Amy T Peterson, Valerie Hewitt, Heather Vaughan, et al

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Amy T Peterson, Valerie Hewitt, Heather Vaughan, et al Page 54

by The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing Through American History 1900 to the Present (pdf)

  1:240; 1950s, 2:185; 1960s, 2:196 97;

  2:39; relations with America, 1970s,

  1970s, 2:209 10; 1980s, 2:219 20;


  1990s, 2:230; 2000s, 2:239

  Chisholm, Shirley, 2:135

  Cocteau, Jean, 1:68, 1:73

  Chrysler Building, 1930s, 1:72

  Cohan, George M., 1:60

  Churchill, Winston: meeting with

  Cold war: post WWII America, 2:17;

  FDR and Stalin in 1945, 1:49;

  1960s, 2:27 28

  meetings with FDR, 1:43

  Cold War, stage set at end of WWII,

  Civil Rights Act, 1964, 2:6, 2:29; Title


  VII, 2:127 28

  College attendance, 1960s, 2:102,

  Civil Rights Movement: beginning


  after WWII, 1:50; 1960s, 2:25 26

  Communism, 2:19, 2:22

  Civilian Conservation Corps, 1:42

  Compact discs, 2:84

  Claiborne, Liz, 2:166

  Computer-aided designs, 2:176

  Clancy, Tom, 2:77

  Computers, part of American life,

  Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, 1:20,

  2:10 11

  1:29 30

  Conceptual Art, 1960s, 2:59

  Clinton, Hilary, 2:12, 2:40 41

  Coney, Stephen R., 2:78

  Clinton, William J., 2:5, 2:40, 2:43,

  Congress of Industrial Organizations,


  1930s, 1:40

  Club Med, 1950s, 2:99

  Conservatism (isolationism), 2:19

  CMT (Country Music Television),

  Conspicuous consumption culture:

  2:75 76, 2:84

  haute couture and, 2:162 63; movies Coats (children): children to preteen:

  of 1980s, 2:79

  1950s, 2:313; 1960s, 2:326; 1970s, Consumer goods, after WWII, 1:48

  2:340; 1980s, 2:354; 1990s and Consumer Products Safety Commission,

  2000s, 2:367 68; 1900s, 1:294;


  1910s, 1:302 3; 1920s, 1:311 12;

  Cool jazz, 1:55, 1:81

  1930s, 1:321 22; 1940s, 1:330 32;

  Coolidge, Calvin, 1:20, 1:34; big teen to college: 1950s, 2:313 14;

  business policies, 1:34 35

  1960s, 2:326 27; 1970s, 2:340 41;

  Copeland, Aaron, 1:73

  1980s, 2:354; 1990s and 2000s,

  Cork, use in shoes, 1:167


  Cornell, Katharine, 1:69

  Coats (men’s outerwear): 1900s,

  Corolle collection, Christian Dior,

  1:251 52; 1910s, 1:251 52; 1920s, 1947, 1:154


  Cumulative Index

  Corporate culture, 1950s, 2:97 98

  Cremplene fashions for men, 2:62f

  Corsets, S-bend, 1900s, 1:90, 1:93f Crichton, Michael, 2:87

  Cosby, Bill, 2:78

  Crosby, Bing, 1:73, 1:80

  The Cosby Show (TV show), 2:82

  Cubism, 1:54; 1910s, 1:54, 1:61;

  Cosmetics (children): 1910s, 1:304 5;

  1920s, 1:66 67

  1920s, 1:314; 1930s, 1:323 24;

  Cullen, Countee, 1:74

  1940s, 1:332 33

  Cultural events, America, 1950s to

  Cosmetics (children to preteen), 1990s

  present, 2:17 47

  and 2000s, 2:370

  Cunningham, Michael, 2:87

  Cosmetics (men): 1900s, 1:255; 1910s,

  Cyber-Goth, alternative fashion,

  1:262; 1920s, 1:270; 1930s, 1:278;


