and experience in that area.”

  “I’ve heard that submissives who graduate from your school are highly sought after and are some of the best-trained in the world,” Anderson states.

  “They are, and do you want to know why?” Gallant asks.

  He has my attention now.

  “People mistakenly think we train our students to meet the needs of a variety of Dominants, but that’s not what we do here. We allow our students to explore their BDSM tendencies in the safety of this controlled environment, while correcting and critiquing them. It makes for a submissive who is confident in their skill and knows where their true passions lie.”

  Thane rubs his chin, smiling. “My mind is blown. This school is everything I’d hoped it would be and more.”

  Mr. Gallant nods, glancing briefly at his watch. “Our students are about to arrive, so I must ask you to take your places.”

  We walk back to the area and watch staff members scurry about as they finish setting up for the auction. Not long after, the vetted Doms and Dommes arrive. Most of them gather in groups, speaking quietly amongst themselves. It seems they know each other, but I notice a few stand back, choosing not to interact with the others as they wait for the auction to begin.

  If having observers attend were unusual, one wouldn’t know it. Not one person glances in our direction, leaving us plenty of time to stand quietly contemplating our own thoughts.

  And the only thing I can think about is Marquis Gray’s question.


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