The Hunter's Warrior

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The Hunter's Warrior Page 7

by Bryce Evans

  “Are you okay?”

  “I want to go home,” Raven whispered. Leo glanced back at Caz who didn’t follow them. Leo wrapped his arm around her and walked with her to the truck. The tears rolled down her cheek as Leo opened the passenger door for her.

  Her hands dropped into her lap as Leo pulled onto the road. They stayed in silence until her brother dropped another bomb on her. “He told you.”

  Looking at him, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Now her own brother was going to tell her the same crap. “I’m not his mate.”

  Leo shook his head. “I told him you would say that. I knew it was too soon, but the big jerk just had to tell you before you could accept it.”

  Her eyes widened. “I can’t believe my own brother has turned against me. Pull over.”

  “Calm down, Raven, and just listen to me.”

  “Pull the truck over before I rip a hole in the side of it as I jump out.”

  Leo stopped and she got out and immediately shifted.

  Running, she didn’t care where she was going as long as she was far from all of them. They were crazy. Her brother, the craziest one of all, believed that Caz was her mate. Caz did something. Put a spell on her brother to make him believe this nonsense. Didn’t matter. She was going to tell Lennox she wasn’t working with Caz or her brother. They were both insane.

  She didn’t know how long she had been running but she didn't care either. All she needed was a sip from the creek she came to. Where was she? Looking around, nothing seemed familiar. Dang girl, how far did you run?

  When she was troubled about something, she let her animal have control. It was easier and allowed her body to calm before she did something stupid. Like running miles out of Death Hunter territory and into someone else’s. A great way to get shot, dummy.

  Taking a long drink, she sat, listening to the creek water as it swiftly passed by. Then the feeling hit her. Something was watching her, but from where? It was already turning dark, but she could see in the dim light. She didn’t want to be obvious as her eyes searched every tree. Nothing. But something was out there, and it didn’t have a scent she could pick up.

  She needed to find her way out and the best way was to follow the creek. The stream crossed Death Hunter land and she was headed in the right direction. Each step she made, she sensed it. Picking up speed, she continued to search for anything that might be here, but nothing stood out.

  Taking in the landscape, the trees were getting fuller, which made it easier for hunters and other predators to hide within.

  Finally, she came to a big rock she knew was at the end of Death Hunter’s property line and that was when she heard it. The tree limb above her rattled as if something was at the very top. Searching each tree, she still didn’t see anything, but she knew it was up there. Maybe it was just a bird. Maybe. It sounded heavier than any bird she ever heard. This was the land that billionaire Wyatt Benjamin bought.

  “Raven!” Dave walked up on her, scaring her. “Hey, it’s just me. The alpha is looking for you.”

  Giving him a nod, Raven continued to stare up in the trees. Dave came to stand beside her. “What is it?”

  Not answering him, she shook her head and trotted off toward the alpha’s. Whatever it was wasn’t there anymore. If there was anything at all.

  Leo sat in front of the alpha. He watched as Caz raked his hands through his hair. If he continued, he would be bald soon. “If she’s not back in another hour, we send people out to search for her,” Lennox said.

  “But we need to go now. She may be hurt,” Caz said, standing again.

  “No need,” Raven said, standing at the door.

  “Where have you been?” Leo jumped up and stood in front of her.

  Ignoring him, she walked around her brother and Caz without giving them a second look and stood in front of her alpha’s desk. “You wanted to see me?”

  Leaning back in his chair, Lennox took a long look at her then back at Caz and Leo who both were fuming. “Gentlemen, I will talk with you both later. Close the door on the way out.”

  Caz was about to say something when Cosmo stepped in front of him. He nodded toward the door and she could tell Caz wanted to say something. Instead he glanced at her and then walked out with her brother.

  “Sit down, Raven.”

  She sat and stared at the floor. She knew he was watching her like a hawk.

  “I have to say that I didn’t see this one coming. Caz is your mate?”