  1940s, 1:285; 1950s, 2:256; 1960s,

  2:265; 1970s, 2:275; 1980s, Dacron, 1970s, 2:176

  2:283 84; 1990s, 2:293 94; 2000s, Dadaism, 1:54


  Daily life: 1900 1949, 1:9 10,

  Cosmetics (teen to college): 1950s,

  1:87 113; 1950s to present, 2:9 11

  2:317; 1960s, 2:329; 1970s, 2:343;

  Dali, Salvador, 1:71, 1:73

  1980s, 2:356 57; 1990s and 2000s,

  Dallas (TV show), 2:81

  2:371 Cosmetics (women):

  Dance: ballroom, 1:98; Charleston,

  1900 1908, 1:179; 1909 1914,

  1:68; Jitterbug, 1:110; pose, 2:84 85;

  1:187; 1914 1919, 1:195 96;

  1920s, 1:69, 1:104; in the 1930s and 1920 1930, 1:208; 1930 1940,

  1940s, 1:8

  1:221; 1940 1946, 1:234;

  Dancehalls, early 1900s, 1:53 54, 1:60

  1947 1949, 1:242; 1950s, 2:189;

  Darrow, Clarence, Scopes trial, 1:38,

  1960s, 2:201; 1970s, 2:213; 1980s,


  2:223; 1990s, 2:233; 2000s, Darwin, Charles, Theory of Evolution,

  2:241 42


  Cosmopolitan (magazine): 1960s and

  Davis, Miles, 1:81

  1970s, 2:171; 1980s to present,

  Day suit, President Taft, 1900s,



  Costume design: 1930s, 1:76 77;

  Daycare: 1960s, 2:128; 1980s, 2:144,

  1940s, 1:165

  2:146; 1990s and 2000s, 2:148

  Cotton Incorporated, 2:177

  de Kooning, Willem, 1:78

  Coughlin, Father Charles, anti-Semitic

  de la Renta, Oscar, 2:35 36, 2:163

  views, 1:40

  de Meyer, Baron, 1:67

  Counterculture movement, 1960s, 2:7,

  de Mille, Cecil B., 1:70


  Death and dying, perceptions in 1990s,

  Courreges, Andrew, 2:161, 2:175


  Crawford, Cindy, 2:163

  Debs, Eugene, 1:21

  Crawford, Joan, 1:74f

  Debussy, Claude, 1:67

  Credit cards, 1970s, 2:32

  Debutante Assembly and New Year’s

  Credit installment plans: early twentieth

  Ball, 1:106

  century department stores, 1:158;

  Debutante Cotillion and Christmas

  1940s department stores, 1:160

  Ball, 1:106

  Cumulative Index


  Decorative details (children to

  Decorative details (women’s

  preteen): casual wear: 1960s, 2:323;

  formalwear): 1900 1908, 1:173;

  1970s, 2:337; 1980s, 2:351; 1990s 1909 1914, 1:182; 1914 1919,

  and 2000s, 2:364 65; formalwear:

  1:189; 1920 1930, 1:198 99;

  1950s, 2:307; 1960s, 2:320; 1970s, 1930 1930, 1:213; 1940 1946,

  2:333; 1980s, 2:348; 1990s and

  1:224; 1947 1949, 1:238; 1950s, 2000s, 2:361

  2:182; 1960s, 2:193; 1970s, 2:205 6;

  Decorative details (men’s business

  1980s, 2:216; 1990s, 2:227 28

  wear): 1900s, 1:250; 1910s, 1:257;

  Defense of Marriage Act. 1996, 2:152

  1920s, 1:265 66; 1930s, 1:274;

  Delaunay, Sonia, 1:67

  1940s, 1:280; 1950s, 2:251; 1960s, Delphos gown, Mariano Fortuny,

  2:261; 1970s, 2:271; 1980s, 2:279;

  1:151, 1:151f

  1990s, 2:288 89; 2000s, 2:298 99

  Denishawn dance schools, 1:69

  Decorative details (men’s casual wear):

  Department stores: beauty salons, 1:159;

  1900s, 1:251; 1910s, 1:258 59;

  copies of designer garments, 1:160;

