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Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined…

Page 24

by Kendrick, Kenna

  Charlotte would go and marry her Lord in London, or wherever he was, and she would become the rich, society woman that she was meant to be. His heart ached, but he ignored it. He would have to become skilled at that if he was going to be able to sleep at night. He would get over it. His mind kept telling him that it was possible, but his heart doubted it.

  He was so tired. All he desired now was to return to his bed and sleep away all that had happened. He dared his subconscious to try to send him images of Charlotte once he gave himself up to slumber. After John and his cart had become tiny in their view, Julia turned to him and said. “Let us go home. I am very glad that we are back, Angus. I have missed you greatly. I want you to tell me all that has happened.” Her voice was kind and soft, and Angus could tell that his sister-in-law was worried about him.

  They began walking towards the shoreline. Calum said gruffly, “Aye, I didnae expect such a welcome. A dead man on the floor, and the Campbells and MacLeans in an English Fort, helping each other.”

  Angus smiled weakly. “Aye, I imagine that was the last thing ye’d expected. Good thing Liam came with the men.” He slapped a hand on Liam’s shoulder, and Liam grinned.

  “It was very strange tae see the British come tae our Isle as they did, their muskets pointed in our direction. That Lord was crazed, obviously, but I’m a bit disappointed I wasnae able tae spill a bit of English blood taeday. ‘Tis a fine day for it. Excuse me, my Lady.”

  Calum laughed and said, “Aye, who is this man? When did he come?”

  Angus sighed, remembering the letter that Charlotte had received, which he had read and which had caused her to leave so abruptly, taking his heart with her. “He is an Earl. He came supposedly to assist General Andrews with something. But he actually came for revenge. General Whiteman was his brother.”

  Calum opened his mouth as understanding dawned on him. “Och, I see now. Bloody Hell, and he killed a Campbell for it. Only he killed the wrong Campbell.”

  Angus nodded. “His plan was tae kill me until John confessed. I was surprised, I can tell ye that.”

  Julia said, “Well, I’m very happy he did confess, although I’m sorry for the loss of his brother. I wonder why Lord Darling thought that it was you who had done it.”

  Angus was feeling more tired by the minute. He wished everyone would stop asking questions. The four of them climbed into a boat, and Liam began rowing away from the shore. At least Angus would be able to breathe a bit better out on the safety of the Isle.

  He continued his tale. “The Campbells told him ‘twas I who had done the deed. They wished tae use me for bargaining power tae get the land from ye. They had sent a spy tae the Isle right after ye left tae see how we fared.” Angus’ jaw clenched with the memory of what that spy had almost done to Charlotte. He would have to mention it to John when they met again.

  Calum nodded. “Well, we’ll have tae meet with the new laird tae see how our agreement stands now. But surely they saw how we fared well, despite their hopes.” Calum looked a little nervous, and Angus suddenly felt a flash of anger towards his brother.

  “Aye, we fared well, despite yer fears, brother. Charlotte helped the ill clan members. Mrs. MacLean tells me they are getting better with each moment.”

  Julia smiled. “Charlotte is a brilliant healer, is she not? I am so glad that the people are feeling better. By the way,” Julia hesitated, and Angus knew what she was going to ask next. “Angus, has something happened with Charlotte?” Julia looked so hopeful that Angus’ heart broke.

  Calum ignored Julia’s question and responded to Angus, “What do ye mean, despite my fears?”

  Angus could feel the rage coursing through him. It felt good to take it out on someone. Anyone. “I heard that ye asked Charlotte tae stay with me so that I wouldnae make any mistakes with helping the clan. She was there tae help so that I wouldnae fail, am I nae right?”

  Calum hesitated, and Angus was satisfied. Even his own kin felt he was worthless. At least he knew the truth now. It hurt him, but he felt a peace about it now that everything was out in the open. He didn’t have to try to guess at people’s real feelings anymore.

  He looked out to the Sound and tried to think about a life without Charlotte. It would be empty and long, but he resolved to build one. And he could do it without Calum’s help.

  Suddenly he felt a pang in his shoulder. He turned to see Calum with fury in his eyes. He’d just punched him. “What the bloody Hell, brother?” Angus yelled out, his ire having reached its peak. He just wished that he could be left alone to lick his wounds.

  “Ye bloody idiot!” Calum yelled, and Angus felt cowed by the vehemence of it. “Why do ye always feel sorry for yerself, as if ye’ve naething tae give tae anyone? I wouldnae have left the clan tae ye if I thought that ye couldnae do it!”

  Angus clutched his shoulder, feeling wounded. “Then why ask Charlotte tae stay?”

  “Because I knew ye were nervous about it. ‘Twas nae about ye nae being up tae the task. But I thought that ‘twould ease yer mind if ye had someone tae help with Julia’s tasks. And the people were ill, and Charlotte could help take that worry from yer mind. I wasnae even sure if she would stay or nae, or if her father would call her back.”

  Angus said, “Och, I see.”

  “Aye, ye see naething, lad. Yer a bloody fool.”

