Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series

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Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series Page 13

by Amanda Shelley

  “Good. Now that we’ve got that settled. Let’s get out of here, so I can find a place to kiss you like that again.”

  A beautiful blush creeps up her neck and thankfully, her apprehension disappears in an instant. “I think that can be arranged.”

  As I walk through the gates of the arena with Ryan for the championship game, thoughts of my date last weekend with Sydney run through my mind. Somehow, over the past few weeks, she’s become a predominant feature in my life. She’s the first person I text each morning and one of the last people I talk to each night. Even if we don’t talk because she’s working, I always wake up to a text from her, telling me she made it home.

  Drew managed to get her a ticket to tonight’s game to sit with Abby. According to her latest text, she’s practically on the court watching the game, so I can’t blame her for not wanting to sit in the student section with me and the guys.

  “Hey, man, our seats are over here,” Ryan points out, pulling me out of my head. When we take our seats, he pins me with a knowing look. “So, what’s up with you, man? Are you not interested in the game?”

  What? Why would he think that?

  “No?” comes out as a question and before I can respond, he interrupts.

  “You’ve been stuck in your head since I picked you up. Is everything okay with Vanessa and Julia? You get this way when you’re preoccupied with them.”

  “Naw… they’re good. Sorry. I’ve been dying for this game.” And more importantly—for my potential date after the game.

  Sydney’s been busy all day because Drew proposed to Abby this morning at the diner. I not only heard about this from Sydney in great detail, but apparently it was a proposal worth writing home about from Vanessa—as she texted me the details practically after they happened. I’ll admit, the guy has game on and off the court, though I don’t think I would ever propose like he did. He went to great lengths to pull off his surprise—according to Sydney.

  Since Sydney was in charge of bringing Abby’s parents to the diner, I have yet to see her today. As if my eyes have a mind of their own, they roam the crowd to where I think she’s sitting, if the vantage point from her last text is correct.

  As soon as my eyes land on her, it’s as if she senses me. Our eyes lock, and a smile forms big enough to see across the arena. She gives me a small wave, and I wave back.

  “Oh, I get it…” Ryan finally breaks my attention. “So things are still going on with you and Sydney.”

  I haven’t filled him in on much, but Ryan’s not an idiot. “Yeah, they’re still happening,” I admit.

  “Are things serious? Man, that’s great. I’ve never seen you date other than when we’ve forced you out in a group with us.” He speaks that last part almost to himself. “I know you have your reasons for staying single… and I get it… but that smile I just witnessed on your face was worth waiting for.”

  Ryan and I never talk about relationships, especially not in public, so I’m a little shocked to see he’s broached the subject.

  “Okay…” I draw out, having no idea how to respond to that even if I tried.

  Ryan cocks his head to the side and grins. “Dude. Don’t worry. I’m happy to see you happy—and paying attention to yourself—for once.”

  I nod in agreement. Yeah, it’s abnormal for me to date, but I’m not complaining by any means. Thankfully, I don’t have to say anything because the lights dim, and the crowd cheers as players are announced.

  I couldn’t have planned this spot better if I tried. As the game goes on, I’m not sure which I enjoy watching more. Sydney cheering her ass off, or the players taking control throughout the game. Sure, there are times when the score evens up, but by halftime, we’re back in the lead. But watching Sydney’s enthusiasm just might hold out for the top spot tonight.

  I’m sure Ryan’s caught me grinning like a loon from time to time, but I could honestly give two shits. She’s like a magnet. My eyes instinctively search her out.

  When she gets upset by a bad call from the ref or when we’re leading in points again, I’ve quickly learned she’s extremely vocal. And, boy, is it entertaining. Sure, I can’t hear her exact words from across the arena, but I easily read her body language and get the gist of the message. Her spitfire personality shines in true form. Honestly, I can’t remember ever enjoying a game more.

  The only thing that could top watching her is when we take the lead in the final quarter. I wish more than anything I was there to be the one she chooses to high-five and hug. I’m not jealous of Abby, but it’d be nice to share this moment with Sydney, too. I make a mental note to take her to a sporting event in the future; her enthusiasm beats sitting next to any other fan in the stadium.