  1920s, 1:267; 1930s, 1:275 76;

  cosmetic counters, 1:159; credit in

  1940s, 1:282; 1950s, 2:252; 1960s, early twentieth century, 1:158; credit

  2:259; 1970s, 2:272; 1980s, in 1940s, 1:160; early twentieth

  2:280 81; 1990s, 2:290; 2000s, 2:300

  century, 1:158; fashion after 1920s,

  Decorative details (men’s formalwear):

  1:16; New York and Paris fashions,

>   1900s, 1:249; 1910s, 1:256; 1920s, 1920s, 1:159; Parisian imports, 1920s,

  1:264; 1930s, 1:273; 1940s, 1:280;

  1:159; 1940s, 1:160; shifting to 1950s, 2:250; 1970s, 2:269; 1980s, suburban shopping centers, 1:160

  2:278; 1990s, 2:287; 2000s, 2:298

  DeStijl, 1:66

  Decorative details (teen to college):

  Dickerson, Janice, 2:172

  casual wear: 1960s, 2:326; 1970s,

  Diet craze, 1990s, 2:116

  2:339 40; 1980s, 2:354; 1990s and Dior, Christian, 1:154, 2:160; pencil 2000s, 2:367; formalwear: 1950s,

  skirts and short fitted jackets, 2:183f

  2:308; 1960s, 2:321 22; 1970s, Disco, 2:71

  2:334 35; 1980s, 2:349; 1990s and Discount stores, fashion and, 1920s

  2000s, 2:362 63

  and 1930s, 1:159 60

  Decorative details (women’s business

  Disney, Walt, 1:82

  wear): 1909 1914, 1:183; 1914 1919,

  Divorce: the 1920s, 1:133; the 1960s,

  1:190 91; 1940 1946, 1:225;

  2:129; the 1970s, 2:135; the 1980s, 1947 1949, 1:239; 1950s, 2:183;


  1960s, 2:194; 1970s, 2:207; 1980s, Doll House (Ibsen), 1:60

  2:218; 1990s, 2:229; 2000s, 2:238

  Domestic Relations Act, 1910, 1:127

  Decorative details (women’s casual

  Donna Karan, 2:37 38

  wear): 1900 1908, 1:175;

  Dorsey, Tommy and Jimmy, 1:73, 1:79

  1909 1914, 1:184 85; 1920 1930,

  Dos Passos, John, 1:68

  1:201; 1930 1930, 1:216;

  Downs, Rackstraw, 2:68

  1947 1949, 1:240; 1950s, 2:185;

  Dr. Zhivago, 1965 film, 2:64f

  1960s, 2:196; 1970s, 2:209; 1980s, Drecoll, 1:150

  2:219; 1990s, 2:230; 2000s, 2:239

  Dreiser, Theodore, 1:68


  Cumulative Index

  Dresses (business wear), 1:199;

  Eccentric Abstraction, 1960s, 2:59

  1914 1919, 1:190; 1920 1930,

  Eco-fashion, 2000s, 2:177

  1:199; 1930 1940, 1:214;

  Economic trends: America,

  1940 1946, 1:225; 1947 1949,

  1900 1949, 1:4; America, 1950s

  1:238; 1950s, 2:182; 1960s, 2:194;

  to present, 2:17; family disposable

  1970s, 2:206; 1980s, 2:217; 1990s, income in the 1970s, 2:105 6;

  2:228; 2000s, 2:237

  1950s, 2:20 21; 1960s, 2:26 27; Dresses (casual wear): 1900 1908,

  1970s, 2:31 32; 1980s, 2:37 38;

  1:174 75; 1909 1914, 1:183 84;

  the 1900s, 1:22 23; the 1910s,

  1914 1919, 1:191; 1920 1930,

  1:29 30; the 1920s, 1:34 36;

  1:200 201; 1930 1940, 1:215;

  the 1930s, 1:41 42; the 1940s,

  1940 1946, 1:227; 1947 1949,

  1:45 48; 1990s and 2000s,

  1:239; 1950s, 2:183 84; 1960s,

  2:41 43

  2:195; 1970s, 2:208; 1980s, 2:218 19; Edison, Thomas, movie cameras,

  1990s, 2:229; 2000s, 2:238


  Dresses (children to preteen), casual

  Education: children in the 1980s,

  wear: 1950s, 2:309; 1960s, 2:322;

