Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined…

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Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined… Page 22

by Kendrick, Kenna

  “You all know that Angus is innocent. You know of these documents, the documents that will prove that it was not Angus who did this!” She glanced at John, who looked ashamed, and his brother, whose eyes were wide with surprise. She still didn’t reveal the documents.

  “Aye, she’s a lass tae remember, true enough.” There was a little chuckle as Archibald tried to ignore her words, but it was soon silenced by Lord Darling’s sharp look.

  “Charlotte Andrews, you will leave the room this instant! You have naught to say in a man’s trial. He is guilty, and we have the witnesses to prove it!”

  “Oh, do you?” She felt her strength growing with each moment. She turned back to him. “These men?” She pointed at the Campbells. John looked down, unable to meet Charlotte’s gaze any longer.

  Lord Darling nodded but said. “Your father is a weak man who has not taught you how a woman is to behave! Good thing I have sent him off, so he will not be here to get in the way!”

  Charlotte gasped, and at that moment, Angus opened the study door, and everyone in the room turned around to meet the noise. He looked tired as if the weight of the world rested upon him, but he was still curious as to what was going on outside of the door. The soldier stationed there tried to stop him from leaving. Charlotte felt her heart leap at the sight of him. At least he was still alive. She tried to catch his eyes, wishing that she could send a message to him.

  She hated to see him like this, his strength waning, and the life and energy leaving him. It was as if he was ill again, but this time, she knew it was all her own fault. She had taken that life from him when she had wanted so desperately to give him all of herself.

  “What the Hell are you doing out of there, MacLean?”

  “The Campbells are here. Can we nae begin the trial? I’d prefer tae learn soon enough whether I can go free, or if taeday is my last day on God’s green Earth.” He leaned against the side of the door and crossed his arms. He did not look at her but merely stared at Lord Darling, daring him to act. Charlotte knew that he was attempting to appear calm and cool, but sadness and anger played across his features.

  Lord Darling looked as though he was about to explode. She had never seen a man so enraged. All this to avenge the death of a brother who was not even a good man! He refused to see reason! He would willingly ruin the life of an innocent person just so that he could feel a sliver of satisfaction. Why were the Campbells lying? After what John did for Calum, she thought him a good man, but here he was now, not telling the truth. She would have to reveal him if he would not do so himself.

  Just then, without saying anything. Lord Darling rushed to the soldier at the door and yanked his musket from him. He said, “Get out, soldier! Or you will receive the full wrath of the King. Do not allow anyone else to enter!”

  The soldier, still a young boy, was trembling as he stood with newly empty arms, his eyes wide with surprise. He scurried off as quickly as he could and shut the door behind him. A silence fell over the crowd as they all waited for what Lord Darling would do next. He pointed the musket at Angus, the bayonet nearly touching the skin of his neck. “I have taught my soldiers to have their muskets filled, so they are at the ready whenever they need. That’s what you get when you train men properly, not like you, General,” Lord Darling practically snarled.

  “Miss Andrews. I want you to give me those documents so that I can destroy them. If you do not, then I will kill your precious Angus MacLean right here and now.”

  * * *

  Lady Julia MacLean laid her head against her husband’s shoulder as they rode through the Scottish countryside. Their fingers were intertwined on his lap, and Calum stared out the window. “Calum, I cannot believe how good it feels to be going back. It was too long away. It feels like months, years even!”

  Calum chuckled at his wife. He placed a kiss on her head. “I thought you were good with numbers, my love. ‘Twas only a few weeks! And I am happy, as well, to say that we are going home. Now, we can truly settle at Duart.”

  Julia smiled and looked up at his face. “But remember, you did promise me we would travel sometimes. We cannot stay on an Isle forever and ever. There is so much I haven’t seen!”

  Calum nodded. He took Julia’s face in his hands and said, “Aye, of course, but nae while yer in the state yer in. Ye will need tae take care of yerself until the bairn is born.” Julia placed her hand on her stomach.

  She sighed. “Yes, I know. Of course. But children should not stop us from living the life that we dreamed of, Calum.” She leaned up and kissed him. Each day was better than the last with her wild Highlander. She never knew that she could be as happy as this.

  Once she pulled away, Calum looked at her, his eyes dark with desire. “Ye will be able tae convince me of anything, lass if ye kiss me like that.” Julia giggled.

  But then she felt her mind turn to what had happened in London. She felt a little grim at the memory. Her uncle, Andrew Bradford, was convicted of the murder of his brother and had been hanged. Julia refused to attend his execution, thinking of it as a morbid tradition, but unfortunately, she could still hear the cheers of the audience that echoed through the city.

  She was happy that her uncle was dead, but it still hurt her. The last piece of her old life was now gone. She had created a new one with Calum, Charlotte, and Angus, but she still grieved for what could have been. What a life she could have had if her uncle had been a good man.

  Calum noticed her change in attitude, and he said, “Julia, I am sorry for yer loss. Truly I am. Even if he was nae a good man, it still feels strange tae lose family.”