  When the final buzzer blasts, Ryan and I high-five or fist bump the fans around us. I’m pumped with energy and can’t wait to share my enthusiasm about CRU’s win with Sydney.

  As Ryan and I make our way out of the stands, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

  Knowing it’s likely Sydney, I quickly dig it out.

  Sydney: Can I crash your plans tonight?

  Me: You can crash them anytime.

  Sydney: I’ll keep that in mind. I rode with Abby’s family. Do you have room for me to ride home with you?

  I look to Ryan since he drove us tonight. “Do you mind if Sydney joins us?”

  The knowing grin he’s been shooting my way all night forms again. “Sure. No problem. I’ve gotta work early in the morning. Do you mind if I just drop the two of you off at your place to get your Jeep?”

  “It might be easier to just drop us off at Sydney’s. It’s only a few blocks from my place. I can walk home. We can see what she thinks though. Traffic in town is gonna be crazy after a game like this.”

  “Sounds good.” I hear as I type.

  Me: Meet us at the North Entrance. I’ll wait just outside the doors for you.

  Sydney: Sounds good. See you then.

  She must have already been able to see me because the next thing I know, someone’s jumping on my back and climbing me like a spider monkey. Just as I’m about to pitch a fit, her delicious scent and boisterous cheer puts me at ease.

  “I can’t believe we pulled it off for two years in a row. Today has been the best day… ever!” she shouts in my ear and squeezes me tight. Before Ryan and I can say anything, she continues to shout, “I’ve watched my best friend get engaged, and we’ve won the national championship! The best part is… Now I get to spend time with you!” I feel her release her hold on my neck to kiss my cheek from behind.

  Once we’re outside, I continue carrying her on my back. I’ve got her legs hoisted under my arms, and she’s not going anywhere soon if I can help it. As we get a bit further from the noise of the crowd, I look over to Ryan who’s as happy as we are. “Ryan, you remember Sydney, right?”

  Ryan’s chuckle can be heard over the crowd around us. “Yeah. Of course. Nice to see you again, Sydney.”

  “Hi, Ryan,” Sydney says with a wave from my back. She’s locked her legs around my waist and has settled in for a ride to our vehicle apparently. I’ve never seen this carefree side of Sydney, but once again, I’m not complaining. Her energy is like a live wire coursing through me and in this moment, I’m just as amped up as she is.

  By the time we walk the few blocks to Ryan’s SUV, we’ve chatted about the best plays of the game. Sydney could be a sports commentator for as well versed she is in the basketball plays. I have to admit I’m really impressed. I thought I was an avid fan, but after watching her tonight, I’m fairly certain she has me beat—hands down.

  After Ryan drops us at Sydney’s apartment, she takes my hand and leads me up the stairs. Her excitement over the events of today shows in every bounce in her step. She’s freaking adorable when she’s excited, and I can’t help but show my enthusiasm with her.

  Once inside her apartment, it’s unusually quiet for someone with roommates. “Where is everyone?” I ask in curiosity.

  “Oh… Abby a
nd Chloe are celebrating with Drew and his friends.”

  Knowing she’s such an avid fan, I have to ask, “Why didn’t you join them?”

  Sydney cocks her head to the side as if I should know the answer, but her voice comes out as a singsong. “Oh… You know… there’s this guy… and I kinda had plans with him…”

  Reaching for her hips, I pull her close to me. “I don’t want to get in the way of you celebrating with your friends. Today’s been pretty eventful for them.”

  “I know… but we’ve celebrated all day, and I’m kinda ready to be away from the crowd. And besides… how often do we both get an entire night where we don’t have to be anywhere the next day?” Her tone turns suggestive, and my cock stirs to attention as she snakes her arms around my neck.

  What the fuck… she’s barely touching and has this effect on me?

  Slow the fuck down, Vince… slow it down…

  Somehow… I manage to find words. “True. Julia’s sleeping over at a friend’s house, and I would much rather find a way to celebrate with you.”

