The Hunter's Warrior

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The Hunter's Warrior Page 5

by Bryce Evans

  “Hey, guys, come sit with us,” Quinn said, waving.

  Raven’s shoulders slumped, but it was Quinn and he really liked Jade and Quinn. Both had been great friends to his sister Riley and to him. He hated to say no, but Raven moved to sit with them.

  He didn’t know why Raven didn’t like the girls, but he could tell she didn’t want to sit with them.

  As soon as they sat, Lennox asked. “What have you found out?”

  Raven didn’t look like she was going to talk so he answered for them. “Not a lot, except Boris Connor and Wyatt Benjamin both lost their wives two years ago in a car accident. Benjamin lost his son as well, but it never said anything about where it happened or how. This is too coincidental. We went to talk to Calum and he got upset at first because Boris is some big wig vampire and an elder on the vampire council. They seem to be good friends too. But Calum came back and told us what he knew and said he would find out more for us.”

  Arden Dixon leaned forward. “You think he will say anything to Boris?”

  Both Jade and Quinn said at the same time, “No. Calum wouldn’t do that.”

  “How do you know, baby. You heard Caz. He’s good friends with him,” Arden added.

  “Calum O’Keefe may be a lot of things but he would never do that to us. I would bet my life on it,” Jade answered, shaking her head.

  Lennox placed his hand over Jade’s. “I agree with my mate. Calum won’t say anything. If it turns out to be true, Boris needs to watch his back. Calum will not let this lie by the wayside. This would be considered a crime against the whole vampire race. Add in that they took Calum’s mate and planned to send her to wherever they are taking everyone. Like Jade, I believe you can trust him.”

  He noticed Raven never said a word which was odd, but Jade wasn’t that talkative either and that was unusual. Teresa walked in and took orders. When she started at the other end, he leaned over and whispered in Raven’s ear, “What’s wrong?” He had never seen her act like this.

  She didn’t say anything. Just shook her head and picked up her menu, stopping the conversation. Caz listened to the others as they discussed politics inside the Dixon pack but he continued to watch Jade. She never once looked at Raven or talked much to the others. Like him, she just listened.

  Both of them sat in silence as everyone talked and ate their dinner. He didn’t like it that she wasn’t eating much. She just sat and every now and then he would catch her glancing up at Jade, but not one look, glance, or word came from their alpha’s mate.

  When dessert was brought to the table, Raven leaned over to him. “I’m done, so I’ll see you back at the house. I’m going to run back.”

  He stared at her and before she could get up, he stood. “Thanks for letting us eat with you, but we’ve got lots to do. Talk to you later.” Caz laid down a handful of cash and waited for Raven, who never said bye. She just got up and followed him out of the restaurant.

  “Get in,” he said before she could run off.


  He grabbed the passenger door and opened it. “Please, get in.”

  She sighed but obeyed. He waited until she was pulling her seat belt on before he closed the door. When he glanced at the restaurant window, every wolf and bear was watching them. He gave them a smile and wave and got into the truck. Shifters were curious and nosey creatures by nature. These people were no different. Even the humans were watching them.

  “Good grief, you would think they hadn’t seen us before,” Caz said as he got in the truck.

  Raven didn’t smile. She just stared them all down until they went back to their meal. “Nosey shifters. I should have known better than to come on spaghetti night. It brings them all in.”

  They drove with no words until he finally asked, “You going to tell me what’s going on between you and Jade?”

  “What are you talking about?” Raven continued to stare out the passenger side window, acting like she was looking for something.

  “Come on, Raven. I’ve never seen that woman when she is not talking or happy. But not one time did she look at you or smile. Are you both mad at each other?”

  Raven exhaled loudly. “I think she’s mad at me.”

  “Why?” He knew why. He had already heard how she treated Jade. Ignored her like she didn’t exist. And now, it was bothering her. It was written all over her face.

  “Because I’m a bitch. I don’t mean to be, but…”

  “But what? Do you not like Jade? She’s got to be the most...sweetest woman I’ve ever met. How could you not?”

