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The Lords of the Wild: A Story of the Old New York Border

Page 4

by Joseph A. Altsheler



  Robert was fully aware that their peril was not yet over--the Indians,too, might have canoes upon the lake--but he considered that the bulkof it had passed. So his heart was light, and, as they shot out towardthe middle of Andiatarocte, he talked of the pursuit and the manner inwhich he had escaped it.

  "I was led the right way by a bird, one that sang," he said. "YourManitou, Tayoga, sent that bird to save me."

  "You don't really believe it came for that special purpose?" asked thehunter.

  "Why not?" interrupted the Onondaga. "We do know that miracles aredone often. My nation and all the nations of the Hodenosaunee havelong known it. If Manitou wishes to stretch out his hand and snatchDagaeoga from his foes it is not for us to ask his reason why."

  Willet was silent. He would not say anything to disturb the belief ofTayoga, he was never one to attack anybody's religion, besides he wasnot sure that he did not believe, himself.

  "We know too," continued Tayoga devoutly, "that Tododaho, the mightyOnondaga chief who went away to his star more than four hundred yearsago, and who sits there watching over the Hodenosaunee has intervenedmore than once in our behalf. He is an arm of Manitou and acts forhim."

  He looked up. The sky was hidden by the thick darkness. No ray ofsilver or gray showed anywhere, but the Onondaga knew where lay thestar upon which sat his patron saint with the wise snakes, coil oncoil, in his hair. He felt that through the banks of mist and vaporTododaho was watching over him, and, as long as he tried to live theright way taught to him by his fathers, the great Onondaga chieftainwould lead him through all perils, even as the bird in brilliant blueplumage had shown Robert the path from the pursuit of Tandakora. Thesublime faith of Tayoga never wavered for an instant.

  The wind rose a little, a heavy swell stirred the lake and their lightcraft swayed with vigor, but the two youths were expert canoemen, nonebetter in all the wilderness, and it shipped no water. The hunter,sitting with his hands on his rifle, did not stir, nor did he speakfor a long time. Willet, at that moment, shared the faith of his twoyounger comrades. He was grateful too because once more they hadfound Robert, for whom he had all the affection of a father. The threereunited were far stronger than the three scattered, and he did notbelieve that any force on the lakes or in the mountains could trapthem. But his questing eyes watched the vast oblong of the lake,looking continually for a sign, whether that of friend or foe.

  "What did you find, Robert?" he asked at last.

  "Nothing but the band of Tandakora," replied the lad, with a lightlaugh. "I took my way squarely into trouble, and then I had hard worktaking it out again. I don't know what would have happened to me, ifyou two hadn't come in the canoe."

  "It seems," said the Onondaga, in his whimsical precise manner, "thata large part of our lives, Great Bear, is spent in rescuing Dagaeoga.Do you think when we go into the Great Beyond and arrive at the feetof Manitou, and he asks us what we have done with our time on earth,he will put it to our credit when we reply that we consumed at leastten years saving Dagaeoga from his enemies?"

  "Yes, Tayoga, we'll get white marks for it, because Robert hasalso saved us, and there is no nobler work than saving one'sfellow creatures. Manitou knows also that it is hard to live in thewilderness and a man must spend a lot of his time escaping death. Lookto the east, Tayoga, lad, and tell me if you think that's a point oflight on the mountain over there."

  The Onondaga studied intently the dark wall of the east, and presentlyhis eyes picked out a dot against its background, infinitesimal likethe light of a firefly, but not to be ignored by expert woodsmen.

  "Yes, Great Bear," he replied, "I see it is not larger than thelittlest star, but it moves from side to side, and I think it is asignal."

  "So do I, lad. The lake is narrow here, and the answer, if there beany, will come from the west shore. Now we'll look, all together.Three pairs of eyes are better than one."

  The two lads ceased paddling, holding the canoe steady, withan occasional stroke, and began to search the western cliffs inmethodical fashion, letting the eye travel from the farthest point inthe north gradually toward the south, and neglecting no place in thedark expanse.

  "There it is!" exclaimed Robert. "Almost opposite us! I believe it'sin the very cliff at the point of which I lay!"

  "See it, winking and blinking away."

  "Yes, that's it," said Robert. "Now I wonder what those two lights aresaying to each other across Lake George?"

  "It might be worth one's while to know, for they're surely signaling.It may be about us, or it may be about the army in the south."