  I kiss her once, letting my tongue slide in to tangle with hers. Damn. She tastes of fresh mint and all that is Sydney. I swear her taste could be syphoned as a drug, and I’d be an addict in an instant. Instead of letting myself get lost in her, I pull back to continue our conversation. I need to make sure she knows this is not all I came over for.

  “Soo…” I draw out as I kiss her once more before asking, “how was the rest of your day?”

  This little distraction does the trick, and my body gets a much-needed reprieve from overstimulation. I discreetly adjust her lingering effects so I can better focus on her actual response, rather than my constant need for her.

  “Drew was just perfect,” Sydney gushes. “Abby had no idea we were all in on it. I met her parents at their hotel early this morning and drove them to the diner. We waited around the corner to get the text that the parking lot was clear. He arranged with Vanessa to seat them so she couldn’t see us enter. Chloe actually sneezed right as we entered… and I swear Abby almost caught us, but Drew was perfect with his distraction.” Sydney lets out a huge sigh of relief, and I can clearly picture how grave the situation was in my mind.

  Shaking her head at the thought of his plans being ruined, she continues, “Once we were settled, we held our menus to keep our faces hidden in case she looked our way. Chloe and I managed to get the entire experience on video. I can’t wait to share it with Abby later. She had absolutely no idea what was in store for her… but obviously you know what her answer was.”

  “Yeah.” I nod in agreement. “Vanessa told me about it when she came home this afternoon. Apparently, Drew’s set the bar really high in terms of proposals. I’m not sure if any guy will ever live up to it… well, at least according to Van. She’s pretty picky, so I kinda pity the guy who tries to win her heart.”

  “Vincent Daniel Larson. You shouldn’t be so hard on your sister,” Sydney scolds me, and I can’t help it. I laugh.

  Waving my hands like a white flag for truce, I quickly explain, “Seriously, Syd. Vanessa’s had the worst luck with guys… well, one guy in particular…” I trail off as I try to figure out how to explain things without going into too much detail. Though I guess raising Jules as a single mom has taken her attention in recent years… so maybe it’s explanation enough. “The guy who got her pregnant was a piece of work. Thank God, my parents intervened to keep him out of the picture.”

  “That had to be rough…” Sydney drops the end of her thought. “My dad was never around, and I’ve seen it close up what it’s like to be a single mom—well, at least from the kid’s perspective. If it hadn’t been for Grams, I’m not sure what type of person I would’ve become.”

  “There’s a lot to Vanessa’s story I’d rather not get into now… All I can say is that I’m thankful I’m here to support her and help Jules every way I can. But know… Van’s pretty guarded, and it will take one hell of a man to come in and sweep her off her feet. I’m sure she’ll put him through the wringer before he makes the cut.”

  “And you won’t be the least bit protective… I’m sure,” she teases.

  “Oh, of course, but I don’t think I’ll have to. Van’s walls are pretty high, and it’ll take only the right type of guy to get into that fortress she’s built. My poor buddy Ryan has had a crush on her since freshman year, and he’s a decent guy, but Van has blinders on when it comes to relationships.”

  “That’s kinda sad,” Sydney sighs. “No offense, but your sister’s a knockout and just because she has a kid, doesn’t mean she’s dead—as a woman.”

  “I’d prefer not to think of my sister as a woman… thank you very much.” I chuckle at my automatic response. Then her point hits home. “But I get your point. We’re still young. I’m sure if the right one comes along, she’ll give him a chance.”

  “I don’t know Van’s entire story, but I totally can relate. After my recent dating streak with complete tools, you’re lucky I’ve even given you the time of day…” Her brows crease at some unpleasant thought—and I’m not letting her go there—at least not tonight. Today is for celebrating.

  I clear my throat to gain her attention. “I’m perfectly content not knowing about those tools, Syd. I’m not a jealous guy… but why waste your breath on something that clearly made you unhappy? Just promise me one thing…”

  “Oh, yeah… what’s that?” she asks playfully.

  “You tell me when I’m being a tool. Like Van, I haven’t had a lot of experience with dating in recent years.”