  Raven looked at him and crossed her arms across her chest. “I do like her. But all she has to do is get to know me and I will get attached. Then she will start to hate me. Just like all the others...I’m, I’m just different. I don’t do girly stuff. I don’t go shopping, or gossip, and I don’t tell people my secrets. I’ve watched them all together and they have their own speech and half the time I have no clue what they are talking about. I just don’t fit in. So I distance myself. It’s better for her too.”

  “You mean better for you, so you don’t get hurt. But I’ve watched you with the other hunters. You cut up with them, smile around them. Why can’t you do the same with the girls? I think they would surprise you and like you a lot.” Caz pulled over before he got to the front gate. “Sometimes you have to put yourself out there and try again. I don’t think Jade and Quinn are like the girls in your past, Raven. But if we close ourselves off from all the possibilities out there...well, we miss so much in life. Plus, you need some friends that are girls.”

  “Why? Tell me, why do I need more friends. I have enough here. The hunters are my friends. I hang out with them, go to the movies with them. We watch TV together. Just like me and you, we went to eat together. See, friends I have enough.” Raven turned away from him and crossed her arms tighter against her chest.

  Shaking his head, Caz started to feel his heart squeeze harder. Raven wanted Jade and the other girls to be her friends, but she was so scared they would hate her. He was on a mission now. And no matter what, he would make it happen. Whether she liked it or not. He needed to call Riley and get her involved and she seemed to really like Greer. Maybe she would help too.

  Raven tossed and turned all night. Trying to remember when she got so stupid. Why, why did she tell that man anything? He practically said it last night that something had to be wrong with her if she didn’t like Jade. But she did like her, but she already knew how it would end.

  At first, everything would be great, then they would get bored with her when she didn’t ask any questions or give them feedback about how her life was going. Then they would turn on her, start to make fun of her, and do it right in front of her.

  Of course, she would beat the crap out of them, but sadly she wouldn’t get any satisfaction from it. Nobody else would come near her. She would be known as the girl who beat you up. So she just kept to herself. Eventually, they would move on to someone else because they were afraid of her.

  She got up, too restless to stay indoors. Maybe she would go for a run. Nobody was up yet and she wasn’t hungry. Stepping outside, it was a beautiful day. But she felt off. Then the scent hit her. Peaches!

  Slowly she turned and found where the scent was coming from, and oh, what a wonderful scent it was. Drifting on the wind as he pushed his leg out making the swing rock back and forth. “Beautiful morning.”

  She didn’t answer. Instead she walked to him and he scooted over so she could sit. “I thought I would go to town today. I need to go over some stuff with Riley. After that, we can go talk to Calum. He sent me a text and asked for us to meet him at the bakery.”

  “The bakery. Why there?”

  “Maybe he likes Simone’s honey buns. So you ready to go?”

  Raven got up. “Let me get my money.”

  Caz waited at the truck and smiled when he saw Raven had slung a purse across her chest. She looked like a regular girl except she was so much prettier. Gorgeous and she didn�
��t even know it. He wanted to laugh. She simply didn’t care either.

  As she jumped in the truck, she said, “I need to buy some clothes. I forgot that Lennox paid me back for my ruined jeans. And I plan on spending every dime of his money.”

  “Jade will be there. Saw her this morning leaving for work,” Caz teased.

  “So what. Look I told you all that in confidence and you talked about trust so I hope you can keep your mouth shut. I guess we will see how much you can be trusted,” Raven said as she strapped her seat belt on.

  Caz snorted. “Ah, so this is a test?”

  “Exactly, hot shot. I have no doubt you will fail. You’re a helper. Someone who can’t stand it and has to step in and try to help a person. It’s simple. You can’t help yourself.”

  Sitting up higher in his seat, he really didn’t know how to answer that. This woman was driving him crazy. He was highly attracted to her, and in one day, she already knew how much he loved helping others. He already had a plan in place. If he broke it, she would hate him, and if he didn’t do something, he wouldn’t be able to stand himself.