  Julia said then, her voice just a little sharp. “Come now, Calum and Angus. ‘Tis over. We can go home as a family now.” Angus could have kissed his sister for stopping the argument between him and his brother.

  He sat back and thought about what Calum just said to him. “It wasn’t about the fact that Calum thought he was a weak idiot.” He sat in silence until they arrived at the shore. When they got out of the boat, Julia took Angus’ arm, and they walked towards the castle quietly. Soon he would be locked in his room, away from everyone, and he could fall into a much-needed slumber.

  Calum paused and stood back with Liam by the boats for a second. He leaned in and whispered, “Lad, did anything happen with Charlotte and Angus? Why is my brother now such an ass?”

  Liam smiled. “He’d kill me if he heard me tell ye. But aye, something has happened. He’s as besotted as ye were, laird. There must be something about the Sassenachs.” Liam laughed, and Calum smiled.

  “Good tae hear. That’s something I can work with. I may need yer help with something, Liam. I’ll let ye know.”

  Liam smiled. “Of course.”

  Calum walked behind his wife and brother, feeling quite satisfied that he and Julia had been correct.

  * * *

  Charlotte heard a knock at the door, and she sat up, wiping her tears. She thought it might be Elizabeth. She really should be comforting her at this time and not wallowing in her own misery. The girl had just lost her father to an unknown fate! When she uttered out the words “Come in,” she was taken aback when she saw it was her father.

  He moved inside shyly, and Charlotte stood to follow him to the chairs at her hearth. When he sat, he looked like he was struggling with words, and many emotions flitted across his face before he finally was able to find what he wanted to say. “My dear, Charlotte, can you ever forgive me? Your father has been a horrible fool. I don’t know how you have dealt with me recently. ”

  Charlotte leaned forward and grabbed his hands, so glad that her father had come back to her. “Of course, Father! I love you. I was so sad to see that Lord Darling had taken you under his thumb! I knew you felt trapped, and I wanted to help you if I could. But now he is gone!” She hesitated. “He is, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, yes, of course. I will speak to him and then send him to the authorities. I just can’t believe that a man of his status could do such a thing. I thought he was such a well-connected, well-bred man. I trusted him, and I should not have. You tried to get me to see reason. I am sorry again, daughter. I have put too much faith and importance in the power of social status.”

  “You are forgiven, Father. Of course, you are forgiven.” S
he tightened her grip on his hands and looked into his eyes. “But please tell me that I will not be forced to marry whoever it is that Lord Darling has selected for me. I do not want to marry that man. I want—” she hesitated, and General Andrews placed his hand atop Charlotte’s.

  “My daughter, of course. You shall have whatever pleases you. You will be free to do as you wish and marry who you wish. I will not attempt to stand in your way any longer. I have proven myself to be a most uninformed and weak father.” He gave a hollow laugh and then said, “What is it that you want? You have changed so much in these recent weeks. Many of the changes are good changes. I can see a maturity in you that has not been there before. But now there is sadness. What is it?”

  Charlotte watched her father’s kind eyes as they expressed to her how much he loved her and cared for her. Her shoulders released when he told her that her engagement would be broken. But something still hung over her, and she was afraid to tell her father. But now that there was no chance of it coming to fruition, she could share her feelings with him.

  “I want…a different man, father. I have fallen in love, but I kept my feelings hidden from you because I didn’t think you would approve. And I thought that there was never a chance that he and I could be together. If it was going to save this man’s life, then I was willing to throw myself into my new marriage.”

  She paused, waiting to see how her father would react. He leaned back in his chair and smiled. “You are in love with someone, my dear? Could it be Angus MacLean?”

  “How did you know, Father?” Her face was beginning to heat with embarrassment, and she looked down at her hands.

  “Despite what Lord Darling has to say on the matter, I can put a pair of thoughts together.” He chuckled. “I suspected for a while now. I could see the way that he looked at you, and you spent so much time at the Fort and had extended your stay a few times already. And even after Julia left, you wanted to stay, and you even snuck back there once you’d moved in here. You sent over the vegetables. There were many clues, my darling.”

  Charlotte smiled. “I suppose you’re right, Father. I had no idea that I was so obvious, for I did not yet know myself my true feelings. But I love him, Father, and I could not, in good conscience, marry another who I do not love. I would rather remain alone.”

  General Andrews frowned as he thought. “Charlotte, surely this MacLean man loves you in return. You are wonderful in every respect.”

  Charlotte said, “I have made too many mistakes, Father. He did not know that I was arranged to be married to another. I think he is angry with me.”

  “So, he knows of your feelings?”

  “Yes. And I know of his. I thought that after today, with Lord Darling being put in prison, he would surely speak to me again. But, he left without saying anything. I am lost.”

  Now that she’d begun to open up to her father, it was as if everything came flooding out all at once.

  “Does he know that the engagement was made by Lord Darling? I don’t remember anyone saying anything to him about that.”

  Charlotte felt hope begin to flicker into being. “No, you are right. I don’t think he knows that. But would that really make a difference?”

  “Yes. Perhaps he simply thinks that you are engaged, and that is that. He might not know that now that Lord Darling is put away, there is no more engagement.”