  "I didn't find anything but trouble," said Robert. "Now what did youand Tayoga find?"

  "Plenty traces of both white men and red," replied the hunter. "Theforests were full of French and Indians. I think St. Luc with apowerful force is near the north end of Lake George, and the Marquisde Montcalm will soon be at Ticonderoga to meet us."

  "But we'll sweep him away when our great army comes up from New York."

  "So we should, lad, but the Marquis is an able general, wily andbrave. He showed his quality at Fort William Henry and we mustn'tunderrate him, though I am afraid that's what we'll do; besides theforest fights for the defense."

  "It's not like you to be despondent, Dave," said Robert.

  "I'm not, lad. I've just a feeling that we should be mighty cautious.Some think the Marquis won't stand when our big army comes, but Ido, and I look for a great battle on the shores of either George orChamplain."

  "And we'll win it," said Robert in sanguine tones.

  "That rests on the knees of the gods," said Willet thoughtfully. "Butwe've got to deal with one thing at a time. It's our business now toescape from the people who are making those lights wink at each other,or the battle wherever it's fought or whoever wins won't include usbecause we'll be off on another star, maybe sitting at the feet ofTayoga's Tododaho."

  "There's another light on the west shore toward the south," said theOnondaga.

  "And a fourth on the eastern cliff also toward the south," addedRobert. "All four of them are winking now. It seems to be a generalconversation."

  "And I wish we could understand their language," said the hunterearnestly. "I'm thinking, however, that they're talking about us. Theymust have found out in some manner that we're on the lake, and theywant to take us."

  "Then," said Robert, "it's time for Manitou to send a heavy mist thatwe may escape in it."

  "Manitou can work miracles for those whom he favors," said Tayoga,"and now and then he sends them, but oftenest he withholds his hand,lest we become spoiled and rely upon him when we should rely uponourselves."

  "You never spoke a truer word, Tayoga," said the hunter. "It's thesame as saying that heaven helps those who help themselves, and we'vegot to do a lot of work for ourselves this night. I think the Indiancanoes are already on Andiatarocte looking for us."

  Robert would have felt a chill had it not been for the presence of hiscomrades. The danger was unknown, mysterious, it might come from anypoint, and, while the foe prepared, they must wait until he disclosedhimself. Waiting was the hardest thing to do.

  "I think we'd better stay just where we are for a while," said thehunter. "It would be foolish to use our strength, until we know whatwe are using it for. It's certain that Manitou intends to let us fendfor ourselves because the night is lightening, which is a hard thingfor fugitives."

  The clouds floated away toward the north, a star came out, thenanother, and then a cluster, the lofty shores on either side rose upclear and distinct, no longer vague black walls, the surface of thewater turned to gray, but it was still swept by a heavy swell, inwhich the canoe rocked. Willet finally suggested that they pull toa small island lying on their right, and anchor in the heavy foliageoverhanging the water.

  "If it grows much lighter they'll be able to see us from the cliffs,"he said, "and for us now situated as we are the most important of allthings is to hide."

sp; It was a tiny island, not more than a quarter of an acre in size, butit was covered with heavy forest, and they found refuge among the longboughs that touched the water, where they rested in silence, whilemore stars came out, throwing a silver radiance over the lake. Thethree were silent and Robert watched the western light that layfarthest south. It seemed to be about two miles away, and, as helooked he saw it grow, until he became convinced that it was no longera light, but a fire.

  "What is the meaning of it?" he asked, calling the attention ofWillet.

  The hunter looked for a while before replying. The fire still grewand soon a light on the eastern shore began to turn into a fire,increasing in the same manner.

  "I take it that they intend to illuminate the lake, at least thisportion of it," said Willet. "They'll have gigantic bonfires castingtheir light far over the water, and they think that we won't be ableto hide then."

  "Which proves that they are in great force on both shores," saidTayoga.

  "How does it prove it?" asked Robert.

  The Onondaga laughed softly.

  "O Dagaeoga," he said, "you speak before you think. You are alwaysthinking before you speak, but perhaps it is not your fault. Manitougave you a tongue of gold, and it becomes a man to use that which hecan use best. It is very simple. To drag up the fallen wood for suchbig fires takes many men. Nor would all of them be employed for suchwork. While some of them feed the flames others are seeking us. We canlook for their canoes soon."

  "Their plan isn't a bad one for what they want to do," said thehunter. "A master mind must be directing them. I am confirmed in myopinion that St. Luc is there."