  2:146 47; curriculum differences,

  1970s, 2:335; 1980s, 2:350; 1900s 1990s, 2:154; focal point for

  and 2000s, 2:363

  children, 1920a and 1930s, 1:13,

  Dresses (teen to college), casual wear:


  1950s, 2:311; 1960s, 2:324; 1970s, Education Act of 1972, Title IX,

  2:337 38; 1980s, 2:352; 1900s and

  2:106, 2:141

  2000s, 2:365 66

  Edwardian (La Belle Epoque) era,

  Dressing sacques (1909 1914), 1:187

  1:171 80

  Drip-dry, fashion innovation of 1950s,

  Eggleston, William, 2:68


  Eighteenth Amendment, 1:6

  Drug Abuse Resistance Education

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2:4

  (DARE), 2:154

  Eliot, T. S., 1:62, 1:81

  DuBois, W. E. B., 1:7

  Ellington, Duke, 1:39, 1:68, 1:79 80

  Duke and Duchess of Windsor,

  Ellis, Bret Easton, 2:87

  wedding fashion, 1930s, 1:213

  Ellis, Perry, 2:166

  The Dukes of Hazard (TV show), 2:82

  Emanuel, Elizabeth and David, Lady

  Duncan, Isadora, 1:69

  Diana’s wedding gown, 2:108

  DuPont, production of viscose, 1:166

  Empire revival, 1909 1914, 1:180 88

  DVDs, 2:91

  Empire silhouette, formalwear

  Dynasty (TV show), 2:81, 82f

  (1909 1914), 1:180

  Empire State Building, 1930s, 1:72

  Earhart, Amelia, 1930s, 1:41

  Environmental concerns, 1980s,

  Earthworks movement, 2:59

  2:39 40

  Eastern European countries, 1990s and

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA),

  2000s, 2:44

  2:11, 2:136

  Eastman, George, 1:57

  Erhard Seminar Training (EST),

  Easy Rider: new era in film, 2:9, 2:64;


  1960s counterculture, 2:134

  Erskine, John, 1:68

  Cumulative Index


  Ethnicity: 1900 1949, 1:6 7; 1900s, Fashion designers: new type of

  1:26 27; 1910s, 1:31 33; 1920s, couturier, 1930s, 1:156; 1950s to

  1:37 39; 1930s, 1:43 44; 1940s, present, 2:14

  1:50 51; 1950s, 2:23; 1960s, Fashion industry: beauty ideals in

  2:28 30; 1970s, 2:33 35; 1980s, different periods, 1:17; business of,

  2:40; 1990s and 2000s, 2:45 46

  1:149 68, 2:159 78; department European Union, 1993, 2:43

  stores, 1:16; diversification by end of

  Evangelical Christian groups, 1980s,

  1960s, 2:61; Hollywood films and,


  1:16 17; magazines, 1:16, 1:164;

  Evening gown: 1905, 1:172f; Pat

  mail-order catalogs, 1:1:1:165, 1:16;

  Nixon, 2:181f; WWII-era, 1:223f

  mass production techniques and,

  Eyeglasses (women), 1950s, 2:191

  1:15; niche publications, 2:15; 1900s,

  1:90; 1910s, 1:96; 1920s, 1:102,

  Factory Investigating Committee,

  1:103f, 1:135; 1990s movies, 2:90;

  New York State, 1:32

  sexualized images, 1990s, 2:151; TV

  Factory work: New York, 1:32; young

  programming about, 1990s and

  people in cities, 1920s, 1:35

  2000s, 2:92 93; U. S., 14 17; during Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938, 1:13,

  WWII, 1:153


  Fashion technology, 1:150, 2:174 78;

  Fairbanks, Douglas, 1:69

  1940s, 1:167; 1950s, 2:174 75;