  Cocking a beautifully sculpted eyebrow in my direction, she punches her hip with a fist. “You say this like you expect it to happen…”

  All I can do is shrug.

  “I’m a guy. I’m bound to piss you off at some point,” I point out the given, but quickly add, “All I’m asking is that you tell me when it happens… I can’t stand it when things get blown out of proportion due to lack of communication. We’ve been through this…” I trail off, reminding her of her poor assumption of me earlier.

  Of course, this earns me a beautiful eye roll.

  Why the hell is her sass so sexy?



  His lips descend on mine in a nanosecond.

  I barely have a chance to respond before I’m consumed by all things Vince. His strong hands take hold of my face, pinning me in place, while his fervent kisses light me from the inside out.

  I want more.

  I need more.

  My hands scrape along the hemline of his shirt, searching for his warm skin. When I find what I need, I run the tips of my fingers up and down his spine. A low guttural groan escapes his lips between kisses. “Syd… press harder or stop. This isn’t the time to make me ticklish,” he demands by the end.

  Press harder it is then.

  His hand leaves my face to find the hem of my shirt as well.

  Remembering all too well the effects he has on me, I manage to moan, “Bedroom…” between kisses to keep this just between us should my roommates return home. “Want…” kiss… “Privacy…” Kiss.

  God, the way he makes me feel is incredible.

  Vince breaks our kiss and pants, “Which way,” as he grabs my hand.

  We make it to my bedroom in record time. The minute the door clicks shut behind us, his mouth is back on mine in the most delicious way. I reach for the bottom of his shirt, and he breaks our contact only long enough to rip it over his head.

  Seeing his sexiness in action makes me quickly discard mine, too. The hunger in Vince’s eyes matches mine as his eyes roam the top half of my body. I’d purposely chosen a black demi-cup bra and matching boy shorts, hoping our night would end this way.

  I swear, the heat in his gaze leaves a trail of goose bumps along their path. From his look alone, and I know in this instant, I need to make him mine. Reaching out, I trail my finger along his corded forearms, up to his sculpted shoulder. I’m not sure what he does to have such well-d
efined muscles, but I like it. A lot. He’s not overtly bulky, more just physically fit, but each muscle along my perusal makes me want to lick each and every square inch of him. I’ve never felt such an attraction before.

  When my eyes finally reach his face, I see his tongue slowly trace his lower lip as if he’s contemplating which part of me he wants to kiss first. Taking the two necessary steps toward him, I reach out and splay my fingers across his chest. I push him backward, just forcefully enough to let him know I want him to lie on the bed.

  At first, I think he’ll comply, but his smirk and the shake of his head tells me otherwise. Instantly, he flips our positions and the next thing I know, I’m being tossed lightly into the middle of my bed. I’ve never been more thankful for my queen-sized bed than I am at this moment.

  Vince presses a knee into the mattress and slowly climbs up my body. He’s not touching me yet, but the anticipation drives me wild. “You in a hurry or somethin’?”

  “I can be patient… if I must.” I pretend to pout by sticking out my lower lip.

  To my surprise, he leans in and nips at my lower lip. “I don’t think you’re gonna have anything to pout about, Syd. Besides, when you stick out that lower lip, all it makes me wanna do is bite it.”

  The tease that I am does it again.

  To my utter delight, he pulls it gently with his teeth and growls playfully. His hands slide up past my hips, and he full-on begins a tickle war.

  I squeal as I attempt to squirm away.

  Two can play at this game.

  Knowing his ribs are his kryptonite, I go for them with every ounce of energy I have—and it works. Score!!!

  The loud laughter erupting from both of us seems to spur us on further. I can’t remember when I’ve had this much fun in a tickle match.

  Finally, he gasps, “Enough… Enough… You win…” as he pulls away and flops back on the bed.

  Though I’m entirely breathless, I climb over and straddle him to claim my prize. “I declare victory.” I pretend to boast. "I’m the champion of all tickle fights. Bow down to the victor…” I raise my hand and fist bump the air. Then I turn my focus back to him with a playful waggle of my brows, “Hmmm… what will be my prize tonight?”


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