  Jerking her head up, she said, “No, no, he isn’t. I’m not his mate. I don’t feel the mating pull. Yes, I’m attracted to him, but I’m not his mate,” Raven insisted. And for the first time in a long time, her animal growled at her.

  “Raven, the mating pull wasn’t apparent to Jade either. I knew immediately, but it took some time before she felt it. This is not something you can ignore. Eventually, the mating pull will take control of you. All I’m asking is for you to give it some time. Just work with Caz and see how it goes.”

  “No. Will everyone stop telling me what to do? And we can’t work together anymore. I can’t work with him. Best you put someone else on this with me. I can’t work with my brother either.”

  “Wait a minute. What’s going on with you, Raven? First, you can’t work with Caz then you can and now you can’t. And now you're telling me you can’t work with your own brother. Now I know something is wrong.”

  Lennox got up and sat beside her. He picked up her hand and turned her face to look at him. “You know you can always talk to me. And right now, I think you need to. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  Raven couldn’t look her alpha in the face. She wanted to cry and she couldn’t show him any weakness. All these questions and she didn’t have an answer for him. Because these questions did nothing but confuse her.

  “What’s going on inside you? I can tell you’re hurting about something. Did Caz do something?”

  Feverishly, she shook her head. “No...Nothing like that, it’s just he--”

  “He what? Tell me, Raven, before I rip his head off,” Lennox said, standing.

  “He likes me,” she whispered.

  Lennox returned to his chair beside her. “Okay,” Lennox placed his hand on hers. “Raven, spit it out before I go out and tear him apart limb by limb.”

  “Well, he said that Angelo was imagining me with a dress on or off. And if he touched me, then he would have to kill him. Oh, yeah, he can’t concentrate worrying about me getting hurt. He can’t function when I’m around him. All he wants is for me to be safe and with him. Basically, all the time.”

  She blew out a breath. “Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. The guys always tease me. They think of me as their little sister and now they won’t have anything to do with me because Caz is acting like I belong to him or something. And I don’t.”

  Lennox knew Cosmo was sitting in the corner listening, his mouth hanging open just like his. How could he not defend what Caz was saying? He had been in the same shoes when he told Jade she was his mate and she denied it to.

  “Look, I have never told anyone this, but I’m going to tell you because you need to hear it. The moment I came to Dixon Pack land, I smelled Jade, and from that moment, these feelings continued to rush through me. I couldn't think because I thought someone would try to take her from me or hurt her.” Swallowing hard, Lennox continued. “I couldn’t control it, Raven. I said the most ridiculous things that I wish I could take back now, but I couldn’t stop. I had to have her with me and know she was safe.”

  “This is going to get worse?” Raven asked.

  Nodding, Lennox had to be honest with her.

  Raven put her face in her hands.

  “Do you like him even a little?” her alpha asked. Narrowing her eyes, Raven glared up at him. “Maybe just a little tiny bit?”

  Sighing, Raven held up a finger and thumb about a quarter inch apart.

  “I can’t even see through your fingers. Come
on, you have to like him more than that?” Lennox teased.

  Holding her fingers apart just a little more, she said, “A tiny bit, maybe. But don’t tell him I said that. His big fat head will take that and think I proposed marriage.”

  Lennox and Cosmo both busted out laughing. “Oh. Well, just try to get to know him and if after you give him some time and you still can’t stand him...I will get rid of him.”

  “You would fire him...from the Death Hunters, for me?”

  “Yeah, I would. You have been with us for a long time.”

  “No. You can’t do that. People wait their whole lives wanting to be a Death Hunter and you can’t take that from him. He loves his job. And he’s not half bad at it, but don’t tell him I said that. No, Alpha. I will suck it up and do like you ask and give him a chance.”

  Shrugging, Lennox got up and sat behind his desk. “If you say so, but I’m going to be watching you two. Do you think you can still work with him?”

