Vigil: Inferno Season (The Cyber Knight Chronicles Book 2)

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Vigil: Inferno Season (The Cyber Knight Chronicles Book 2) Page 25

by Bard Constantine

  "I'm trying to figure out what happened and where Janus might have gone. I'll get back to you."

  The call ended. Vigil stood in place, mind working furiously. But Incognito was right. The hit already happened, and there wasn't anything he could do for Ronnie at the moment.

  Spitfire gave him a concerned stare. "Yo, everything okay?"

  Heretic stepped closer. "Let me guess: Janus escaped."

  Vigil nodded.

  "As I predicted. He's too valuable an asset for Diabolis to lose. Now, we're back to square one. He could be anywhere by now."

  "It's not where he is; it's where he's going. And I think I have an idea."

  Opening a holographic screen on his g-span, he pointed at the mapping display. "I directed a pair of sweepers to map the Leverich building earlier. They discovered and accessed a recessed portion of the basement with an elevator that goes miles under the city. I think that's where Janus was headed. My sweepers went offline, but not before a final transmission. There's some kind of massive system of chambers and tunnels that don't show up on any current records. The Styx experiment will probably take place there."

  Heretic stared at the display. "So, what are we waiting for?"

  "The hotel is crawling with RCE units. Mechs, shock troopers, Enforcers. They've completely sealed off the building. We'd be fighting an army if we tried to get inside."

  Heretic's hands glowed red, humming with mysterious energy. "They won't be enough."

  Spitfire shook her head. "You seven-thirty, yo. Trying to get us all bodied."

  Vigil shut the display down. "We're not at war with the RCE. It's Diabolis we're after."

  "I won't let the police get in the way of the hunt."

  "You won't have to." Vigil picked up his Charon rifle and slung it over his shoulder. "If we can't get through, Janus can't either. He'll have to find another way in. And I think I know exactly which route he's going to use."

  Incognito buzzed back over. "If you're going deep into the Underbelly again, just remember that I'll probably lose your signal again. I won't be able to back you up."

  "Not to worry, Incog. This time, I have backup."


  First, there was pain.

  Every breath was torture, fanning needles into Ronnie's lungs. Her chest was an agonizing slab of meat, flaring with every movement. She groaned through grated teeth, wincing when her fingers brushed against the tube inserted between her ribs. Her mind went to work, distracting from the pain and focusing on an initial prognosis.

  Collapsed lung from the impact of the close-quarter gunshot. Her fingers traced across her abdomen, fingering the bandages. Two non-critical gunshot wounds from rounds that penetrated the vest. Several cracked or broken ribs. She touched the bandage wrapping around her head. Possible minor concussion from the crash. Collection of bruises and contusions. She heaved a sigh of relief.

  Nothing she hadn't dealt with before.

  There wasn't enough in the hospital room to identify where she was. Probably King's County, which was the closest to where the transport was hit. It was only a matter of time before Isaac dropped by and—


  The memory flashed sharp and bright—his leap at the incoming LAV, enabling his arm cannon, the blast the erupted with him taking the full brunt of the shockwave.

  He can take a hit like that and keep ticking. He's stronger than that.

  The sound of voices sidetracked her concerns. Someone approached, shouting at the doctors who tried to prevent him from entering. The voice was instantly recognizable, belonging to possibly the last person she wanted to hear from.

  Commissioner Miller swept into the room like a hurricane, soaking the room with vindictive anger. His eyes glimmered with triumphant fires, staring at her as if a vampire about to glut on her veins.

  "I'll make this quick, Veronica. You're suspended immediately, pending an official investigation. The investigation will be only a formality, of course. After that, you can look forward to being stripped of rank, terminated from the force, and possibly convicted and arrested if I have my way."

  "What?" She angrily sat up, ignoring the terrible flash of agony that flared across her midsection. "Under what charges?"