  "I've been sure of it all the time," said Robert; "it seems that fateintends us to be continually matching our wits against his."

  "It's a fact, and it's strange how it's come about," said the hunterthoughtfully.

  Robert looked at him, hoping he would say more, but he did notcontinue the subject. Instead he said:

  "That they know what they're doing is shown by the fact that we mustmove. All the area of the lake about us will be lighted up soon."

  The two bonfires were now lofty, blazing pyramids, and a third farthernorth began also to send its flames toward the sky.

  The surface of the lake glowed with red light which crept steadilytoward the little island, in the shadow of which the three scouts lay.It became apparent that they had no time to waste, if they intended toavoid being trapped.

  "Push out," said Willet, and, with strong sweeps of the paddle, Robertand Tayoga sent the canoe from the shelter of the boughs. But theystill kept close to the island and then made for another about ahundred yards south. The glow had not yet come near enough to disclosethem, while they were in the open water, but Robert felt intenserelief when they drew again into the shelter of trees.

  The bonfire on the western shore was the largest, and, despite thedistance, he saw passing before the flames tiny black figures which heknew to be warriors or French, if any white men were there. Theywere still feeding the fire and the pyramid of light rose to anextraordinary height, but Robert knew the peril was elsewhere. Itwould come on the surface of the lake and he shifted his gaze to thegray waters, searching everywhere for Indian canoes. He believed thatthey would appear first in the north and he scoured the horizon therefrom side to side, trying to detect the first black dot when it shouldshow over the lake.

  The waters where his eyes searched were wholly in darkness, anunbroken black line of the sky meeting a heaving surface. He lookedback and forth over the whole extent, a half dozen times, and foundnothing to break the continuity. Hope that the warriors of Tandakorawere not coming sprang up in his breast, but he put it down again.Although imagination was so strong in him he was nevertheless, inmoments of peril, a realist. Hard experience had taught him long sincethat when his life was in danger he must face facts.

  "There's another island about a half mile away," he said to Willet."Don't you think we'd better make for it now?"

  "In a minute or two, lad, if nothing happens," replied the hunter."I'd like to see what's coming here, if anything at all comes."

  Robert turned his gaze back toward the north, passing his eyes oncemore to and fro along the line where the dusky sky met the dusky lake,and then he started a little. A dot detached itself from the center ofthe line, followed quickly by another, another and others. They werepoints infinitely small, and one at that distance could have toldnothing about them from their appearance only, but he knew they wereIndian canoes. They could be nothing else. It was certain also thatthey were seeking the three.

  "Do you see them?" asked Robert.

  "Yes, and it's a fleet," replied Willet. "They are lighting up thelake with their bonfires, and their canoes are coming south to driveus into the open. There's generalship in this. I think St. Luc issurely in command."

  The hunter expressed frank admiration. Often, in the long duel betweenthem and the redoubtable French leader, he paid tribute to the valorand skill of St. Luc. Like Robert, he never felt any hostility towardhim. There was nothing small about Willet, and he had abundant esteemfor a gallant foe.

  "It's time now to run for it again," he said, "and it's important tokeep out of their sight."

  "I think it will be better for us to swim," said Tayoga, "and let thecanoe carry our weapons and ammunition."

  "And for us to hide behind it as we've done before. You're right, lad.The canoe is low and does not make much of a blur upon the lake, butif we are sitting upright in it we can be much more easily seen. Now,quick's the word!"

  They took off all their outer clothing and moccasins, putting thegarments and their weapons into the little craft, and, sinking intothe water behind it, pushed out from the overhanging boughs. It wasa wise precaution. When they reached the long open stretch of water,Robert felt that the glow from the nearest bonfire was directly uponthem, although he knew that his fancy made the light much strongerthan it really was.

  The canoe still merged with the color of the waves which were nowrunning freely, and, as the three swam with powerful strokes sendingit swiftly ahead of them, Robert was hopeful that they would reach thenext island, unseen.

  The distance seemed to lengthen and grow interminable, and their pace,although rapid, was to Robert like that of a snail. Yet the longestjourney must come to an end. The new island rose at last before them,larger than the others but like the rest covered throughout with heavyforest.

  They were almost in its shelter, when a faint cry came from the loftycliff on the west. It was a low, whining sound, very distant,but singularly penetrating, a sinister note with which Robert wasfamiliar, the Indian war whoop. He recognized it, and understood itssignificance. Warriors had seen the canoe and knew that it marked theflight of the three.