  Julia nodded and laid her head back on his shoulder. “You understand me completely. Well, that means I must use the money I have now inherited and put it to good use. For the clan and for our children, of course.”

  “And our travels,” Calum added. “Have ye forgotten so soon about them?”

  Julia laughed. Calum always knew what to say when she was feeling down. “Let us think of happy things then, Calum. You know, I am very much excited to see how Angus and Charlotte have gotten on in our absence? Do you think it could have happened as we’d hoped? Do you think he would have made any sort of move towards her?”

  “In affection?” He asked incredulously? “Or desire?” He chuckled then. “Nae sure. My brother can be quite stubborn when he wishes tae be. Even if something did happen, I wonder if he would even tell us. He wouldnae want tae look a fool in front of me, I can tell ye that.”

  Julia grinned. “How romantic would it be if they fell in love, Calum? Then we would never have to part from them.”

  “It seems ye’d get the better end of the deal there, having Charlotte around. I’d be stuck with my ever-growing stoic brother.” Calum made a face, and Julia pulled away from him and hit him lightly on the shoulder.

  “Calum! You love your brother, and you know it. Come, tell me, would you not be happy for him if he found love?”

  Calum grinned. “Of course, lass. I am happy for anyone who gets tae experience a love such as mine. Now come here. We can discuss all of this nonsense later. We’ll soon see Angus and Charlotte for ourselves within the hour. I want a little more time with ye afore we do.” He reached for Julia, who giggled as he pulled her close to him. Soon there was no more talk in the carriage, and the only sounds were the swishing of Julia’s dress and a few soft moans.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Angus had heard everything. Lord Darling had been interrupted in his satisfaction at finding Angus amidst all the papers by the arrival of the Campbell men. He left the room once more, and Angus was lost, trying desperately to think of a way out of his arrest. But soon, he heard raised voices, and he moved closer to the door to listen in.

  When he heard Charlotte’s voice, defending him, he felt a leap of joy. She knew about the documents, and maybe she could find them? He felt a little guilty then for the hateful words he spoke to her earlier. She was here now, trying to get Lord Darling to free him. And she was there at th
e time of death! Perhaps she would even become a witness if it was so allowed.

  He opened the door, curious about what was happening, hoping to get everything sorted, but the soldier at the door stopped him, and then the chaos began. Once Lord Darling had the gun in his hands, sweat beginning to bead at the corners of his brow, Angus felt like time had stopped. He felt the prick of the bayonet on his neck, and his eyes flickered to Charlotte’s.

  Lord Darling was crazed. That was obvious enough now. Angus realized that if somehow, the trigger was pulled, and he lost his life right then, he wanted one last look at Charlotte, even if he was angry with her. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and when he watched her, his heart swelled with love. She looked to be on the verge of tears, even though he had heard power and defiance in her voice earlier.

  She cares. It’s in her eyes. Even Lord Darling had called him ‘her precious Angus.’ He kept his mind on that and tried to not think of the prospect of death as it loomed at his side.

  Suddenly, Archibald spoke up, his thick bushy red eyebrows furrowing in anger as he watched the scene. “What are ye about, ye daft Englishman? We shall have a furious battle on our hands if ye kill the laird’s brother! And we will have lost our bargaining power! How will we ever get the land if we lose him? Ye daft idiot.”

  Lord Darling’s dark eyes shifted from person to person. Angus could tell the man’s madness was increasing with each passing moment. He shifted his hands on the gun, and Angus swallowed, trying not to let his nerves get the better of him. He could try to fight the older man and push the gun away from him, but with Charlotte and the other woman in the room, he couldn’t risk it. He was still slightly weak, and he didn’t trust his muscles to do what they were used to when the man had a weapon. So he stood frozen, trying to think of something.

  Lord Darling replied to Archibald, “You Scottish idiot. You think that I care about your end of this deal? I only used you for information! Whether or not you get the MacLean land is of little consequence to me when revenge is at hand!”

  John said, “Revenge? What do you mean?” He even took a step towards Lord Darling, and Angus wished he could kick him back.

  Lord Darling laughed then, a mirthless, hollow laugh that echoed off the walls of the room sharply, adding a strange and ominous tone to the air. “Revenge! For my dear departed brother, General George Whiteman!”

  Suddenly, General Andrews burst into the room and yelled out, “I knew something was not right here. Whiteman was your brother?!” Charlotte felt a leap of hope as she saw her father’s angry arrival.


  Lord Darling laughed again. The musket began to tremble in his hands as he laughed, and Angus felt sweat pouring down his own head. He could lose his life at any minute.

  “That’s right, you blasted idiot! You finally had enough intelligence to string a pair of thoughts together! He was my brother, and he was murdered here! I came to find out who it was, and these Campbell men told me the truth.” Lord Darling pushed the bayonet further into Angus’ neck, and he winced in pain. He opened his eyes again to see Charlotte watching him with fear, and the woman next to her was crying.

  General Andrews glanced at Charlotte and spoke again, edging closer towards the surprised group, “Then there was no reason for you to come because of war or extra training? I knew it. While I rode towards Fort George on your useless mission, I thought to myself, what am I doing here, allowing a strange man to collect my daughter and take over the duties of my Fort?”