  He ticked the points off on his fingers. "Illegally interfering with a prison transfer, for one. Secondly, insubordination…"


  "You were given specific orders to head up the AVD, but not only did you immediately abandon your assignment while the ink was still drying, but you also assumed command of three squads of shock troopers without permission. Then what did you do? Get most of them blown to bits on an unauthorized mission that nearly destroyed a historic building, then let the firefight spill out into the streets, where thirty-three people were injured in vehicular damages related to your recklessness."

  "I had a shot at taking out Janus, Commissioner. Not to mention the Helmer of the Grim Reaper Posse. I regret the collateral damage, but we were being attacked by military-styled assailants. Us, the good guys. Are you telling me you wouldn't immediately authorize a mission if you had the same intel on the guy?"

  His eyes widened in mock confusion. "Who?"

  "Janus. One of the top leaders in the Diabolis syndicate."

  "Never heard of him."

  Her face scalded with unchecked anger. "That's because you wouldn't know real police work if it slapped you in the face. Or you're just another bought badge on the Diabolis payroll."

  He threw back his head and laughed. "Oh, that's clever. Hope you can think of more zingers like that when you're sitting in a cell waiting to be gutted by an entire prison full of friendly inmates. I gotta tell you, I've been waiting for this a long time, Veronica. I can finally be rid of your judgmental, holier-than-though, envelope-pushing routine. Always playing the lone wolf and the black sheep at the same time. Always the martyr. Well, I have you where I want you now, and you have only yourself to blame."

  She smirked. "Gee, don't hold back, okay?"

  He glowered. "You won't be joking for long, Veronica. Looks like your robot buddy is scrap metal, and without any friends on the force, no one's going to lift a finger to help you." He glanced at the holoband on his wrist. "I'm late for a meeting with the mayor."

  "Give him my regards."

  A humorless grin was her answer. "Oh, I definitely will. Don't get too comfortable here, Veronica. As soon as you're stable, it's an orange jumpsuit and a jail cell for you. I have guards posted at the door. Androids, so don't bother trying to talk your way out of here. I'll see you at your public hearing."

  He turned and exited the room, where she saw the dark glint of the armored guards outside before the door shut. Settling back against the pillows, she grimaced in pain. Frustrated tears glistened in her eyes as she stared at the ceiling.

  Isaac. I'm so sorry….

  She ruthlessly crushed the thought. Miller was lying. Isaac could still be out there. He was built stronger than last time. He can take the damage. You have to worry about getting out of this jam.

  She'd have to get a top-notch lawyer, that was certain. Good thing she knew a few who owed her favors. Going against Miller was going to be tough, but she knew a few loopholes that would work in her—

  A loud racket interrupted her thoughts—heavy bodies hitting the floor right outside her door. It opened, admitting a man in medical scrubs and a surgical mask concealing his face.

  She clenched her fists, trying to summon enough strength to make her last fight a good one. "Well, I'm not surprised Diabolis wants me dead. Just didn't think you'd move so fast."

  The stranger cocked his head. "What?"

  She frowned. "Who the hell are you?"

  "Me?" He straightened to his tallest and puffed out his chest. "You can call me Rook."

  "Rook? Like the chess piece?"

  "Yeah. Do you play?"

  She hesitated. "Is this what we're talking about right now?"

  He blinked rapidly. "Oh, yeah—I gotta get you out
of here, Captain Banks. And we gotta move. I used EMP devices on the guards, but their systems will reboot in two minutes. And that's not the worst. Hitters from the Grim Reaper Posse are in the building right now. Not hard to guess who they're on the way to take out."

  Her eyes narrowed. "I might be desperate, but I'm not just gonna let a stranger wheel me out of here. How do I know you're not setting me up? You could be one of Miller's boys for all I know."

  "I'm working for a mutual friend."



  "Again: who?"

  Rook looked around, lowering his voice. "Abraham Clarke. Good enough for you?"

  Her eyebrows lifted. "Yeah, man. Good enough."

  "Think we can get you into a wheelchair?"

  "To save my life? You better believe it."


  Rook wheeled her through the hospital wing at a hurried pace, wheels whirring across the tiled floor. Her heart pounded, unused to the feeling of helplessness. Her fate was out of her control, at the mercy of a stranger whose eyes looked scared to death as he scanned the hallways. Every little bump sent a jolt of pain flaring across her entire body. Finally, they made it to an elevator, where he exhaled a shuddering breath, placing a hand against his sweaty forehead.