  "What do you think we'd better do?" he said.

  "We'll stop for a moment or two at the island and take a look aroundus," replied Willet.

  They moored the canoe, and waded to the shore. Far behind them wasthe Indian fleet, about twenty canoes, coming in the formation ofan arrow, while the bonfires on the cliffs towered toward the sky. Arising wind swept the waves down and they crumbled one after another,as they broke upon the island.

  "It looks like a trap with us inside of it," said the hunter. "Thatshout meant that they've seen our canoe, as you lads know. Warriorshave already gone below to head us off, and maybe they've got anotherfleet, which, answering their signals, will come up from the south,shutting us between two forces."

  "We are in their trap," admitted Robert, "but we can break out of it.We've been in traps before, but none of them ever held us."

  "So we can, lad. I didn't mean to be discouraging. I was just statingthe situation as it now is. We're a long way from being taken."

  "The path has been opened to us," said the Onondaga.

  "What do you mean?" asked Robert.

  "Lo, Dagaeoga, the wind grows strong, and it sweeps toward the souththe way we were going."

  "I hear, Tayoga, but I don't understand."
/>   "We will send the canoe with wind and waves, but we will stay here."

  "Put 'em on a false scent!" exclaimed the hunter. "It's a big risk,but it's the only thing to be done. As the bird saved Robert so thewind may save us! The waves are running pretty fast toward the southnow and the canoe will ride 'em like a thing of life. They're too faraway to tell whether we are in it."

  It was a daring thing to do but Robert too felt that it must bedone, and they did not delay in the doing of it. They took out theirclothing, weapons, and ammunition, Willet gave the canoe a mightyshove, and it sailed gallantly southward on the crest of the highwaves.

  "I feel as if I were saying good-by to a faithful friend," saidRobert.

  "It's more than a friend," said Willet. "It's an ally that will drawthe enemy after it, and leave us here in safety."

  "If Manitou so wills it," said Tayoga. "It is for him to say whetherthe men of Tandakora will pass us by. But the canoe is truly alive,Dagaeoga. It skims over the lake like a great bird. If it has a spiritin it, and I do not know that it has not, it guards us, and means tolead away our enemy in pursuit of it."

  Quick to receive impressions, Robert also clothed the canoe with lifeand a soul, a soul wholly friendly to the three, who, now stoopingdown on the island, amid the foliage, watched the action of the littlecraft which seemed, in truth, to be guided by reason.

  "Now it pauses a little," said Robert. "It's beckoning to the Indianfleet to follow."

  "It is because it hangs on the top of a wave that is about to break,"said Willet. "Often you see waves hesitate that way just before theycrumble."

  "I prefer to believe with Dagaeoga," said the Onondaga. "The canoeis our ally, and, knowing that we want the warriors to pass us, itlingers a bit to call them on."

  "It may be as you say," said the hunter, "I'm not one to disturb thefaith of anybody. If the canoe is alive, as you think, then--it isalive and all the better for us."

  "Spirits go into the bodies of inanimate things," persisted thered youth, "and make them alive for a while. All the people of theHodenosaunee have known that for centuries."

  "The canoe hesitates and beckons again," said Robert, "and, as sureas we are here, the skies have turned somewhat darker. The warriors inthe fleet or on the shore cannot possibly tell the canoe is empty."

  "Again the hand of Manitou is stretched forth to protect us," saidTayoga devoutly. "It is he who sends the protecting veil, and we shallbe saved."

  "We'll have to wait and see whether the warriors stop and search ourisland or follow straight after the canoe. Then we'll know," saidWillet.

  "They will go on," said Tayoga, with great confidence. "Look atthe canoe. It is not going so fast now. Why? Because it wishes totantalize our enemies, to arouse in their minds a belief that theycan overtake it. It behaves as if we were in it, and as if we werebecoming exhausted by our great exertions with the paddles. Itsconduct is just like that of a man who flees for his life. I know,although I cannot see their eyes, that the pursuing warriors thinkthey have us now. They believe that our weakness will grow heavierand heavier upon us until it overpowers us. Tandakora reckons that ourscalps are already hanging at his belt. Thus does Manitou make foolishthose whom he intends to lead away from their dearest wish."

  "I begin to think they're really going to leave us, but it's too earlyyet to tell definitely," said the hunter. "We shouldn't give them anearthly chance to see us, and, for that reason, we'd better retreatinto the heart of the island. We mustn't leave all the work ofdeception to the canoe."