  What should he do? Well, could he do nothing and let her stay lonely? Shaking his head, he knew the answer. There was only one choice because Raven was right, he was a helper. He just had to.

  As they got out of the truck, he saw Jade, Quinn, and Simone in the store talking. He glanced at Raven and she noticed it too. “You want to go with me. I won’t be long. Just need to sign some stuff and give something to Riley.”

  Raven swallowed hard as she stared in the window. “No, I’ve got to get some clothes. I’ll be in here.”

  He watched as Raven squared her shoulders and walked to the door of Southern Treasures. She could handle this, but just in case, he would hurry.

  Chapter Eight

  They all turned as she entered the store. Not one of them smiled at her or even ran over to greet her. Instead they turned back around and whispered. She guessed she deserved it. Instead she walked to the blue jeans and started looking. She expected Jade to rush over, but this time she didn’t. Instead, she went to her counter and took pieces of jewelry out of the boxes.

  When Raven turned, she almost slashed her claws out as Quinn stood in front of her. “Can I help you?”

  They both just stared at each other. Of course, she could have been ugly and made a smart comment about sneaking up on shifters, but she didn’t. “I need to buy some clothes.”

  Quinn’s eyebrows pulled down into a fierce frown. “I can help you with that.”


  “Exactly, what are you looking for?” Quinn asked.

  Raven glanced at Jade who was watching, but as soon as she saw her look at her, she went back to unpacking boxes. “I ripped my new blue jeans and I need a couple more pairs.”

  “You like the ones you have on?”

  Looking down at her pants, she nodded. “I love how these fit.”

  “These are my newest lines by Shine. They fit you like a glove and are very flexible. I know why you like them. Now these are another pair, not as flexible, but still a good pair of jeans. But for your line of work, I would go with the Shine. They cost more but well worth it.”

  Quinn started pulling jeans out and continued to flip through the racks. “Do you want some clothes that are not just for work but for dressing up?” She motioned for Alex standing behind the counter.

  Raven watched as Alex smiled at her. “Can you set up dressing room #2 and put these in there for her to try on. Raven will have a lot to try on today.” Quinn looked determined.

  “All I need is a--” Raven stopped talking when the hybrid’s head jerked up and dared her to say another word. For some reason, Quinn Dixon scared her. She knew she was a powerful witch and wolf. Her grandmother, Scarlett, was an Old One and Raven knew better than to get on the bad side of the oldest witches.

  Quinn was whisking through the racks at a frantic pace. She hadn’t said she liked that shirt. “Hey, I just want--”

  “Alex, show Raven where to sit until I find her the proper clothes.” Her hand whipped out and she couldn’t help but jump back. Her hands had power in them, and she didn’t want to be a casualty of a mistake. “Go, go, and let me work my magic.”

  Jerking her head to the side, Raven looked at Jade, who was also watching Quin add more and more clothes to the pile Alex was holding. Even Jade looked shocked. Maybe it was fear, but that was her best friend.

  It wasn’t until Quinn’s head practically twisted around and stared at her. “Why are you still standing here?”

  Raven was in the corner in two seconds flat. Yep, Quinn Dixon scared the hell out of her.

  She paced the floor wondering why Quinn wanted her to go to this particular room. It was set up for women who liked to shop. A wedding cake podium stood in the middle with mirrors all around. There was no way she was doing that. All she wanted was a pair of jeans and a couple of T-shirts.

  Her eyes widened as Alex, Jade, and Quinn walked in the room carrying loads of clothes. “I’m not--”

  Quinn dropped the clothes on a table and whisked her hand out. She closed her mouth before she turned it on her.

  “Yes, you will. I’m sick of seeing a Death Hunter wear the same old and I mean old clothes out. You should have pride in how you look. Plus, little miss, I know how much Death Hunters make. You must rake in a killing each year. Now scoot on in there and try this on first. And before you ask, come out and walk up here so we all can see it.”