  Angus wished that everyone would stop with the questions and conversations. He was the one who was on the verge of death. They needed to find a solution, not simply pepper the madman with questions that seemed to give him no end to his morbid amusement.

  Lord Darling replied gruffly, “Well, I’m surprised you were able to come to ask such an intelligent question. I did not come to the Fort to take over, though. That’s where you’re wrong. I came for one purpose only. Even the King had forgotten about my brother and had not even heard of him when I brought up his name. I will not have my brother lost to history or become vilified for his treason. It is not true, I tell you! So you will give me the documents that I desire so that I can destroy them.” Lord Darling set his teeth and stared at the small party before him, daring them to say anything else.

  There was a whimper of “Father, how could you?” from Elizabeth, and everyone’s eyes turned to her tear-stained face.

  “Shut up, daughter! This does not concern you. You never met my brother, for your mother would not allow it. Once the old bitch died, I had hoped you could meet him and see him for his honor and accomplishment. But then he was taken from me by this man!” Angus could feel a warm trickle of blood slide down the skin of his neck as Lord Darling pushed the tip of the bayonet even further into his skin. With a stronger push, the blade would plunge through his neck, and he would die, spilling his blood on the floor of the Fort, an empty man.

  Charlotte then cried out, “John! You must tell him!” and at the same time, John stepped forward, nerves making his arms tremble. General Andrews watched his movement warily. Angus knew what John was about to do, and he was shocked. But even though he knew what was about to happen, he was still surprised by the next words that came out of John Campbell’s mouth.

  * * *

  Julia and Calum stepped out of their carriage and left it at the inn’s stables. Calum stretched his arms high and took in a deep breath of air. “I feel rather revitalized from that part of our journey.”

  Julia moved towards him, a satisfied smile on her face. She said softly, “From the lovemaking in the carriage, you mean.” Calum smiled and rubbed her shoulders.

  “Aye, I do seem to recall something pleasant like that happening.”

  Julia cried, “Calum MacLean, you are becoming much too cocky for my taste, you know. You will grow to regret it one day. What if I refuse to go to bed with you one of these days? You’d feel remorseful then, I am sure. Julia taunted her husband, her hands on her hips. Never before had she dreamed of being so brazen with another man, and especially not in public.

  Calum threw his head back and laughed. Then he looked at her with a grin, his eyes full of amusement. “Now dinnae go saying things ye dinnae mean, lass. I know that ye’d regret nae going tae bed with me just as much as I would.”

  Julia huffed. He was right. Each time she and Calum made love to each other, it was better, more heated, and more passionate than the last time. But she still wanted to tease him just a little. “Calum MacLean, I am warning you. I will find some punishment that shall fit the crime. Your pride in your abilities is infuriating!” But she threw him a smile and shook her head at him. “Come, let us go to the Fort. Please! I wish to see my uncle before we part over the water. Perhaps Charlotte will even be there.”

  Calum nodded. “Aye, lass. Of course. Shall we walk? ‘Tis a fine day. I shall go and tell the men tae take our trunks tae Duart.”

  Julia heartily agreed. “Thank you! I feared my legs would be eternally filled with cramps after such a long carriage ride.”

  Julia took Calum’s arm, and they began to walk in the direction of the shore. “I often think about how Angus found me in my nearly frozen state in that woods just over there.”

  Calum tightened his grip on her. “Aye, I think of it too.” His voice changed a little. “I was a broken man, Julia. Ye have brought me back tae life. Ye know that, do ye nae?” He turned to her, his eyes full of admiration and love. Julia sighed with contentment.

  “That I do. But you have saved me too, from a life of misery and captivity. I have now been given sweet freedom.”

  They walked along the shoreline, discussing the beauty of their land when they saw Liam and a number of the other men arriving in boats, their swords around their belts, and fury in their eyes. Calum glanced at Julia before running towards them. “Liam! What is this? Why have ye come in such numbers and in such a state?” Liam turned with surprise and smiled at Calum briefly.
/>   “Laird! Ye have returned! And my lady!” He turned to Julia and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Liam, what is wrong?” Julia asked as she noted the concern on his face. The men began to gather around, greeting Calum and Julia.

  Liam began, “There is trouble at the Fort. I am certain of it. A man named Lord Darling, assistant to the general, came this morning tae take Charlotte and Angus from Duart tae the Fort. They mean tae question Angus. They think he is guilty of trying tae start a war!”

  “What? That is ridiculous!” Calum yelled, his anger building. “What war do they mean?”

  “Aye, I know. I have brought the men. We are here tae fight if need be, laird.” Calum’s fists clenched.

  “Have ye a sword for me tae use?”

  “Aye, ye may use mine, and I shall find another.”

  “Let us go, Liam. Come, Julia, perhaps ye can help talk some sense intae yer uncle.” Julia was pale, thinking about her brother-in-law and what the Lord would also want with her dear cousin. She followed behind the men as the group of Scots stormed towards the British Fort.


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