Lynch, George
Lyons, Joe
Lytton Report
Ma Ying-piu
MacArthur, General Douglas
Macarthur, John
Macartney, Sir Halliday
Macauley, Thomas
McCoy, General Frank
MacDonald, Sir Claude
McDonald, Colin
McDonald, Florence
McDonald, John
McDonald, Phyllis
MacDonald, Ramsay
McDonald, Wynette
McEuen, Commissioner Kenneth
McHugh, Captain James M
McIlwraith, Sir Thomas
MacKenzie, Berthel Alexander
McKinley, President
Macnaghten, Brigadier-General E. B.
MacNeil, Ella
McNicoll, David
Macpherson, James M
Macquarie, Lachlan
Maguire, Charles R
Majestic SS
Malley, Wing Commander Garnet
Malley, Phyllis
Malmesbury, Earl of
Man Mirror Literary Society
Mann, Tom
Mao Sen, General
Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman
Mars, Ida du
Marshall, Elsie
Marshall, General George
Marshall, Katherine
Martin, H. Scott
Marx, Karl
Matheson, Alexander
Mathew, Sir Theobald
Mathews, Rev. Robert Henry
Matsui, Lieutenant-General Iwane
Matsuoka, Yosuke
Maxim, Dr Hiram
Maxwell, Sir George
‘May Fourth’ movement
May Thirtieth Martyrs
Maya Maru
Mayell, Eric
Maze, Sir Frederick
Maze, Laura
Meiji Emperor
Menzies, L.R.
Menzies, Robert
Miles, Vice-Admiral Milton
Millard, Thomas
Miller, Dr Harry W. Jr
Mills, Sarah see Hinder, Sarah
Minfu, Lieutenant-General Toji
Mishael, Herbert
Mixed Court, The
Mody, Hormusjee
Mongolia SS
Morgan, Mary Ann
Morgan, Robert
Morgan, Sybil see Fernandez, Sybil
Morgenthau, Henry
Morrison, Alastair
Morrison, Colin George Mervyn
Morrison, Dr George Ernest ‘Chinese’
Morrison, Ian
Morrison, Jennie
Morrison, Maria
Morriss, Gordon
Morriss, Harry
Morriss, Hayley
Morriss, Henry ‘Mohawk’
Morriss, Una
Muddy Flat, Battle of
Murai, Kuramatsu
Murdoch, Douglas
Murdoch, Joyce
Murdoch, Sir Keith
Mussolini, Benito
Mydans, Carl
Mydans, Shelley
Rape of
sacking of
Treaty of
Nanking Road
Nathan, Sir Matthew
National People’s Party see Kuomintang
Natural Foot Society
Nazi Party
Nee Lu
New Life Movement
New York Herald
Ng Hung-pui
Nicholls, Bob
Nine-Power Treaty
Nogi, General Maresuke
Noordam SS
North-China Daily News
Northcliffe, Lord
Nutt, Arthur
Oahu USS
O’Brien, George
Officer, Keith
O’Hara, Dr Bill
Ohl, Josiah K
Oku, General Yasukata
O’Malley, Owen
opium trade
First opium war
Second opium war
Orlando, Vittorio
Orr, Florence
Oukhtomsky, Prince Esper
Owen, Gertrude
Ozorio, Carlos Henrique de Rosa
Packer, Frank
Pai Chung-hsi
Pal, John
Palmerston, Lord
Pao-ting Fu
Parkes, Sir Harry
Paterson, A.B. ‘Banjo’
Patterson, A.L.
Pawley, W.D.
Payne, Harry F.
Pearl Harbor
Pearl River
Convention of
National Assembly
Siege of the Legations
Percival, Jack
Percival, Jack Jr
Percival, Joyce
Peterel HMS
Peterson, Mrs see McDonald, Wynette Cecilia
Pettengill, George
Philby, Kim
Phillips, Herbert
Phillips, Reverend Hugh
Pichon, Stephen
Pickwoad, Edwin
Pickwoad, Janet
Ping Nam
Polkinghorn, Lieutenant-Commander Stephen
Pope, Arthur
Port Arthur
Pottinger, Sir Henry
Powell, John
Pratt, Lionel
President Hoover SS
Prince Ching
Prince Chun II
Prince Konoye
Prince Kung
Prince of Wales
Prince Saionji
Prince Tuan
Pringle, Eileen
Pringle, Elizabeth
Pringle, Henry F. ‘Harry’
Pringle, Isabella
Prior, Melton
Prohme, Rhayna and Bill
Proud, Commander John
Proud, Roberta
Pu Yi
Puttkamer, Baron Jesco von
Queen Victoria
Quinn, John
Quock Ping
Quong Tart
Rabe, John
Radeski, Doris
Ransome, Arthur
Rasmussen, Christian
Rasmussen, Mary
Rasmussen, Dr Otto
Rawlinson, Florence Lang
Rawlinson, Dr Frank
Raymond, Alan Willoughby
Rea, George Bronson
Reid, Thomas
Reinsch, Paul
Restoration Society
Retvizan 99
Revive China Society
Revolutionary Party
Rewi Te Manipoto
Rhodes, Cecil
Riley, Reverend Charles
Riley, Frank Basil
Robert Dollar SS
Roberts, Issachar
Robin, Jennie see Morrison, Jennie
Rockerfeller, John D. Jr
Rockhill, William
Rodgers, James
Rogers, Cyril
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Kermit
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt, Theodore Jr
Roth, Dr Walter
Roy, M.N.