  "The Great Bear is right," said Tayoga. "Manitou will not help thosewho sit still, relying wholly on him."

  They drew back fifteen or twenty yards, and sat down on a hillock,covered with dense bushes, though from their place of hiding theycould see the water on all sides. Unless the Indians landed on theisland and made a thorough search they would not be found. Meanwhilethe canoe was faithful to its trust. The strong wind out of the northcarried it on with few moments of hesitation as it poised on breakingwaves, its striking similitude to life never being lost for aninstant. Robert began to believe with Tayoga that it was, in veryfact and truth, alive and endowed with reason. Why not? The Iroquoisbelieved that spirits could go into wood and who was he to argue thatwhite men were right, and red men wrong? His life in the forest hadproved to him often that red men were right and white men wrong.

  Whoever might be right the canoe was still a tantalizing object to thepursuit. It may have been due to a slight shift of the wind, butit began suddenly to have the appearance of dancing upon the waves,swinging a little to and fro, teetering about, but in the main keepingits general course, straight ahead.

  Tayoga laughed softly.

  "The canoe is in a frolicsome mood," he said. "It has sport with themen of Tandakora. It dances, and it throws jests at them. It says,'You think you can catch me, but you cannot. Why do you come soslowly? Why don't you hurry? I am here. See, I wait a little. I do notgo as fast as I can, because I wish to give you a better chance.' Ah,here comes the fleet!"

  "And here comes our supreme test," said Willet gravely. "If theyturn in toward the island then we are lost, and we'll know in fiveminutes."

  Robert's heart missed a beat or two, and then settled back steadily.It was one thing to be captured by the French, and another to be takenby Tandakora. He resolved to fight to the last, rather than fall intothe hands of the Ojibway chief who knew no mercy. Neither of the threespoke, not even in whispers, as they watched almost with suspendedbreath the progress of the fleet. The bonfires had never ceased torise and expand. For a long distance the surface of the lake waslighted up brilliantly. The crests of the waves near them were tippedwith red, as if with blood, and the strong wind moaned like the voiceof evil. Robert felt a chill in his blood. He knew that the fate ofhis comrades and himself hung on a hair.

  Nearer came the canoes, and, in the glare of the fires, they saw theoccupants distinctly. In the first boat, a large one for those waters,containing six paddles, sat no less a person than the great Ojibwaychief himself, bare as usual to the waist and painted in many ahideous design. Gigantic in reality, the gray night and the luridlight of the fires made him look larger, accentuating every wickedfeature.

  He seemed to Robert to be, in both spirit and body, the prince ofdarkness himself.

  Just behind Tandakora sat two white men whom the three recognized asAuguste de Courcelles and Francois de Jumonville, the French officerswith whom they had been compelled to reckon on other fields of battleand intrigue. There was no longer any doubt that the French werepresent in this great encircling movement, and Robert was strongerthan ever in his belief that St. Luc had the supreme command.

  "I could reach Tandakora from here with a bullet," whispered Willet,"and almost I am tempted to do it."

  "But the Great Bear will not yield to his temptation," Tayogawhispered back. "There are two reasons. He knows that he could slayTandakora, but it would mean the death of us all, and the price is toogreat. Then he remembers that the Ojibway chief is mine. It is for meto settle with him, in the last reckoning."

  "Aye, lad, you're right. Either reason is good enough. We'll let himpass, if pass he means, and I hope devoutly that he does."

  The fleet preserving its formation was now almost abreast of theisland, and once Robert thought it was going to turn in toward them.The long boat of Tandakora wavered and the red giant looked at theisland curiously, but, at the last moment the empty canoe, far aheadand dim in the dark, beckoned them on more insistently than ever.

  "Now the die is cast," whispered the Onondaga tensely. "In twentyseconds we shall know our fate, and I think the good spirit that hasgone into our canoe means to save us."

  Tandakora said something to the French officers, and they too lookedat the island, but the fleeing canoe danced on the crest of a highwave and its call was potent in the souls of white men and red alike.It was still too far away for them to tell that it was empty. Suddenfear assailed them in the darkness, that it would escape and with itthe
three who had eluded them so often, and whom they wanted most totake. Tandakora spoke sharply to the paddlers, who bent to their taskwith increased energy. The long canoe leaped forward, and with it theothers.