  Fallingwater, Pittsburgh, 1:72

  1900s and 1910s, 1:165 66; 1920s

  The Family: Preserving America’s Future,

  and 1930s, 1:166 67; 1960s and

  Reagan administration report, 1980s,

  1970s, 2:175 76; 1980s to present,


  2:176 78

  Family and Medical Leave Act, 1993,

  Fast food, 1960s, 2:103

  2:148 49

  Fath, Jacques, 1:154

  Family life: growing up in America,

  Faulkner, William, 1:73, 1:81

  1900 1949, 1:12 14; men’s role in

  Federal Communications Commission

  the 1950s, 2:122; vacations and

  (FCC), 1:70, 1:76; AM versus FM, leisure, 2:99; what constitutes a

  1965, 2:65; regulation changes,

  family. 1990s, 2:149

sp; 1987, 2:81

  Family values, 1950s, 2:96 97

  Federal Emergency Relief

  Farming, during the 1920s, 1:35

  Administration, 1:42

  Fashion communication, 1:150,

  Federal income tax, 1:30

  1:161 65, 2:170 74; 1900 1920, Federal Nurses Training Bill, banned

  1:161 62; 1920 1940, 1:162 64;

  racial discrimination, 1:50

  1940 1949, 1:164 65; magazines,

  Federal Radio Commission, 1:70, 1:76

  1:161 62, 1:163; mail-order Federal Works Projects: Federal

  catalogs and pattern catalogs,

  Theater Projects, 1:74; murals

  1:162, 1:164; movies, 1:162 63;

  supported by, 1:72

  newsreels, 1:163; photography,

  Felt, use in shoes, 1:167

  1:162; 1950s, 2:170 71; 1960s and Feminism: in the 1910s, 1:126; in

  1970s, 2:171 72; 1980s to present, the 1960s, 2:130; in the 1970s,

  2:172 74

  2:138 39


  Cumulative Index

  Ferdinand, Franz, Archduke,

  Ford, Gerald, 2:5, 2:31

  assassination, 1:30

  Ford, Henry, 1:100

  Ferragamo, Salvatore, 1:167

  Ford, Tom, 2:164

  Ferraro, Geraldine, 2:37

  Form follows function, American

  Field, Barbara, debutante in 1936,

  architecture, 1:57


  Formalwear (children): 1900s,

  Field Painting, 2:52

  1:291; 1910s, 1:297 98; 1920s, Fields, Shep, His Rippling Rhythm,

  1:307 8; 1930s, 1:316 18; 1940s,


  1:326 28

  Fish, Janet, 2:68

  Formalwear (children to preteen):

  Fitness and exercise: 1980s, 2:109 10;

  1950s, 2:306 7; 1960s, 2:319 20;

  1990s, 2:115

  1970s, 2:332 33; 1980s, 2:347 48;

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 1:62, 1:68

  1990s and 2000s, 2:360 61

  Fixx, Jim, 2:106

  Formalwear (men): 1900s, 1:248 49;

  Flammable Fabrics Act, 1971, 2:176

  1910s, 1:256; 1920s, 1:263 64;

  Flappers, women in the 1920s, 1:11,

  1930s, 1:272 73; 1940s, 1:280;

  1:102, 1:134 35

  1950s, 2:249 50; 1960s, 2:258 59;

  Follies Girls, 1:64

  1970s, 2:268 69; 1980s, 2:277 78;

  Fonda, Jane, workout videos, 2:109 10

  1990s, 2:287; 2000s, 2:297 98

  Fontanne, Lynn, 1:68 69

  Formalwear (teen to college): 1950s,

  Footwear (children): 1900s, 1:296 97;

  2:307 8; 1960s, 2:320 21; 1970s, 1910s, 1:306; 1920s, 1:314 15;

  2:333 35; 1980s, 2:348 49

  1930s, 1:324 25; 1940s, 1:334 35

  Formalwear (women): 1900 1908,

  Footwear (children to preteen): 1950s,

  1:171 73; 1909 1914, 1:180 82;

  2:317; 1960s, 2:329; 1970s, 1914 1919, 1:189; 1940 1946,


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