  “Yes, Father, you are right! How could I have been so despairing?” Her hope was beginning to catch flame. “I will have to tell him somehow. I don’t know that he wishes to speak to me, but I will have to try!” But she felt disappointed again, and she sat back, another worry niggling at her mind. “You do not disapprove, Father, of me loving and wishing to marry a Scotsman?”

  General Andrews sighed and shook his head. “I think it is long overdue that I give up my notions of you doing anything according to my plan. All I desire now is for your happiness. Angus MacLean is a good man. You could have done far worse.”

  “But what about your desire to reside in London once you are retired? You may have to end up in Scotland.”

  Her father smiled. “You know, I do believe it’s beginning to grow on me. If finding Scottish lovers is in our blood as it appears to be, then perhaps I should find myself a Scottish wife.” Charlotte laughed, her heart ready to try once more.

  Chapter Thirty

  The next day, Angus awoke, feeling rested, but the memory of yesterday still hung heavily upon him. He dragged himself from his bed and wandered down to the Hall to find food. Calum and Julia were already there, talking and laughing, looking every bit the happy pair that they were. He almost backed out of the room, afraid to be around them when they were so deliriously happy, but Julia called him back.

  “Come, Angus! We have much to discuss.”

  “Aye,” grumbled Calum. “About how yer such a bloody ass now.” Angus could see his brother was attempting to appear angry but wasn’t very successful.

  “I thought ye’d prefer me this way, with the two of ye being so disgustingly happy.” Julia laughed, and Angus couldn’t help but chuckle as well. A good night’s sleep had done wonders for him. No images of Charlotte as he slept, thank God.

  Angus took a piece of bread and began to slather it with warm butter. Julia eyed him for a moment and then said, “So, it is time. What happened with Charlotte?”

  Angus looked at their expectant eyes. He was going to resist, but then he gave up. He knew that Julia would give him no end of grief until he told her everything. He sighed, putting down his piece of bread. “Fine. I give up, sister. I know you will not stop until you get what you want. Aye, something has happened. I’m bloody in love with the woman, but she is engaged to another. She knew the whole time and didn’t tell me. Even after…”

  He stopped, suddenly feeling shy in the presence of his grinning brother and his excited sister-in-law. He rubbed the back of his neck, and Julia clapped. “I knew it, Angus. Calum, didn’t I tell you that something would happen? I’d even told Charlotte myself that I thought you were attracted to her.”

  Angus threw up his arms. “Bloody Hell, is there no end of conversations with Charlotte that go on behind my back?”

  Calum laughed. Julia looked confused. “But what is this about an engagement? I didn’t know anything about it.”

  “She is apparently engaged. When Lord Darling came for her and me, she told them that she would marry the man they’d selected for her.”

  Calum crossed his arms. “Sounds tae me like she wanted tae protect ye and was giving up something that they wanted.”

  Angus made a face, and Julia agreed with Calum. “I know Charlotte. She wouldn’t agree to something like that unless there was a reason. But I’m certain we can find out the truth. If this Lord Darling is now in prison, then surely the engagement won’t go on.”

  Angus froze. He hadn’t considered that option. He’d just assumed that the engagement had been going on for a while, and he didn’t know. “So, Charlotte wasnae engaged afore ye left? Tae yer knowledge?”

  “No, certainly not. I would have known. And if I had known, I would not have pushed the idea of you two as much as I did.”

  Angus thought nervously. What if the engagement was now void, and he had just rudely left the Fort? What if there was still a chance that they could be together, and he had ruined it by his sullen jealousy?

  Calum then spoke, “Listen, brother, do ye want tae marry the lass? I never thought of ye as the marrying kind, but if ye say ye do, then I know yer besotted with her.”

  Angus nodded, forgetting his earlier shyness. “Aye, I wish tae marry the lass. But I just dinnae think it possible.”

  Julia suddenly burst forth. “Then you must go to her and find out! Why are you wasting time here with us, sulking and licking your wounds?”

  Angus hesitated. “Nae. She willnae want me now after what I said to her. I was angry yesterday after I’d found out. I said horrible things tae her.”

  “If she loves you, then she’ll forgi
ve you. Angus MacLean, if you marry, you will find that nearly every day you and Charlotte will be at odds! She has a temper, and you will have to deal with that.” Julia laughed. “I’m sure there will be many times when apologies need to happen.”

  Just as Angus was considering Julia’s words, Mrs. MacLean rushed in. “Laird, Lady, and Angus! Angus, I’m so glad tae see ye are well, but Liam has just rushed back from his hunt tae let ye know that Mistress Andrews is leaving today for London! He has found out from Elizabeth Darling. She leaves with that horrid father of hers, and Charlotte means to accompany her.”

  Angus’ heart began to beat anew. He had barely felt it before, after yesterday, when he had felt that everything was wrong with the world. But now it was working in earnest. It was as if the sun came out and shone down upon him, and he saw everything clearly.

  Angus stood, and Julia was practically bursting. “Go to her! Get her back, Angus! Tell her how you feel! You will lose her to London if you do not!”


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