Rozhdestvensky, Vice-Admiral Zinovy
Rudd, Kevin
Russell, Bertrand
Russo-Japanese War
Rutherford, James
Ryan, James
Salamis SS
Salas, Maria Theresa Diaz see Kerr, Lady
Salisbury, Lord
San Fransisco
Santo Tomas
Sassoon, Siegfried
Sassoon, Sir Victor
Satow, Sir Ernest
Saunders, Eliza
Saunders, Nellie
Saunders, Topsy
Schmidt, Colonel Vincent
Schurman, Jacob Gould
Scott, Ernest
Scott, Rob
Second Revolution
See, James see Tse Tsan Tai
See, John see Tse Yet Chong
See, Thomas see Tse Tsi Shau
Selle, Earl Albert
Seymour, Admiral Sir Edward
Shanghai Volunteer Corps
Shao Yuan-chung
Shaw, Ralph
Shearman, Henry
Shen Pao-chen
Sheng Hsuan-huai
Sherwood, Stephanie
Shigemitsu, M.
Shiozawa, Admiral Kiochi
Siege of the Legations
Simon, Sir John
Simpson, Alice
Simpson, Percy
Sincere department store
Singapore, fall of
Sino-Japanese War
slave trade
Small Swords
Smedley, Agnes
Smirnov, General
Smith, Addie Viola ‘Vee’
Smith, May
Smith, Montagu
Smith, Dr Satchwell
Snow, Edgar
Snow, Helen Foster
Sokolsky, George E
Soong, Ayling
Soong, Charlie
Soong, Chingling
Soong, Mayling
Soong, Ni Guizhen ‘Mamie’
Soong, Tse-an ‘T.A.’
Soong, Tse-liang ‘T.L.’
Soong, Tse-ven ‘T.V.’
Sorge, Richard
Spear, Captain
Speight, Selwyn ‘Dan’
Spencer, Wallis Warfield
Spencer, Earl Winfield ‘Win’
Sperry, Henry ‘Hank’
Spice, Dorothy
Spice, Ellen
Spice, Jean
Stanley, Henry Morton
Station XMHA
Staveley, General Charles
Steed, Wickham
Stennes, Captain Walther
Sternberg, Josef von
Stevenson, Jean
Stewart, Flora
Stewart, Reverend Robert
Stewart, Roy see MacKenzie, Berthel Alexander
Stilwell, General Joseph
Stimson Doctrine
Stimson, Henry L.
Stoessel, Baron Anatoli Mikhailovich
Stokes, Henry
Stuart, Dr John Leighton
Sues, Ilona Ralf
Sugiyama, General
Summer Palace
Sun Chuan-fang, General
Sun Fengmin
Sun Fo
Sun Mei
Sun Mingjui, Colonel
Sun Wen see Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen
Sung Chiao-jen
Sutterlee, Frederick
Sutton, Francis Arthur ‘General one-Arm’
Suyana, Chief of Police
Sven Mao-yao
Sydenstricker, Absalom
Sydenstricker, Caroline
Syngman Rhee
Tai Ping Yang SS
Taiping Rebellion
Tan Chung-lin
Tan Sitong
Tanaka, Major Ryukichi
T’ang Hua-lung
Tang Shao-yi
Tang Yu-lin, General
Tao-fan Chang
Tatsu Maru II
Taylor, Professor Griffith
Taylor, Ruby
Teia Maru
The Bund
Thomas, Sir Shenton
Thompson, Tommy
Thorpe, Brigadier-General Elliott R.
