The Forlorn Dagger Trilogy Box Set

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The Forlorn Dagger Trilogy Box Set Page 50

by Jaxon Reed

  The following day, Thanden found Endrick again walking alone in a park near the castle. He gave Endrick a small slip of parchment that simply read, “Hidden Woods, mile marker 18. Be there by sunset in four days.”

  As he stretched out and waited, the thought occurred to him that if whatever wizard who passed along the message neglected to show, Endrick was stranded out here in the middle of nowhere with no food or water.

  He looked up at the sun to gauge how much more daylight remained. Two, maybe three hours, he decided. With nothing else to do, he leaned back against the tree and waited.

  As the last rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves, a movement caught his eye. A hazy yellow Globe of Transport appeared on the road near the mile marker.

  A wizard stepped through it, carrying a staff with a stone of quartz on the end. He wore dark purple robes and had a short brown beard. He looked young for a wizard, Endrick thought. Thanden flew through the globe behind him, and fluttered above the young wizard’s head.

  Endrick stood up as he approached. A sparkle of amusement flashed in the wizard’s eyes as he looked Endrick up and down. Had it been any other man, Endrick would have drawn his sword in anger at the disdainful display. But he restrained himself. A rare honest thought occurred to him, that he might indeed look quite pitiful.

  “So, you were Darkstone’s puppet.”

  Endrick decided to ignore the slight. He drew himself up and composed himself with a regal stare, meeting the wizard’s eyes an equal. He said, “What news have you of Darkstone?”

  “He’s dead.”

  Endrick was not surprised. He knew that whatever powers had sucked Darkstone out of the room against his will could probably kill him as well. He had been prepared to hear that, especially since Darkstone had never returned.

  “Still,” the wizard continued, “I think we may find some use for you.”

  “Yes,” Endrick said, in an effort to turn the conversation in a direction more aligned to his desires. “I’d like you to help me gain my kingdom back. Get young Trant out of the way, and I’ll take care of things from there.”

  Quartzstone chuckled, enjoying the sight of a once powerful monarch attempting to save face. He said, “If you want any chance of my helping you, there’s something you need to do for me first.”

  Simultaneous thoughts occurred to Endrick, who wondered what he could possibly do for a wizard and the dread that any chore he could be used for would likely be dangerous. Quite possibly deadly.

  Quartzstone seemed to be waiting for an answer. Endrick let out his breath, slowly, and faced the wizard square in the eye. He said, “What would you have me do?”

  Quartzstone said, “Near here, but deeper in the woods, a simpleton lives in a hut. This simpleton has a black dagger, which he loves dearly and holds close to his heart at all times.

  “The woods are guarded by powerful wards, and I cannot simply go and retrieve the dagger without alerting our enemies. But you, a mere man with little magic to speak of, can enter without causing alarm.

  “Go, kill the simpleton, and fetch the dagger for me. Do this, and I will do everything in my power to restore your throne.”

  Quartzone lifted questioning eyebrows at him. Endrick knew the wizard knew he really had no choice.

  Endrick said, “The woods are vast. How will I find this simpleton?”

  “Thanden knows where the fool is. He’ll guide you there. He’s not far from here.”

  “Very well. But I have no food or water for my trek.”

  Quartzstone snorted and waived his hand. On the ground near Endrick, a basket of food and a travel skin appeared.

  The wizard said, “Anything else, Your Highness?”

  Again, Endrick ignored the insulting tone in Quartzstone’s voice. He said, “How will I send word to you I have it?”

  “Thanden will find me. When he informs me you have the dagger, come back here to mile marker 18 and I will return. Then we shall kill your enemies and restore you to your throne.”

  The wizard made it all sound so easy, Endrick thought. He could offer no more questions or concerns.

  Quartzstone walked back through the hazy globe and it disappeared. Darkness settled in for the night as light from the transport spell winked out.

  A grumble in his belly reminded Endrick of the food Quartztone left behind. He pulled meat and bread out of the basket. Thanden clapped his hands and floated down nearby, licking his lips. Endrick broke off a small piece of bread from the loaf, but before he could offer it to the sprite, Thanden grabbed the loaf and chomped it down in several quick bites.

  Endrick furrowed his brows at this, partly in anger and partly in confusion. He popped the smaller piece of bread in his mouth and retrieved the meat. This time he portioned it out equally. To his surprise, the little creature ate all that Endrick gave him. It seemed the pudgy little sprite could pack away several times his weight in food.