  Jade and Alex watched her as she thought about standing her ground. The light shakes of Jade’s head let her know that Quinn was not in the mood and might do something drastic.

  Instead of walking out, Raven blew out a heavy breath and took the clothes Alex held up for her. Stomping her feet, she went into the dressing room.

  Why was she doing this? Raven jerked her shirt over her head then put the sundress on. As she smoothed it down, she liked the color on it.

  “Hurry, we have a lot to try on,” Quinn rattled off. She walked out and all three girls gasped.

  Raven glanced down at the dress. “What? I knew it wouldn’t work on me.”

  “Stand right here.” Quinn grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of the platform. “Look at yourself, Raven. Look how beautiful you are.”

  As soon as Quinn stepped back, she got a good look at herself in the mirror. She stared into the glass. She couldn’t remember ever wearing a dress. The foster homes never got her one and she never felt like the other girls that wore them.

  “You look beautiful,” Jade whispered as she stood to the side of her. Looking into the mirror, she smiled back at her alpha female.

  “Okay, try this on next.” Quinn pulled her down and shoved her to the dressing room.

  Laying the dress to the side trying not to get it dirty, she tried on another sundress. Tears filled her eyes as she stared into the mirror. Nobody had ever told her she was beautiful. Nobody ever bought her a new dress.

  “Come on, Raven. I don’t have all day,” Quinn whined.

  Jade popped her head into the dressing room and came to her side. “Are you okay? You don’t have to try anything else on. I will handle Quinn, but you are so pretty, Raven.”

  Wiping the tears as they fell down her face, she whispered, “Thank you. I’ve never worn a dress before.”

  The gasp from Jade made her turn to look at her. “Then maybe it’s time for a change because you are simply beautiful and everyone needs to see that. Do you like the sundress?”

  Raven moved her hand down the material. She liked how it felt. The fabric was so soft. “Yeah, it feels good against my skin.”

  Jade smiled. “I think you should get these two for sure. Plus, Lennox owes you some new clothes and if he doesn’t want to pay for them, well, I will.”

  “Why would you do that for me? I’ve been...been awful to you. I’m sorry about that. I guess I don’t know how to act around females. The ones I knew as a child were total bitches to me and made my life hel
l. I never had any female friends, so dresses weren’t what I ever wore. I never went anywhere so it was never an issue.”

  She watched the mate of her alpha square her shoulders and push her hand out to her. “Well, if you would let me, I can be your first friend. And you look beautiful in the dress.”

  Raven studied Jade. She was serious and no matter how bad she had treated her, the woman still wanted to be her friend. Taking her hand, Raven shook it. “Friends on a trial basis. We can both back out if we want. But friends.”

  “Thank you, Lord.” Quinn yelled from the other side of the dressing room. “About time. I really didn’t want to kick a Death Hunter’s butt.”

  Jade crossed her eyes and they both busted out laughing. But no matter how powerful the hybrid was she felt that she could take her. Maybe, but she still had to act like it. Show no fear even with witches. “Fat chance, witch.”

  “I heard that,” Quinn muttered.

  “Figured you did,” Raven said.

  “Well, hurry up, there are more outfits to try on. I’m going to make a killing on that alpha today.” Quinn threw another sundress over the dressing room door. With that being said, she slipped the clothes on and went outside. As she stood in front of the mirrors, she smelled the peaches. Caz was standing in the back with his mouth open.

  He stared at her with no expression, but her heart was beating a mile a minute. That was until Quinn turned her around. “So what do you think? Best looking woman you have ever seen, right?”

  Caz cleared his throat and quickly looked away. “Yeah, looks good. Hey, I’ll be at the bakery waiting until you are ready.” He bolted from the store like the hounds of hell were behind him.

  “That’s what I thought,” Quinn said, turning back around smiling.

  Raven and Jade both looked at each other then back at Quinn. “What?”

  Pointing her finger at her, Quinn said, “That boy has it bad for you.”


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