  She glanced up. "Not used to this sort of thing, are you?"

  He shook his head. "A bit of high-stakes gig for me. Can you tell?"

  "Yeah, but you're doing great. Just relax, Rook. Don't draw attention to yourself."

  He straightened, lifting his head up. "Yeah, okay. Thanks."

  "No problem."

  The doors opened, and he pushed her out at a leisurely pace, nodding greetings to the hospital personnel they passed. Passing through the lobby, they exited the building and approached a nearby ambulance. The rear doors opened, revealing a familiar metal-skinned individual inside. Isaac's alloy frame was scorched, scraped, and dented, but he was still in one piece.

  A relieved smile spread across her face. "Looks like both of us have seen better days."

  "Tell me about it." He stepped down, carefully lifted her from the wheelchair like a child, and set her inside the ambulance. Another man waited inside. He was familiar as well, though he looked a lot tougher in his tactical outfit than the last time she saw him.

  "Abe? Your partner told me you were behind this. I didn't expect to see you in person."

  "I'm sure you didn't. And it's Castle when we're on duty, if you please. Protocols and all that." When Isaac jumped inside, Castle pounded the wall at Rook, who had entered the driver's seat. The ambulance squealed off, joining traffic on the gritty Brickland streets.

  Isaac jabbed Ronnie in the shoulder with a massive syringe. "Sorry."

  "I can't be in more pain than I'm already in. What is that?"

  "Painkillers, healing accelerants, energy boosters. You know the deal."

  "Yeah. Like the good ol' days after getting creamed by a bad bust."


  She looked over at Castle. "Mind telling me why the former Commissioner is pulling a dangerous heist like this? Retirement get that boring?"

  His thick white mustache curved with his smile. "My partner and I are loosely affiliated with the collective known as the Vigilant."

  Closing her eyes, she groaned. "You know there's a task force dedicated to shutting you guys down, right?"

  "I saw the news conference. Poor choice on picking Sergeant Brooks to head that unit, by the way."

  "You don't think she's good enough?"

  "On the contrary, I think she'll be too good. Our work will definitely be harder to accomplish under her watch."

  "Your work? Geez, Abe. Castle, I mean. You're former RCE, for God's sake. How can you just up and decide to take up vigilantism in your pasture years?"

  "From where I'm sitting, the reason is obvious. You were minutes away from being assassinated, Captain. By all accounts, that suggests compliance between the syndicates and your own precinct. The law didn't step up and protect you—we did. After picking up your partner too, by the way. I don't expect thanks, but a little gratitude might be warranted."

  She sighed and glanced at Isaac, who shrugged in response.

  "The man has a point, Ronnie."

  "I know, I know." Leaning forward, she massaged her temples. "God, how did everything get so twisted up?"

  "It's been that way for a long time," Castle said. "Since the days when I ran the RCE. All the red tape, the interference from Haven Core made the work of problem-solving impossible. The best police work is surgical, as you know. You identify the source of the illness and get rid of it, or else the sickness continues to spread. Well, the illness has spread unchecked for a while. If drastic action isn't taken, this city will be too corrupted to save. Desperate measures for desperate times, Captain Banks."

  "I get that. But there's no way I explain this at my trial hearing. I was a disgraced officer. Now I'm a straight-up fugitive."

  "Not if you can prove your superiors are corrupt."

  "My superiors? I'm taking it you mean Commissioner Miller. I've had a feeling about him for a long time."

  "Miller is definitely suspect, but who's holding his leash? We have to get to the source of the corruption, or you're right—your career and freedom will be over. Let us help you, Captain Banks."

  "Call me Ronnie, please. And how? You and your amateur partner don't seem to be enough to take on a handful of Crimson Kings, much less a Diabolis corruption ring. No offense."

  "None taken. And the answer is one word: Vigil."

  She sighed. "It always comes back to him."