Three Principles of the People
Treaty of
Tierney, Lieutenant Bob
Timperley, Elizabeth
Timperley, Harold
Tingle, Billy
Tinkler, Maurice
Tombs, Charlie
Togo, Admiral Heihachiro
Tong, Dr Hollington
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty of Portsmouth
Treaty of Shimonoseki
Treaty of Tientsin
Trivett, Dean A.C.S.
Trotsky, Leon
Truman, Harry S
Tsai Nai-huang
Tsai Ting-kai, General
Tsai Ting-kan, Captain
Tsao Kun, General
Tsar Alexander II
Tsar Alexander III
Tsar Nicholas II
Tsarevitch 99
Tse Tsan Tai
Tse Tsi Shan
Tse Yet Chong
Tsen Chun-hsuan
Tsung Pu Hutung
Tsushima, Battle of
Tu Yueh-sheng
Tuan Chi-jui, General
Tulloch, Major-General Sir Alexander
Tung Fu-hsiang, General
Tungmeng hui (Revolutionary Alliance)
Turner, Alfred
Twyman, Bertie
Tzau, General
Tzu Hsi
Ueno, Lieutenant Kazumaro
Ungern-Sternberg, Baron Roman von
Ungern-Sternberg, Baroness von
United States of America
Chinese Exclusion Act
World War I
Vegetarian Society
Venn Brown, Rose
Ventura SS
Versailles peace conference
Vindictive, HMS
Vine, George
Waldersee, Field Marshal Count Alfred von
Wales, Nym see Snow, Helen Foster
Walker, Brigadier George
Walker, Shelley
Walker, William
Wall, Mary see Donald, Mary
Wall, Robert and Mary
Wallace, Henry
Wang, C.T.
Wang Ching-wei
Ward, Frederick Townsend
Ward, Hugh
Warlord Era
Warner, Denis
Warner, Peggy
Warren, Sir Pelham
nbsp; Wasserstein, Bernard
Watson, William Petrie
Wearne, Major Albert
Wellburn, Betty
Wen Shih-tsen
Wen Tsung-yao
Weng Tung-ho
West, Inspector Frederick
Whangpoo River
British Concession on
Wheelhouse, Frances
Whitehead, John
Whitlam, Gough
Whitlam, H.F.E. ‘Fred’
Whyte, Farmer
Wilder, Amos P.
Wilder, Thornton
Wiles, Marion see Donald, Mary Ann ‘Marion’
Wilkie, Douglas
Williams, Dr Jack
Williams, May see Smith, May
Williams, Air Marshal Richard
Williams, R.
Willoughby, Charles
Wilson, Woodrow
Wing On department store
Witte, Count Sergei Yulyevich
Wolfe, Archdeacon John R.
Woodfield, Captain Charles
Woodfield, Elizabeth Fay
Woodhead, Henry
Woosung River
Wootton, Norman
World War I
Wrench, Mrs
Wright, Arnold
Wu Chien-chang
Wu Pei-fu, General
Wu Teh-Chen, General
Wu Ting-fang, Dr
Wynne, George
Xianfeng Emperor
Xinhai Revolution
Yalu, Battle of
Yang Chu-yun
Yang Hu-cheng, General
Yangtze River
Yee Hing, Thomas
Yen, Dr
Yin Chang
Ying Kwei-shing
Younghusband, Colonel Francis
Yourin, Ignatius
Yu Hsia-ching
Yuan ming yuan
Yuan Shi-kai, General
Yuan Shu-hsun
Yui, O.K.
Zhao, Edith
Zig Zag Railway
About the Author
Born in Melbourne and educated in Brisbane, Peter Thompson now lives in London after a successful career as a journalist in the UK.
His most recent books are Pacific Fury, Anzac Fury, The Battle for Singapore and, with Robert Macklin, The Big Fella: The Rise and Rise of BHP Billiton, which won the Blake Dawson Prize for Business Literature in 2010.
DARING: Young George Ernest Morrison caught the imagination of the Australian public with his exploits in the South Seas and New Guinea before heading for China in 1897 as the Times correspondent in Peking. His reputation as a great lover ended when he married the beautiful New Zealand-born Jennie Robin in 1912. Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, a742002
ADORABLE: Mrs George Morrison, the former Jennie Robin. Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, a1012001
ADORING: Dr George Morrison with his three sons, (from left) Ian, Colin and Alastair. Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, a1012005
CHINA FORCE: Four members of the Australian Naval Brigade who served in China following the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. George Wynne, who wrote violently anti-Chinese articles for the Daily Telegraph, is on the right of the front row. Australian War Memorial Negative Number P00417.035
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