  “Yeah, I guess so, but he has to understand that I’m a Death Hunter and no mate will keep me from being one. You tell him that.” Raven stood and pushed her shoulders back. “I’m hungry. I'm going to eat.”

  Lennox and Cosmo watched as Raven left.

  “Great story, Alpha,” his beta said. “You know she is his mate, and once she figures that out, Caz better watch out. If she thinks he’s possessive, wait until the mating pull gets to her. Jeez, she might kill any female that even looks at him.” Cosmo said, sitting on the edge of his desk. “But I figure that’s why you told her all that.”

  “She needed a push.”

  Cosmo snorted. “More like a shove, you mean.”

  “Whatever works. She needs someone like him to help ground her and he definitely needs her to settle his beast. The man was shaking until he saw her walk in. I pity the person who even gives her a look of interest. Tell the other guys to keep their comments to themselves unless they want to live without their skin.”

  “You got it, Alpha.”

  “Now I need to go see a tiger.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Caz paced watching the backdoor. Leo was watching him, but at least he wasn’t saying anything. Right now, all he wanted was to make sure Raven was okay. He glanced at Leo when they heard the front door slam.

  Before he could rush back inside, Lennox had blocked his path. “Let’s talk, Caz. Right now, Raven needs to think about what I just said to her. I think you need to listen to me first.”

  “I need to check on her, then I--”

  “No, you need to listen to me before you ruin what I just did for you. Understand?”

  Leo patted the seat beside him and motioned for Caz to sit. “Okay.” Taking a seat, Caz couldn’t stop his left leg from bouncing up and down. He needed to look at her. If he saw her, he would be able to tell if she was okay or if he needed to do something.

  “Now, I told her that if she couldn’t work with you, then I would fire you.”

  Caz jumped up out of his seat. “You’re going to fire me?”

  “No, you idiot. Just listen. I just told her that and you should have seen her face. She told me I couldn’t fire you and she would get along with you and make sure she worked with you. But I also told her to try and get to know you, that the mating pull wasn’t as strong with her as it was with you and that happens sometime. I talked her into getting to know you so if I were you, I would try to go on some dates with her.”

  Caz got up and paced again. “So, I just need to ask her out and take her to dinner. That’s what you’re saying, right?”

  “Exactly. Give her some time. It doesn’t always happen as fast as it did with you. Give her some time. Are you listening to me, Caz?”

  Stopping, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Sure, I can do that. I can take her out.” Caz stood in front of his alpha. “But what if she doesn’t like me? What if I’m mistaken? What if she decides that—”

  Slamming his hand against his head, Lennox screamed, “Please tell me I wasn’t this pathetic. Tiger up, Caz. Look at me and tell me the moment you smelled Raven your whole body didn’t go haywire and you just had to touch her. The only thing you can think about is her. And all you want to do is make sure she is safe.”

  Cosmo and Leo both watched Caz as he thought about it. “It’s driving me crazy. I need her to be near me or I think I may rip something apart. I dream of her. Every time she walks in a room, she smells like hot spices and rum.”

  Lennox glanced at Cosmo and nodded. “Yeah, she’s your mate, but she really smells like rum?”

  “I love rum and I love spicy food. And I love that woman. Even though she drives me crazy and drives me to want to drink rum until I puke,” Caz said, still pacing.

  “Interesting. Okay then, we have a plan. Take her on dates, find out what she likes and buy it for her. Tell her how pretty she is—”

  “But she is pretty and beautiful. She smells wonderful and—”

  The alpha and his beta stood. Lennox begged Cosmo as they walked off, “Please tell me I wasn’t like that. Please?”

  “Unfortunately.” Cosmo held his hands up in surrender. “Hey…you asked.”

  Caz continued to tread a hole in the floor, and Leo just watched him.

  “Why aren’t you saying anything?” Caz stopped and stared at Leo who had his hands behind his head and his feet up.