  "His war on the syndicates has proved fruitful. Our role is to assist his efforts. So, we remain vigilant and contribute where we can. Like now, for instance."

  "What does helping me have to do with Vigil?"

  "You're an ally, or at least a potential one."

  "I'm an ally of the law, not vigilantes."

  Castle chuckled. "Come one, Ronnie. We both know your interpretation of the law isn't exactly black and white."

  Her cheeks flushed. "I might bend the rules sometimes, but I don't break them. We have to draw the line somewhere."

  "At last, we agree."

  She glanced around, but with no windows, it was impossible to know where they were going. "So, what's the grand plan, Castle? Where exactly are you taking me?"

  "Safehouse on Freshkills Island. Right under the nose of the Warmongers."

  "Nice. At least no one will be looking for me there."

  "That's the point."

  "And then…?"

  "One thing at a time, Ronnie. I'm making this up as I go."

  Isaac glanced down at her. "I've got an incoming call from Chief Moore. I can make the line secure if you want to take it."

  She hesitated, glancing over at Abe. He responded with an offhand gesture.

  "Gotta trust someone, I guess."

  She turned to Isaac. "Take the call. Make sure he can't see Castle."

  Isaac raised his palm, activating sensors that projected a holographic profile of Chief Moore above his hand. The Chief looked at her with a concern-stricken face.

  "Ronnie? Thank God—I heard the news about the attack. What the hell were you thinking? I thought you'd been—"

  "I'm okay, Chief. Been better, and that was before someone sent hitters to finish me off at the hospital."

  His eyes widened. "How did they find you so fast? I had to dig deep before I zeroed in on your location. I should be able to track Isaac, but he's off the radar."

  "Yeah, we took care of that a while ago."


  "Just in case. You never know when you're gonna be on the run for your life, after all."

  "You wouldn't be if I'd been able to track you down. Unfortunately, by the time I found the hospital, you'd already pulled a ghost act."

  "Makes you wonder, doesn't it? It's almost like somebody didn't want me to be found. Speaking of, Commissioner Miller just happened to drop by right
before the assassins did."

  "Miller? Why the hell would he pay you a personal visit without informing me of your—" He paused, eyes narrowing.

  She nodded. "Exactly. Not hard to connect the dots and see the whole picture."

  "I need you to come in right now, Captain. I'll have a security detail waiting to protect you until we get to the bottom of this."

  She shook her head. "No can do, Chief. I don't know who else is in on this right now."

  "You know you can trust me."

  "I don't know who I can trust right now. Put yourself in my shoes."

  He sighed. "Okay, fine. But the longer you're out there, the more of a target you become. If hitters are on your trail, they won't stop because you gave them the slip at the hospital."

  "Guess I better get this wrapped up, then. Miller said he had to meet up with the mayor. Any idea where that's going down?"

  "No, and I wouldn't tell you if I did. You're not looking too good, Ronnie. You need to be seeking medical attention, not trying to pour gasoline on an already volatile situation. If the Commissioner is really gunning for you, then you're in no shape to fight him. He has the full resources of the law on his side, and he'll use them to protect himself … and destroy you."

  "Right. Because I'm just a tiny cog in the machine."

  "Not to me, you're not. But I can't protect you if you don't come home."

  She took a deep breath. "I can't, Chief. Not until I find out what Miller is up to and shut it down."

  "Damn it, Ronnie!" He fumed silently for a moment before collecting himself. "Look, I'm not telling you this, okay? But I just ran a trace on all of Miller's vehicles."


  "One of them pings somewhere it definitely shouldn't. An abandoned park that happens to be only blocks away from the Leverich Towers."

  "Where we raided and nearly captured Janus."


  "Diabolis leader, or one of them, at least. I'll fill you in later. Anything else near the park that might help us out?"

  "There's a complete surveillance blackout in the area, which definitely isn't normal. Only thing of interest nearby is … a subway entrance. I can't think of a reason why Miller would suddenly take an interest in tunnel diving."

  She exchanged glances with Isaac. "I can think of several. Thanks, Chief. I'll be in touch."


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