  "Manitou has stretched forth his hand once more, and he has stretchedit between our enemies and us," said Tayoga, in a voice of deepemotion.

  "It's so, lad," said the hunter, his own voice shaking a little. "Itruly believe you're right when you say that as the bird was sent tosave Robert so a good spirit was put into the canoe to save us all.Who am I and who is anybody to question the religion and beliefs ofanother man?"

  "Nor will I question them," said Robert, with emphasis.

  They were stalwart men in the Indian fleet, skilled and enduring withthe paddle, and the fugitive canoe danced before them, a will o'the wisp that they must pursue without rest. Their own canoes leapedforward, and, as the arrow into which they were formed shot past theisland, the three hidden in its heart drew the deep, long breaths ofthose who have suddenly passed from death to life.

  "We won't stop 'em!" said Robert in a whimsical tone. "Speed ye,Tandakora, speed ye! Speed ye, De Courcelles and De Jumonville oftreacherous memory! If you don't hasten, the flying canoe will yetescape you! More power to your arms, O ye paddlers! Bend to yourstrokes! The canoe that you pursue is light and it is carried in theheart of the wind! You have no time to lose, white men and red, if youwould reach the precious prize! The faster you go the better you willlike it! And the better we will, too! On! swift canoes, on!"

  "The imagination of Dagaeoga has been kindled again," said Tayoga,"and the bird with a golden note has gone into his throat. Now hecan talk, and talk much, without ever feeling weariness--as is hiscustom."

  "At least I have something to talk about," laughed Robert. "I wasnever before so glad to see the backs of anybody, as I am now to lookat the backs of those Indians and Frenchmen."

  "We won't do anything to stop 'em," said the hunter.

  From their hillock they saw the fleet sweep on at a great rate towardthe south, while the fires in the north, no longer necessary to theIndian plan, began to die. The red tint on the water then faded, andthe surface of the lake became a solemn gray.

  "It's well for us those fires sank," said the hunter, "because whileTandakora has gone on we can't live all the rest of our lives on thislittle island. We've got to get to the mainland somehow without beingseen."

  "And darkness is our best friend," said Robert.

  "So it is, and in their pursuit of the canoe our foes are likely torelax their vigilance on this part of the lake. Can you see our littleboat now, Robert?"

  "Just faintly, and I think it's a last glimpse. I hope the wind behindit will stay so strong that Tandakora will never overtake it. I shouldhate to think that a canoe that has been such a friend to us has beencompelled to serve our enemies. There it goes, leading straight ahead,and now it's gone! Farewell, brave and loyal canoe! Now what do youintend to do, Dave?"

  "Swim to the mainland as soon as those fires sink a little more.We have got to decide when the head of a swimming man won't show tochance warriors in the bushes, and then make a dash for it, because,if Tandakora overtakes the canoe, he'll be coming back."

  "In a quarter of an hour it will be dark enough for us to risk it,"said the Onondaga.

  Again came the thick dusk so necessary to those who flee for life. Twofires on the high cliffs blazed far in the south, but the light fromthem did not reach the island where the three lay, where peril hadgrazed them before going on. The water all about them and the nearershores lay in shadow.

  "The time to go has come," said the hunter. "We'll swim to the westernside and climb through that dip between the high cliffs."

  "How far would you say it is?" asked Robert.

  "About a half mile."

  "Quite a swim even for as good swimmers as we are, when you considerwe have to carry our equipment. Why not launch one of those fallentrees that lie near the water's edge and make it carry us?"

  "A good idea, Robert! A happy thought does come now and then into thatyoung head of yours."

  "Dagaeoga is wiser than he looks," said the Onondaga.

  "I wish I could say the same for you, Tayoga," retorted young Lennox.

  "Oh, you'll both learn," laughed Willet.

  As in the ancient wood everywhere, there were fallen trees on theisland and they rolled a small one about six inches through at thestem into the lake. They chose it because it had not been down longand yet had many living branches, some with young leaves on them.

  "There is enough foliage left to hide our heads and shoulders," saidWillet. "The tree will serve a double purpose. It's our ship and alsoour refuge."

  They took off all their clothing and fastened it and the arms,ammunition and knapsacks of food on the tree. Then, they pushedoff, with a caution from the hunter that they must not allow theirimprovised raft to turn in the water, as the wetting of the ammunitioncould easily prove fatal.

  With a prayer that fortune which had favored them so much thus farwould still prove kind, they struck out.


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