  Leo smiled. “This is great. I can’t wait until y’all mate and I get to torture my sister with how you were acting. She’s the best sparring partner and this time she will try to rip my head off. It’s great to practice with a predator who would rather kill you than listen to you and that's my sister.”

  Caz glared at him. “That’s your sister. You idiot.”

  “Have you met my sister?”

  Blowing a deep breath, Caz sat beside Leo. “Yeah, I have, and this is going to be so difficult. You know she’s going to say no.”

  “Well, you don’t know that until you ask. I’m going to throw you a bone. My sister loves movies, especially the dramatic ones. You know where you cry at the end and someone always dies. Buy pizza and chocolate ice cream and then pick out a movie and tell her that you want to have dinner with her and watch a movie, with chocolate ice cream. I will make sure nobody is in the house tonight so you two will be alone. Don’t push her to make a decision and whatever you do...don’t talk during the movie and ask her questions. Got it?”

  “Got it...I think, but what if—”

  “You are so pathetic.” Leo huffed, and walked off. Now he had to find Raven. He got up then sat back down. What was wrong with him? He was a tiger, an alpha male. You are such a wuss right now. Just go ask. But Leo said Raven liked to fight and she could easily take his head off.

  Caz got up and went in search of his mate. He patted his hair down. Maybe he would still have it after he found her.

  Raven looked up from the kitchen cabinet as the scent of peaches floated inside her nose. Caz stood at the entrance, just staring at her. She looked down at the sandwich she was making. “I guess you want one too?”

  Caz cleared his throat and walked in. “That would be great, but only if you want to. I can make it.”

  Clearly something was very wrong with this situation. Caz Milton was a tiger, a big fat head tiger. And, of course, he wanted her to make him a sandwich. He was just like the lions who only sat around on their butts and made the females wait on them. But today, something was different.

  She pulled another hoagie roll out of the bag and started putting all the different types of meat on it. Caz cleared his throat again. “I was thinking that tomorrow we could watch a movie and I could cook dinner for you. I was going to make a pizza and then just have some chocolate ice cream.” When he glanced up at her and found her staring, she could see the panic in his face and eyes.

  Hmm, he knew she loved pizza and chocolate ice cream. “What kind of movie?”

  “You pick. I do like dramas though, but it really doesn’t matter to me,” Caz said, sitting at the tab

  “Boy, if you think for a moment I don’t know my brother put you up to this, then you’re crazy.”

  “I’m not a boy and I am crazy...about you. So, do you want to eat pizza and watch a movie with me tomorrow?”

  “With chocolate ice cream?”

  Nodding, he smiled. “As much as you want.”


  “Really? You will?” The man looked shocked, and she liked that. It kept him on his toes.

  “Why not, but I pick the movie.”

  “Of course.”

  Sliding the plate across the table to him, Raven sat and bit into her sandwich. She carefully watched as Caz picked up his and moaned as he chomped into the sandwich. “This is delicious.”


  They didn’t talk as they ate until she finished and put her plate in the dishwasher. He said, “I’m sorry about today. I should have found a better way to tell you.”

  “What other way was there? But just so you know, I don’t feel the pull like you do, and yes, I know that it may take some time. That’s the only reason I’m going to eat dinner with you. Just to see.”

  Smiling, he got up and walked around the table and put his plate in the dishwasher. “Fair enough. Thank you for the sandwich.” He shocked her when he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She watched as he walked out of the kitchen. The scent of peaches still lingered in the air and her face tingled where he had kissed her. What if he was her mate? Jeez, she was in serious trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  Looking at the ingredients on his list, Caz decided to get the good kind of cheese, but he didn’t know which kind she liked, so he got them all. He loved this little grocery store; it had everything. Every cheese known to mankind, this store had it. He had heard that the owner, Mr. Lutz, was going to let his granddaughter Luna take over. She lived in Arizona and had already been working in her parents’ store since she could walk.


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