  When they finished eating, the forest stirred with the sounds of night animals. Endrick forced himself to set aside any concerns about creatures in the dark. He turned to Thanden and said, “So, do you know where to go?”

  Thanden nodded and saluted.

  Endrick sighed and stood up. He said, “Well, I suppose the sooner we get his rotten black dagger, the sooner I can get my kingdom back. Lead the way.”

  Thanden saluted again, and fluttered his way through the trees deeper into the forest.

  Endrick followed, easily keeping up with the sprite’s pale green light in the darkness.

  The End

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  Don’t miss the third and final book in the Forlorn Dagger Trilogy: Dwarves & Wizards.

  Dramatis Personae

  Anabella - Nanny to Princess Margwen of Coral, and her Lady in Waiting.

  Archemon - captain of King Keel, a Coralian naval ship.

  Atta - a Princess of Crystal, seventh born child of King Aldwald and Queen Etta.

  Barley - a dwarf, son of Wort, of the Clan Nugget. Died in the Battle of Greystone Village.

  Bartimo - a young merchant from the Ageless Isles, twin brother to Bellasondra.

  Baylock - a Coralian noble and members of King Keel’s council.

  Bellasondra - a young merchant from the Ageless Isles, twin sister to Bartimo, and Stin the Thief’s love interest.

  Belsett - Captain of the Lightfish, a Fellows family ship.

  Bently - Queen Kita’s brother, Duke of Fellows, one of the five major noble houses of Coral.

  Berti - owner of a fine pub in Corsairs Cove.

  Bluestone - one of the twelve wizards.

  Brightstone - a wizard. His specialties include light of all kinds.

  Cessic - the pirate captain of Wavecrest.

  Chedwick - Duke of Windthorn in the Ruby Kingdom.

  Cookie - a facsimile servant for Oldstone, working in the kitchen of his flying castle.

  Cuppers - a young wagon boy from Corsairs Cove, he served with Quent aboard Wavecrest.

  Cutie - a facsimile servant for Oldstone, working in his flying castle.

  Darkstone - a wizard, he went rogue from the Council of Magic.

  Deedles - a wizard’s cat, she chooses to accompany Princess Margwen, mostly.

  Deef - the jailer aboard King Keel.

  Denn - a crusty old sea salt, he sailed aboard Dream of the Isles and Seacaller.

  Dudge - a dwarf, the second born son of King Nudge and Queen Frum, and second in line to Norweg’s throne.

  Endrick - usurper of the throne of Emerald.

  Enesto - the young head of one of the merchant houses in the Ageless Isles.

  Etta - Queen of Crystal, wife to King Aldwald, mother of Princess Mita, Princess Atta, and Crown Prince Aldwald II.

  Felway - known as “Felway the Fence,�
� he was a pawnbroker in Ruby City, now deceased.

  Finero - head of one of the wealthiest houses in the Ageless Isles.

  Florio - head of one of the merchant houses in the Ageless Isles.

  Fret - a dwarf, son of Barley and Helga, of the Clan Nugget.

  Frond - Captain of Dream of the Isles.

  Frum - Queen of the dwarves.

  Fulton - a painter of great repute, he was murdered at the Battle of Hest.

  Gant - Head Constable in Corsairs Cove.

  Gloomis - patriarch of the pirates, he worked with the original Greystone to found Corsairs Cove.

  Greystone - a wizard. His specialties include area manipulation.

  Grom - a pirate aboard Wavecrest.

  Goldstone - one of the twelve wizards.

  Gustaff - High Priest of Emerald.

  Hearthstone - one of the twelve wizards.

  Helga - a dwarf, Fret’s mother and Barley’s widow.

  Isabeth - nanny to Prince Trant of Emerald.

  Jessup - Captain of the Seacaller.

  Karla - Queen of Emerald, murdered in Endrick’s plot to take the Emerald throne.

  Keel - King of Coral and the Ageless Isles, married to Queen Kita, father of Princess Margwen.

  Kirt - an urchin from the streets of Ruby City, he joined Stin after the thief stole the Forlorn Dagger.

  Kita - Queen of Coral and the Ageless Isles, wife of King Keel, mother of Princess Margwen.

  Kyla - a legendary female pirate captain who became one of the youngest sea lords.

  Leddia - widow of Palento and head of one of the oldest and wealthiest families in the Ageless Isles.

  Leet - a pirate known as “Lucky Leet,” he surreptitiously cast a spell that helped him win at cards on Wavecrest. When caught he was thrown overboard.

  Loadstone - a wizard. His specialties include manipulating the weather.

  Lok - an evil dwarven wizard who died in the Battle of Hest.

  Mandross - runs the Mystic Bank.

  Margwen - Princess of Coral, fifth born to King Keel and Queen Kita.

  Mattero - First Mate of Dream of the Isles.

  Melton - a pirate and First Mate of Wavecrest.

  Mita - a battlemaiden. Princess of Crystal, fifth born of King Aldwald and Queen Etta.

  Montaveous - one of the richest men to have ever lived who was not of the nobility. Author of a personal journal revealing his secrets to playing cards.

  Nikaro - a pirate captain who recruited Toliver when he was younger. Later became a sea lord.

  Nubby - the dwarven High Priest in Ore Stad.

  Nudge - King of the dwarves.

  Ocularus - a powerful mage, he owns the Shoppe of Heart’s Desire on Corsairs Cove.

  Oldstone - the oldest wizard, chair of the Magic Council. His specialties include advanced facsimiles and levitation.

  Otwa - nanny to Princess Mita of Crystal.

  Paladio - head of house for a merchant family in the Ageless Isles.

  Palento - he was head of a major house in the Ageless Isles before dying. Now his widow Leddia runs the family.

  Phanissa - daughter of Finero.

  Plinny - known as Plinny the Giant, a pirate aboard Wavecrest.

  Pudge - the dwarven Crown Prince, first born to King Nudge and Queen Frum.

  Puffin - a dwarf, one of the guards in Port Osmo.

  Pywot - a dwarf, innkeeper at the Tin Hammer in Port Osmo.

  Quarl - a ship’s healer, he served aboard Dream of the Isles and Seacaller. Twin brother to Quent.

  Quartzstone - a wizard and one of the “Troublesome Trio” who did not show up for the Battle of Greystone Village.

  Quent - twin brother to Quarl. A ship’s healer and pirate, he served aboard Wavecrest and later Seacaller in his brother’s place.

  Rak - a dwarf, Portreeve of Osmo.

  Raynora - a pirate captain’s widow, she runs a boarding house for officers in Corsairs Cove.

  Redstone - a wizard. His specialties include nature magic.

  Sandstone - one of the “Troublesome Trio,” a wizard who refused to show up for the Battle of Greystone Village.

  Shoapper - an ancient philosopher of the High Tower.

  Toliver - a sea lord of Corsairs Cove.

  Silverstone - a wizard, and member of the “Troublesome Trio,” one of three who did not show up for the Battle of Greystone Village.

  Stin - a thief, originally from Coral. He has used several aliases including Hemphnor and Diebster. Among the pirates he went by Steck and Lord Fortune.

  Stivvins - Captain of the Gate at Kathar, Emerald’s capital city.

  Strunk - a pirate sailor aboard Wavecrest.

  Syphon - a master criminal residing in the dungeons beneath Coral Castle.

  Tempolius - an agent in Coral City, he’s known for being able to find people and things.

  Thanden - a sprite who has turned, now serving Darkstone.

  Theena - reputed to be the greatest battlemaiden of all time, Theena died in the Battle of Hest.

  Tisha - daughter of Palento and Leddia.

  Tomlin - Captain of the Guard for Princess Margwen of Coral.

  Trant - firstborn son of King Tren and Queen Karla of Emerald. Rightful heir to the throne of Emerald.

  Tren - former King of Emerald, father of Trant. Murdered during Darkstone and Endrick’s plot to take the throne.

  Tun - a young dwarf from the Farmlands, Tun is of Clan Nugget and a distant cousin of Fret’s.

  Veeroy - a pirate sailor aboard Wavecrest.

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  Dwarves and Wizards


  Dwarves and Wizards

  Copyright © 2019 Jaxon Reed

  Editing and formatting by

  Cover art by JH Illustration,

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  For Scott, in loving memory.

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  “Stan’ back, lads. Stan’ back.”

  Those around him dutifully pulled away, obeying Prince Dudge’s commands. They made room for three dwarves exiting a narrow tunnel hewed into solid rock, coming out into a large cavern single file.

  Torches flickered in the vast underground space, and glowstones cast dim light around the wide-open area in front of a giant metal door.


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